Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Product of the Day: Moxie

Do you have moxie?


michael molovinsky said...

richard dreyfuss teaches his nephews about moxie in the film, Lost in Yonkers, based on play by neil simon

B. Goldwater said...

Do I have Moxie? You're damn right I do (see). Do I drink Moxie? Yech, no, the stuff was awful. It's not still around, is it?

Dottie said...

I think it is still around, but in a new form.


Hometown Favorites has it.

Bernie O'Hare said...

Moxie is sold at Resslers in Nazareth. I love it!!!

Dottie said...


I did not know Moxie was available around here. I must try some!

Bernie O'Hare said...

I'll bring some to MM's meeting tomorrow for those who can make it. It is definitely an acquired taste.

B. Goldwater said...

"[Moxie] It is definitely an acquired taste."

All right, I'll try it again. Last time I tried it I was like 8 years old ...

Bernie O'Hare said...

Mea culpa, mea clupa, mea maxima culpa! I forgot the Moxie! I promise to bring it to our next gathering.

Marc said...

I find this post rather timely. i just had some Moxie about a week ago. I couldn't believe it when I saw it! Just like when I was a little kid over 40 years ago, I bought it at a gas station. Only then to me it was the worst tasting stuff around. I used to drive my bike down to the Esso station and pump up my bike tires with the air hose, then we'd get a soda or a candy bar. I used to like the Wert sodas. We could get a bottle for 7cents. This Moxie I had last week was in a can rather than a bottle, and had a sweet taste to it. Not the terrible taste I recall from long ago.

Dottie said...

Thanks for your comment Marc. I am looking forward to trying Moxie now that I have heard it is available around here. I just love the name!

river said...

Moxie is great! The first sip may taste a bit off for a first time taster, but after that it is so much better than Coke and Pepsi and all the others out there. Hey, I remember my first cup of coffee.. thinking to myself, oh how can people drink this.. and my first beer.... oh well .. :):):)