Thursday, October 16, 2008

Women's health does matter

There is no such thing as a "pro-abortion" movement. John McCain used this term during the debate last night. It's called pro-choice. When a woman's life is at risk, there should be no question that a pregnancy should be terminated. Women voters should be aware of John McCain's faulty judgement on this issue. McCain suggested that a woman who chooses her life over the life of a fetus is taking an "extreme" position. He is diminishing the importance of women's health.

Cecile Richards, the president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said:

"Tonight, John McCain showed he doesn't care about women's health when he described protecting "the health of the woman" as "extreme." John McCain doesn't seem to understand that women's health matters. He blatantly showed that he doesn't trust women to decide what is in the best interest of their own health. Barack Obama, on the other hand, stood up for women's health."


Anonymous said...

All women should have the freedom to make decisions with the counsel of doctors and family. Women's health is a very important issue, and McCain did not show respect for women.

Anonymous said...

I love how Republicans claim to fight against "big government" but seem to have no problem legislating a woman's womb or who you can or cannot marry.

Did you see him put air quotations around "women's health" and snicker!?

Its called pro-choice, senator, not pro-abortion.

Thanks for posting this!

Anonymous said...

Obama repeatedly aired a radio ad about 2 months ago that set out the difference in each other's positions on abortion ... at the time it surprised me that Obama wasn't afraid to go on record to such a general (radio) audience. That's straight talk. McCain, on the other hand, purposely confuses Obama's vote against a bad Illinois bill (opposed by physicians and the majority of the state lawmakers) with wanting to abandon & kill viable births. Disgusting.

Bill Villa said...

McCain's personal history with women is awful, as I found out in the Rolling Stone article. While in military school he got hauled into court for a profane outburst against two women passersby he was trying to pick up. And even though adultery is a court martial-able offense, McCain had dalliances with numerous female "underlings" while in the service and left his fashion model first wife (for former cheerleader, and heiress, Cindy) after wife one suffered disfiguring and crippling injuries that required 23 surgeries. Buh bye. And when Cindy kidded him about losing his hair once, McCain called her the "c-word" in front of a throng of media. Yah. Not exactly female-friendly, John McCain.

Anonymous said...

It makes me crazy that this issue is a deciding factor for who many people will vote for. The religious zealots oppose abortion because it takes an innocent life yet they blindly back an unjust war which has killed tens of thousands of innocent people. WTF!?

Mrs. Dottie said...

Such thoughtful comments. Thanks to all.

Also, I have read that Obama's mom died of ovarian cancer. So he has a close connection to the issue.

Anonymous said...

either not too many women blog, or, they're mostly pro-lifers, it looks like

Bill said...

I read the same Rolling Stone article, and i learned a thing or two I did not know about the Maverick.

I could not believe he made the crack about woman's health. A new low in Presidential polotics. Thanks for writing this piece.

Mrs. Dottie said...

I don't understand how any woman could justify voting for John McCain and Sarah Palin. Add to that the hateful and divisive campaign which reeks of prejudice and racism. It's shameful.