Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Art Work of the Day

Landscape with a Hammock

By my son at age 5


Bill Villa said...

Wow, this kid's got talent! Must be in the genes ...

Dottie said...


We do a lot of art at home. I taught him how to draw a landscape with perspective. It's not really that difficult for young kids to do, if you show them step by step. This lesson teaches scale- objects look big in the front, medium in the middle, and small far away.(Foreground, middle ground, and background) This is just a real basic example of how art can teach some early math skills and it's much more memorable and fun for kids than worksheets. Also, the starting point is showing kids actual landscapes by famous artists(I use Starry Night a lot.)
This lesson could also teach about the environment. But art is just an educational "frill."

I'm disappointed my son has not taken home much art work this year. I think the art teacher must have to prepare kids for testing.

Bernie O'Hare said...

I did not noticve that your son did this at age 5. That's really good! It's better than I can do now.

michael molovinsky said...

o'hare, bug off. i think i saw the kid drawing at Faith Baptist, if anybody gets a shot at being agent,it's me.

Pamela Varkony said...


What a great drawing. I'll bet if one of those "interpretive psychologists" looked at it, they'd tell you your son is a happy kid with a bright future.

When all four of mine were little, you couldn't tell we had a refrigerator...it looked like one giant bulletin board.

Thanks for brightening my day.

Dottie said...


Three sides of our fridge are completely covered! My son is a happy kid, always busy.

I hope to post pics of art work by local artists, and I am in the process of taking pics of some of my own work.

Thanks for stopping by.

A.J. Cordi said...

5 years old and he's already more talented than me!

Does he give lessons?

Dottie said...

Are you still studying to be a teacher?

A.J. Cordi said...

Yes, but not art, lol.