DA Jim Martin's re-election would not have been possible without the countless and priceless collusions of The Morning Call "newspaper" [w/ a dishonorable mention to "reporter" Kevin Amerman] and the Dick Dean-owned 69 "News."
The profound shame is how The Morning Call "newspaper" and 69 "News" keep cheerleading for Jim Martin, never questioning him, never challenging him, and never publishing anything negative about him without preemptively adding a Martin-helpful excuse. After 14 years of Jim Martin truth concealing, they've succeeded in comprehensively bamboozling the "Super Voters" who re-elected Jim Martin on Tuesday. It's going to be hard to de-throne Jim Martin and his crony-crooked combination of Good Ol' Boy dough, the local lapdog media monopoly in his back pocket, and 28,000 media-bamboozled Super Voters. We need another qualified opposition candidate to step up again. And most importantly, we need citizens to fully fund that candidate next election (Martin spent nearly $200K+ retaining his throne). Otherwise, Jim Martin's got the DA job until he chokes on a cheese steak at Seward's and explodes or smashes head-on into a bridge driving drunk.
If The Morning Call "newspaper" and 69 "News" had reported honestly on even 10% of what this blog has exposed about Jim Martin over the past 3 years (see LVS's right sidebar content), we believe this election would have had a very different outcome.
Spend some time here reading our inconvenient and verifiable facts and we're sure you'll agree.
All true but still no excuse for not even trying.
Well said.
Right now, as is typically the case 24/7, there are dozens of different people from the IP address "Tribune Company" (Morning Call) stalking LVS.
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Nov 10 2011 1:04:26 pm
Readers, I just (today) received direct mail campaign pieces (2 days after the election) from Jim Martin for DA and Ott, Mazziotti, Scheller.
I had not received any prior (and more timely) pieces from these GOP candidates before (I'm a registered Democrat).
The Martin piece is a comparison of Martin vs Koren "experience."
Re: the Scheller piece ... I had a slight "run-in" w/ Lisa Scheller at The Allentown Fair (they had a booth) but all I did was ebulliently introduce myself to her and (grinning) say that I felt really bad for the "4th" member of their team who had LOST in the primary election (oopsie), lil Dave Najarian. Then we walked away. Angie kept looking back to see if Lisa Scheller was still glaring at me w/ smoke coming outta her ears, and she was, up until when we turned onto the next midway. Oh well.
I'll interpret the mailings as evidence of how far under Jim Martin's and Lisa Scheller's skin I've burrowed myself.
Email, Incoming, from the newest Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge, Doug Reichley.
On November 10, 2011 at 1:40pm Doug Reichley wrote:
Thanks [for your vote] Mr. Villa. It will be a big change but I hope I am able to meet the expectations of the voters.
Thanks again.
Doug Reichley
((Me, Prior))
Your Honor, congrats on your win, we voted for you ... FYI ...
classy guy that Doug. Got my vote 2.
LVS currently cannot keep up w/ counting the visitors and stalkers flooding to LVS from the IP address "LehighCounty.org."
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.62.# (PenTeleData)
Host > LehighCounty.org
City > Allentown, PA
Time of Visit > Nov 10 2011 3:02:03 pm
I interpret the mailings as classic Jim Martin pettiness, and Lisa Scheller is a silver spoon one percenter who inherited everything just like Butz and the Jaindls.
Let's maintain civility.
Looks like stalking LVS is still a major focus of Team Martin "anonymous." Maybe he's gathering evidence for DA Martin's threatened "libel" suit?
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Nov 10 2011 2:26:37 pm
Visit Length > 1 hour 42 minutes 4 seconds
Hopefully you'll get Judge Reichley. Just sayin'.
Domain Name > covad.net
IP Address > [Redacted]
Time of Visit > Nov 10 2011 4:00:17 pm
NorCo "anonymous," too bad about Ron Angle waving bye bye (that must be devastating :)
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Nov 11 2011 9:00:41 am
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Nov 11 2011 12:22:03 pm
Time of Visit > Nov 11 2011 11:34:17 am
Time of Visit > Nov 11 2011 10:35:00 am
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Nov 11 2011 4:30:00 pm
Time of Visit > Nov 11 2011 1:19:00 pm
LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Nov 13 2011 12:59:30 pm
Via Facebook, from a True Friend
"Eventually we all need to release the crap. Identifying what's real and special takes time. We deserve the best. People change. We have to be smart who we share our love and life with. I wish I would have been there sooner for you. I'm so proud and empowered by what you've accomplished. You've helped me realize it's important to fight for justice. I'm proud to be your friend. Very happy I was able to help you. Few people experience the passion that is created when someone you love needs help. Keep me posted! love D"
LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight
NorCo "anonymous," what's it to you?
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Nov 21 2011 8:03:39 am
Email, Outgoing, to Lehigh County Democratic Committee Executive Board, cc'd to outgoing Chair"man," Rick Daugherty.
On Nov 21, 2011 @ 11:50am Bill Villa wrote ...
Subject Heading: BRAVO!
For throwing penny loafer pussy Rick Daugherty overboard, it was long over-due.
Lehigh County Democrats regroup, prepare for 2012
Bill Villa
Well said.
LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight
"Anonymous," did you lose weight?
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Nov 21 2011 4:28:23 pm
LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight
"Anonymous," get help.
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Nov 22 2011 9:41:15 am
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