Saturday, February 1, 2025


A heartfelt thank you to the many who are emailing WAEB's requesting my return to their airwaves. I, too, am hoping they do the right thing. -Bill Villa

"Absolutely I can see you back on the air with Bobby again."
-Craig Stevens, WAEB Operations Mgr., 8/14/14 phone call

"WAEBV" YouTube Hear My Shows

In sequence (Feb 20 to Aug 4), in context, and all 100% Defamation-Free

Bill Villa Facts & Truth on WAEB AM 790 
News Talk Radio w/ Bobby Gunther Walsh
50,000 Average Daily Lehigh Valley Listeners 

Hear my AUG 4 Show
Amber Washko Sentencing & Media Analysis 
Read 69 "News" Incomplete Coverage 
Read The "Express"-Times Incomplete Coverage  
Read Laurie Mason Schroeder Coverage 
8/4/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Hear my July 22 Show
How You Too Can Outmaneuver Team DA Jim Martin 
7/22/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Hear my July 21 Show
Renee Smith, Debbie Garlicki, DA Martin: Case Fixers
7/21/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Hear my June 26 Show
Updates on Amber Washko & James Lauer
Will be available for listening @ YouTube (Check Back)

Hear my June 16 Show
Joe Hennessey DA Jim Martin continued ...
6/16/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Hear my June 12 Show
Joe Hennessey & DA Jim Martin
6/12/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Hear my May 29 Show
Renee Smith & Debbie Garlicki & DA Jim Martin
5/29/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube
Hear my Apr 10 Show
James W. Lauer DA Jim Martin
4/10/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube


Hear my Feb 20 show
Sheena Villa & DA Jim Martin
2/20/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Hear my Feb 21 show 
Sheena Villa & DA Jim Martin
2/21/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Hear my Feb 24 show
Sheena Villa & DA Jim Martin   
2/24/14 WAEB Listen @ YouTube

Email questions/comments to 

UpDate: 8/14/14 WAEB seemingly calls DA Jim Martin's "defamation" bluff (time will tell), for more info, see My Facebook Page

UpDate: On August 1, 2014, Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin through the Philadelphia law firm of Sprague & Sprague notified Clear Channel Communications, WAEB, and yours truly of his intention to maybe sue us for "defamation" re: "Broadcasts on WAEB About James B. Martin." Obviously, we've hit a nerve as DA Martin's reelection approaches next year. And just as obviously, DA Martin is bluffing. To prove defamation, he'll need to prove I told lies on the air knowing they were lies. I didn't do that. Ironically, DA Jim Martin knows he's lying about "defamation," since everything I've said on WAEB is true, verifiably factual, and/or my opinion, commonly (and legally) known as free speech, first amendment. DA Jim Martin may succeed in spooking Clear Channel and WAEB into never having me back on the air, to avoid costly litigation. I hope this doesn't turn out to be the case as I've thoroughly enjoyed my on-air rapport with Bobby Gunther Walsh; it's been terrific talk radio. But if Clear Channel/WAEB does throw me under the bus, I'll find another forum for de-throning Jim Martin in 2015, as I counter-sue him for frivolous, vexatious, and malicious litigation. So far, I'm undefeated in court. DA Jim Martin isn't. 


Together, we can de-throne crooked and incompetent Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin next election and trigger significant personnel housecleanings at The Morning Call "newspaper," 69 "News," and The "Express"-Times for the betterment of the Lehigh Valley. We deserve better justice systems locally, and better media coverage. What we have, far too frequently, is justice denied and crony-crooked and colluding truth concealing about it. I've experienced this first-hand via my daughter Sheena's killing, and for the past 8 years have been compiling other cases. There's a whole lot to expose. My thanks to Bobby Gunther Walsh, WAEB, and Clear Channel Communications for having the courage to put Bill Villa Facts & Truth on the air, regularly. See LVS's right sidebar content for upcoming topics and stay tuned for my next shows.



The City Official said...

One word: Bravo

Bill Villa said...

A heartfelt thanks ... for the groundswell of support I received ... at My Facebook Page ... regarding Bobby Gunther Walsh's courageous idea to put me on the air at WAEBV ... starting tomorrow, Thursday, Feb 20, at 8:45am.

Bill Villa said...

Facebook message, incoming (good representative sample of the many I've received today) ...

Wed., Feb 19, 2014 8:31 PM

BGW is going to love you.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming (good representative sample of the many I've received today) ...

Wed., Feb 19, 2014 4:22 PM

I heard Bobby announce your appearance tomorrow this morning! Really looking forward to it!


(almost forgot)

My mom also called me, around 9:05am today, to congratulate me on "ascending" (her word, and a good one) from blogosphere to radio, she's a regular (daily) Gunther listener and heard the announcement too. She reminded me to not curse tomorrow (and Friday) on WAEBV. I won't, mom.

Bill Villa said...

Emails, Incoming & Outgoing ...

Thurs., Feb 20, 2014 7:00AM

Subject: Bill Villa on WAEB 

I am thinking of you. Go get 'em tiger! You are such an inspiration! [Name Redacted]


Thanks! [Name Redacted]


2/‎20/‎2014 8:18 AM

I got up early to be here for you. Radio is on. I know Sheena is with you too! Tell your story! [Name Redacted]


02/20/2014 8:20 AM

Thanks, you touching base means a lot to me as I'm trembling a little in the parking lot.


Thu, 20 Feb 2014 09:01:44 AM

Good job! Your telling of Sheena's death brought tears to my eyes.


That's two of us ...

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Thurs., Feb 20, 2014 9:14am

I tuned in to your 15 minutes on air this morning. Even though I have followed your quest for justice intently over the years, today's airing, with your actual voice being heard, brought a whole new vision, and "voice" to your cause.

It brought tears to my eyes, as I am sure it did yours, and I will be tuning in to the next show, and thanking Gunther-Walsh for having you on air.

Lets keep praying, for justice, for Sheena, and for those who have tried to derail you, that they have a major fall from grace, clashing with the wrong person.

God Bless,

[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Absolutely use my real name. You are the man! I’m proud of you! -Harry

Thu, 20 Feb 2014 9:44 AM

Subject: Bill Villa on WAEB

You had me on the edge of my seat this morning (with tears in my eyes) and I can hardly wait for tomorrows show with Gunther. I hope with all my heart that the effort you put into exposing the truth about local government in Lehigh county will get the attention of the attorney general. Many of us have suffered under the oppressive, pugnacious and evil intent of the Lehigh county justice system. I particularly want my State representatives, Congressman, and Senators, to pay attention. My complaints to politicians about corruption in Lehigh county court have fallen on deaf ears. Hopefully other victims of the Lehigh county justice system will have the courage to come forward with their stories. When Bobby used the word corrupt in describing the courts this morning it was priceless. Let the Morning Call eat their filthy rag of a news paper. Shame on them for duping their subscribers. Shame on the Lehigh county judges that abuse us, our children, and litigants. Shame on the entire office of the district attorney. And last but not least shame on the bar association in Lehigh county.


Harry J Shelhamer

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Thurs., Feb 20, 2014 11:20 AM


Congratulations. I saw your delivery this morning and actually got the impression that Bobby was not just throwng you a bone but was engaging. I wrote him a thank you. Your challenge is just the tip of the iceberg.


[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Friend Message, Incoming ...

Thurs., Feb 20, 2014 9:01 AM


Bill Villa said...

Facebook Friend Message, Incoming ... (good representative sample of the many I'm receiving today)

Just heard the play back from WAEB today. I am glad you are finally getting to be heard. I personal gave up on the Morning Call many years ago when they decided to only report on one side of an issue (the Mayor's side) I was very involved with in Bethlehem. I was astounded with how they could totally ignore facts and misrepresent peoples statements to push their predetermined conclusion of a story. Much like today's national media. I do take comfort in the fact that they continue to loose readership because people do see through these lies and someday in the not so far future they will close their doors wondering where did it all go wrong. My heart goes out to you and your family! Keep on speaking up!!!

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Fri., Feb 21, 2014 9:25 AM

You were relaxed. Loved your plug for over turning Martin. The words "future shows" was heard. Sheena must be proud of you! Have a great day Bill!



Thanks! I'm back on WAEB again on Monday (Feb 24) same time, 8:45am to 9:00am. Bobby's very pleased w/ how it's going.

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Friend Message, Incoming ... (good representative sample of the dozens I'm receiving today)

10:59am Today

Hey, wanted you to know you sounded great on the radio. Confident not arrogant. Very sincere and informed. My favorite part was the question about a vendetta. How great you slipped in about Martin having one against you. That [Expletive Deleted] certainly does now. Can't wait for next interview. Were you nervous? Didn't sound it. You and Gunther have good chemistry. No surprise he had the same problem with the legal system. Jimbo better be prepared for his day on there. Hope Bobby keeps it real with him (since he's such a liar). Hope you can brief Gunther before his interview with Martin. Bobby's gotta know who he's dealing with. Good Luck! Tell Gunther this could be his best work on radio ever. He will definitely win over a lot of fans with your story. He is proving many people wrong. Great thing!

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) James B. Martin, cc'd to relevant "editors" and "reporters" at The Morning Call "newspaper," 69 "News," and The "Express"-Times.

Fri., Feb 21, 2014 12:54pm

Hi Jim, FYI, I'll be discussing the James W. Lauer case on WAEB soon (possibly Monday Feb 24).

Your call ... either give me an answer to my polite and reasonable "10-year look back" question now [Originally asked a month ago on January 25th] or know that Gunther's listeners (i.e., your voting base) will hear that you're refusing to answer it, and that none of your lapdogs in the local media are asking it. Ditto any questions about Lauer's VIP "afternoon furlough" to attend his son's wedding while doing time in Lehigh County Prison (and why wasn't Lauer in State Prison?) for DUI #3 in 2010.

Bill Villa

P.S. Listen to my Feb 20 and Feb 21 WAEB segments at Gunther's Rewind

Bill Villa said...


Email, Outgoing, to DA Jim Martin, cc'd to his local media lapdog "reporters" and "editors" and 60 Minutes.

Sat., Jan 25, 2014 10:12am

Subject: James W. Lauer "10 Year Look Back"

DA Martin, correct me if I'm wrong on this ...

In Pennsylvania and Lehigh County, a first offense DUI, processed through Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) is expunged from an offender's record if, after a 10-year "look back" period, another DUI offense isn't repeated.

James W. Lauer repeated his 2003 1st offense DUI ... in 2006 ... just three (3) years later.

So as of 2006, James W. Lauer had two (2) DUIs on his record.

Just four years later, in 2010, Lauer then scored another DUI ... his third.

His 4th DUI, only four years later, on Jan 19, 2014 should count as his 4th DUI.

DA Martin, I believe "reporter" Jaccii Farris and you got this wrong on 69 "News" on Friday evening when it was stated that James W. Lauer's Jan 19, 2014 DUI would count as his third DUI because of the "ten year look back" ...

Watch 69 "News" Report > Lauer 4X Legal Limit

Also, who authorized James W. Lauer's "afternoon furlough" (see page 6, Lauer DUI 3) to attend his son's wedding in 2010 while he was doing time in Lehigh County Prison for his 3rd DUI?

My hunch is that it was you, Jim.

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Friend Message, Incoming ...

1:01pm Today

If I could say you improved more than 100% I'd say it. You knocked the ball out of the park, and now everyone's interest is piqued. That is why BGW is having you back on so quickly. Bobby likes hard, black, concrete evidence. Just as in a college paper, get to the facts, as you did today.

In addition, you didn't sound like someone who had a chip on their shoulder. When BGW asked you if you had a vendetta against JM, you had the correct answer, in that maybe JM has a vendetta against you. Bravo, bravo.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming (good representative sample of the hundreds I'm fielding each hour right now) ...

‎Mon., Feb 24, 2014 9:01 AM

Good job today! [Name Redacted]



Thanks [Name Redacted], I had a script that I had timed over the weekend. Got in pretty much every Fact Bomb I wanted to drop today. Hoping there's a lot of fires raging at the Courthouse and Morning Call right now ...


[Name Redacted]

Me too. Glad you were publicly invited back. Keep riding the wave, baby!



Surf's up ...


[Name Redacted]

Indeed. Don't let go of his throat.



I won't (figuratively speaking).

Harry J Shelhamer said...

Good stuff. So much more to cover. Excellent job!

Bill Villa said...

Thanks, Harry!

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Gunther's plan is to have me back on-air soon to expose verifiable (and libel-proof) Facts & Truth about other Lehigh County cases, while always being able to reference details from Sheena's case for context regarding my personal experience w/ Lehigh County's crony-crooked and colluding media and "justice" systems.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Gross McGinley spotted stalking LVS and shitting a brick.

Domain Name > (Commercial)
IP Address > (RCN Corporation)
Location > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > Feb 24 2014 1:28:38 pm

Current # of Gross McGinley Brick-Shitting Return Visits To LVS > 210

Blog Administrator said...

Email, Incoming ...

10:50am Today

Please let me know when you are on the Gunther-Walsh show again. Thanks for all you do. [Name Redacted]


Will do [Name Redacted], Gunther's plan (for now) is to have Bill back on-air soon to expose verifiable (and libel-proof) Facts & Truth about other Lehigh County cases, while always being able to reference details from Sheena's case for context regarding his personal experience w/ Lehigh County's crony-crooked and colluding media and "justice" systems.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS's most frequently and compulsively returning visitor/stalker today has been Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) Jim Martin. We've actually lost count how many times Jimbo has (hiccup) stumbled in here today.

Domain Name >
IP Address > (PenTeleData)
Host >
City > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > Feb 25 2014 1:38:25 pm

Related Jim Martin/Debbie Garlicki Story

Here's another Martin/Garlicki Collaboration

The City Official said...

Bill, your 3 segments with Gunther Walsh were the most riveting radio I've ever experienced, keep up the excellent exposé broadcasting.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, Overnight ...

You did sound very persuasive and reasonable on the radio. I doubt I could hold it together as well. [Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

What people are saying about my WAEB appearances in comments at My Facebook Page

* Bill … If I can do anything for you to help your cause, please call on me.

* great stuff, proud to know you. tuning in tomorrow.

* Bill Villa ! No one makes a lock without a key. That's why God won't give us difficulties without a solution ! God bless you

* Very cool, Bill!

* cant wait to tune in! I’ll have my coffee ready in advance, and listening to the truth and facts

* Continue to be the peoples voice and your daughters voice bill we are behind you the people support you and what you stand for

* Fantastic!

* Lovin it Bill... So happy for you having the chance to speak the truth in a public forum.

* Bill I listened since Thursday. You presented your case very respectfully and interestingly. Will tune again. Take care

* Wow. Great show. Really got the facts out there.

* Just listened (before noon) ... more power to you, Bill.

* I wish more people like you would stand up to the corruption going on in this country. Maybe something positive would happen. Kudos to you, Bill!

* You go Bill!!

* Ah, billy. The pain that it takes to see things through is a crime in and of itself. I can't wait to hear Part IV. I am proud to know you, Billy Villa.

* I think they should have given you a hour to 2 hr slot in one day.

* You were great Bill, congratulations, it's not even the "tip of the iceberg" yet.

* Glad this is happening finally!

* Great job Bill getting the truth out there

* Just listened, good job! To the point, well spoken, good moderator. Made clear points about unfair legal system & politics thwarting justice.

* 10 minutes is not long enough!

* Just listened to your on-air interview with Gunther. EXCELLENT! Your story is so important. We need to hear it all. Great job!!!

* Loved hearing about the relationship between DA Martin, Morning Call, and numerous cronies in A-town being, "all too cozy". Thanks Bill!

Bill Villa said...

Interesting & informative email back & forth with Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Maria L. Dantos, and actually just the final portion of it; it was a very lengthy back/forth that spanned several weeks.

FYI, had DA Jim Martin shown me this kind of consideration, I doubt I'd be the Jim Martin P.R. Nightmare I am today. But that's on Jim.


From: Maria Dantos
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:38:31 pm

Subject: James W. Lauer > 10-Year "Look Back"

While I do not usually engage in this sort of communication, I will see this conversation through. For sentencing purposes, it does not matter whether it is his 3rd or 4th or 5th offense. The mandatory will be one year. His exposure is the statutory maximum, 2 ½ - 5 yeas. The Court is entitled to consider that this is his fourth offense and can go beyond the mandatory minimum. Because the legislators have chosen to allow DUI convictions to lapse, does not mean the Court hs to view these as if they never happened.

Now to answer your original question. The courts have interpreted the lapsing provision to mean ten years from the date of convictions, regardless of any intervening DUIs. I understand your logic and interpretation of the law, I am simply telling you the way this has been interpreted by the courts. For sentencing purpose ONLY, his first offense has lapsed. It certainly may be considered by the sentencing Judge. I hope this answers your question.



((My Response))

This does answer my question, thank you Judge Dantos for your patience with me on this, and for the time you've spent in helping me to understand this albeit disappointing legalese better. I sincerely appreciate it, especially in light of how I've been ignored and disrespected and smeared and proactively punished for posing similarly legitimate questions to Judges Steinberg and Reibman, and to DA Jim Martin and his colluding pals in the local media.

I will be asking presiding Judge James Anthony (and DA Jim Martin) for 2-3 minutes to address the court at James W. Lauer's sentencing to respectfully request that Judge Anthony impose the maximum sentence of 2.5 to 5 years in state prison for Mr. Lauer and to send him to SCI Chester where they have a dedicated alcoholism treatment program. Except for Robert LaBarre, I can't think of another local drunk driver in recent memory who deserves the maximum sentence more than James W. Lauer does-- 4 DUIs, 2 interlock violations, a hit & run DUI that ejected 2 children onto the street and also injured a pregnant woman, while obviously learning nothing from multiple stints in County Prison that included kind considerations such as an "afternoon furlough" to attend his son's wedding. I've often wondered what it will take for a local judge to impose a maximum sentence on a drunk driver and it will be interesting to see if this is the case. I believe it should be.

Thank you again for your kind consideration, Judge Dantos, I really appreciated it.

Sincerest Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...


What people are saying about my WAEB appearances in comments at My Facebook Page

* Bill … If I can do anything for you to help your cause, please call on me.

* great stuff, proud to know you. tuning in tomorrow.

* Bill Villa ! No one makes a lock without a key. That's why God won't give us difficulties without a solution ! God bless you

* Very cool, Bill!

* cant wait to tune in! I’ll have my coffee ready in advance, and listening to the truth and facts

* Continue to be the peoples voice and your daughters voice bill we are behind you the people support you and what you stand for

* Fantastic!

* Lovin it Bill... So happy for you having the chance to speak the truth in a public forum.

* Bill I listened since Thursday. You presented your case very respectfully and interestingly. Will tune again. Take care

* Wow. Great show. Really got the facts out there.

* Just listened (before noon) ... more power to you, Bill.

* I wish more people like you would stand up to the corruption going on in this country. Maybe something positive would happen. Kudos to you, Bill!

* You go Bill!!

* Ah, billy. The pain that it takes to see things through is a crime in and of itself. I can't wait to hear Part IV. I am proud to know you, Billy Villa.

* I think they should have given you a hour to 2 hr slot in one day.

* You were great Bill, congratulations, it's not even the "tip of the iceberg" yet.

* Glad this is happening finally!

* Great job Bill getting the truth out there

* Just listened, good job! To the point, well spoken, good moderator. Made clear points about unfair legal system & politics thwarting justice.

* 10 minutes is not long enough!

* Just listened to your on-air interview with Gunther. EXCELLENT! Your story is so important. We need to hear it all. Great job!!!

* Loved hearing about the relationship between DA Martin, Morning Call, and numerous cronies in A-town being, "all too cozy". Thanks Bill!

* Got caught up today on what I missed... Fact Bombs a plenty! I know there is so much more too!

* Give 'em a dose of the truth, Bill - go for it!

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Allentown Policeman and Alfonso Todd's most recent arresting Officer Jason Ehl.

Thurs., Mar 20, 2014 5:23pm

Subject: Alfonso Todd Trial Outcome

Hi Officer Jason, sorry I couldn't make it to Alfonso Todd's trial on 3/19 (and meet you in person), I was scheduled to have lunch with Bobby Gunther Walsh to discuss my next appearances on WAEB.

Please tell me if I'm reading the docket correctly, it looks to me like Alfonso ...

* Pled guilty

* Didn't get any well-deserved/long overdue jail time

* Incredibly still owes $252 from the $800-something balance he had agreed to pay via NorCo Judge Narlesky last April (and Alfundo receives no consequences for this scofflaw slacker delinquency)

* Needs a $20 biweekly payment plan to pay off the $252

* And so apparently his "marketing company" (wink wink) isn't doing all that well, eh?

Thanks for anything you can tell me.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Congratulations to Sheena's winning civil litigation attorney, Jerry McHugh, on being confirmed by the Senate yesterday as a Federal judge. We wish Judge McHugh all the best.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Federal Judge Jerry McHugh.

Thurs., Mar 27, 2014 9:12am

Subject: Re: Congratulations, Jerry

Thanks to all!

Gerald A. McHugh, Jr.
Raynes McCarty
Suite 2000, 1845 Walnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103
215-[Redacted] (direct)
215-[Redacted] (switchboard)


From: Bill Villa
To: Gerald McHugh
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 9:06 AM
Cc: Angie Villa; Barbara Maquera; Patrick Villa

Subject: Congratulations, Jerry

... on being confirmed by the U.S. Senate yesterday as a Federal Judge.

We know you'll be great on the bench.

Wishing you all the best.

Family of Sheena Villa

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Sun., Mar 30, 2014 7:02pm

Subject: Won Again!

I visited your website. Good stuff. Can't wait to hear you on the radio again.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Tues., Apr 1, 2014 9:23pm

Subject: Socratic Gadfly

A gadfly is a person who upsets the status quo by posing upsetting or novel questions.

The term "gadfly" (Ancient Greek: μύωψ, mýops[1]) was used by Plato in the Apology[2] to describe Socrates's relationship of uncomfortable goad to the Athenian political scene, which he compared to a slow and dimwitted horse.

During his defense when on trial for his life, Socrates, according to Plato's writings, pointed out that dissent, like the gadfly, was easy to swat, but the cost to society of silencing individuals who were irritating could be very high. "If you kill a man like me, you will injure yourselves more than you will injure me," because his role was that of a gadfly, "to sting people and whip them into a fury, all in the service of truth." This may have been one of the earliest descriptions of gadfly ethics.

In modern politics, a gadfly is someone who persistently challenges people in positions of power, the status quo or a popular position.[3] For example, Morris Kline wrote "There is a function for the gadfly who poses questions that many specialists would like to overlook. Polemics are healthy."[4] The word may be uttered in a pejorative sense, while at the same time be accepted as a description of honourable work or civic duty.[5]

The Book of Jeremiah uses a similar analogy as a political metaphor. "Egypt is a very fair heifer; the gad-fly cometh, it cometh from the north." (46:20, Darby Bible)

Take this as a compliment!

Bill Villa said...

Facebook comments, incoming ...

* Congrats on your April 10th guest appearance on WAEB. Looking forward to it!

* Go get em! I swear Kafka wrote his book with Lehigh County politics and officials in mind...

Bill Villa said...

Just jealous, I think.

Email, Incoming, over night ...

Good representative sample of the dozens I'm currently receiving and responding to.

Mr. Vila, I have been listening with great attention to all of your appearances with WAEB. Sir, I must say that you comes across on radio nothing like the obviously incorrect image of you that been portrayed in the local media by the likes of Bill White and within the local blogosphere (Molovinskli et al) that I religiously avoid like poison. You are reasonable, organized and well-spoken, polite, a good listener, always armed with the facts that shock and quite frankly compelling and mesmerizing. You and Bobby Gunther Walsh is the best news talk radio I've heard anywhere in decades. Is there any chance of getting a longer segment, say half an hour, and to appear each week? Needless to say I also admire your courage and your commitment to your community in telling what yove discovered on these local officials and reporters who are in cahoots and that you are explaining so very well. Keep up your remarkable work, sir. And know that you have my deep condolences for the loss of your daughter. One request, please do not reveal my name.

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Messages, Incoming (from yesterday) ...

Very good. It is a crescendo, building, building, and building more. And I heard BGW say that he would have you on again. Good job.


See, you can even trust a conservative. LOL


Justice for all, I say.


Great job, keep it up, and you'll have a regular weekly/bi-monthly spot on the show.


Listening, it is very interesting. Maybe you could talk him into 20 minutes, not twelve; on the other hand, maybe you don't want to push it. But he's very understandeing. There's so much territory to cover. ,


Jump at it.


On WAEB, you are reaching tens of thousands


Well, you finally got your chance, and just think, a conservative gave it to you. Now, go give 'em hell.


Bill Villa said...

Phone Call, Incoming, from Bobby Gunther Walsh @ 2:46pm.

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Just had (another) lovely 30+ minute phone gab with Gunther. Such a good guy. Stay tuned for the next episode of Bill Villa Facts & Truth on WAEB AM 790, coming soon to airwaves near you.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Bill, it's truly wonderful that you have that forum on WAEB to reach 50,000 people, many of whom are Lehigh County's senior super voters.

Bill Villa said...

Yes, thank you, and it's also very nice to be accruing more & more well-deserved credibility, one memorable & mesmerizing "WAEBV" show at a time.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

And although I am certain the corrosive and sabotaging liar elements in Allentown are trying their hardest to discredit you w/ Gunther, as they've attempted in the local blogosphere via their sadistic efforts at silencing you, it appears that you've calmly and factually won over WAEB and Clear Channel Communications. Well done, Bill.

(almost forgot)

Your stage performer chops are obviously a major advantage to you when standing in front of the mic at WAEB. You come across very natural and likable and of course very prepared with your libel-proof "fact bombs." It's just very simply great radio, in addition to being very disturbing in regards to what you are revealing. I'm confident you are making an excellent impression on local voters and I'm sure that has some folks worried. Keep up the great work!!!

jdg said...

Bill I too must commend you for your courage and civic-mindedness in going on WAEB regularly and telling the citizenry facts they need to know about to be informed voters and that they are not learning through our good old boy network of crony-infested local media reporters who just write what D.A. Jim Martin tell them to. I say bravo!

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Bill you have more friends at the courthouse than you probably realize.

Bill Villa said...

Yes, thank you, I've been realizing that. A lot of people have been reaching out to me, very warmly, the result of my appearances on WAEB w/ Bobby Gunther Walsh.

FYI, readers (and stalkers) ...

Another episode of "WAEBV" is coming soon. I'm having lunch w/ Gunther on [Redacted] this week at [Redacted], w/ a high-ranking Lehigh County elected [Redacted] and big fan of "WAEBV" also joining us. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Now, more than ever, our elected officials (and clerics) must be challenged. If the traditional media sources are not willing, there is plenty of need for aggressive (and remarkable) blogs like this one to ask those excellent questions that deserve to be answered.

Fred Windbag

Bill Villa said...


Readers (and stalkers) ...

I enjoyed a lovely 3 hour lunch w/ WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh yesterday at [Location Redacted]. We were joined (for the entire 3 hour duration) by a very high-ranking Lehigh County elected official, [Name Redacted].

Stay tuned for my next episode of Bill Villa Facts & Truth on WAEB w/ Bobby Gunther Walsh, coming soon.

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Funny story, that I'll be telling on "WAEBV" soon.

I went to James W. Lauer's 8:30am arraignment yesterday morning. Around 9:15am they finally brought Mr. Lauer into court in prison garb and handcuffs. Lauer reminds me of Robert Blake; around 5'3", muscularly built, looks like he'd pick a fight quickly w/ anybody. Soon after, Chief Deputy DA (and, thanks to LVS exposé, spectacularly failed judicial candidate) Renee Smith came barreling into Judge Kelly Banach's courtroom 4B. Deputy DA Renee Smith commenced to cuddle in consultation with shackled criminal defendant James W. Lauer so closely, and so curiously, you'd think she was his defense attorney (or lover) and not the (wink wink) "prosecution." At this point, a matronly female courtroom assistant began speaking to Renee Smith concernedly and Smith turned around, looked directly at me sitting in the back of the courtroom, and I could see her mouth to the courtroom assistant, "YEAH, THAT'S HIM." Oh. I'm a famous celebrity, apparently. So pretty soon Deputy DA Renee Smith and defendant Lauer and a public defender approach the bench ... and for the next 10 minutes, Renee Smith conducts a whisper conference with Judge Banach. It went on for really really long, whisper whisper whisper. Finally, Judge Banach addressed defendant Lauer by saying, "Alright now, MR. VILLA ..." (!!!) to which DA Renee Smith blurted out, "That's MR. LAUER, Your Honor," as I raised my hand in court for a beet red-faced Judge Banach to make believe she didn't she. So ... I guess we know what the whisper conference was all about ... yours truly. LOL. How HYSTERICAL was this?! And how delicious is it that I am IN THEIR HEADS like this. BOO!

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Judge Kelly Banach and Chief Deputy DA Renee Smith, cc'd to DA (for now) Jim Martin and forwarded to "editors" and "reporters" in our local "media."

Tues., May 20, 2014 7:33am

Subject Heading: "Mr. Villa"

OMG! Kelly, that was so hysterical in your arraignment court yesterday when you addressed 4-time DUI criminal defendant James W. Lauer as "Mr. Villa."

Renee, um, so I guess we all know what your 10 minute 'whisper conference' at the bench was all about. LOL.

Such a funny story!

Listen for it on my next show on WAEB!

Bill Villa

P.S. James W. Lauer needs to get The Maximum Sentence of 2 to 5 in state prison. Send him to SCI Chester and get him off our streets ... he's a DUI homicide waiting to happen.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Judge Kelly Banach (left), cc'd to Renee Smith and DA Jim Martin.

Wed., May 21, 2014 8:08am

Judge Banach, Your Honor, some good info here from Judge Dantos, for your consideration.

Bill Villa

P.S. I'd like to speak at Mr. Lauer's sentencing hearing whenever that is, 2-3 minutes max, please let me know, thanks.

Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:38:31pm

Subject: RE: James W. Lauer > 10-Year "Look Back"

While I do not usually engage in this sort of communication, I will see this conversation through. For sentencing purposes, it does not matter whether it is his 3rd or 4th or 5th offense. The mandatory will be one year. His exposure is the statutory maximum, 2 ½ - 5 yeas. The Court is entitled to consider that this is his fourth offense and can go beyond the mandatory minimum. Because the legislators have chosen to allow DUI convictions to lapse, does not mean the Court hs to view these as if they never happened.

Now to answer your original question. The courts have interpreted the lapsing provision to mean ten years from the date of convictions, regardless of any intervening DUIs. I understand your logic and interpretation of the law, I am simply telling you the way this has been interpreted by the courts. For sentencing purpose ONLY, his first offense has lapsed. It certainly may be considered by the sentencing Judge. I hope this answers your question.

Bill Villa said...


Subject: RE: James W. Lauer > 10-Year "Look Back"
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 1:26:59pm

This does answer my question, thank you Judge Dantos for your patience with me on this, and for the time you've spent in helping me to understand this albeit disappointing legalese better. I sincerely appreciate it, especially in light of how I've been ignored and disrespected and smeared and proactively punished for posing similarly legitimate questions to Judges Steinberg and Reibman, and to DA Jim Martin and his colluding pals in the local media.

I will be asking presiding Judge James Anthony [Editor's Note: Judge Anthony recused himself from the Lauer case, as did Judge Dantos, subsequently, as well] (and DA Jim Martin) for 2-3 minutes to address the court at James W. Lauer's sentencing to respectfully request that Judge Anthony impose the maximum sentence of 2.5 to 5 years in state prison for Mr. Lauer and to send him to SCI Chester where they have a dedicated alcoholism treatment program. Except for Robert LaBarre, I can't think of another local drunk driver in recent memory who deserves the maximum sentence more than James W. Lauer does-- 4 DUIs, 2 interlock violations, a hit & run DUI that ejected 2 children onto the street and also injured a pregnant woman, while obviously learning nothing from multiple stints in County Prison that included kind considerations such as an "afternoon furlough" to attend his son's wedding. I've often wondered what it will take for a local judge to impose a maximum sentence on a drunk driver and it will be interesting to see if this is the case. I believe it should be.

Thank you again for your kind consideration, Judge Dantos, I really appreciated it.

Sincerest Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Good representative sample of the MANY Facebook messages I'm currently reading and responding to ...

* Nice job this morning. I'm glad you have a forum to inform us

* That was a dynamic "throwing of the gauntlet" this morning on Bobby Gunther Walsh. You two are getting good at 'volley and return' both ways. I think this was the best one. Clear!!

* I listened. Getting better and better, more fluid, more informational.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

"Culture of Corruption and Incompetence," well said, sir. I am proud to be one of your 50,000 listeners. "WAEBV" is so much more interesting and informative than our local blogosphere idiots. Keep up the excellent exposé work and FACT BOMBS, sir!

McJudas said...

Kudos. Really glad you've set the stage for an inevitable full frontal and aerial blitzkrieg of FACT BOMBS on Debbie Garlicki, long overdue.


Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

LVS/WAEBV is currently investigating a very curious case.

Amber Washko crashed into Joe Hennessey on May 27, 2013 and killed him.

No mention of DUI in any of the local "news" reports.

69 "News"

The "Express" Times

The Morning Call “newspaper”

Although Amber Washko wasn't arrested/charged until January 23, 2014, 8 months later, you'll notice the DUI on her Criminal Docket says May 27, 2013 ... same day she crashed into Joe Hennessey and killed him.

No mention of that death in the Criminal Docket.

A fan & friend directed me to this case on Facebook ...


"Friends, keep me in your prayer's, June 16th the woman that killed my son while DUI is getting sentenced. Court will only charge her with a 1st time DUI, completely eliminating any justice for Joe's death. She is asking for ARD, please pray that she gets the maximum sentence & no ARD. The max for killing a person while drunk driving in this case is 3-6mos & losing license for 1yr. Thanks to our legal system, Joe's dad and I are getting a worse sentence. Life without our son, painful holidays, long sleepless nights, many visits to the cemetery, constant pain in our hearts. This for us is a life sentence."


I've reached out to [Name Redacted] asking if she'll speak with me and mentioning that, possibly, I would discuss her son's case on WAEB w/ Bobby Gunther Walsh.

Stay tuned ...

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

W-O-W. Great catch. Is this another example of a shapely (and drunk driving) young female being left off the hook by an enchanted DA Jim Martin? Remember Jennifer Gehringer? Twice the legal limit but Martin determined that didn't affect her reflexes or reaction time in killing John Toggas ...

Related LVS Story

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I spoke at length w/ Joe Hennessey's mother today. My jaw was on the floor for much of the conversation. You'll all be learning more on this soon ...

Bill Villa said...


DA Jim Martin's office (Paul Bernadino) admitted to Joe Hennessey's mother that young and shapely blonde Amber Washko was indeed driving drunk (twice the legal limit) when she T-bone crashed into Joe Hennessey and killed him, likely running a red light in the process, but that Washko's drunkenness "wasn't a factor" in the crash/death.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Lehigh County Judge William E. Ford.

Wed., June 11, 2014 1:09pm

Subject: Amber Rae Washko Sentencing

Judge Ford, Amber Rae Washko killed Joe Hennessey while driving drunk at nearly twice the legal limit.

She needs to be held accountable for Joe Hennessey's death ...

certainly not given wrist-slap ARD

or a couple months in Lehigh County Prison with work release.

Amber Rae Washko needs to be charged with Vehicular Homicide While DUI.

I know a judge can't tell crooked, incompetent, and lazy DA Jim Martin what charges to file.

But I also know a judge can reject plea deals.

So here's what to do ...

Keep rejecting DA Jim Martin's Amber Rae Washko plea deal

until it includes a guilty plea to a charge of Vehicular Homicide While DUI.

And tune in tomorrow morning at 8:45am to WAEB AM 790, I'll be discussing the Amber Rae Washko case and Joe Hennessey in detail with Bobby Gunther Walsh for his 50,000 daily listeners, most of whom are registered super voters in Lehigh County.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Bobby Gunther Walsh (left).

Fri., June 13, 2014 3:19pm

Subject: Quick/Brief (Important) Heads Up

APD won't give Joe Hennessey's mom the final version of the police's accident report.

She'll need to "hire an attorney and get it after the cased is closed," she was told, Thursday afternoon, by APD "Investigator" Dennis Clemens, who told her that he has a copy, and assistant DA Paul Bernadino has a copy, but that no, she can't have one.

Really? Why?

I have Robert LaBarre's final APD accident report.

How come Joe Hennessey's mom can't get Amber Washko's final APD accident report?

See you Monday morning.


Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Just tried to get APD "Investigator" Dennis Clemens on the phone. He's out. Left detailed messages for new APD Chief Fitzgerald and assistant Chief Dorney, wanting to know why APD "Investigator" Dennis Clemens refuses to give Joe Hennessey's mom the accident report on Amber Washko. I encouraged all of them to get back to me before my next appearance on WAEB w/ Bobby Gunther Walsh where I'll be discussing the Amber Washko case-fix-in-progress, otherwise I'll include their blowoffs of me on the show, mentioning all of them by name.

Bill Villa said...

Text Message, Incoming ...

You are something else. A knight in shining armor. God bless you.

Bill Villa said...

Forwarded Email, Incoming ...

Monday, June 16, 2014 9:32 AM

Subject: Father who spoke this morning on the radio

I heard this father the first time that you had him on your show, and he told the story of his daughter. I feel really bad for the family in their loss, and I commend him on his desire to seek justice for those who have been killed by others in drunk driving accidents. I have listened to him like I said several times that he has been on your show and I am just in awe of his courage and determination. I know he is right and that D.A. Jim Martin needs to be retired to a bar stool at Ye Olde Limeport Hotel Inn. Thank you for having him on (keep doing that) and please send me details on how to advertise on "WAEBV."

[Name Redacted]

Sent from Windows Mail

Bill Villa said...

A new low for the Lehigh County "justice" system.

Join the discussion at My Facebook Page.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to WFMZ-TV 69 "News" (wink wink) "news" "director" Brad Rinehart

Tues., June 17, 2014 6:42pm


Brad, sorry to wake you, but are there any plans for 69 "News" to cover this large local story ...

that broke yesterday ...

Allentown security guard who fatally shot unarmed man granted bail during appeal

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Sat., June 21, 2014 9:23am

Subject: waeb

Finally got time to listen to this past week’s show. Great job, as usual. How any sane listener (any listener without a whackjob agenda, that is) could dismiss these facts is impossible to imagine. -[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Sun., June 22, 2014 3:45pm

Subject: Podcast-Washko

Hi Bill,

I heard you on the radio and feel for the Hennessay family as well as you and your family on the loss of your daughter. I use to be an acquaintance of Amber's and know that it might be difficult to un-turn ever stone in ones story. Some facts may be helpful for the Hennessay family lawyer to know include things like her possible connection to the Allentown police/forensic office due to her internship through Cedar Crest College for her forensic science degree. Also, I have heard through mutual acquaintances that she may try to use a "I have a seizure disorder" defense but occasionally found to have been driving during her restriction period following the Hennessay accident. I wish to remain anonymous but your enthusiasm to find justice for the Hennessay family in conjunction with my desire to help the family prompted me to speak up to you about this. I wish much luck and success tomorrow for the family.


Concerned Citizen

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

LVS/WAEBV is probing the veracity of the information contained in the Sunday email I received.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to 1st Assistant DA Steve Luksa, cc'd to DA Jim Martin and Judge William Ford.

Mon., June 23, 2014 8:37am

Subject: Podcast-Washko

Steve, if your concern about the APD's not having retrieved Amber Washko's 'black box' data is genuine, you might want to consider asking for a continuance on today's sentencing, so you can investigate the information sent to me yesterday in the email below.

Thanks for your consideration, Steve.

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I was in "Judge" Ford's courtroom this morning for the Amber Washko sentencing which was moved to August 1. Except for Joe Hennessey's mom's courageous and articulate addressing of the court, it was a total disgrace all around, from "Judge" Ford's proactive covering of the APD's non-diligent ass, to assistant DA (doubling as Amber Washko's defense attorney) Steven Luksa (Washko's actual defense attorney Waldron "passed" when it was his turn to speak; that's how good a job DA Luksa did for defendant Washko), to APD "investigator" (wink wink) Dennis Dunkin' Donut Clemens.

On a related subject, rumored Cedar Crest College APD forensic dep't intern Amber Rae Washko has breathtakingly beautiful blonde hair that cascades all the way down her back and almost touches her shelf-like derriere and she's built like a brick shithouse.

The Morning Call "newspaper" sent a rookie reporter who was on her very first ever assignment ever to interview Joe Hennessey's mom afterwards. Basically she stood there holding a tape recorder and the only question she asked was how Joe Hennessey's mom spells her last name.

Tune in to WAEBV on Thursday for my full and fully disheartening report.

Tomorrow I'll be attending a Judge Kelly Banach courtroom charade regarding James W. Lauer.

Bill Villa said...


Readers (and stalkers) ...

Because of healthy ratings and strong ad dollars, WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh has been rewarded with another on-air hour in the morning-- instead of being on-air from 5:00am to 9:00am, Gunther (starting July 7) will be on the air daily from 5:00am to 10:00am.

Bobby phoned me personally today at 3:04pm to tell me that starting in July my popular Bill Villa Facts & Truth segments with him on-air can be much, much (much) longer.

"You'll just need to bring more facts," Bobby told me.


Can do.

Bill Villa said...

Facebook comment, incoming …

"happy anniversary Bill and Angie-- to a very inspirational couple" -Joanne Egan Bauer

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Nazareth Borough Chief of Police Thomas Trachta.

Mon, Jun 30, 2014 9:12 am

Subject: [Redacted]

Thank you for your support.

Chief Thomas Trachta
Nazareth Borough Police Department
134 S. Main Street, Lower Level
Nazareth, PA 18064
(610) [Redacted]



My pleasure, Chief, give a holler if you need anything further.


Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

Domain Name > NBC Universal
IP Address >
ISP > NBC Universal
Location > New York, New York

Time of Visit > Jul 1 2014 5:32:34 pm

Merci, NBC Universal, for spending a considerable amount of time reading (and apparently re-reading) the LVS exposé blog post > Gross McGinley attorney Patrick J. Reilly pulverized by Bill Villa & Sheena Squad

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye.

Mon., July 7, 2014 11:02pm

Subject: [Redacted]

Thanks for your concern. Very interesting.

Mayor Strye

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Nazareth Mayor Carl Strye.

Wed., Jul 9 2014 10:13pm

Subject: Journalism & Truth re: [Redacted]

Thanks Bill! I may add this to my investigation.

Mayor Strye

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Starting with my next appearance on WAEB w/ Bobby Gunther Walsh on MONDAY JULY 21, I will have DOUBLE THE TIME ON-AIR, as much as 25-30 MINUTES of me. Catch up on my previous "Fact Bomb" shows at LVS where you can listen anytime.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

IP Address > (Senate of Pennsylvania)
ISP > Senate of Pennsylvania
City > Harrisburg

Time of Visit > Jul 14 2014 4:39:04 pm

Merci for visiting LVS, Senator, we hope you enjoyed reading the LVS exposé blog post "DA Jim Martin KO'd, pulverized by Bill Villa at West End Youth Center campaign debate"

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to gracious LVS legal advisor and Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Maria L. Dantos.

Wed., July 23, 2014 9:21am

Subject: James W. Lauer Question

Hi Judge Dantos, I hope you're enjoying this beautiful summer so far.

Q. Judge Banach is quoted in Monday's Express-Times as saying Mr. Lauer (at sentencing on Aug 21) faces a minimum sentence of 1 year in prison (as you've told me previously) and a "possible maximum sentence of more than 11 years."

Repeat drunk driver says he passed out, didn't realize he crashed into SUV with pregnant woman and kids

You've told me previously via email that Lauer's maximum sentence exposure was 2.5 to 5 years.

That's a huge discrepancy, 2.5 to 5 and/or 11.

On Monday, 7 of the 15 charges were plea bargained away/withdrawn (see attached docket).

So I'm really confused ... which is it, currently ...

"possibly more than 11 years" maximum?

or "2.5 to 5 years" maximum?

Thank you in advance for any clarity you can bring me here again, Judge Dantos.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) …

James W. Lauer (as notorious and as dangerous a drunk driver as we’ve ever seen in Lehigh County) pled guilty on Monday and now it’s Wednesday and still not a peep of coverage from notorious and dangerous truth concealers The Morning Call “newspaper” and 69 “News” … and all out of sheer spite because of WAEBV's ongoing coverage of this case. Sad.

Bill Villa said...

69 "News" shamed by LVS into publishing this paltry (and Express-Times plagiarized) "report," still no coverage from The Morning Call "newspaper" ...

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Welcome ...

East Allen Township > IP Address

... and merci, for spending so much time reading LVS blog posts from August 2009.

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge (and increasingly frequent LVS legal advisor via email) Maria L. Dantos.

Tue, July 29, 2014 12:02 pm

Subject: James W. Lauer Question

My apologies Mr. Villa. I have had some pressing matters. I will look at Lauer’s charges but it must be that there are additional charges beyond one count of DUI. The maximum for one count of DUI is 5 years. I have recused myself from all of Lauer’s cases as a result of our communication. I see our communication as a request for information and my responses. It may not be viewed this way by others. I will let you know what he is charged with.



((My Response))

Thank you, Judge Dantos, I've re-attached Mr. Lauer's latest criminal docket that lists all his current charges.

As always, I greatly appreciate your clarifications and communications with me, and no apologies re: the timing on your get-backs to me are ever required or expected.

I see our communications the same way you do, i.e., as requests for information and responses.

Paranoid controlling types like Jim Martin will just have to get over it, as I see it.

Again, thank you for your thoughtfulness.

I look forward to learning from you the maximum sentence exposure Mr. Lauer will be facing in front of Judge Banach on August 21.

Best Regards,


Bill Villa said...

Another Email, Incoming, from Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge (and increasingly frequent LVS legal advisor via email) Maria L. Dantos.

Tues., July 29, 2014 1:02 pm

Subject: James W. Lauer

Ok, according to the docket he pled to 7 counts. If his stated maximum exposure is 11 years, then some charges were to run concurrently and I am not privy to the details of the plea negotiations.

DUI M1 (maximum 5 years)

Accident involving Injury M1 (Maximum 5 years)

Accident while not properly licensed (Four counts) M2 (maximums for each 2 years)

Interlock violation

These maximums add up to 18 years as I see it so some are running concurrently. Hope this helps


((My Response))

Yes, it does help, thank you again, Judge Dantos.

In my experience, our local media likes to wave around absolute maximum sentences, knowing full well the criminal defendant will serve much (much) less time when all is said and done and plea bargained and sentenced. But the "maximum sentence wave" makes their pal, our DA, look tough. He isn't, really. Mr. Martin plea bargains everything down and off his desk albeit at a snail's pace. And half the readers and viewers won't see or remember the actual sentence but they'll remember the higher profile "hardline stance" in the media. I've watched this charade play out over & over & over again, ever since I started paying close attention in the aftermath of my daughter Sheena's killing in March 2006.

I'll be shocked if on Aug 21 Judge Banach sentences James W. Lauer to serve 11 years in a state penitentiary.

And honestly, considering that Mr. Lauer has publicly admitted to having the disease of alcoholism, I don't believe his serving 11 overkill years in a state penitentiary--without treatment--would do him, or the Commonwealth, any good at all. And 11 years could also be unjustly self-serving, i.e., a way to make up for past sins of sentencing leniency against drunk drivers by taking it all out on James W. Lauer. And then afterwards ... back to county-wide DUI leniency business as usual via Jim Martin and Renee Smith.

Considering that this is erratic Lehigh County (present company excluded, of course), an outrageous 1-year minimum wrist-slap sentence from Judge Banach wouldn't surprise me either; I'd perceive that as an "F.U." from the bench directed to all who would dare question Lehigh County justice either privately or on local radio shows.

So personally, I'm still hoping for the maximum sentence you originally calculated for me ... 2.5 to 5 years ... and specifically, to be served in SCI Chester, where Mr. Lauer could benefit from (if he so chooses) ongoing treatment for his alcoholism. To me, this sentence still feels right.

Thank you again, Judge Dantos, I always greatly appreciate your clarifications & communications with me.

Enjoy the remainder of this excellent so far summer!

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Nice Facebook comment ...

"Bill, you are my hero...never afraid to stand up for the truth!"

See more comments here ...

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

This just in: I'm back on WAEB AM 790 with Bobby Gunther Walsh on Monday morning, AUG 4, 8:45am, to give my analysis on today's Amber Washko sentencing for which I was in court with the DUI homicide victim, Joe Hennessey's, family, tune in.

Bill Villa said...

Another (of many) nice Facebook comments ...

Bill, great work on all fronts. I really appreciate the up dates on Joe "Wrong Way" Hoch. The connection of Charles Hoch to "wrong way" and DA (for now) Jim "Hiccup" Martin is a block buster in my book. You the MAN!

Bill Villa said...


Email, Incoming, from Easton Mayor Sal Panto.

Sat., Aug 2, 2014 1:20pm

Again, I am so sorry for what happened to your daughter. I try not to participate in the blog and I am well aware of his history. Needless to say my last comments were the most accurate. He is a person who loves to agitate and stir the pot with half truths and innuendo.

Sent from my iPhone


((My Response))

Mayor Panto, first let me say how touched I am that you've responded so warmly and civilly to an email from me that came at you pretty hard and harshly. I especially appreciate your kind words about Sheena, thank you.

My (previous) beef with you, and with any elected official or person of position in the area who chooses to comment publicly (or anonymously) at the blog that shall not be named here, is that, by doing so, you (and they) bestow a totally undeserved measure of credibility to the mutant cretin "author" of that blog, and who, as you've put it so well, "agitates and stirs with pot with half-truths and innuendo," and I'd go farther and add things like dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude.

Except for two (2), totally understandable and well-deserved exceptions, on 2/10/09 and again on 5/26/12, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski would not be caught dead commenting in our local blogosphere or responding in any way to the liars, miscreants, comment forgers, corrosive agitators, and nut cases who populate the local blogosphere beyond the verifiably factual and credibility-laden ‘velvet ropes’ of the Villa’s BNN Top Rated blog, Lehigh Valley Somebody.

We believe Mayor Pawlowski's comprehensive ignoring of the local blogosphere (w/ the only exceptional exception being "LVS") is a credo that should be followed by all elected officials and persons of position in the Lehigh Valley.

It is our hope that your credibility-bestowing and commenting days at that "hate blog" are now officially over.

Again, Mayor Panto, thanks very much for your kind and civil reply. You're always welcome here at LVS so please consider becoming a "commenting team member."

Best Regards,

Bill Villa
Angie Villa

Angie Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Easton Mayor Sal Panto.

Sat., Aug 2, 2014 5:40pm

Thank you Bill. And yes they are over.

Sent from my iPhone

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I received a piece of Certified Mail yesterday from the Philadelphia law offices of Sprague & Sprague ...

"Re: Defamatory Broadcasts on WAEB About James B. Martin, District Attorney of Lehigh County"



Email, Outgoing, to James B. Martin, District Attorney of Lehigh County (for now).

Tues., Aug 5, 2014 1:03pm

Subject: Sprague & Sprague

Jimbo, I've been looking for a national broadcast forum for exposing and de-throning you for quite some time,

now it's looking like you've given that forum to me, thank you.

You couldn't beat Rick Hoffman or Shiatsu Massage or Glenn Eckhart ... or me solo ...

now you're taking on Clear Channel Communications, the ACLU and me?

I'm liking my chances (a lot), thanks again, and get ready for your close-up.


Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I floated a few private Facebook messages out to some friends recently, regarding the Certified Mail I received recently from the Philadelphia law offices of Sprague & Sprague about ...

"Re: Defamatory Broadcasts on WAEB About James B. Martin, District Attorney of Lehigh County"

I got many wonderful messages of support back, here are just a few of them ...


* I’m sad to hear this. Obviously you’re hitting the right nerve and they know people are listening and questioning what's going on. Your show provided your truth to a wider audience of people that are not on social media and they are afraid of that so I applaud you. However it saddens me because the odds are that clear channel and WAEB will rather make this go away rather than stand up to corruption and freedom of speech. What if anything can I do to help? I respect what you do. And sincerely; anything I can help with, you say the word because I too do not like scare tactics and the stifling of our constitutional rights especially by those who have sworn to uphold them.

* Bill, I'll be in PA for three or four weeks come 1 Sept. I'm available to go tell Martin and his Disney crew where to go f-ck themselves. It's not defamation if it's the truth. "Defamation" is a catchall term for any statement that hurts someone's reputation.

* Let him try, let the courts and lawyers hash it out; the burden of proof is on them.

* Somewhere in a parallel universe, WAEB, Clear Channel and Gunther all realize this is a RATINGS BONANZA, and keep you on the air for that reason alone.

* If at all possible, have your lawyer make sure it doesn't get tried in the same corrupt jurisdiction that you have so expertly exposed.

* Stay strong, old friend. His corpulent body, clogged arteries and swollen liver have slow, miserable [Redacted] written all over him. As you know tragically too well, only the good die young. Dickheads like this guy and [Redacted] will be rotting away slowly from the insides forever. History and Providence will not look kindly upon either.

* Awesome. Hopefully, the ACLU will make a federal case out of it. Literally. But I'm a big believer in picking one's battles. It was awful and heart wrenching, but in reality, you won your battle against Drunky LaBarre, and continue to assist others similarly victimized.

* Despite 'AEB's position, you have stirred the pot, and gotten maybe a few more people to look skeptically at the crony-connected corruption (if you'll pardon the alliteration). If you think back a few months, you were not on 'AEB at all, but managed to garner lots of support and pack courtrooms through LVS alone, so you haven't really lost anything - this is a net gain … I did enjoy where you and Gunther pointed-out that liberals and conservatives share common ground …

* … what is needed is some real opposition - someone young and intelligent who shares your sense of outrage and justice. There HAS to be some young attorney who is not yet part of the machine willing to run against him. But even if that never happens, his days are numbered. There is no way he can look like that a not fall over … [Redacted] soon. It will be a Monday morning at 9AM is my guess.

* Share freely, and keep fighting the good fight - time is on YOUR side, not his. All the best to you and Angie.

Bill Villa said...

Continued ...

* That bastard; obviously you hit a nerve.... It is sickening that this continues and he keeps pulling this kind of shit. Don't underestimate what you have achieved to date on the radio show. You said the ratings have been great so people have been listening. This is clearly a man who is a coward and has to hide behind his lawyers because he knows you know what is going on in his office and have put the spotlight directly on the situation and on him. Corrupt bastard. I just hope that the seeds you have planted through your radio show will grow and people will come to their senses and get the asshole out of office. I hate this is happening to you since you do have the RIGHT to free speech. Be proud of yourself and as you said you know you have told the truth. He is a sick and twisted man and has proved that over and over by his actions and this is just another example of what an ass he is. Hard to imagine how anyone can want to be associated with someone with such a lack of character. It is so weird when people like this are allowed to be in office. I hope the citizens will finally wake up and do something about this. And hopefully the station will stand behind you and piss on him and his threats. It is way overdue. Please keep me posted on this. I am sorry to hear this. Hang tough - you always do. You have a lot of people who believe in you!

* I am not sure how justice will be levied on him or when but I can't imagine that he will escape it forever. Justice for all his crap may manifest in many different ways. Karma is always there and eventually catches up to these types of people. Don't think of yourself as defamed; it probably feels that way but look who is pointing the finger - someone with no morals or character who has demonstrated that many times. I would venture to say he isn't respected but just due to the fact that he holds this position he bullies people. You are a very intelligent and articulate guy. I listened to your shows and you were great. It was obvious that you had done your homework and stated FACTS. No fiction, no spin on it - just the truth. That is what has this coward on the run; just remember that you have done a huge service to everyone by exposing him and others in your community and it is out there. I am sure you are making a difference no matter how big or small it may be. Don't feel defeated. You know that the truth is the thing that matters and you are a much better person than he or his gang could ever hope to be. They have no soul and are living pathetic lives. This guy is a waste of time and space. Is there anyone that can possibly run for this office that is a decent person? How many terms can this guy hold that position? He has such a strangle hold on the community... and the lemmings just keep jumping off the cliff. That seems to be how our fellow citizens do things. Anyway, I just hope you know that you HAVE made a difference and you know that all you have done is for the right reasons and you can be proud of that. You are a good man Bill Villa!

* Get OUT!!!! Geez Louise!! Billy, I listened to every one of your radio shows with Bobby Gunther Walsh. I did my own research on the case you spoke about. Verifiably truthful. Amazing! The Big Boy's Club has really put their foot in it this time. They have left themselves open for a counter suit for defamation of your character. What an asshole!!

* This is amazingly horrible--I can't believe that they would go to such great lengths unless they are so shamed based and are obviously caught in their lies--good for you--I would definitely contact the ACLU in Philadelphia--what a bunch of jerks—

* He is very mean, he is an elected official open for criticism, cannot believe he would have a case. Need a good lawyer to run. Against him, and retire him. Need to get facts about his finances, then expose him.

* You have obviously rattled his chain thoroughly, you have become a huge thorn in his side, and you have opened up many sets of eyes to his shady actions, BRAVO!!

Bill Villa said...

One more (from an attorney friend) ...

* He is a public figure. Standard to sue when you are a public figure is almost impossible to meet. His case will be thrown out.

Bill Villa said...

Friends ... thank you. I can go without approval or support like a camel can go through the desert without water, but sometimes when I get some support, I realize just how thirst quenching it is. So thank you, again.

Angie Villa said...

Readers & stalkers ...

More thirst quenching Facebook messages of support for BV, Enjoy ;D

* Hi, Bill - sorry to hear about the continued unjustified hassle from the DAs office. Must be nice to get away with being a bully in public office. A true disgrace. Hope it works out for the best for you. Keep me posted on what happens. best regards, [Name Redacted]

* DAMN, what lengths will he go too?

* While I don’t profess to know much about the law, I can't see where any wrongdoing on your part has been done. If demanding the truth is a problem, which it seems it is, they have a serious problem. He makes himself look even worse if possible.

* Keep on doing what you've been doing so well … I'm with YOU!

* Prayer, in Jesus name that the truth comes out.

* That is just wrong. They [WAEB] must have had confidence in your facts before putting you on the air … I know you did lunch with Bobby before the whole project came together. I'm sure he had his input with the boss. I remember going back a bunch of years that Howard Stern had some problem with Clear Channel. It seems that when it comes to supporting either an air personality or a guest when it comes to their first amendment rights they run and hide. Good luck if it turns into a legal fight but I doubt they have a leg to stand on. DA ASSHOLE: we have that right because it is an opinion not defamation. He should be charged by the court for bringing a lawsuit with no merit.

* Always here. Keep up the good work. I know you have a rep and people look to you for help and to show up at their court dates. I wish I understood the freedom of information act like you. If I was not fighting a cause it would just be fun to find out what is being hidden from us.

* So who’s paying Sprague & Sprague? Butz? Jaindl? Fleck? Father Gambet? Joe Topper’s and JB Reilly’s PAC? Lehigh County taxpayers?

* I would not bet against you.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Bill, it must be very rewarding {delicious even} for you to know how brown-pants scared shitless that crooked coward Jim Martin is of you and your skills at articulating the most damaging of facts and truth about him. Of course he's bluffing; no way he gives you ANOTHER forum (civil court?) to expose him! I am hoping Clear Channel and WAEB doesn't blink and back down. Everybody at the courthouse is following this, but curiously, in the local blogosphere, mum's the word. What do you make of this? Inquiring minds want to know!

Bill Villa said...

"455," yes, knowing Jim Martin is so frightened of me is its own reward, although I have more rewarding plans for Jimbo in-progress, i.e., de-throning him in 2015.

Re: the usual Team Martin/Morning Call cyber harassment suspects being curiously M.I.A. (for now), I can only speculate that they've been asked (by DA Jim Martin) to refrain from drawing any attention to it, which (to me) is just another example of their collusion and DA Martin's lack of confidence in his (wink wink) "defamation" case. Martin just wants me off WAEB, ASAP. And he may achieve that. I'll just find another forum for de-throning him.

Related Story: John Micek

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

FYI, for their investigation, I've offered to provide Clear Channel Communications with documentation that backs up everything I said on air at WAEB as verifiable fact. I'm hoping Clear Channel investigators see DA Jim Martin's litigation threat for what it is (a desperation bluff designed to silence me) and that they give Bobby Gunther Walsh the green light to start having me back on the air to continue exposing DA Jim Martin. Stay tuned.

Consigliere said...

Bill, if Clear Channel isn't interested in verifying your facts and truth, I'm sure DA Jimbo's civil judge will be, (LOL) just sayin'.

All kidding aside, this will get tossed; Martin has no chance w/ this and he knows it, he's not THAT stupid.

Bill Villa said...

Phone call, incoming, from WAEB Operations Manager Craig Stevens.

Thurs., Aug 14, 2014 1:13pm (and it lasted a long time)

Craig and I talked about a whole lot of things but this was definitely the highlight/headline ...

"Absolutely I can see you back on the air with Bobby again." -Craig Stevens, 8/14/14

More later ...

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and weekend stalkers) ...

FYI, going forward, WAEB Operations Manager Craig Stevens will be scheduling all my WAEB appearances w/ Gunther, per Craig's lengthy (and really wonderful) 8/14 phone call to me. After listening to MP3s of all eleven (11) of my WAEB shows w/ Gunther, Craig Stevens agreed that this is "terrific radio." Thanks again, Craig Stevens!

Join & Share the discussion @ My Facebook Page

Harry J Shelhamer said...

Hi Bill, I think Pearlman needs a truthful negative rating on AVVO, etc. Very scary that someone like him could be considered a “super lawyer”. An attorney that operates like a massage parlor girl is a dangerous person.

Bill Villa said...

VERY well said, Harry.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to PA State Representative Julie Harhart.

Mon, Aug 18, 2014 6:32 am

Subject: Michael Molovinsky (left)

Hi Julie, I'm certain that independent "candidate" Michael Molovinsky won't be any factor in your reelection (he doesn't want to be elected; he only craves attention) but if you need something to blow Mike out of the water, please consider ...

Molovinsky has long been perceived as a "poverty racist," see the not so subtly coded language in his failed Allentown mayoral campaign platform ...

* Molovinsky for Mayor

See also ...

* Molovinsky on Allentown Hispanics

* Racist Opposition to Allentown Playground

Michael Molovinsky also makes public death threats.

I recently "outed" an Allentown City Council candidate for his business-partnering with a Megan's Listed registered sex offender.

Curiously, Mr. Molovinsky is an ardent supporter of this "man" and his terrible judgement. Molovinsky subsequently published at his blog this death threat in response to my verifiably factual exposé on the city council candidate who ultimately came in dead last:

"Bill Villa ... these are the seeds of dangerous physical injury."

Julie, good luck w/ your reelection, I hope I've been of some help to you.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa
Lehigh Valley Somebody

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from PA State Representative Julie Harhart.

Mon., Aug 18, 2014 11:41am

Subject: Michael Molovinsky (left)

Thank you, Yes this will be helpful. My home e-mail is [Redacted].


My pleasure, Julie. Feel free to phone me, I can tell you much more about Michael Molovinsky.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Clear Channel Communcations Litigation Counsel Donna Schneider.

Mon., 8/18/14 11:05 AM

Subject: Craig Stevens

Bill – I’m traveling this week. Please feel free to email me. Thanks

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Welcome (back), LVS's newest regular reader, PA State Representative Julie Harhart.

Domain Name > (Commercial)
IP Address > (Pennsylvania House of Representatives)
ISP > Level 3 Communications
City > Harrisburg

Time of Visit > Aug 19 2014 10:07:43 am

Time of Visit > Aug 18 2014 11:43:34 am

Julie Harhart has been enjoying (for considerable lengths of time) the following LVS exposé blog posts ...

* Molovinsky on Allentown Hispanics

* Racist Opposition to Allentown Playground

* Cyber "Team Molovinsky" Fails to Silence Villas

LVS wishes Julie Harhart the very best in her upcoming reelection.

Bill Villa said...

Cc'd Email, Incoming, from [Redacted].

Wed., Aug 20, 2014 10:17 AM


Subject: Cheers to you

Mr. Stevens,

Having grown up in Allentown, my earliest childhood memories revolved around WAEB, where I heard most of the entire history of pop music from Elvis through disco. I moved away from the Lehigh Valley in 1995, and have not been an active listener to WAEB for years.

Until now.

I have known Bill Villa for a few decades, and was aware of his family's tragic loss. You are making a gutsy decision by allowing the continuing dialog between Bill and Bobby Gunther Walsh - with whom I am also acquainted through the now-defunct Lehigh Valley Fitness Centers and the Trolley Station Mall in Easton. This is not just great radio, it is also happens to be the right thing to do.

I know you do not have an easy job accommodating listeners, advertisers and the rest of WAEB's stakeholders, so I just wanted you to know that your principled stand is admirable and impressive. You and Gunther should be justifiably proud. Well done.

Best wishes,


Bill Villa said...

DA Jim Martin FREES Joe "Wrong Way & Drunk on Route 22" Hoch ON BAIL, so he's free to keep driving, just outrageous ...

Join & Share the discussion at My Facebook Page

Bill Villa said...


Big thanks to Clear Channel Communications and Bobby Gunther Walsh for allowing me to heavily spotlight the case of "DUI Homicide Waiting to Happen" James W. Lauer on the air @ WAEB repeatedly, today Mr. Lauer was given a stiff state prison sentence that never would have happened otherwise ...

Read Laurie Mason Schroeder's report > Repeat DUI driver gets nearly 13 years in jail for hit-and-run

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I spoke with Clear Channel Communications Litigations Counsel Donna Schneider yesterday. Donna has listened to my WAEB broadcasts and has concluded that everything I said on-air was protected free speech and opinion. Clear Channel's response to Sprague & Sprague will be that I have verifiably factual documentation to back up everything I've said on-air and that Clear Channel doubts that DA Jim Martin really wants to go to court. If he does, "SLAPP is where Clear Channel will go first," Donna Schneider told me.

In related news, Philadelphia's The Legal Intelligencer called me yesterday, they're showing interest in this story of a bully and scared shitless DA (for now) who is attempting, maliciously, to muzzle a grieving father's facts, truth, and free speech.

Stay tuned ...

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message, Incoming ... [good representative sample of the hundreds I've gotten since Sunday]

Sorry it took a couple of days but I sent the e-mail out to WAEB with this quote.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticise". -Voltaire

Good Luck Bill

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Hope this was appropriate and will do some good.

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, Aug 29, 2014 9:50 pm

Subject: Bill Villa is needed

Dear Mr. Stevens,
I am writing to urge you to keep having Bill Villa on the air with Bobby Gunter Walsh. With the atrocious way DUI cases have been handled by Mr. Martin and with how the news in Lehigh County media is so often heartlessly twisted, exaggerated, minimized or downright omitted at will, we are in sore need of a public interest spokesperson so dedicated to exposing these injustices and misuse of the media. We need to keep Bill Villa heard.

Mr. Martin's claim of defamation has no merit. It's bullying, it's old fashioned attempted intimidation, intimidation to which I am proud of Mr. Villa for not succumbing. Please don't let WAEB succumb either. What Mr. Villa has done is report the facts. What Mr. Martin fears is not defamation but exposure, exposure regarding how he has not been doing his job and exposure as to how he has left so many innocent people at risk, and exposure as to the preferential treatment allowed others. There simply is no excuse for how the DUI cases have been handled. I am sickened at how LaBarre, the young man who killed Sheena Villa, almost walked away, obviously because of who is father is. And to think that so many other drunk drivers continue to drive after injuring or killing someone, putting innocent lives at risk because Mr. Martin allows such long lengths of time go by before acting on these cases, is an atrocity. Can you just imagine finding our that you lost a loved one to a drunk driver, then realizing that the person responsible should have already been taken off the streets months ago, but instead was allowed to continue driving? Can you just imagine your rage at the injustice? Please allow Bill Villa to continue to speak out to inform others so that this miscarriage of justice, this disregard for the responsibilities to the public that a position such as Mr. Martin's carries, can be exposed and dealt with.

Mr. Bill Villa's delivery of the facts is clean, devoid of inflammation, and straight forward. We, your listeners, need Mr. Villa to keep speaking. I urge you to support his efforts, for the sake of all of us and our loved ones.


[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Subject: Bill Villa


Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:04:59 PM


I am looking forward to hearing more programs featuring Mr Villa. WAEB has so far been the most objective credible talk radio I have yet to hear in the Lehigh Valley. I hope you continue to expose truthful facts concerning every elected official within your listening area. I myself have been a victim of the Lehigh County good ole boys. Although I am a conservative Republican I do not support the shenanigans of the district attorney in Lehigh County. Please continue to have Mr Villa and others like him in your programming because there are not many like him that can credibly articulate how corrupt Lehigh County is. If not for your listeners please do it to protect your children, grand children, and their children.


[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I am just now catching up on the many, MANY Facebook messages and emails I've been receiving in the past week or so in support of my continued Bill Villa Facts & Truth exposé appearances on WAEB AM 790 w/ Bobby Gunther Walsh. I can tell you that Craig Stevens and Bobby Gunther Walsh have no doubt received far (far) more than I have, as not everyone is sharing their outreach to WAEB w/ me.

And while each one I have received is a unique gem, and equally appreciated, I am choosing just a few to publish here at LVS, in some cases because of who wrote it, and in other cases because of what has been written in support of me.

However this all turns out ... THANK YOU ... to everyone who is supporting me.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Hi Bill,
Forwarding a copy of the e-mail sent to
Craig Stevens and Bobby Gunther Walsh.
Hope they handle the situation appropriately.
Good Luck!

Sent from my iPhone

August 28, 2014 at 2:42:12 PM


Subject: Bill Villa Segment

Hello Craig and Bobby,

My name is [Name redacted], currently residing in [Location Redacted], and grew up in North Catasauqua, PA. I am writing you out of concern for a program that I have been able to listen to online, and have found out recently that certain members of the Political\Legal system in the Lehigh Valley have become disturbed enough by the content, that a suit has been threatened or has been filed. I am referring to Bill Villa’s highly informative, interesting and thought provoking time spent with Bobby Gunther Walsh. I was unlucky enough to deal with a situation involving another motorist, who as I learned later, had a connection to the DA’s office in Lehigh County. I thought the incident was so clear, cut and dry, that I could represent myself with just the truth and the facts. A South Whitehall Township police officer literally made up a story that had nothing to do with what had happened, and the incident turned around and came at me like a left hook. The story that was concocted, bought me a year suspension on my license, and insurance premiums that were so high, I had to put my car in storage to protect it, because I couldn’t afford the premium. It was ghastly expensive. After over a dozen attempts at contacting Cpl [Name Redacted], a South Whitehall Township office employee personally went to get Cpl [Name Redacted] to the phone. When I asked him why he did something so egregious and outrageous, his exact answer to me was “I can do anything I want”.

This is one of the reasons I feel Bill Villa’s experience with the political machine in Lehigh County has given him a voice that must be heard. Please don’t buckle to a paper lion bully. As a listener, I will be profoundly disappointed if you discontinue airing Bill Villa’s segment. I very much look forward to his next segments, and your response to the ill conceived, vacuous attempt at censorship. Thank you.

Best Regards,

[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message, Incoming ...

Hey, just emailed Craig Stevens and B. Gunther.

Here it is:

Radio should not just be a format for entertainment and sales. In this day and age it has a moral responsibility to educate and PROTECT its listeners. Bill Villa and Bobby Gunther have provided those tools which should not be discarded. I understand Jim Martin is a force to be reckoned with. I honestly feel he is evil, and you have the power to prevent future injustice. Please don't let him get away with anymore. It's time someone put their foot down. You can make a difference and empower your listeners. We're waiting! And we're loving Bobby Gunther for his courage!!! Sincerely, [Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message, Incoming ...

Bill I sent the following message off to clearchannel this morning. Hope it helps.

My name is [Name Redacted] and I have been a friend of Bill Villa since grade school.

Bill’s determination to expose corrupt politics and “the good ole boy network” in the Lehigh Valley is unrivaled.

His persistence, and attention to detail is what the people need to be that constant thorn in their collective sides.

Please allow him to continue to expose the truth on your network. The citizens of this great community need the truth.

So please continue this platform so you can air the other side of the one sided stories we get continually get from the Morning Call and the media.



[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message, Incoming ...

Craig Stevens: Please don't fall for the political pressure and keep Villa off the air. Free speech is free speech. That's what this country was founded on. Let him be heard! Martin is a big boy- he is more then capable of handling himself. Nothing to worry about, nothing to hide. [Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Forwarded Email, Incoming ...


I want to hear more from Bill Villla. He is a defender of justice and much needed in Lehigh county. Much of our local media coverage has grown soft-...........meaning some of the media players write now only to please the advertisers and political power houses in town. We need real stories from those willing to tackle the status quo and ask tough questions. We need a Socratic gadfly like Villa to expose injustice, where ever that may be. Let's hear more from Villa! If we allow people like Villa to be silenced, we are all worse off for it. Throughout history we have seen remarkable change take place through the vision of a single soul. Let that voice be heard. Take us back to the days when big papers wrote exposes and political giants were kept in check by persistent truthful journalism. I would like to see a regular Villa broadcast. He's kinda like our own John Walsh! [Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Forwarded Email, Incoming ...


Hi folks,

I only tuned in to your radio station to hear the truth about that corrupt DA in Lehigh County who needs to be thrown out of office. Bill speaks the truth and we need him back. I miss hearing Bill's stories on the air, and would love to have him back on the air, soon. I now know Martin is trying to silence him, and has been doing this for years. Martin is despicable and we need Bill on the radio to expose facts.

Thank you,

[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Forwarded Email, Incoming ...


Good afternoon Mr. Stevens,

I am writing to you today with a request to have Bill Villa back on the air again with Bobby Gunther Walsh.

Bill has demonstrated that he cares deeply for the safety of the community by bringing important issues regarding drunk driving cases to your listeners attention.

I have been a friend of Bill's for nearly 40 years and know that he is an honest and caring human being. I do hope you will have Bill back on the air soon. I believe he provides a very valuable service to the community.

Thank you for your time.


[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Forwarded Email, Incoming ...


Dear Craig,

Just wanted to mention what a service you and the station are doing your listenership throughout the area by having Bill Villa on the air.

I listen faithfully online and am thrilled and reassured that such openness and transparency are still available somewhere in the world.

I feel Bill does an amazing job in shedding light on the subject and subjects he covers and you and Bobby Gunther Walsh do a first-rate job in setting the table for that to happen.

Cheers to you both, and with hope the station, the show and Bill Villa can continue for a long time to make good things happen.


[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Join the spirited discussions-in-progress on the phony arrest set up of Allentown Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald's son Chis @ My Facebook Page.

Blog Administrator said...


Bill Villa said...

69 "News" sinks to new low ...

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to 69 "News" "director" Brad Rinehart.

Thurs., 9/04/14 7:05 PM

Subject: Just Disgraceful

Brad, I thought Ryan Hughes's Labor Day "bombshell" massacre of Chris & Joel Fitzgerald was about as low (and as transparently Pro-Jim Martin-biased) as 69 "News" could go ...

But you've topped yourselves and gone even lower with today's shameful "report" ...

WTF happened to you?

How can you look in the mirror?


Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

There's a terrific comment (for now) at DA Jim Martin defender & apologist Paul Carpenter's lousy column on the "set-up" arrest of Chris Fitzgerald. Enjoy! BV

Harry J Shelhamer
Classic Paul Carpenter. A story with no journalistic quality. 100% boot licking. But what Paul fails to mention is the phony fraudulent lawsuit by a hired gun named Jason Pearlman of Sprague & Sprague in Philadelphia against clear channel communications and WAEB. The suit is apparently a defamation lawsuit against clear channel because a very credible local blogger was given some well deserved air time to discuss corruption and cronyism in the Lehigh County Distric Attorney's office. (Allegedly the DA's office refused air time to counter the facts leveled against his office.) The type of suit James B Martin hired this attorney (Jason Pearlman) to file on behalf of the Lehigh County District attorney is call a SLAPP (A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.) Yes this is a fact. Mr Carpenter knew about the SLAPP lawsuit long before he wrote this column. So my question to Mr Carpenter is why didn't you mention DA James B Martins lawsuit? Jason Pearlman is a cash for hire attorney hired by James B martin to censor free speech. What makes Mr McMahon worse than Jason Pearlman? An abortion doctor is no hero to me. However an attorney that works to defend a criminal is far more credible and respectable than a licensed attorney (Jason Pearlman) that will take money to censor free speech. If it wasn't for the freedom of speech we wouldn't be having this conversation. I can understand why this column was written. I just can't understand why it was written by an American journalist. Paul, Can you help us understand your reasoning? I don't think we are in North Korean territory. Or are we?

Bill Villa said...


Our truth-concealing and colluding local media has not printed one word on DA Jim Martin's "defamation" SLAPP bluff via the Sprague & Sprague law firm in Philadelphia that's intended solely to silence my free speech and keep me and my facts off of WAEB.

My thanks to Harry J Shelhamer for throwing this fact in Paul Carpenter's face like a pie.

Related Story (Coming Soon)

Bill Villa said...

DA Jim Martin knew that Robert Kritzar’s blood alcohol content was .22, nearly 3X the legal limit, within an hour after Kritzar, driving drunk, killed Nathan Warke on Route 22 on May 28 but it took DA Jim Martin MORE THAN THREE (3) MONTHS to file charges and arrest Kritzar. Jimbo, what took so long? Again. Also, why did you enable Kritzar to flee to North Carolina? And he drove there, right? See The “Express”-Times account.

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message(s), Incoming [Today] …


Hello! :-) I am a long time listener to Bobby in the morning. This is my first time writing in. But I wanted to write to find out when bill villa will be back on your show. I particularly liked these segments a lot. I love when you get people on to let us know what's going on. Haven't caught him on in a while. Will he be back soon? Keep up the good work and thanks for being real! [Name Redacted]

I am a long time listener of the show. All my life I guess. I really really enjoyed your segments. You got your voice out there to a lot of people bill. And I appreciate how brave you are.

You're a good speaker too. Every minute you were on there was worth it.

Bill Villa said...

Forwarded Email, Incoming ...



I am touching base with you today regarding Bobby Gunther Walsh's show. Less than a month ago I heard that last of a series of segments on his show featuring Bill Villa exposing injustices and cover-ups in the local government and media. I will admit I am not much of a radio listener but when I heard these segments I, a) wished they had been longer, and b) wanted the next one to be sooner. Now it seems that neither will be the case?

I think if more people pulled their heads from the sand and paid attention to the actions of those who hold the power, they would have to be more honest and accountable. It's not a perfect world, but I think Bill Villa is one person working on making it a more honest one, if only locally. I hope you will have him back on again, soon.

[Name Redacted]
Nazareth, PA

Bill Villa said...

"We're all pulling for you, Bill!" -Incoming Comment @ My Facebook Page

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Wed., Oct 8, 2014 1:17pm

Hey BV,
Just read some of the info you posted about getting back on the air. Wish they would back you! I am glad you are standing strong thru all of this and proud of you for doing what you do. You are pretty damn amazing!

Please let me know if you need anything - letters written etc.

x [Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...


Date: Wed., Oct 8 2014

Hello Bill,

Thank you for ...

[Confidential Content Redacted] ...

Have a great night


((My Response))

cc'd to Bobby Gunther Walsh

Guys hi, my first time back on WAEB we should (my opinion) exhaustively cover the DA Jim Martin "defamation" bluff/ruse, because even though our local media has purposefully not reported on it (and that's 10 minutes right there), thanks to Philly's The Legal Intelligencer, and social media (Facebook), lots of people know about it ... and it's snow-balling ...

Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I'll always be grateful to WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh for his courage in having me on-air with him, 11 times, from February 20 through August 4 of this year.

Thanks to Bobby Gunther Walsh, I got a LOT of verifiably factual and damaging truth out there on DA Jim Martin and his crony-crooked and colluding local media lapdogs at The Morning Call "newspaper," 69 "News," and The "Express"-Times.

I'm hoping Gunther shows us all even more courage by persuading his boss Craig Stevens to okay him inviting me back on-air to pick up where he and I left off on August 4.

Even WAEB's parent company Clear Channel Communications knows that DA Jim Martin's "defamation" threat is a total bluff, without any merit, and that its only purpose was to scare WAEB into banning me.

So far, it seems to be working. Despite hundreds of emails from my supporters to Craig Stevens urging him to put me back on the air, I have yet to be invited back.

So I'm endeavoring diligently to turn the tables on everyone here (DA Jim Martin, WAEB/Craig Stevens, and our truth-concealing local media), by getting out-of-town media to report on what DA Martin is perpetrating against me here-- an outrageously power-abusive and malicious muzzling of my free speech.

That's NEWS. Even though our local media is concealing the story.

I have some intent interest percolating at several major media outlets. I'm hoping to blow Jim Martin out of the water with it, expose him, and de-throne him.

Doing this would certainly be easier with WAEB's continued courageous help, but I don't need it to accomplish what I'm after.

And it's WAEB's choice regarding how they'll be depicted in these upcoming news coverages-- as courageous (by having me back on the air) or as cowards, who recruited me for a knowingly risky broadcast series, and then ran for the hills when DA Jim Martin responded with .. nothing .. really.

"Defamation?" Come on. As an elected official, the burden of proof on DA Jim Martin is that he'd have to prove I told outright lies on the air, knowing they were lies as I was telling them. Good luck with that ... and I'll use a courtroom forum against Jim Martin anytime he wants to give me one. Just don't expect our local media to cover it.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Subject: Cronyism

Wed., Oct 29, 2014 1:17am

Bill, its doubtful you'll find a more crystal clear-cut example of the local news people colluding to protect Jim Martin then their refusal to cover D.A. Martin's lawsuit threat against you. Really incredible and I'm betting their omissions are piquing the interest of out-of-town news people in this story even more. Keep up the excellent work and your bravery. -[Name Redacted]

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ... [very representative sample of the many I've received so far]

Thurs., Oct 31, 10:47pm

Hello Bill: This is [Name Redacted]. The Eagle editorial was a Sure indication that your cause is gaining traction. Martin should be concerned. Nice work. Reach out to me, let me know how I can help. Anyway, anyway at all!

Chase Martin to gates of Hell.

Good luck Bill,

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message, Incoming ... [very representative sample of the many I've received so far]

This was a great editorial. I read it yesterday and it is right on the mark. So glad this is getting more and more exposure despite the fool trying to squash your message. I know the truth is much more powerful than he could even dream being... he will lose & really already has since he has chosen to live his life a mean spirited person. There is so much more to life when you chose the right path! Truth and doing the right thing!

Bill Villa said...

Another recent fave Facebook Message, Incoming ...

Time and patience is paying off a day at a time. This will end well for you, not so well for Martin. Seems he's bullied his way through his career and it's become more of an expectation that he get his way. Good to know they don't always win based on power alone.

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message, Incoming ... good representative sample of the many I'm receiving, although this one stands out in its astuteness and eloquence. Enjoy.

1:22pm Today

Bill, I want to tell you that I am proud of who you are and I know that countless others feel the same way.

I don't understand why things have gone the way they have when you are doing everything you can to make your community a better place.

I can only think that there are a lot of cowards out there who can't "man up" and tell the truth.

I admire you and I understand how this would make you sad but hope that you will reflect on the fact that so many people believe in you.

You have made a difference and as I have said before you should be proud of yourself. You never backed down. The lack of character of others is so frustrating but there are people in this world that will never change, don't want to change or are afraid to change. And of course there are the people who will never understand that they are on the wrong course. Some are just stupid people.

So, invest in positive non-toxic people who will bring value to this world we share.

You are a great person and you will continue to do great things, I am sure of that!

Keep the good people in your life and discard the toxic people.

I hope you know how many people love and respect you.

I am one of them!

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Comment, Incoming ...

“I am really surprised at this I have been a listener of WAEB for many years, and really thought they had the interest of their listeners at heart. But I guess I was wrong. I do hope they reconsider Bill Villa's return.”

Read my response and join the discussion @ My Facebook Page

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to WAEB’s Craig Stevens and Bobby Gunther Walsh, cc’d to DA (for now) Jim Martin.

Thurs., Nov 27, 2014 9:47am

Subject: “Justice” Can Wait

It took Lehigh County DA Jim Martin 10 months to file charges, 19 months to arrange a ‘bargain’ plea deal, and 21 months to sentence this this DUI killer …


Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge William E. Ford, cc’d to DA (for now) Jim Martin

Thurs., Nov 27, 2014 9:34am

Subject: Oliver Savage vs. Amber Washko

Q. Why is Jim Martin so outraged at Oliver Savage but wasn't concerned at all about Amber Washko?

A. Oliver Savage is a good opportunity to pander & grandstand for white senior votes


Related Story

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to WAEB’s Craig Stevens and Bobby Gunther Walsh, cc’d to DA (for now) Jim Martin.

Fri., Nov 28, 2014 10:27am

Subject: DA Protecting Drunk Driver’s Identity?

A suspected drunk driver crashed into the Pines Dinner Theater a week ago.

Curiously, The Morning Call "newspaper" and 69 "News" have yet to report on it

and the authorities have yet to release the name of the suspected drunk driver ...

here's a sketchy (and 5 days late) report in The "Express" Times

Guys, the DUI and DUI homicide cases have been really piling up since my most recent WAEB appearance on Aug 4 ... when can I start appearing regularly on WAEB again?

Craig, please let me know, thanks.


Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Sally M. Keaveney, Legislative Director, Senator Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr., info-clarifying hyperlinks added by LVS.

Dec 19, 2014 10:04am

Subject: Anti-SLAPP - Legislative Advocacy‏

You're most welcome, Bill!

Good Morning,

You are being contacted because of your previous communications supporting Senator Farnese’s Anti-SLAPP proposal in Pennsylvania (SB 1095 of the 2013/14 legislative session). Thank you for your interest in this important issue.

In an effort to create broader awareness of the problem of SLAPP lawsuits in communities and among legislators around the state, Senator Farnese’s office, in conjunction with the Crosstown Coalition in Philadelphia, is looking for the continued support of individuals and organizations like you who would be willing to advocate on behalf of passage of an anti-SLAPP statute.

Senator Farnese will reintroduce an amended version of his bill after the New Year that includes rewrites to strengthen the scope and practical application of the law. As soon as we have the final draft in hand, we will share it with the group.

Once we move into January, we'd like to use email as a way to openly discuss advocacy and movement of the legislation.

Thank you for your anti-SLAPP efforts and interest to this point. We look forward to working with you in the coming year.



Sally M. Keaveney
Legislative Director
Senator Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr.
543 Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
717-787-5662 (phone)
717-787-4531 (fax)

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Lehigh County Court Of Common Pleas Judge [Name Redacted]

Dec 23, 2014 4:16pm

God bless you and your family Bill.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Clear Channel Communications Litigations Counsel Donna Schneider spotted reading LVS, and specifically, this post. Merci, Donna.

Domain Name > (Commercial)
IP Address > (Clear Channel Communications)
ISP > Clear Channel Communications
State > Texas
City > San Antonio

Time of Visit > Jan 12 2015 12:24:56 pm

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to "reporters" and "editors" at The "Express" Times, cc'd to WAEB.

Tues., Jan 20 2015 7:33am

Identity of Drunk Drivers?

Q. Will The "Express" Times ever follow-up and publish the names of these two dangerous drunk drivers? Or has DA Jim Martin requested that you continue to keep a lid on them ...

> 27 prior license suspensions

> Crashed into building

> Lehigh Valley Somebody

Bill Villa said...

Terrific comment at My Facebook Page

"I didn't want to tune in on this subject, but the truth of the matter is, and the irony of it all is that talk radio is supposed to be about free speech, and the right to express that speech. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Bill, he should be allowed to have a platform to express his views. I am very let-down by WAEB, after being a listener since the late 50's."

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

In a desperate and unhinged attempt to silence me, and all criticism against him, Lehigh County DA (for now) James B. Martin has officially sued WAEB's Bobby Gunther Walsh, Clear Channel Communications, and yours truly (and verifiably factually) for "defamation." DA Martin's "lawsuit" complaint includes out of context and misrepresented excerpts from my WAEB shows that actually (and ironically) represent knowing and malicious lying on DA Martin's part. I intend to pulverize DA Jim Martin in court (again) and de-throne him in November 2015.

You can read DA Jim Martin's lawsuit here.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

IP Address > (CBS)
City > New York

Time of Visit > Feb 11 2015 10:37:50 am

CBS, merci for reading this, you have my phone number, I look forward to speaking w/ you.

Bill Villa said...

From The Morning Call "newspaper"

Lehigh DA (for now) Jim Martin sues over blogger's 'personal animus'

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

IP Address >
Location > Harrisburg, Pennsylvania,
ISP > Supreme Court Of Pennsylvania

Time of Visit > Feb 12 2015 1:08:44 pm

The LVS Post (Of Many) The Supreme Court Of Pennsylvania Spent The Most Time Reading Today (By Far) > January 18, 2011

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I found it really interesting that The Morning Call, in its article on Jim Martin's desperation lawsuit, chose to spotlight this particular excerpt from one of my WAEB appearances, using it as an example of what Jim Martin brays in his deceit-laden civil complaint is a "knowing lie" on my part ...

"Jim Martin arranged, in secret, a bargained plea deal with Sheena's killer and his family. He scheduled a court date, you know, to make it official, and then he never notified our family about it. We weren't invited to the guilty plea hearing."

As I'm assuming Morning Call reporter Laurie Mason Schroeder already knows, Morning Call reporter Manny Gamiz has first-hand knowledge regarding DA Jim Martin's office scheduling a guilty plea hearing for Robert LaBarre for Feb 2, 2007, and never notifying the Villa family about it, a.k.a. keeping it a secret from us. Thankfully, an anonymous caller tipped me off about Jim Martin's secret bargain plea deal hearing, and Manny Gamiz confirmed it for me by checking the criminal docket online at the PA Unified Judicial System website, a source I was unaware of back then but have been a regular reference user of ever since. As a result of the anonymous tip, and Manny Gamiz's confirmation, I made sure I attended this secret (and bargain) guilty plea hearing in front of "Judge" (for now) Robert L. Steinberg with dozens of Sheena supporters. As a result of our presence, which noticeably surprised assistant DA Richard Director, all of the charges remained 'on the table' when Robert LaBarre pled guilty, including the major charge of Vehicular Homicide While DUI that, in PA, mandates the judge to impose a mandatory minimum state prison sentence of 3 years, at sentencing, IF the charge is still on the table at sentencing. Had we not been there on Feb 2, 2007, I'm convinced the prosecution would have dropped certainly the major charge and possibly others, so that Robert LaBarre could have ended up in County Jail with immediate work release, like DUI killers Amber Washko and Chris Squires.

I discussed all this at length and in great detail on WAEB.

So anyhoo, when (if) a judge or jury hears the audio of what I actually said, and compares it to Team Martin/Sprague's twisted out-of-context misrepresentation, the (legal) outcome for Jim Martin will be pulverization in court, w/ DA Martin revealed as having knowingly lied (maliciously) in his phony civil complaint. Is this legally actionable on my part? Can I counter-sue DA (for now) Jim Martin for compensatory and punitive damages? And Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (wink wink)? Inquiring minds are looking into it, stay tuned …

Democrats for Don Ritter said...

Suck it up, cupcake.

Bill Villa said...

Interesting Facebook Comment Exchange

Kevin Heintzelman
i find the fact you went on waeb with the most sickening human being in the valley sad to hear i am not sure i can see past that act of insanity on your part .....this lawsuit is typical of a tea party asshole i agree he is a horrible human and i would read with joy his obituary but you have made i feel a pact with some really despicable people at waeb the fox news of the lehigh valley bobby is a con man a child abuser and horrible racist you should have chosen better


Bill Villa
Kevin, I know many of my friends on the “left” agree with much of what you’re saying, but we’ll all have to agree to disagree. Forum-wise, I originally “chose” The Morning Call, specifically, then Editorial head honcho Glenn Kranzley who refused me a Morning Call “Welcome Mat” meeting 229 times. I tried Community Public Radio station WDIY, pleading with Neil Hever for airtime. Neil Hever repeatedly refused, instead regularly hosting many of the same antagonists who were trying (in vain) to cut the legs out from under me in the local blogosphere and in Magisterial District Court on behalf of DA Jim Martin. Bobby Gunther Walsh, yes, a right-wing NeoCon, took the time to research my allegations against DA Jim Martin and our truth-concealing/colluding local media. Gunther, a very bright guy, saw the merit of my allegations and decided that I deserved to be heard-- by his audience of 53,000 (on average) local listeners, many of whom are seniors and super voters, and sadly, duped folks, who don't get the truth from our local media, and automatically reelect Jim Martin every 4 years only because of his name recognition. Bobby Gunther Walsh stuck his neck out for me when no one else locally would and I’ll be forever grateful to Gunther for this. The truth, regarding the story of Bobby and his daughter, was spun & twisted beyond recognition by our local media and this helped Gunther understand my legitimate beefs with our local media. Bobby also has the two most beautiful biracial granddaughters you’ve ever seen. He’s not a racist. I don’t agree with his politics … and vice versa. Our common ground is doing what’s right, regardless of the left/right thing. If only Congress could cooperate like this. Most importantly, after 9 long years of trying to expose Jim Martin for what he is, thanks to Bobby Gunther Walsh, I now have Jim Martin right where I want him. You can learn more about all this at my website, Lehigh Valley Somebody

Bill Villa said...

Another Interesting Facebook Comment Exchange

Bonnie Brader
All I know is that this man's office is responsible for letting my son's killer walk away with a 1st time DUI when she was drunk driving and killed my son. The investigation was MICKEY MOUSE to say the least. If the D.A.'s office would have told us of the pityful charge they intended to bring, within a reasonable time limit, we could have had time to pull the evidence from the drunks car, which I still feel would have resulted in "homicide by vehicle" charge. But they chose to let it go until all the evidence was destroyed.


Bill Villa
Bonnie Brader, DA Jim Martin has listed your son Joe's case in his desperation lawsuit against me as one of the cases I discussed on WAEB where he claims I am lying about the case happenings you told me about. Just so you know, you'll be getting a brand new day in court during my defense of Martin's phony "defamation" suit, and DA Jim Martin's shameful and lackluster "prosecution" of your son's DUI killer, shapely ("brick house") blonde Amber Washko will be seen in an entirely new, and much brighter, light. We'll put "detective" Dennis Clemens on the witness stand and filet & fry him for you. We'll also find out how Amber Washko was able to not report to Lehigh County Prison on weekends when she was supposed to be incarcerated there on work release. All the other work release inmates had to stay in jail on their weekends, why not blonde bombshell DUI killer Amber Washko?

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Lehigh County Court Of Common Pleas President Judge Carol McGinley (a co-founder of Gross McGinley, BTW).

Tues., Feb 17, 2015 12:44pm

Subject: Martin vs. Villa

President Judge McGinley, please let me know, as soon as you can, the name of the outside judge who will be hearing (or tossing) DA Jim Martin's desperation lawsuit against me.

I'll want to 'look under this judge's fingernails,' so to speak.

As you may recall, Judge Black was (incredibly) originally assigned to hear my civil lawsuit against Robert LaBarre and J.P. O'Malley's. At the time, Judge Black sat on some local boards with Linda Berghold, Robert LaBarre's mother. I leveraged Judge Black into recusing himself ... but I shouldn't have had to do that; Judge Black never should have been given that assignment; and after getting it, he should have recused himself without any prompting on my part. He also should have apologized to me, instead of shrieking at my attorney (now federal judge) Jerry McHugh.

So give me a name, as soon as you can, so I can expeditiously leverage another judge onto the bench if I have to again, thanks.


Bill Villa said...

Interesting Facebook comment exchange w/ a lifelong WAEB listener.

Jim Takatsch
My attitude is a station that stands for first amendment rights is actually running from them. I believe they should back up their views. It doesn't matter whether you are on or not on the side of Bill, he has a right to free speech. And the show was a complete success as I understand. Each and every time it was a success. So go figure.

Jim Takatsch
And oh, i forgot. I have been listening to WAEB since the late 50's with my transistor sister, all the way through to when AM music was dead. I always enjoyed the talk shows in the morning, but I have been very disgruntled with an attitude that a man cannot speak his first amendment speech.

Bill Villa
Well said, Jim Takatsch. Honestly, I resent having to pulverize Jim Martin all by myself in court. WAEB and Clear Channel should be standing shoulder-to-shoulder with me. Ditto The Morning Call, 69 News, The Express-Times, and everybody who works in the Lehigh County Courthouse and spends all day reading my blog.

Jim Takatsch
Since when is it that we cannot make statements that we believe in. Seems like only a few are allowed anymore. That's frightening.

Bill Villa
It is frightening. We have our own intolerant, omnipotent and radicalized free speech-threatening "ISIS group" right here in Lehigh County and his name is Jim Martin.

Jim Takatsch
if for years, my perception is that i am being disparaged, the old and intelligent way would get a foru.m, whether it be on a radio station; a local TV station, or any other forum. But for a lawsuit? just isn't he manly way for me to connect and straighten out. As I've said, i have no horse in this race. But to be sued, after all of the heartache/hardship that the Villa family has been through. no, that should not be coming from a very intelligent and grown man. just my take. Finito Amigo.

Bill Villa
Bobby Gunther Walsh and I repeatedly invited DA Jim Martin to join us on-air and dispute or disprove any and every thing I was saying. Martin was a no-show

Jim Takatsch
That would have been a whole lot easier than all of this, and the heartbreak, the rehashing. How about I go to your house and say, 'Bill, i know in my heart I did the right thing. If in your perception I didn't, my heart goes out to you. I'm sorry for your loss and your heartbreak.' I know in my heart, i'm shaking that guys hand and loving him. just my take.

Bill Villa
Martin's the one who's angry. He's mad that I outmaneuvered him and got a table scrap of justice for Sheena. Martin wanted to flex his muscle for Gross McGinley and take care of one of their own, Bobby LaBarre, but I out-fixed Jimbo. That's where Martin's vendetta comes from.

Bill Villa said...

BIG CONGRATULATIONS to longtime LVS pal Sandi Miller for her ongoing victories over crony-crooked and colluding officials in Washington Township, we're very proud of you Sandi.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

Host Name >
IP Address > (Senate of Pennsylvania)
ISP > Senate of Pennsylvania
State > Pennsylvania
City > Harrisburg

Time of Visit > Mar 11 2015 8:41:02 am

LVS Blog Post Examined & Re-Examined For Really Long Time

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Kurt Bresswein, "reporter" at The "Express"-Times, cc'd to "editor" Rudy Miller.

Tues., March 17, 2015 8:33am

Subject: 11/22/14 Suspected DUI Crash

Editor's Note: Readers, curiously, neither The Morning Call "newspaper" nor 69 "News" covered this story. This is my 9th polite, concerned citizen inquiry to The "Express"-Times, w/ previous polite inquiries made on 11/26/14, 11/28/14, 12/17/14, 12/18/14, 12/19/14, 1/20/15, 1/21/15, and 1/23/15, w/ no information forthcoming from The "Express"-Times.

Kurt, any progress on learning the identity of the suspected drunk driver who crashed into the Pines Dinner Theater back on November 22, 2014


Anonymous said...

WOW, that is some PERSISTENCE on The "Express"-Time's part! Doggedly INSISTING on steadfastly remaining either INCOMPETENT, or, CRONY-COLLUDING CORRUPT. Sadly, it's obviously one or the my opinion!

Fred Windbag

Bill Villa said...

"Allentown police Capt. Gail Struss said the driver in the single-vehicle crash exhibited signs of intoxication, offering "outlandish" answers to questions. The driver was taken into custody on suspicion of driving under the influence and had blood drawn for testing; charges remained pending Tuesday ..." -The "Express"-Times

Tues., March 17, 2015 11:15am > Phone call, message left for Allentown Police Captain Gail Struss ...

Bill Villa said...

Phone Call, Incoming, from Allentown Police Captain Gail Struss.

Tues., March 17, 2015 12:22pm

I started off by congratulating Captain Gail Struss for being the first female Captain on the Allentown Police Force (she appreciated that) and we shared a chuckle over why that 1st took so long.

Captain Struss went on to tell me the following ...

* The name of the person who crashed into the Pines Dinner Theater [via which I was able to find the criminal docket at the PA Unified Judicial System website and see all the pending charges, which judge is assigned to the case, etc., etc.]

* One of the charges is indeed DUI

* Despite nine (9) polite and concerned citizen inquiries by me to The "Express"-Times (all of which I also forwarded to The Morning Call "newspaper" and to 69 "News"), no one from the local "media" followed up with APD inquiring about the identity of the drunk driver who crashed into the Pines Dinner Theater on 11/22/14.

But anyhoo, now I know who it is, thanks to the prompt and helpful and much appreciated return phone call from APD Captain Gail Struss.

Now if only satisfyingly good service like this could rub off on some other local public service departments.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to Kurt Bresswein, "reporter" at The "Express"-Times, cc'd to "editor" Rudy Miller.

Wed., March 18, 2015 4:56pm

Subject: 11/22/14 Suspected DUI Crash

Yo, dip shits not worth the space you take up ...

attached here's the guy who crashed into the Pines Dinner Theatre driving drunk ...

Captain Gail Struss told me ... and she would have told you too, had you called her ...

if you weren't dip shits not worth the space you take up.


Bill Villa said...

People Are Talking About DA (for now) Jim Martin @ My Facebook Page > Choice Comments

* The longer Martin perseverates in this lawsuit, the worse he looks. I'd advise him in person to quit if I saw him. But I doubt he has the sense to listen. Thanks for your fight on behalf of the First Amendment, Bill!

* get him, get him good

* I simply can't comprehend any good reason a public official would bring such a lawsuit. If I were acquainted with Mr Martin I would use the first opportunity to say--Develop a thicker skin. Best wishes to you Bob in fighting this lawsuit.

* Referring back to my comparison between Jim Martin and a bloated cartoon character looking like he's about to explode, I do believe you are holding a nice, long, pointy pin.

* KABOOM! Hahaha

* No qualms here on supporting you in any way I can! "Power to the People!"

* The Morning Call staff--never all that sophisticated--are as vulnerable to corporate and political cultivation as fish in a barrel are to being shot.

* Let's get this wack job out of office!

* The thought of 4 more years with this evil man is so horrible and unfair!

* Team Villa doing a GREAT job!!

* Love the cowardly lion thing. Suits him just perfect.

* Still fully support you man. It takes a real man to take on corrupt officials. Real David vs Goliath status.

* The guy either has no advisors, or takes no advice! Pretty sure his legal representation knows he's standing in a big hole filled with quicksand. Sometimes wonder if his colleagues pull him aside and advise him on how unstable it is to try and use the court system to call out a private resident who lives in the same town he represents! Can he possibly be that much of a stupid ass?

* When a public official sues a private citizen for criticizing the official, I have to ask, "Am I suddenly in Russia?" Best Wishes, Bill!

* Bill I commend your fighting spirit in the midst of something so wrenching as the death of your beloved daughter. Four years ago I watched the Morning Call write fawning articles about the supposedly de facto sale of Gracedale to a for-profit corporation--coverage that was engineered IMO by years in which politicians cultivated the MC staff and nurtured reportage of their own garbled plans. A Referendum in Northampton County produced a far different outcome. I've often wondered if the MC ever noticed all the egg on its face. In any case it was the action of citizens like you, Bill, who prevailed.

* I really loved listening to you on WAEB

* Give em hell Bill! Now you're in the PA Court.

* Martin- You are a disgrace to the republican party!

* You wonder how some people can continue to breathe without a soul.

Bill Villa said...

ANOTHER BIG CONGRATULATIONS to longtime LVS pal Sandi Miller for her settlement victory over Washington Township dopes.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

Domain Name > (U.S. Government)
IP Address > (US Dept of Justice)
ISP > US Dept of Justice
City > [Redacted]

Time of Visit > Apr 21 2015 10:44:16 am

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

IP Address > (Supreme Court of Pennsylvania)
ISP > Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Location > Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Time of Visit > Apr 23 2015 11:35:40 am

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, because of your twenty-two (22) recent return visits to LVS, we cordially invite you to become an LVS Commenting Team Member, please email me to make the arrangements, and, merci, for reading LVS a lot lately.

IP Address > (Supreme Court of Pennsylvania)
ISP > Supreme Court of Pennsylvania
Location > Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Time of Visit > Apr 24 2015 8:35:32 am

Bill Villa said...


Here are Jim Martin's "2nd Friday Pre-Primary" Campaign Finance Reports, 2015, and 2011.

Even though Martin is currently running unopposed again (and for the 3rd time since 2003), he actually raised more reelection campaign funds so far in 2015 ($142,200) than he did at the same juncture in 2011 ($123,025) when he had a Democratic challenger/opponent.

Contrary to what Mr. Martin (left) whimpers in his desperation lawsuit, it doesn't appear to me that he has been "harmed" or "exposed to public contempt, hatred, and ridicule" or that his reputation has been "blackened" or "besmirched" by anything I said on WAEB or published at my website about him.

Shamefully, the same litany of insider$, big shot$, lawyer$, and judge$ are seen on both campaign finance reports.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS's Most Frequently Returning Visitors This Week

Domain Name > (U.S. Government)
IP Address > (US Dept of Justice)
ISP > US Dept of Justice
Location > [Redacted]

Time of Visit > May 29 2015 5:04:55 pm

Related Story

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Domain Name > (U.S. Government)
IP Address > (US Dept of Justice)
ISP > US Dept of Justice

Time of Visit > Jun 12 2015 1:43:57 pm

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