Friday, December 2, 2016

What's with unhinged jealous cousin Jeffrey Anthony harassing & defaming Angie & Bill Villa online since September 2015?

| Winter 2025 | JEFFREY ANTHONY has been BLOCKED & BANNED from commenting at CITY OF ALLENTOWN Facebook [Litigation Pending], COUNTY OF LEHIGH Facebook, ALLENTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Facebook, and two dozen other Facebook pages and groups.

[Update] Here are all the Facebook pages where my unhinged & impotent jealous cousin JEFFREY ANTHONY has been DELETED, BLOCKED, and BANNED from spamming his knowingly false, defamatory, and sadistically cruel comments about my wife Angie and me [Full List]

[12/27/24 UpDate] Jeffrey Anthony's most recent venue for maniacally defaming and criminally harassing Angie Villa and me was the PA Dep't of Education Facebook Page [Litigation Pending]. [Update] On 12/16/24, Jeffrey Anthony was finally DELETED, BLOCKED, and BANNED there, too.

[1/30/25 UpDate] Jeffrey Anthony defamation output, Jan 15-29, 2025

Jeffrey Anthony's ongoing (and repeatedly failed) goal is getting Angie Villa fired from her job. See more. See 9/15/2024 knowingly false/defamatory rant.

List of Whitehall-Coplay/Gockley folks prudently ignoring unhinged & impotent cyber stalker Jeffrey Anthony until trial. 

Ignored OUTREACH (Allentown Police Department, Lehigh County/Executive/Crisis Intervention/Court, Victim Witness Unit, Allentown City Council, Lehigh County DA, PA Attorney General, PA State Police, Local Media)  

Cousin Jeffrey Anthony Jealousy Trigger


An Appeal to Mary Ann Anthony

Comments welcome at FACEBOOK

The Villas Courtesy of the Floor w/ Allentown City Council

[Updated Today] 

Referred by Judge Anthony and enlisted by DA Martin, Cousin Jeffrey Anthony is the Lehigh County District Attorney's Office's Payback & Punishment (of me) Proxy

Read about DA Jim Martin's "court-assisted terrorism" (Part 1) in The Philadelphia Inquirer 

"The Martin legal team has deployed a cousin shared by Judge Anthony and Bill Villa, Jeffrey Anthony, who has been personally attacking and harassing Villa and his attorney for three and a half years. Jeffrey Anthony’s seemingly sanctioned antics have included inducing the Allentown Police Department and the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office to “criminally investigate” Villa via the clever technical “recusal” of plaintiff DA Martin. The background of the AG’s groundless probe of Villa is shockingly abusive (no charges were forthcoming) and just begins to scratch the surface of the “court-assisted terrorism ..." -Irvin Muchnick, Concussion, Inc.  

Jeffrey Anthony is ...

* the enlisted and admitted anonymous author of the knowingly false and defamatory smear campaign and criminal harassment hate blog, "Bill Villas Victims United"

* a jealous and mentally unstable cousin (he's my mother's sister's coddled son) and a classic narcissistic sociopath  

* curiously obsessed with a 2009 $3.1 Million Dollar jury damages award  regarding the wrongful death of my daughter Sheena [More Deranged Obsession Here]

* incredibly enlisted as an affiant ("potential witness") by DA Jim Martin in Martin's meritless & malicious "defamation" (truth-muzzling) SLAPP lawsuit against WAEB & me, even though Jeffrey Anthony has no standing or relevance in the case

> See DA Jim Martin Video Deposition, 1:12:31 mark

> Martin vs Villa/SLAPP outcome

> Currently being enabled/sanctioned/protected by new DA Gavin "Handpicked" Holihan

* very well known to all 10 Lehigh County Judges 

* ignoring a CEASE & DESIST from my attorney 

* clearly guilty of Criminal Harassment under Pennsylvania Law

* enabled/protected/SLAPP-sanctioned by the Allentown Police Department and the Office of the Pennsylvania Attorney General

* ironically related (on his father's side) to temporarily courageous Bill Villa volunteer defense witness and loose cannon Lehigh County Judge James T. Anthony [UpDate: Judge Anthony Reneges] See: Curiously Colluding Cousins & Collusion Smoking Gun   


* curiously obsessed with trying to get my team of Erie Insurance Group defense attorneys to drop me as a client by presenting false evidence to them, repeatedly, even after it's been repeatedly de-bunked, in addition to improperly contacting the trial judge directly and repeatedly with false evidence, grandly announcing his status to the judge as a "Likely witness for DA Jim Martin" [Note: A 6-page CEASE & DESIST was issued on behalf of my attorney and Erie Insurance on December 18, 2017 but DA Jim Martin-enlisted "affiant"/SLAPP Smear Campaigner Jeffrey Anthony has not ceased or desisted from online publishing of knowingly false libel and ongoing criminal harassment] See Jeffrey Anthony's Desperation Libel/Criminal Harassment vs Attorney Michael Shay via July 5, 2018 libelous letter to the PA Supreme Court Disciplinary Board

* curiously obsessed with endeavoring to get me fired from my really cool & successful job (solo and w/ a court order-violating co-conspirator, Jeffrey Anthony has repeatedly contacted/harassed/threatened my employer, our co-workers, and our clients, documentation on file)

* currently being monitored ... evaluated ... documented for exposé publication 

* hosting & enabling death threat innuendo [See Criminal Report]   

* libeling me (and my wife Angie) all over the internet (and via "anonymous" criminal harassment by email communication), including at ...

City of Allentown Facebook Page 2024 & 2023

> the Allentown City Without Limits (Facebook Page 5/19/18) + 2nd Bizarre "Barred" Facebook Post, 5/19/18
(Note: RTK Response Proves Jeffrey Anthony Lie/Libel)

> at The Morning Call online 12/11/17

> at The Morning Call online 1/16/18
(Note: Tom Muller Confirms Jeffrey Anthony is a Liar)

> at The Morning Call online 2/15/18
(Note: "Violence" Debunked)

> at The Morning Call online 3/24/18

> at The Morning Call online 3/30/18

> at The Morning Call online 4/1/18
(Note: "Foes List" Debunked)

> at The Morning Call online on 4/5/18

> at The Morning Call online 5/1/18

> at The Morning Call online 5/16/18
(Note: "Criminal" & "Addict" Debunked)

> at The Morning Call's Facebook Page 5/16/18 
(Note: "Attempt to Murder" Debunked)

> at The Morning Call online 5/19/18
(Note: "Menacing a Teacher" Debunked)

> at The Morning Call online 5/24/18

> at The Morning Call online 5/30/18
(Note: The Allentown Police Department is allowing Jeffrey Anthony's criminal harassment)

> at The Morning Call online 6/6/18

> at The Morning Call online 6/11/18
(Note: "Equal WAEB Air Time" for my "Foes List" Debunked)

> at PA State Police Facebook Page 4/9/18 

> at Crayola Facebook Page 4/20/18

> at Allentown City Council Facebook Page 4/9/18 

> at Allentown City Council Facebook Page 4/10/18 

> at Marty Nothstein For Congress Facebook Page 4/21/18

> at New Hope Free Press Facebook Page 5/16/18

> at Lehigh County Commissioners Meeting 10/25/17 (VIDEO) See 48:50 Mark

> at Amazon 9/11/17 

> at Amazon 1/20/18

> at Philly Ad Club's FB page 3/27/18 

> at libel-enabling PA State Rep Mike Schlossberg's constituent Facebook page 

BLOCKBUSTER story to be told in Parts 2 & 3  

(Known) Jeffrey Anthony SLAPP/SMEAR Output (Jan 2020)

> at WAEB Facebook

> at the Allentown School District (ASD) Issues and Discussions FB Group (see 7/15and 11/21and 11/24and 11/25and 11/30then see ASD FB group exposed)

> at disbarred attorney Robert Trotner's Facebook group, "Let's Build The New Allentown Together" 

> at a Facebook hate group he started called, "City Of Allentown: Issues, Causes and Related  Open Discussion" 

> at "Villas Victims United" 

> and possibly revealing his depraved sadism and desperation the most in this breathtakingly pathetic Facebook post    

* deceitfully uses the anonymous false identity alias "Martin Kimmel" for posting libelous BV comments at the Facebook pages of my employer's clients

blocked/banned & deleted at countless Facebook pages for harassmentemployment sabotage, knowingly false libel and maliciously reckless libel  

* frequently boasts online that he "teaches Computer Science and Business at Lehigh University," but curiously, he doesn't show up anywhere (no "Professor" or "Staff" or "Faculty" listing, no photo, etc.) in either of the two programs that make up this joint initiative at Lehigh University [Note: a crooked letter from Lehigh lawyer Frank Roth and a bombshell debunking email back & forth fully exposes this Jeffrey Anthony/Lehigh University "teaching" deception -- also see related LVS exposés on Lehigh's  Glenn Kranzley Bill White Wally Trimble Patrick Farrell | Jeffrey Anthony] -- also see Exposé Email to Frank Roth and Meeting Request ... See one of numerous unwisely ignored outreaches to LEHIGH'S FRANK ROTH

* longtime unemployed/self-"employed"/failed "entrepreneur" Jeffrey Anthony rents monthly desk space at AEDC that he misrepresents in failed promotional videos and Facebook photographs (and tweets) as being "his company, Synaptic," see exact same monthly desk space renters in both photos) and "business partners" w/ an assaultive violent criminal too broke to post bail that he deceitfully misrepresents via phony stock photo ... See one of numerous unwisely ignored outreaches to AEDC's SCOTT UNGER  

* BabbleSpeak BullShit Artist 

* easily debunked 

* appears to be an enlisted affiant/operative of plaintiff DA Jim Martin's running-on-fumes "law firm," Sprague & Sprague

* exposed & confirmed as a liar by Lehigh County Right-To-Know Officer Judith Johnston,  Lehigh County Court Administrator Kerry Turtzo, Lehigh County Right-To-Know Officer Christine Murphy, Lehigh County Court Administrator Kerry Turtzo again, Lehigh County Court Administrator Kerry Turtzo again,  Lehigh County Executive Tom Muller, and 5 additional witnesses (so far) TBA   

* clearly appears to be working for losing "defamation" litigant DA Jim Martin [Related Audio Story]

currently (and since September 2015) endeavoring illegally to destroy me (unsuccessfully

* illegal endeavors to date include providing false evidence and employment sabotage, criminal harassment, filing a false 911 (report was filed by Jeffrey Anthony and Barbara George), and libel  

* of (countersuit) legal interest: DA Jim Martin underling and recent Allentown Chief of Police Keith Morris (left) is on record (and in writing via email to me) defiantly refusing to do anything about Jeffrey Anthony's ongoing criminal activity even though the "Chief" was carbon copied on much of it by DA Jim Martin-enlisted "affiant"/smear campaigner Jeffrey Anthony

* another recent Allentown "Chief"  of Police Glen Dorney continued the APD's reckless and legally vulnerable "strategy" of purposefully ignoring Jeffrey Anthony's false 911 and ongoing criminal harassment

* "new" (3rd one this year) Allentown Chief of Police Tony Alsleben is now the 3rd APD Chief this year who has refused to meet with me and/or do anything about Jeffrey Anthony's ongoing knowingly false libel and criminal harassment

* unstable, alcoholically heavy drinker (I personally witnessed him gulp down around $200.00 worth one night at Robata of Toykyo and then "drive" home at likely 4X+ the legal BAC limit despite my sober protestations)

* curiously obsessed with a presumed expunged-decades-ago 1986 DUI offense he knowingly, maliciously, and libelously misrepresents as being current and not the only one (cruelly, my cousin Jeffrey Anthony knows I've been in recovery and continuously sober since 1987), see Lehigh County Clerk of Judicial Records helpful investigation insight provided by Andrea Naugle and related humiliating public/email pulverization of Jeffrey Anthony   

* inexplicably champions & supports convicted illegal drug abuser and sometime prison resident Kenneth Heffentrager (?) for Allentown City Council  

* "married" to Parkway Manor Elementary School Reading Specialist and longtime Parkland School District employee Mary Ann (Havran) Anthony (Note: "Mary Ann Havran" is listed as the sole owner of the ramshackle little cracker box of a house (sadly, too small for a Morrissey family christmas party,  w/ not enough chairs) where highfalutin high-rollin' "day trader" (wink wink) and judgement proof Jeffrey Anthony has been living and sponging off Mary Ann's modest teacher's salary and likely teachers' union-won health benefits since 1999 while grandstand-bashing "Soviet-style forced teachers' union membership!!!" 24/7 at Facebook where's he's blocked/banned & deleted at countless Facebook pages for harassmentemployment sabotageand libel  

narcissistic sociopath (grandiose, charming, manipulative, violates others) 

* investigated by PA Attorney General 
[AG UpDate]

* transparently racist


* appears to be enjoying approval and crooked colluding-crony-connected & complicit "cover" from The Morning Call "newspaper," The "Express" Times and 69 "News," the Office of the District Attorney of Lehigh County, and the Allentown Police Department [Note: DA Jim Martin and now APD ex-Chief Keith Morris have teamed up against me unsuccessfully in the past, read related 2011 LVS exposé story]

* See The Morning Call's complicit & enabling LIBEL

* getting zero traction anywhere that matters (perceived correctly as an unstable enlisted "affiant"/smear campaigner everywhere) i.e., losing badly,  just like DA Jim Martin 

* See Angie Villa Debunk & Pulverize Jeffrey Anthony

* Read our Facebook Exposé on Jeffrey Anthony and PA State Rep Mike Schlossberg

* And stay current on the fraudulent, meritless, and malicious Martin vs. Villa "defamation" (SLAPP/truth-muzzling/punishing) lawsuit at our FACEBOOK CASE EXPOSÉ UPDATES


Editor's Note: Every time Judge Jim Anthony-referred and DA Jim Martin-enlisted "witness" Cousin Jeffrey Anthony opens his defamatory mouth online, he gives himself another black eye, which saves me the trouble.