Friday, August 1, 2008

Funny, he doesn't look Jewish ...

I thought Barack Obama was a (Sleeper Cell!) Muslim. Have you seen the latest John McCain attack ad that compares Obama to Moses?
I Hope it backfires. When I saw McCain's previous TV ad that compares Obama to Paris and Britney, I thought wow, so now Obama is a vacuous celebrity? He was also portrayed as unfeeling toward our troops in Afghanistan. Completely untrue, that alleged "troop-snubbing" incident, it turns out. So let's see, Obama is:

An elitist (code for "uppity?") , A Muslim, A Terrorist, Moses, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, A Socialist, Plays The Race Card, Anti-Christ, The Savior.

So what the McCain camp is saying with this attack ad is oh look at Obama prancing around and acting sooooo Presidential like he has accomplished so much that he thinks he is ready to lead the country. Like he is Moses. For Christ's sake.


A.J.C. said...

I like the Obama camps common response to all these attacks:
Same ol' politics.

The McCain campaign is very lame. He isn't providing any reasons why he should be our next president. Instead, he continues to shamefully attack the character of his noble opponent. I will not vote for him.

Bill Villa said...

Add this to that list of things to call Barack Obama:

"Mr. President."

The Unspoken Word said...

I feel the 8 years of Republican rule has destroyed the country.

Dont worry. nothing they can say.. will convince me to Vote Republican.

Anonymous said...

"An elitist (code for "uppity?")"


Oh, and he's so "well-spoken" too, isn't he?

Well yeah. Harvard will do that to you.

Sarina said...

When the McCain ads come on I turn the volume all the way down, it's that or lose my mind! I particuarly hate the one about the "summer of love" and "love of country."

Mrs. Dottie said...


Do you have to be so wishy washy?


I turn the volume up because they are so funny. Just think if Obama took the low road and attacked McCain, portraying him as "older than Moses." Just think about the outrage if that happened.

Bill Villa said...

That would be misleading. McCain and Moses are the same age.