Friday, April 24, 2009

The "Going Green" Bonanza

I do what I can to "go green." I recycle, drive a small economy car, walk, turn off lights, try to consume less, because I believe it is the right way to live. But lately I feel like I have been bombarded with "green" products. Seems like companies are enticing consumers to buy their new "environmentally friendly" stuff so we can all feel good about saving the planet as we consume. Kinda like environ mental health for consumers. But how legitimate are the claims that these companies are making?

Reynolds wrap makes a new aluminum foil made from 100% recycled aluminum. I can't believe they just got the idea to use recycled aluminum for tinfoil. What were they doing before? According to their website, the recycled foil is made from "post consumer aluminum such as stadium seats, automobile components, cookware, gutters and siding." So that's what they did with the old Yankee Stadium seats.

There are new "green" cleaning products, paper products and all sorts of stuff. Sometimes I wonder if it is the same old crap in a different package. Actually, the new green stuff could be a lower grade product, but it's still the same price, and sometimes even more pricey. The paper products sure feel a little lighter. What about all that wasteful packaging? A bag of potato chips is still only like 1/3 full. Isn't all that extra packaging bad for the planet?

Wouldn't it make more sense to just use less stuff or omit some products from your life altogether? Like bottled water for example. I could live without that. What a scam, and a waste of plastic. And do I really need to buy a different cleaning product for each surface? I think Fantastick works fantastic on most surfaces.

In a survey done for the Canadian government by a group called "TerraChoice", just 2 percent of self-proclaimed green products (from US and Canada) make completely legitimate claims on their labels.

Happy Earth Day Weekend! Go outside and enjoy the warm weather.

Photo of Trexler Park by Gianni Villa age 7


Anonymous said...
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Alex J said...
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Angie Villa said...

The neocons don't even acknowledge global warming, which should not even be a political issue, it's a human issue. Torture is a human issue too, so is following the rule of law in this country. Neocons care more about being divisive obstructionists.

But I guess if saving the planet involves any spending at all, even if that spending will create green jobs and is necessary, then the conservatives are against it.

So glad they are not in charge anymore. Hopefully we can help to ameliorate a major disaster, since we are now coming out of the creepy Dark Ages of Bush and his dangerous policies.

Bill Villa said...

Readers, the "anonymous" (wink wink) comment at 8:16am is from adorable fluffy puppy Chris Casey.

He is saying the exact same thing at his blog.

Chris is green w/ envy.

He's green that Mrs. Dottie and I so effectively kick Bernie O'Hare's ass whenever the spirit moves us (while Chris has been in fetal position and traumatized because of his battles w/ O'Hare) ...

and, Chris is green because Lehigh Valley Somebody is the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in the Lehigh Valley, week, after week, after week.

But anyways (Zzzz), back to our excellent topic of "Going Green" ... and ...

Don't miss tomorrow's SUNDAY BLOODY SUNDAY (not a threat) exposé post on crooked DA JIM MARTIN, part of LVS's exclusive and courageously civic-minded ongoing frying of Jumbo Jimbo.

Bill Villa said...

"your "Lets hate everybody who disagrees with us" agenda?" -Chris Casey

Let's be perfectly clear on this:

Sheena's family has deeply personal and totally legitimate beefs w/ DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call.

Anyone who disagrees w/ us on these issues is wrong.

We ... are right.

Anyone who "roadblocks" us on these issues
will get run over by us.

This includes Bernie O'Hare, attorney (for now) Dave Najarian, Mike Molovinsky, Chris Casey, AJ Cordi, Pam Varkony, Michael Donovan, and whoever the fuck else is dumb enough to ally against us.

You "people" don't stand a chance against us.

Same goes for Jim Martin and Glenn Kranzley.

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my name is pat wallace said...
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