Friday, May 1, 2009


Readers, last night, "someone" (wink wink) hacked into our blog and deleted most of the comments from our first several posts.

Obviously, his main agenda was sabotaging our 4/26/09 post on DA Jim Martin ... that post has the most comments deleted.

So much for "Rebecca's Pocket" blog etiquette, eh?

And Pennsylvania law.

Not to worry, readers. I'll change my password. But not my Justice Mission.

UpDate: Readers, we have compelling evidence that we've caught the culprit (O'Hare), w/ the help of some vigilant LVS fans. See the series of comments that starts at Monday, May 4, 2:31pm. Gotcha. Dumb-ass.


Bill Villa said...

Readers, here is prime suspect Bernie O'Hare's explanation for deleted comments, quoting from his blog:

"A glitch at made it possible for anyone to delete anonymous comments on any blog."

O'Hare then goes on to say in a comment at his blog that these deleted comment violations, due to an overnight glitch at, were "widespread."

Locally, I checked, and only LVS and O'Hare's blog experienced any comment deletions.

LVS of course had a large number of comments deleted from multiple posts.

O'Hare's blog had just three comments deleted from one post-- and all three comments were deleted AFTER had fixed the glitch. Obviously, these comment deletions at his blog were made by O'Hare as "cover" for the many comments he recklessly, and illegally, deleted here.

Not surprisingly, O'Hare's deleted comments say "removed by blog administrator," a.k.a. him, while LVS's many deleted comments say "removed by author," which is indicative of a glitch, since anonymous comments are not (usually) removable by the author.

Also, and most tellingly, gave no specifics on the glitch in their report on the problem.So ... how would Bernie O'Hare know that "A glitch at made it possible for anyone to delete anonymous comments on any blog" ... unless O'Hare had first-hand, working knowledge of deleting anonymous comments from someone else's blog?

Like say for instance this blog.

So O'Hare didn't have to "hack" in here using my password to delete our many comments, as was originally theorized.

Instead, because he is pathetically trolling everyone's blog 24/7, when he noticed the glitch at like 4:00am (in the form of a "trash can" being uncharacteristically visible under each anonymous comment), he giddily went to town and deleted dozens of comments at this (and only this) blog.

The prosecution rests.

Until Monday, when we notify and the proper legal authorities about all this.

Itz Me Dave said...

just a word...


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. That low-life never seems to find a bottom to hit.

Bill Villa said...


It was an outrageous violation.

It was "blog rape."

But in case you haven't noticed (and/or don't care), it was also completely "in character" for a "man" who self-pleasures himself by creating a special blog to provoke, harass, and hurt a grieving family and who writes blog posts that taunt and further abuse already abused women. He's gotta go. To jail.

Anonymous said...

Imagine the OUTRAGE if someone had clandestinely deleted comments from O'Hater's blog!

Anonymous said...

Bill, is anyone from "Valley Blogosphere at The Morning Call" condemning the vandalism that happened to this blog in the early morning hours of Friday May 1?

Bill Villa said...

Nope. Not a peep from our blogosphere's "Thought-Leaders" (wink wink)

read-only majority said...

>>>>>>>> WOW!

Your 1st comment here says it all Villas! What a terrific "GOTCHA!" moment. Amazing anylitcal skills. I can almost here the sound of a jaw breaking in nine different places. Ouch or is it oopsie.

Sheena Squad Member said...

"Imagine the OUTRAGE if someone had clandestinely deleted comments from O'Hater's blog!"

Exactly and do you remember how NUTZ O'Hare went back on 9/29/08 when Villas supporters were posting comments at "Lehigh Valley Ramblings" condemning O'Hare's Troll Parade blog?! O'Hare the next day filed a "harrassment" charge, against Bill (?) and the same night published this spiteful and vile comment at his Troll blog:

"Anonymous" (wink wink) said...

villa daughter was a mess and he can't come to grips with his awful parenting. his bitterness is a reflection of his disgust with the mess of a daughter he created and now wishes to blame on the rest of the world because he and his wife failed to properly do their jobs. they are two of legions of irresponsible parents who are, sadly, forced to live with their own incompetence. i've had enough of their blaming everybody but themselves. no guts. lots of blame. they are poster nuts for why society is going down the toilet: parents who unleash disaterous consequences on the society. in this case, karma bit them hard and they must look in the mirror someday and properly assess blame on themselves. until then, the pathetic charade continues. i don't particularly like or agree with bernie o'hare. i rip him regularly for his views (and sometimes the tone with which they're expressed). at least bernie has the guts to own his shortcomings, the villas will never and will die bitter failures who were made to pay for their mistakes while living. it's a shitty life, but it's the one they so richly deserve.

Angie Villa said...

Readers, the comment from "Sheena Squad Member" was originally published by Bernie O'Hare at his "Troll Parade" blog on 9/29/08.

Sheena's family has requested repeatedly that this wildly inaccurate and sadistically cruel comment be removed from O'Hare's "Troll Parade" blog.

O'Hare refuses to remove it.

As two commenters at a previous LVS post noted:

"Wow. Even The Morning Call/Topix removes offsensive comments from its Forum when someone from the general public complains. And yet O'Hare refuses Sheena's family's (!) request to remove that awful comment about Sheena?" Anonymous, Fri Apr 10, 09:29:00 AM 2009

"What possible rationale justifies leaving that disgusting comment up there? "Free Speech?" "Rebecca's Pocket" blog "ethics?" Please. This is sadistic cruelty, pure and simple, and criminal harassment. That comment serves no legitimate purpose and remains up there only to punish and provoke and intimidate." Anonymous, Fri Apr 10, 10:09:00 AM 2009

O'Hare is a damaging liar.

It also appears (see comment #1 here) that O'Hare breaks into other people's blogs, deletes their comments, and sabotages their agendas, whenever the opportunity presents itself.

That's against the law.

O'Hare must be stopped and incarcerated.

Angie Villa said...

On a related subject, this blog will not be stopped.

By anyone, or any thing.

Our apologies to the 57 anonymous commenters who had comments deleted here by O'Hare in the wee wee stalking and trolling hours of Friday morning.

We hope you come back.

We'll have a new post up later today w/ LVS's unique brand of upbeat liberal bias you won't find anywhere else in the NeoCon-dreary Lehigh Valley blahgassmear.

The City Official said...

Villas, another, excellent, "Sunday Bloody Sunday" (not a threat) installment.

Keep up the Valley's Best Blog Work.

Angie Villa said...

Merci (will do).

Bill Villa said...


Bill Villa said...

DA Martin,

Mr. Kranzley, look what we've done
to your hired gun.

Esq. said...

... and you ain't seen nuthin' yet. said...

Glenn Kranzley (given one month notice)

Bill Villa said...

This is such sad news
(wink wink).

Oh well, life goes on.

Anonymous said...

Bill, wishing you a hopeful, pre-congratulations.

If Glenn Kranzley does indeed get the ax (not a threat) that he so richly deserves, it will likely be because of Chicago getting wind of Kranzley's evil stranglehold monopoly-dictatorship style of public opinion and political agenda framing and colluding cronyism-- via you and your 225+ unrequited requests for a "Welcome Mat" meeting w/ the MC Editorial Board which Kranzley rules the roost over w/ an iron (albeit limp-wristed) fist.

Here's hoping King Kranzley does get de-throned, and again, kudos to you for your relentless civic-minded efforts.

Get Jim Martin next, and w/ his "Kranzley Kover" gone, this should be easier.

Bill Villa said...

Merci. Sounds like a plan.

Anonymous said...

Bill Villa said...

Well thank you, anon 2:31, you're a pal, whoever you are. Please give a call, if you're so inclined.

I've made your info into a link for those not willing to cut & paste > Ruh Oh

So ... what we got here is basically a confession from a pathetic 57 year old "man" self-pleasuring himself trolling the local blogosphere at 2:30 in the morning. Sad.

We can use this.

Anonymous said...


This is like the arsonist pulling the fire alarm!

Bill Villa said...


And I can see a jury buying that analogy totally.

Anonymous said...

Bernie O'Hare said...

"I can go on someone else's blog and delete anonymous comments posted there."

FRI May 01, 02:30:00 AM 2009

Bill Villa said...

Gotcha. Dumb-ass.

read-only majority said...

Bill, you make it look easy.

Bill Villa said...

It's a gift.

Okay so we prosecute O'Hare, Kranzley gets terminated (not a threat) from the "newspaper," and this frees us up to focus 100% on Jumbo Jimbo. Cool.

Then for laughs we get Molovinsky.

Lehigh County Democrat said...

My Take...

Is Bernie O'Hare the dumbest imbecile in Lehigh County, or what?

He lies, he cheats, he character assassinates, he hacks, he deletes, he twists, he misdirects, he bullies, he taunts, he provokes, he beats up on girls, he slanders, he libels, he has a surprising dozen or so sadist followers ...

and yet ...

he is out-maneuvered at every turn by Bill Villa.

Bernie, surrender. And beg for Bill's forgiveness. Before it's too late. Face it, you're a dumb-ass and a pussy and it's only gonna get worse for you.

Over & Out...

Bill Villa said...

Well said, "LCD," and we always appreciate your astute support.

FYI though, it's way too late for surrenders and apologies from O'Hare.

We'll be turning the screws on him as hard as we can, as soon as we can, and for as long as we can.

He's been fucking w/ the wrong grieving father Liberal on a Justice Mission.

Ditto this jackass.

Volvo Driving Soccer Mom said...

So how did Bernie know this unless he was doing it? Why would anyone even try to do that?
He probably only went to Blogger help to make it look like he was a victim!

Esq. said...

"So how did Bernie know this unless he was doing it?"

Excellent question that deserves to be answered in court.

Anonymous said...

So when does this guy get villafied justice?

Bill Villa said...

It's coming. Takes time. Which we have plenty of.

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Bill. You are a gentleman. I just found this Lehigh Valley site and am afraid to identify myself here because of what the Nazi Enforcers might do to me (but I know better than this)

Bill Villa said...

I'm w/ ya. Taking on O'Hare and his allies and pulverizing them at will isn't for the faint of heart.

my name is pat wallace said...

Mr. O'Hare's flip-flop on the Villa matter is a slap in the face to his readers, his former profession, and the memory of a 25-year-old woman who just wanted to go home. After fancying himself a keeper of the torch of truth and integrity for so long, and to the extent that he eventually found himself championing the Villas' cause, his "reversal in thinking" and aggressive behavior is a profound obscenity. Not to mention that his apparent "aquiver" hop into bed with the DA-friendly Morning Call looks like a confederacy of weaklings. Anybody home, Allentown? Feel like moving even farther away.

my name is pat wallace said...

Mr. O'Hare's flip-flop on the Villa matter is a slap in the face to his readers, his former profession, and the memory of a 25-year-old woman who just wanted to go home. After fancying himself a keeper of the torch of truth and integrity for so long, and to the extent that he eventually found himself championing the Villas' cause, his "reversal in thinking" and aggressive behavior is a profound obscenity. Not to mention that his apparent "aquiver" hop into bed with the DA-friendly Morning Call looks like a confederacy of weaklings. Anybody home, Allentown? Feel like moving even farther away.