Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Real Joes

Well, so much for Joe the Plumber and his fake story. Last night Barack Obama showed us some real Joes and Josephines from across the country- people we can really identify with. Obama's 30 minute infomercial was clearly aimed at middle class people- Americans who have worked all their lives just to see their pensions taken away, families struggling to make ends meet, retired people who must go back to work to pay for their medical bills. Through several touching real life stories, he showed that we are all connected, whether we are black or white, or young, old or in between. The middle class has slowly been pushed towards poverty, and we need help. Obama is taking his plan to the people, asking us to speak out and vote for change. His demeanor was calm and he looked presidential. He talked about being raised by a single mom who died of cancer, and that his children never had the chance to meet her. Michelle Obama talked about how Barack spends so much time with his daughters. It was very moving, and we cried.

On a sorta related subject, why isn't The Morning Call endorsing a presidential candidate? Is it true that the only reason is because the candidates did not meet with the MC face to face?
(I read this in a letter to the editor today.) I've noticed that they recommend Corbett for AG, and Dent for Congress, so why not a president? What is up with this? Over the weekend I read a wonderful endorsement for Obama in the Newark Star Ledger. The MC's refusal to endorse a candidate is a disservice to our community, and shows the arrogance of their editors.

The Real Joes

Well, so much for Joe the Plumber and his fake story. Last night Barack Obama showed us some real Joes and Josephines from across the country- people we can really identify with. Obama's 30 minute infomercial was clearly aimed at middle class people- Americans who have worked all their lives just to see their pensions taken away, families struggling to make ends meet, retired people who must go back to work to pay for their medical bills. Through several touching real life stories, he showed that we are all connected, whether we are black or white, or young, old or in between. The middle class has slowly been pushed towards poverty, and we need help. Obama is taking his plan to the people, asking us to speak out and vote for change. His demeanor was calm and he looked presidential. He talked about being raised by a single mom who died of cancer, and that his children never had the chance to meet her. Michelle Obama talked about how Barack spends so much time with his daughters. It was very moving, and we cried.

On a sorta related subject, why isn't The Morning Call endorsing a presidential candidate? Is it true that the only reason is because the candidates did not meet with the MC face to face?
(I read this in a letter to the editor today.) I've noticed that they recommend Corbett for AG, and Dent for Congress, so why not a president? What is up with this? Over the weekend I read a wonderful endorsement for Obama in the Newark Star Ledger. The MC's refusal to endorse a candidate is a disservice to our community, and shows the arrogance of their editors.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Catchin' a Wave!

Do you think this will be a "wave election" ? According to Election Projection, a good unbiased blog for info, Election Projection: 2008 Elections - Polls, Projections, Results, the blue democratic wave is gaining momentum. Heck, it may even be a tsunami!
In the Senate currently there are 57 Dems, 41 R's, and 2 Independents. Eight Democratic takeovers are projected. Republican Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska has been convicted of seven corruption charges (I guess he could still win as a convicted felon, doncha know?)

Obama has a lot of money, (I have heard he is taking in 7 million a day) and he is "spreading his wealth around" with media endorsements in red states like Mississippi and Georgia. Democratic candidates are doing well even in the red states!
In the House, it is projected that 25 seats will go to the Dems. That would make an 81 seat advantage (257-176)

Back in 1980 Reagan brought in a wave of Republican senators, but it seems like this conservative wave is winding down.

So do you think Sam Bennett will be riding the blue wave?

I tried to check the PA projections, but you have to subscribe in order to get that info.

Photo credit: Mr. Tom

Catchin' a Wave!

Do you think this will be a "wave election" ? According to Election Projection, a good unbiased blog for info, Election Projection: 2008 Elections - Polls, Projections, Results, the blue democratic wave is gaining momentum. Heck, it may even be a tsunami!
In the Senate currently there are 57 Dems, 41 R's, and 2 Independents. Eight Democratic takeovers are projected. Republican Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska has been convicted of seven corruption charges (I guess he could still win as a convicted felon, doncha know?)

Obama has a lot of money, (I have heard he is taking in 7 million a day) and he is "spreading his wealth around" with media endorsements in red states like Mississippi and Georgia. Democratic candidates are doing well even in the red states!
In the House, it is projected that 25 seats will go to the Dems. That would make an 81 seat advantage (257-176)

Back in 1980 Reagan brought in a wave of Republican senators, but it seems like this conservative wave is winding down.

So do you think Sam Bennett will be riding the blue wave?

I tried to check the PA projections, but you have to subscribe in order to get that info.

Photo credit: Mr. Tom

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama's "Zero to Five" plan

I am re-posting this post about Obama's education plan because I believe it is so important. The original post was from 9/12.

The media has not focused too much on education, but Obama does have a pretty comprehensive plan.You can read about his education plan here: Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need Education If you scroll down you can click on plans for specific grades. There is a lot to read. While in the state senate Obama helped to create the "Illinois Early Learning Council." Illinois has universal voluntary pre-school for all 4 yr. olds, and for 3 yr. olds who are at risk. Obama will encourage all states to adopt universal voluntary pre-school. He calls this the "Zero to Five Plan."

Obama's plan describes a study that proves that early childhood educational programs "reduced problems such as probation and criminal offenses by as much as 70% over 20 yrs." (when provided to disadvantaged children and families.)
This shows that an investment in early childhood education will help promote a more productive society. Expanding programs like "Head Start" is mentioned in Obama's plan. Under the Bush Admin., Head Start funding was cut.
Obama believes that NCLB is a failure and needs to be reformed, but he agrees with the goal of the plan.

I think those years that Obama spent as a "community organizer" in Chicago helped him to see up close the problems that poor families face, and how important early childhood education is, especially for kids living in poverty.

Research has shown that high quality pre-school programs that teach "school readiness" help to break the cycle of at-risk behaviors, decrease the need for special education, improve language ability, lower the drop out rate, raise test scores. I think pre-school teachers should be paid a whole lot more money for doing such an important job!
NOTE: first 5 comments are from September. Sorry for any confusion.

Obama's "Zero to Five" plan

I am re-posting this post about Obama's education plan because I believe it is so important. The original post was from 9/12.

The media has not focused too much on education, but Obama does have a pretty comprehensive plan.You can read about his education plan here: Barack Obama and Joe Biden: The Change We Need Education If you scroll down you can click on plans for specific grades. There is a lot to read. While in the state senate Obama helped to create the "Illinois Early Learning Council." Illinois has universal voluntary pre-school for all 4 yr. olds, and for 3 yr. olds who are at risk. Obama will encourage all states to adopt universal voluntary pre-school. He calls this the "Zero to Five Plan."

Obama's plan describes a study that proves that early childhood educational programs "reduced problems such as probation and criminal offenses by as much as 70% over 20 yrs." (when provided to disadvantaged children and families.)
This shows that an investment in early childhood education will help promote a more productive society. Expanding programs like "Head Start" is mentioned in Obama's plan. Under the Bush Admin., Head Start funding was cut.
Obama believes that NCLB is a failure and needs to be reformed, but he agrees with the goal of the plan.

I think those years that Obama spent as a "community organizer" in Chicago helped him to see up close the problems that poor families face, and how important early childhood education is, especially for kids living in poverty.

Research has shown that high quality pre-school programs that teach "school readiness" help to break the cycle of at-risk behaviors, decrease the need for special education, improve language ability, lower the drop out rate, raise test scores. I think pre-school teachers should be paid a whole lot more money for doing such an important job!
NOTE: first 5 comments are from September. Sorry for any confusion.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What does "Un-American" mean?

Sarah Palin has branded Barack Obama as "Un-American" and claims that he "pals around with terrorists." What exactly does un-American mean? According to Wikipedia the term refers to people who are spies. It's a synonym for treason. The term has been used in the past to combat Communists, Nazis, and the KKK. Un-American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palin is making some pretty serious accusations/innuendos about Senator Obama. I say, prove it or shut up about it. What she is doing is immoral. It's guilt by association. Her claims have incited shouts of "kill him" at rallies. Scary stuff which further polarizes our country. And the only thing McCain has said about it is, no m'am, Obama is not an Arab, he is a decent family man. Okay, so does that mean Arabs are not decent family people?

Obama is not a Muslim, and even if he were, that does not make him someone who is un-American, or connected to terrorists. Should we be sending the message to Muslim-American children that they cannot dream about becoming President of the United States? Are Muslim- Americans less patriotic, less American? My maiden name is Muslim. Does that mean I am un-American? My good neighbors are Muslim. Sometimes I pal around with them.

I am glad Republican Colin Powell had the courage to speak out against the divisive tactics of the McCain campaign, and declare his support for Barack Obama. He said that Obama has style and substance. He expressed his disapproval of the way they have branded Obama a terrorist. He does not think that Sarah Palin was a good choice for VP. He's right. In a CNN interview he also called out that whacko senator from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann, who wants an investigation into the patriotism of all members of the U.S. Congress.

Where I grew up, in Elizabeth, NJ there were more Sam the Plumbers (Sam DeCavalcante - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) than Joe the Plumbers, fugedaboudid. Does that make me less of an American than small town Mary Smith? You betcha not.

What we have seen recently from the McCain campaign and the far right is the kind of negative hate that will further divide our country into "us" and "those people" at a time when we should be coming together as Americans. I believe that the majority of Americans do not share the views of the extreme right. I'd like to believe that the majority of Allentonians don't share those extreme views either-- although the openly racist comments at the Morning Call Forum and the Allentown Commentator blog are very telling.

Speak out against the hate.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
UPDATE: Please read this about the new RNC mailer which connects Obama to terrorists. This goes way too far. And John McCain has approved it. GOP mail ties Obama to terrorists - Yahoo! News

What does "Un-American" mean?

Sarah Palin has branded Barack Obama as "Un-American" and claims that he "pals around with terrorists." What exactly does un-American mean? According to Wikipedia the term refers to people who are spies. It's a synonym for treason. The term has been used in the past to combat Communists, Nazis, and the KKK. Un-American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palin is making some pretty serious accusations/innuendos about Senator Obama. I say, prove it or shut up about it. What she is doing is immoral. It's guilt by association. Her claims have incited shouts of "kill him" at rallies. Scary stuff which further polarizes our country. And the only thing McCain has said about it is, no m'am, Obama is not an Arab, he is a decent family man. Okay, so does that mean Arabs are not decent family people?

Obama is not a Muslim, and even if he were, that does not make him someone who is un-American, or connected to terrorists. Should we be sending the message to Muslim-American children that they cannot dream about becoming President of the United States? Are Muslim- Americans less patriotic, less American? My maiden name is Muslim. Does that mean I am un-American? My good neighbors are Muslim. Sometimes I pal around with them.

I am glad Republican Colin Powell had the courage to speak out against the divisive tactics of the McCain campaign, and declare his support for Barack Obama. He said that Obama has style and substance. He expressed his disapproval of the way they have branded Obama a terrorist. He does not think that Sarah Palin was a good choice for VP. He's right. In a CNN interview he also called out that whacko senator from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann, who wants an investigation into the patriotism of all members of the U.S. Congress.

Where I grew up, in Elizabeth, NJ there were more Sam the Plumbers (Sam DeCavalcante - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) than Joe the Plumbers, fugedaboudid. Does that make me less of an American than small town Mary Smith? You betcha not.

What we have seen recently from the McCain campaign and the far right is the kind of negative hate that will further divide our country into "us" and "those people" at a time when we should be coming together as Americans. I believe that the majority of Americans do not share the views of the extreme right. I'd like to believe that the majority of Allentonians don't share those extreme views either-- although the openly racist comments at the Morning Call Forum and the Allentown Commentator blog are very telling.

Speak out against the hate.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
UPDATE: Please read this about the new RNC mailer which connects Obama to terrorists. This goes way too far. And John McCain has approved it. GOP mail ties Obama to terrorists - Yahoo! News

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The arts can save a city!

Please read this great article describing how experts believe the arts saved Cleveland and Pittsburgh. I think the arts can revitalize Allentown too. But I don't claim to be an expert, just an artist with ideas.

According to the facts and experts cited in this article, the new arts sector in Cleveland in 1994 generated $165 million in revenues for the city. The sports teams generated $79 million.

In Pittsburgh, the new arts district draws up to 35% more visitors each year than the sports arenas in the city.

In the last 15 yrs. the trend has been that a city's economic development and growth has followed the arts.

Art and culture creates a "non threatening zone" where all kinds of people can come together. In addition to economic growth, art can help with civic development, resulting in a more civil society.

Yes, the arts are very important and have always played a resonating role in people's lives.
Photo is ad for Pittsburgh gallery crawl event
Here's a link that local artist Greg Coates sent me about the arts in Newark N.J.:

The arts can save a city!

Please read this great article describing how experts believe the arts saved Cleveland and Pittsburgh. I think the arts can revitalize Allentown too. But I don't claim to be an expert, just an artist with ideas.

According to the facts and experts cited in this article, the new arts sector in Cleveland in 1994 generated $165 million in revenues for the city. The sports teams generated $79 million.

In Pittsburgh, the new arts district draws up to 35% more visitors each year than the sports arenas in the city.

In the last 15 yrs. the trend has been that a city's economic development and growth has followed the arts.

Art and culture creates a "non threatening zone" where all kinds of people can come together. In addition to economic growth, art can help with civic development, resulting in a more civil society.

Yes, the arts are very important and have always played a resonating role in people's lives.
Photo is ad for Pittsburgh gallery crawl event
Here's a link that local artist Greg Coates sent me about the arts in Newark N.J.:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Women's health does matter

There is no such thing as a "pro-abortion" movement. John McCain used this term during the debate last night. It's called pro-choice. When a woman's life is at risk, there should be no question that a pregnancy should be terminated. Women voters should be aware of John McCain's faulty judgement on this issue. McCain suggested that a woman who chooses her life over the life of a fetus is taking an "extreme" position. He is diminishing the importance of women's health.

Cecile Richards, the president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said:

"Tonight, John McCain showed he doesn't care about women's health when he described protecting "the health of the woman" as "extreme." John McCain doesn't seem to understand that women's health matters. He blatantly showed that he doesn't trust women to decide what is in the best interest of their own health. Barack Obama, on the other hand, stood up for women's health."

Women's health does matter

There is no such thing as a "pro-abortion" movement. John McCain used this term during the debate last night. It's called pro-choice. When a woman's life is at risk, there should be no question that a pregnancy should be terminated. Women voters should be aware of John McCain's faulty judgement on this issue. McCain suggested that a woman who chooses her life over the life of a fetus is taking an "extreme" position. He is diminishing the importance of women's health.

Cecile Richards, the president of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said:

"Tonight, John McCain showed he doesn't care about women's health when he described protecting "the health of the woman" as "extreme." John McCain doesn't seem to understand that women's health matters. He blatantly showed that he doesn't trust women to decide what is in the best interest of their own health. Barack Obama, on the other hand, stood up for women's health."

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain no longer nuts about ACORN

John McCain was a keynote speaker at an ACORN event in 2006. This from ACORN's website:

"Senator Allied with ACORN as Recently as 2006, Now Turns Cold Shoulder
October 13, 2008, Miami, FL - U.S. Senator John McCain's recent attacks on the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) are puzzling given his historic support for the organization and its efforts on behalf of immigrant Americans. As recently as February 20, 2006, Senator McCain was the keynote speaker at an ACORN-sponsored Immigration Rally in Miami, Florida at Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus."

John McCain, what a fraud. Speaking of frauds...

What about this alleged massive voter fraud? I think it's nonsense. To have voter fraud, a living person must attempt to vote under a false name. Registrations don't vote, people do. There were some ACORN employees registering phony names to try to make a quota. This problem was handled by ACORN. This has been spun by right wing media into a democratic conspiracy to steal the vote!
ACORN has registered 2 million new voters, and 60%-70% of those new voters are black, and Democrats. Guess that makes the McCain camp kinda scared.

Here is a small part of a statement released by Bertha Lewis and Steve Kest, directors of ACORN:

"Fact: Voter fraud by individuals is extremely rare, and incredibly difficult. There has never been a single proven case of anyone, anywhere, casting an illegal vote as a result of a phony voter registration. Even if someone wanted to influence the election this way, it would not work."

You can read the facts about ACORN here: ACORN Rallies Its Troops - Marc Ambinder

I really don't think this is going to be an issue for voters. So national media, let's hear more about that Keating Five Scandal......

Photo is of McCain at an ACORN event.
Note to my readers: Mrs. D is on a national news kick right now, I just can't get enough, with the election coming up and all, but I'll be back with a post about local stuff soon!

McCain no longer nuts about ACORN

John McCain was a keynote speaker at an ACORN event in 2006. This from ACORN's website:

"Senator Allied with ACORN as Recently as 2006, Now Turns Cold Shoulder
October 13, 2008, Miami, FL - U.S. Senator John McCain's recent attacks on the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) are puzzling given his historic support for the organization and its efforts on behalf of immigrant Americans. As recently as February 20, 2006, Senator McCain was the keynote speaker at an ACORN-sponsored Immigration Rally in Miami, Florida at Miami Dade College – Wolfson Campus."

John McCain, what a fraud. Speaking of frauds...

What about this alleged massive voter fraud? I think it's nonsense. To have voter fraud, a living person must attempt to vote under a false name. Registrations don't vote, people do. There were some ACORN employees registering phony names to try to make a quota. This problem was handled by ACORN. This has been spun by right wing media into a democratic conspiracy to steal the vote!
ACORN has registered 2 million new voters, and 60%-70% of those new voters are black, and Democrats. Guess that makes the McCain camp kinda scared.

Here is a small part of a statement released by Bertha Lewis and Steve Kest, directors of ACORN:

"Fact: Voter fraud by individuals is extremely rare, and incredibly difficult. There has never been a single proven case of anyone, anywhere, casting an illegal vote as a result of a phony voter registration. Even if someone wanted to influence the election this way, it would not work."

You can read the facts about ACORN here: ACORN Rallies Its Troops - Marc Ambinder

I really don't think this is going to be an issue for voters. So national media, let's hear more about that Keating Five Scandal......

Photo is of McCain at an ACORN event.
Note to my readers: Mrs. D is on a national news kick right now, I just can't get enough, with the election coming up and all, but I'll be back with a post about local stuff soon!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Little Hussein"

Please click on this link and watch the video of a racist McCain/Palin supporter at a rally in Johnstown PA. Very scary.

Later on, the jerk gave the monkey to a child. And he tried to hide the monkey from view of the MSM cameras.

"Little Hussein"

Please click on this link and watch the video of a racist McCain/Palin supporter at a rally in Johnstown PA. Very scary.

Later on, the jerk gave the monkey to a child. And he tried to hide the monkey from view of the MSM cameras.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Taking a stand for good citizens

Hooray for Cook County Illinois sheriff Thomas J. Dart who is standing up for renters who have been put out on the street because building owners have fallen behind on their mortgage payments. Dart says that the mortgage companies don't care about who is in the building, they just want their money, so he wants the courts to protect the innocent tenants who have paid their bills on time. Dart is suspending foreclosure evictions in Cook County. The Illinois Bankers Assoc. opposes his plan and says he could be found in contempt of court . Cook County includes the city of Chicago.

Read the story here:

Glad to see an elected official with a conscience. Obama must have worked with Dart in Chicago. If elected President, do you think Obama will appoint Dart for some position in Washington?

I think Dart is "right on target!"

Taking a stand for good citizens

Hooray for Cook County Illinois sheriff Thomas J. Dart who is standing up for renters who have been put out on the street because building owners have fallen behind on their mortgage payments. Dart says that the mortgage companies don't care about who is in the building, they just want their money, so he wants the courts to protect the innocent tenants who have paid their bills on time. Dart is suspending foreclosure evictions in Cook County. The Illinois Bankers Assoc. opposes his plan and says he could be found in contempt of court . Cook County includes the city of Chicago.

Read the story here:

Glad to see an elected official with a conscience. Obama must have worked with Dart in Chicago. If elected President, do you think Obama will appoint Dart for some position in Washington?

I think Dart is "right on target!"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cool jazzman vs. hot-headed toddler

Let's take a look at the body language of last night's debate. According to Robin Abcarian of the LA Times : "Obama sat like a jazz musician on his chair, one heel hooked at an angle, while McCain sat as if he might leap up at any moment, or stood impatiently waiting for his turn to speak." Obama wore a cool arctic blue tie. McCain wore a blazing striped red tie. McCain appeared to toddle and wander around on the stage. He kept interrupting and even mocked moderator Tom Brokaw by responding to Brokaw's question "who would you select as secretary of the treasury" with a condescending "not you, Tom." It was as if he was saying, just sit down and shut up, you are just the moderator. I thought Brokaw asked some tough questions.

McCain seemed to ramble well beyond the allotted time limit, and I thought that when he started to turn his answer into a stump speech, the moderator should have jumped in. I think the most memorable moment was when McCain mockingly referred to Obama as "that one." But the best moment for Obama was when he countered McCain's "he doesn't speak softly and carry a big stick" with "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran." McCain started with energy, but ran out of gas at the end. Obama ended on a high note. Obama mentioned the middle class six times, McCain mentioned "middle income" 3 times. I'm glad Obama called out McCain for voting against SCHIP healthcare for kids. I wish they would have talked more about education. Obama did bring up the subject, McCain never did. And Obama believes that healthcare is a right, McCain sees it as a responsibility.

Well, my friends, I think "that one" clearly won this one.

Cool jazzman vs. hot-headed toddler

Let's take a look at the body language of last night's debate. According to Robin Abcarian of the LA Times : "Obama sat like a jazz musician on his chair, one heel hooked at an angle, while McCain sat as if he might leap up at any moment, or stood impatiently waiting for his turn to speak." Obama wore a cool arctic blue tie. McCain wore a blazing striped red tie. McCain appeared to toddle and wander around on the stage. He kept interrupting and even mocked moderator Tom Brokaw by responding to Brokaw's question "who would you select as secretary of the treasury" with a condescending "not you, Tom." It was as if he was saying, just sit down and shut up, you are just the moderator. I thought Brokaw asked some tough questions.

McCain seemed to ramble well beyond the allotted time limit, and I thought that when he started to turn his answer into a stump speech, the moderator should have jumped in. I think the most memorable moment was when McCain mockingly referred to Obama as "that one." But the best moment for Obama was when he countered McCain's "he doesn't speak softly and carry a big stick" with "bomb bomb bomb bomb bomb Iran." McCain started with energy, but ran out of gas at the end. Obama ended on a high note. Obama mentioned the middle class six times, McCain mentioned "middle income" 3 times. I'm glad Obama called out McCain for voting against SCHIP healthcare for kids. I wish they would have talked more about education. Obama did bring up the subject, McCain never did. And Obama believes that healthcare is a right, McCain sees it as a responsibility.

Well, my friends, I think "that one" clearly won this one.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Houseful of Happening Fun!

The Allentown Chen Arts Group’s Inaugural Art Show this past weekend was a rousing and invigorating success that signals the lift-off of an exciting new art scene in Allentown.

A dynamic 2-day crowd estimated at 1,000 people was surprised, engaged, delighted, entertained, challenged, and nourished by the Chen Arts Group’s 1st show.

True to its agenda, “16 and a Movie” was a thoughtful and meaningful art happening led by the artists, with Chen artists conceiving, curating, hosting, installing, promoting, and catering the event.

Three pieces created by Chen Arts Group artists were acquired, via purchase, during the show.

A huge canvass of a thank you goes out to Chenster Extraordinaire PETE LEWNES who had the brilliant idea of presenting Chen 1 in conjunction with the 32nd annual Old Allentown Preservation Association House Tour and providing the gallery space in his tour home at 445-447 North 7th Street in Allentown.

And a Special Thanks to our anonymous underwriter (and we all know who you are, Paul ;) who generously provided matching funds to help cover the cost of attendee snacks and beverages and that hipster DJ.

Stay tuned for more Allentown Art Scene Happenings brought to you by the Chen Arts Group (CHARGE).

Photos by Bill, Angie, and Gianni Villa

This post was written by Mr. Dottie (Bill Villa)

Houseful of Happening Fun!

The Allentown Chen Arts Group’s Inaugural Art Show this past weekend was a rousing and invigorating success that signals the lift-off of an exciting new art scene in Allentown.

A dynamic 2-day crowd estimated at 1,000 people was surprised, engaged, delighted, entertained, challenged, and nourished by the Chen Arts Group’s 1st show.

True to its agenda, “16 and a Movie” was a thoughtful and meaningful art happening led by the artists, with Chen artists conceiving, curating, hosting, installing, promoting, and catering the event.

Three pieces created by Chen Arts Group artists were acquired, via purchase, during the show.

A huge canvass of a thank you goes out to Chenster Extraordinaire PETE LEWNES who had the brilliant idea of presenting Chen 1 in conjunction with the 32nd annual Old Allentown Preservation Association House Tour and providing the gallery space in his tour home at 445-447 North 7th Street in Allentown.

And a Special Thanks to our anonymous underwriter (and we all know who you are, Paul ;) who generously provided matching funds to help cover the cost of attendee snacks and beverages and that hipster DJ.

Stay tuned for more Allentown Art Scene Happenings brought to you by the Chen Arts Group (CHARGE).

Photos by Bill, Angie, and Gianni Villa

This post was written by Mr. Dottie (Bill Villa)