Monday, October 25, 2010

Morning Call Deletes/Blocks My Comments

Every day, The Morning Call "newspaper" allows racist and hateful remarks to dominate its online article comment sections. Most of the Morning Call's enabling and anonymous online hatred is directed at Allentown's Hispanic population.

In a blog post entitled, "Cockroaches," under-achieving Morning Call food/gluttony columnist Bill White justified it thusly: "The tremendous traffic on our Web site is a selling point for advertisers and future subscribers. And the [Forum] comments, warts and all, attract a lot of those clicks."

Thanks Bill, now we get it: Hate Sells.

The Truth? Not so much, especially when the truth casts The Morning Call's favored cronies in a bad light.

For example, there's an article in today's "newspaper" about Paulette Hunter, the tenacious driving force behind Allentown's new "Destination Playground" that's opening today. Read the article and you'll see that it doesn't take "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw long to get around to his editor's not so hidden main agenda: attempting to rehabilitate the well-deserved racist image of Mike Molovinsky, a Morning Call blogger.

Renshaw "writes" ...

Local blogger and one-time mayoral candidate Michael Molovinsky remains one of the biggest critics of the playground and was offended by Hunter's tactics. "Implying that people were trying to exclude special-needs children access to the park and portraying objectors as bigots was totally inappropriate," Molovinsky said. "The whole thing was ugly and unnecessary," Molovinsky said.

When I read this article, I was offended by "reporter" Renshaw's tactics.

Mike Molovinsky has been perceived as a racist in many circles locally even before his highly unsuccessful and racism coded "Molovinsky For Mayor" campaign was "launched" in 2005. Read Molovinsky's campaign propaganda and you'll understand why many people perceive Molovinsky as a racist and a poor-bashing elitist. Renshaw doesn't mention any of this historical backstory. Instead, Renshaw and his "editor" give their Morning Call blogger buddy Mike Molovinsky a free-kick forum to sucker punch Paulette Hunter.

Early this morning, before there were any online comments at the Paulette Hunter article, I posted a signed comment that called attention to two blatantly racist statements proudly published by Mike Molovinsky at his Morning Call-affiliated blog recently.

The "newspaper" deleted my comment w/ in a few seconds.

I tried reposting it ... several times ... hours apart ... and each time it appeared, and then disappeared, almost immediately, as other comments (posted by others) appeared just fine.

Regular readers of this blog know this isn't the first time The Morning Call "newspaper" has muzzled The Villas and our Inconvenient Truth. See our blog's right sidebar content for dozens more examples.

Truth is, anyone who believes Mike Molovinsky is a racist has Mike's number.

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