Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Art Work of the Day

This is a digital Flash painting by local artist and friend ZFollweiler.
I'm not real familiar with computer art, but I know Z is really good at it and is able to make photos look very painterly. Reminds me of the photo-realist paintings from the 70's.

Title: Tiffany at the Key West Mardi Gras


Bernie O'Hare said...

I'm a dud when it comes to art. I wish I had a better understanding, Dottie. But I like the pic!

Angie Villa said...

Thanks Bernie.

I think it's important to showcase local talent, and I plan on doing that here at my blog.

michael molovinsky said...

i was told there would be some gregg weaver work at hava java in march, his pieces tended to be large, and i don't recall wall space there, but we will see

Bill Villa said...

"gregg weaver work at hava java in march"

This would be cool. Gregg Weaver was great.

Bill Villa said...

"digital Flash painting by local artist and friend ZFollweiler. I'm not real familiar with computer art, but I know Z is really good at it and is able to make photos look very painterly."

Z (without revealing any craft secrets), can you tell us how you do this ..

river said...

Bill Villa.. could you please email me at, I want to tell you something. Thanks Henry Schaadt Easton, Pa.

Angie Villa said...


I think a better place for an art show would be in the lobby of the new blackbox theatre down the street.
Hava Java is too small.

zfollweiler said...

Thanks for the Showcase, Dottie!
It's that folks like you and people in Hava Java offer to showcase local artists. A lot of galleries, make money off of local artists just to have the opportunity to show their work. They'll put out a call for entries and charge you $25-$40 to submit those entries. Just imagine if you had to pay a potential employer $40 to view your resume'! It's a racket.
As for Bill Villa's question, the particular software that I used for this picture is Flash. It's used primarily for animation but it gives a nice crisp resolution and detail. I imported a photo, and take a small piece a time and paintbucket a solid color, a linear or a radial gradient. I adjust the color and shape of the gradient to accurately reflect the piece as possible.
There is a wide spectrum of digital paintings. Some people just add filters to a photo, other people do more elaborate things. Digital painting is slowly becoming another medium just as oil or watercolor.

Bill Villa said...

Thanks Z, very interesting. Music I get but painting's a mystery to me. Always fascinates me how painters do what they do and the many different ways they do it.

Anonymous said...

the cleavage is very realistic

Angie Villa said...


Brilliant critique!

Bill Villa said...
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