Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Check Out Barbara

One of my favorite writers/bloggers is Barbara Ehrenreich. She writes about working America, social issues like classism, consumerism, and some national politics too. She is funny, irreverent, and I like her point of view. Her most recent entry "World's Designated Shoppers Drop" is a fun and interesting read. She's written some neat books too like "Nickel and Dimed." She actually went "undercover" taking low wage jobs (waitress, Wal-mart, etc.) and documented how hard it was to actually live on those wages. In order to be able to live indoors she had to work two exhausting jobs. At her blog there is a link to her website where you can read about her books.


Bill said...

Good Book I agree, I also thought Bait and Switch was a worthy read as well.

If you liked that, you may like a book about how the bankruptcy rate as increased along with the two income family. It was co-written by a Harvard Professor / mother daughter. The book is called "the two income trap".

Mrs. Dottie said...

Thanks Bill, I will check it out.

Sarina said...

Hi Mrs. Dottie,
I read "Nickel and Dimed" and thought it was a really great, yet scary, look at working low-wage jobs in our country. I enjoy reading your blog and appreciate that you manage to update it daily.

I want to introduce myself, as I too am a LV blogger. My address is I hope you'll get a chance to check it out sometime.
I put a link to your blog on there (hope you don't mind) as well as some others I enjoy.