Friday, March 14, 2008

Class Act?

I usually don't pay much attention to this kind of news but as an artist this really bothers me. Eliot Spitzer's 22 yr. old call girl is also a singer and now she has a chance at stardom. Her "song" is being played on the radio, and has had millions of hits on the internet. So in our turd polishing society, when you engage in illegal activity, you get rewarded with fame and fortune. I hope her fame lasts for less than 15 minutes. Oh, by the way she grew up in a million dollar mansion so she must have overcome all sorts of hardships.

I think she qualifies for a golden turd.


Bill said...

I agree with your view on this and like the idea of the Golden Turd award.

We have been commenting on some of the same pages as of late. I recently learned that you know my wife, Julie.

Small world it is!

Bernie O'Hare said...

Mrs. Dottie, How do you turn a turd gold?

river said...

One report said Spitzer gave her over $80,000 over the years. I hope his wife dumps him like a hot potato. Thats what Hillary should have done too.

river said...

Bernie O'Hare said...
Mrs. Dottie, How do you turn a turd gold? """""" A $2 can of spray paint. Just don't feel it to see if the paint is dry.. unless you are really brave. :):):):):):):)

Mrs. Dottie said...

Hi Bill,

Small world indeed! I would love to show Julie's art work at my blog.

Mrs. Dottie said...


Spitzer has teenage daughters. This must be awful for them too. I don't think his wife should "stand by her man" but that's her personal decision.

Anonymous said...

Yes Dottie, its a disgrace for the whole family. But I think you will agree that it is all his fault. He ran for Gov on a ticket of law and order and he was one of the people who was breaking them. thanks river

Anonymous said...

How much do you want to bet that publishers are not already after him to write a book about it. Didn't NJ Gov Mcgreavy write one too?? Sort of what you were talking about in the other post about more choice in the media. Sad thing is people will stand in line for hours to get a copy of a sex scandle book for $29.95 or for a pic of Britney before they will ever put in 2 pennies for a newspaper.

Anonymous said...

For an interesting article about the difference between how men and women view this situation try the Washington Post:

Please note, I present this as a quote without comment.


A.J. Cordi said...

There is a television ad that shows a teenage girl embarrassed by her father because he committed insurance fraud.

I wouldn't be surprised if Spitzer's girls felt that way times ten.

And like River and many others, I don't understand why his wife continues to support him. But if his marriage can overcome this, then good for them.

As for hardships, I understand the point you are making but I don't think it's fair to assume her life was easy because she came from a wealthy home.

I came from a middle-class home whose family was generally financially safe. However, I experienced many hardships and am very lucky to be in the position I'm in today. Adolescence doesn't always reflect wealth.

Mrs. Dottie said...


Spitzer engaged in criminal activity, and what he did was immoral.I agree,it is his fault. But the point of my post is to draw attention to how immoral it is for criminals to be rewarded with fame.

Mrs. Dottie said...

RE:"I understand the point you are making but I don't think it's fair to assume her life was easy because she came from a wealthy home."

I was being sarcastic.I know she could have had a hard life with lots of problems, but having money can make dealing with these issues a lot easier. Poor people can't afford rehab, couseling, therapy, vacations.

Mrs. Dottie said...


I read the Washington Post article.
It was interesting. Again, I think it is a personal decision between the husband and wife, depending on their relationship. Personally, I don't think I could stand by my man if he broke our marriage vows.

A.J. Cordi said...


I read the profile on the "call girl's" MySpace - give it a glance it you get a couple minutes.

Anonymous said...

dottie said"But the point of my post is to draw attention to how immoral it is for criminals to be rewarded with fame." Hi Dotie. On one of the news channels last night they were interviewing a call girl, she said she makes $500 an hour. Isn't that being rewarding? Who wouldn't do almost anything for $500 or $4000 an hour.
thanks river

Mrs. Dottie said...


I've read that her friends have said that her MySpace is all lies, that she had a privileged life. Her best friend says she led a charmed life and was never abused.

Mrs. Dottie said...

Hope this link works:


Matia said...

Good for people to know.