Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Joke of the Day

My six year old son made up this joke:

What do pigs use on dry skin?



joseph skrapits said...

This kid is going to make a lot of money someday writing for Seinfeld...

Mrs. D--I saw your comment on my blog about e-mailing HALA. I've been telling people, too, and so have some of the other arts commissioners. I met a woman tonight at the Brewworks who wants to open a co-op gallery on the 4th floor. She will probably be there on the 25th.
I hope the House of Chen knows to expect a crowd...should be fun.

Look forward to meeting you (and your funny son).

Mrs. Dottie said...


I told Jenny at House of Chen 25 people, but it looks like there will be more, so I will call her. It's great that the word is getting around! Let me know if you hear from any other people who would like to come. I will have a sign in sheet so I get everyone's e-mail and phone #.

A.J. Cordi said...

Where did you get the picture of Pawlowski?