Friday, May 16, 2008

Prom Season

Here's a drawing I did of my mom going to her prom. The next piece "Prom Night" is made from scarves that belonged to my mom, and some from my collection. There is a photo in the center, of mom and her prom date. The top part is an old purse handle, and it used to have a doll's head glued on but that fell off and I can't find it. Have fun at the prom kids! Don't drink and drive. I can remember how horrible my senior prom was. Since I went to an all girl's school and did not have a boyfriend, I could not get a date, so I went with my best friend's brother. Eeewww!
Wouldn't it be fun to have a "Prom Night" party as older adults!


Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the variety of your work. Keep it coming!

I went to prom with my best friend - a gay guy. It would probably be more fun now as adults. At least now we can legally have a drink and not get in trouble with our parents!

Anonymous said...

It's actually a great idea. A Allentown/Lehigh Valley Social or Prom for adults. It would give a chance for those who had bad or NO proms to come out and have fun like the teens. I wonder if we could hold it at Holiday Inn/Crown Plaza and who would come ? It seems like it would be fun,


Angie Villa said...


This idea must have been tried before. If not, I'm sure someone from Lehigh Valley Style or Social or whatever mag for the tres chic will steal the idea and take full credit.

Bernie O'Hare said...


The next social I'll be going to is my funeral. I don't think we had proms.