Monday, June 16, 2008

The Morning Call struts its sensationalism stuff

We lost internet access all day yesterday and last night, so I am kinda behind with posts. But I would just like to say how appalled I am at that headline on the front page of Sat's Morning Crawl. Purely sensational. And students are encouraged to read the newspaper? I shouldn't have to explain this one to my little inquisitive guy.

Rape suspect says penis cast would acquit him

Too big? Lawyer calls Landsdale man 'freak,' says girl's injuries don't match.

PENIS, Page A10,0,1793573.story

What about this poor 13 yr. old girl who was raped? How about her family MC editors, ever think about the family of the victim??

I'm posting about this because I think if we continue to ignore this it will just get worse.


Bill Villa said...

That's our Morning Call, the Cock of the Walk.

[Definition, cock of the walk, noun, a dominating person in any group, esp. an overbearing one]

Anonymous said...

If we all ignore the Morning Call perhaps it will go away, by now we all understand it cannot be reformed into a substantive newspaper.

Scott Armstrong

Anonymous said...

Having the "Penis Casting" front page, headlining over Tim Russert's passing was a real travesty and poor judgement on the editor's behalf.

Blah Society said...

I have a huge sense of humor, but that is not appropriate for the front page. The article should have run, but not the way that it did.

Also, I'm not so sure that Tim Russert's death should have been a front page story either - because it's not local - but I would have respected it.

I remember a few years ago when elementary school students were encouraged to read the newspaper daily. I also remember opening up The Morning Call and seeing sexually explicit advertisements.

I don't think I need to go on...

Bernie O'Hare said...

I remember a few years ago when elementary school students were encouraged to read the newspaper daily. I also remember opening up The Morning Call and seeing sexually explicit advertisements.

I don't want to tell the paper what it may or may not report. My main objection is to its Reader Forum, but I do know a middle school and one grade school that do encourage their students to read. I read the letters students wrote to a business lady who paid to sponsor Newspapers in Education and they are hilarious.

Bill Villa said...

" ... by now we all understand it cannot be reformed into a substantive newspaper."

You're right, Scott.

Angie Villa said...

WHen I taught in the ASD the newspaper was used in the classroom
and I can remember the papers being delivered to the main office.THis was at middle school and some elementary schools. Just last year in Kindergarten one of my son's assignments was to choose an article from the newspaper to bring to class and discuss.
Kids are encouraged to read the newspaper and parents are encouraged to read it with them.
THere needs to be some standards at least as far as what is on the front page. I think people should be just as outraged at this as the forum.


I think if we ignore it they will just get more sensational because it will become the standard.

This is bad for the community, just like Paul Carpenter is bad for ASD students and teachers.

Anonymous said...

The front page seems like very poor placement of that story. And what a graphic headline! I don't know if they thought it was funny or what, but the subject is certainly very serious. I didn't happen to read the story. I avoid news in all forms on Saturday. That's my time for mental decompression!

Angie Villa said...

I can't believe they would even consider joking about this considering the seriousness of the crime, the impact on a young girl and her family. It's pathetic.
I've been in position of being family of a victim and they have absolutely NO consideration, believe me.