Sunday, June 22, 2008

An exciting night of art!

Thanks to everyone who attended the third Allentown Chen-Arts Group (CHARGE) event at Greg Coates studio on Saturday night. What made this event extra special and exciting was that the artists got a chance to share their work. Gracious hosts Greg Coates and his friendly wife Kiki opened their fabulous studio/residence to our group, and I enjoyed every minute of being in this unique environment. Thanks to Kiki for the great tour! We are so fortunate to have Greg and Kiki in Allentown. What they have done with the space is really quite ingenious. Special thanks to Paul Marin for catering the event with delicious and spicy vegan food from Balasia restaurant in Emmaus, 484-330-6405. It was a fabulous spread of unique and healthy dishes. There was plenty of food, and I tried to sample a little bit of each dish.

Sorry I don't have pictures from the event but in attendance were Joyce Marin (Director of Community and Economic Development) Joe Skrapits (Allentown Arts Commission), Pete Lewnes (Main St. Manager) Lee Vedder (Allentown Art Museum) Thank-you all for your support of the arts in Allentown.

Thanks Sarah and Matt for operating the projector. Great job! Thanks artists who showed and discussed their work. Artist Cheryl Hochberg is having a show at e-david gallery in Bethlehem. Zehra Follweiller showed her flash paintings(computer art), Greg showed his abstract paintings and installations , Kim from Brooklyn showed some neat abstract photos, I showed my pop-inspired mixed media work, Songwriter Bill Villa brought a cd of original power pop music by his local band The Villas, Joe Skrapits showed his landscapes and a cityscape, Joe's wife Susan Weaver read haiku poems. Artists Chakaia Booker and Alston (hope I got names correct) were in attendance as well as Panas from the artist group from Emmaus which will be locating in Allentown. And thanks Heather, for speaking about Alfonso's Upward Bound Allentown event.

Hope I did not forget anyone. It was an informative, productive, and happening get together.
We can learn so much just by sharing and listening to each other. Hopefully we can continue to inspire each other in a positive way. It's all good! Pete Lewnes offered his place for our next meeting on Sat. July 26th. See you then. Let me know your ideas about food for the next event.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry I missed it. It sounds as if it was a great event and everyone had a grand time !


Bill Villa said...

Saturday night's Chen Arts Group (CHARGE) meeting at Greg & Kiki's was sooo coo-el, the best get-together to date I thought. Whoever missed it really missed out. Very neat seeing and hearing the artists showing and articulating on their work, processes, influences, etc. Greatly looking forward to CHARGING ahead with this growing group of neato people.

Anonymous said...

I had a great time. I agree with Bill, I think it was the best gathering so far. Great environment, fun people, yummy food. It was inspiring to see everyone's work.

Next time Matt and I will bring some audio equipment so we can show some short films or the trailers for our documentaries. We couldn't play them Sat. night without sound.

Bill Villa said...

I was wondering why no Sarina/Matt films, looking forward to seeing some next time!

The Unspoken Word said...

I am looking forward to other artist events.. thank you everyone for the great event.

petelewnes said...

the event was truly inspiring...and just all around great spending the evening with great people...thanks to Angie for the planning, greg and kiki for the space and the marins for yummy food for balasia!

Greg's artwork and the living space that they have created all around art might be just the right ticket for us too!

Joyce Marin said...

This is the most exciting thing I have seen happening in the Lehigh Valley in the whole 18 years I have lived here, and it's happening right in Allentown!

Last summer I facilitated a discussion with the arts community in which many local artists passionately expressed the need for better communication and community building among working and emerging artists. And now it's happening.

Thank you Miss Dottie, Greg, Kiki and everyone else. This is an exciting time for Allentown and the Lehigh Valley because of what you've started.

On Wednesday at the Plaza Growers' Market, there were more than a few people who asked me about the Chen Arts Group. Now, because so many of the people who were at your events live in and around downtown Allentown, maybe that's a good time to leave your studios and drop by there weekly. The Plaza Growers' Market is Wednesdays through October from 4-6 p.m. located at PPL Plaza between 8th and 9th on Hamilton St.

Starting next week, there is going to be music at the market, so it could be a good place to connect with others in a setting that supports your health and creativity.

Angie Villa said...

Thanks for the kind words Joyce, and fo supporting our group.