Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Taking a break

I am taking a break from blogging for a couple of weeks. I will be back with a post about our next Chen-Arts group happening scheduled for July 26th.

In the meantime, don't miss Upward Bound Allentown! A multicultural celebration to be held on July 12, on Hamilton St. in Allentown between 6th and 7th.

Make sure to go see art work by the late Greg Weaver at Hava Java on 19th St., the opening will be July 11th.
Have a Happy 4th of July and a fun summer! Mrs. :D


A.J.C. said...

You're taking a break and I'll be away for a week. That means the world is stuck with O'Hare and Molovinsky. I'm not sure I'll wanna return now, LOL!

michael molovinsky said...

dottie, one correction. the weaver work at hava java will NOT be a retrospective. among the many characteristics of greg's work, was large paintings and many of them. at the coffee shop, it can be just a small taste. there should be a retrospective show in allentown, to celebrate both the quality of his work and his contribution to the area arts.

Mrs. Dottie said...


The newspaper, which gave the wrong date for the show, listed it as a "retrospective."

I agree, they can't fit large paintings there. There should be a retrospective at the Allentown Art Museum, and hopefully that will happen.

I'll change it.

The Unspoken Word said...

I am also busy.. this week, but i am not about to stop reading the fantastic blogs which are posted here

Sarina said...

Mrs. D and AJ -
I will be gone next week, too. Hope you have fun wherever you're headed.

Anonymous said...

I will definitely miss you all! It seems like EVERYONE is taking a break! I will, also, once UPWARD BOUND, ALLENTOWN is done. But don't be fooled, be on the look out for a new event:
