Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks

Here is a list of some things I am thankful for (there are many others):
1. First and foremost, my family.
2. Friends

3. My faith

4. My surgeons

5. My dad's surgeon

6. Nurses

7. My teachers

8. Emergency response people

9. Fire and police officers

10. Democracy/USA/Freedom

11. Volunteers

12. Veterans


Anonymous said...

I am so thankful you made Mr. Dottie a "Lehigh Valley Somebody" co-blogger. His insights are just brilliant (as are yours too, Mrs. Dottie).

Bill Villa said...

Thanks, Mom.

Anonymous said...

And I'm thankful Villa is a tool and Mrs. Dottie is a robot.

Mrs. Dottie said...

Dear Readers, we allowed Anon 5:50's "sucker punch" comment past our 'velvet rope' to give you just a taste of the many, many comments like this that we get here every day but that you don't see because we reject them rather than publish them.

For a while there, one commenter was posting comments as Bill's deceased daughter Sheena, "writing from hell."

Oh yes. People can be so warm, and wonderful, and thoughtful.

But for those who aren't (and we all know who they are), we keep our comment moderation on here.

Anonymous said...

one commenter was posting comments as Bill's deceased daughter Sheena, "writing from hell."

I don't have a comment. I just thought the above was worth repeating, so that warm and wonderful and thoughtful people everywhere don't miss it.

Anonymous said...

Check the IP address. It probably came from either Nazareth, South Whitehall Township, or Lynn Township.

Bill Leiner Jr. said...

Dottie, You forgot part time elected officials .......