Our First Lady Michelle Obama and some school children are planting a garden on the White House grounds. I see the idea of a garden as the perfect political symbol right now, and as a powerful symbol in our lives.
During difficult times, whether it be grieving the death of a child and fighting for justice, or facing down an economic crisis and a lingering war, there is hope that something new will grow-- despite the efforts of those who would sabotage the growth, and the resultant good yield for the majority, to serve their own spiteful agendas. There is faith in what cannot be seen, faith that something will emerge and nourish many people. Faith in something that can be shared and sustained. Faith in the future.
The garden also symbolizes self-reliance, getting your hands dirty and working hard. The garden requires creativity. We have planted some seeds of justice, and we are confident they will bear fruit-- despite the efforts of those who would sabotage the growth, and the resultant good yield for the majority, to serve their own spiteful agendas. We will continue to do the hard work during these hard times.
Very beautiful prose with a meaningful message embedded among the flower beds, nicely done.
i visited sheena's garden yesterday too. it was sad, and happy, to see all the flowers and candy
"Power to the People on the Left" is really "catchy" and clever, I like that :)
Obamas White House Vegetable Garden
LV Somebody is the calculated calm during the political s**t storm and a welcome relief (and oftentimes comic relief) from all the insanity. I'm jealous too.
Very cool comments, all, thank you, we're here, just resting up after Sheena's Birthday ;D
love to you guys. I'm close to West park, I'll visit the garden soon.
Thank you, we sincerely appreciate your love, tell Sheena we said hi.
I read the NY Times article, very interesting, thanks for the link.
"A White House carpenter, Charlie Brandts, who is a beekeeper, will tend two hives for honey."
Gee, they are really going organic!
Bravo to the Obamas in progress "Victory" garden ... and to the Villas in progress "Justice" garden.
Row One
Row Two
We can picture a Justice garden becoming a Victory garden and we hope the local Democratic party can too.
Considering all that Bill has brought to light regarding District Attorney Martin, recenbtly with the Rohrer and Buenzly cases, and over the last few years with Sheena's case, and other drunk and deadly cases that Martin appears to have fixed for friends, WE MUST HAVE OTHER CANDIDATES, FROM BOTH PARTIES, OPPOSING JIM MARTIN FOR RE-ELECTION IN 2011.
Martin represents everything that is "old and crooked Lehigh County." Time's have changed and it's time for a change in the D.A.'s office.
Bravo to you.
Please email the Lehigh County Democratic Committee Executive Board and their counterparts at the Lehigh County GOP and let them hear our voices on this important local issue, LOUDLY & CLEARLY. Thanks.
Did you know that Jim Martin's annual salary is $156,441 a year and neighboring Northamption County DA John Morganelli's salary is exactly $1 less at $156,440. What exactly is Martin's point here w/ this $1-upsmanship and how much time and effort did Jim put into this grandstand play?
That's a good one ($1). Somehow, I don't see Jim Martin as being a dollar better than John Morganelli but apparently Jim thinks so. Martin does seem to be about (and I'm estimating) 156,441 pounds heavier than Morganelli, I'll give him that.
i tune in here regularly but even if i tuned in here only occasionally i know i would find this blog to be highly credible. The two columns on Martin (Roarer and Buenzley) were just outstanding reporting and analysis that The Morning Call is sadly not capable of.
Merci and that's why LVS is ranked by BNN as the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in the Lehigh Valley week, after week, after week, after ... but sadly ... not this week, we predict.
Noting the obvious 'boiling point' of the seething (and delicious) jealousy that all the other local (NeoCon) blogs have for LVS, we're fairly certain they will unite and spend many hours today self-key-stroking themselves past us in the BNN rankings and GANG GAMING LVS out of our traditional #1 spot. Remember where you heard it first and not to worry we'll be back in the #1 slot the following week!
Sadly, I agree w/ Bill about the impending GANG GAMING ... but this should make for some really interesting "WEEKLY BNN RANKINGS ANALYSES!" so do tune back in tomorrow, regular AND occasional readers of LVS!
Villas we don't need "BNN" to confirm for us that LVS is #1 and that all the other local (neocon) blogs are "number two."
I agree w/ Hayshaken.
The Blanker
Regarding goose(lock)step Neocon blog GANG GAMING, I gamely predict they will Gang Game one of these blogs into the #1 spot:
* "Capitol Ideas" (because it's a Morning Call-affiliated "motherland" blog and also as a caring (wink wink) and power-showy sympathy card for its author who lost his dad last week)
* "Inclusion by Michael Donovan" (because their Neocon Fuhrer ranted extensively there this week and they'll wanna rig it so it looks like lots of people read it)
* "Molovinsky Always on Allentown" (because "Mighty Mouse" had no comments all week)
No way! der Fuhrer will game HIMSELF into the #1 spot to reASSert hisself as he's been swaying and twisting in the wind like Saddam's statue lately!
Don't count out Camp Casey. Although they've been cowering on the sidelines these past 8 months nursing post traumatic stress disorders from their last humiliating blog war defeat (instead of helping the Villas break O'Hare's jaw in 7 different places), now THEY wanna be the local hero #1 badasses so look for "PollyBlog" to be gamed into the #1 rank thanks to their new self-loading software that we saw in test run action 2 weeks ago.
Very interesting predictions, all! We eagerly await the new BNN ratings on Sunday morning and Jack Webb Lord's always astute analyses!
I can hardly wait for Sunday! Sunday!
I know I'm going "OT" here but I just wanted to say how much I resent being "taken in" by the occasional charming nostalgia over at Mike "3%" Molovinsky's blog, "Memory Lane." In reality, "Memory Lane" is really only a vehicle for "MM" to indulge in his personal vendetta against Mayor Pawlowski who pummeled Mike 59% to 3% in the 2005 Allentown Mayoral election. Why not just be HONEST Mike, and foam at the mouth over Pawlowski ALL THE TIME, instead of luring us in w/ that irresistible (and sure-fire) nostalgia. Am I the only one who sees through this ruse (and Mike)?
Bloomberg, you are by no means alone. Mike Molovinsky has eliminated all the good will and support he had. Blogosphere is united in their plea for him to get help.
I second that.
Readers, sadly, it's true. People are either targets or tools to (Knows-All, Sees-All) Mike Molovinsky. Okay, let's get back on topic now ...
In an AMAZING UPSET VICTORY that flies in the face of relentless (and, time-consuming, oopsie) GANG BLOG GAMING against them, once again, The Villas "Lehigh Valley Somebody" ("Liberals on a Mission for Justice") blog is the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania! Again! This week! WOW!
Here's how you can tell: one of the major tip-offs to blog GAMING is when a blog flies into the Top 20 out of nowhere, i.e., UN-RANKED the week before.
And hmm, how many of these do we see this week?
Drum roll please ...
#17. "Anita Bryant's Perspectives" (nowhere last week, and hysterically, ON HIATUS all THIS week, but GANG GAMED into the Top 20 anyways this week, hey, CONGRATS! (wink wink)
#16. "Capitol Ideas." Yes, nowhere last week, Top 20 this week, but sadly, not GAMED w/ all that much enthusiasm we see. Pretty cold.
#10. "Michael Donovan's Inclusion." Nowhere last week, Top 10 (!) this week, CONGRATS! (wink wink)
#9. "Mike Molovinsky's Memory Lane." Nowhere last week (and, every week :) Top 10 (!) this week, CONGRATS! (wink wink)
and the "Winner" is (i.e., the local Neocon blog that came the CLOSEST (yawn) to GAMING the Villas out of the #1 spot) ... and as PREDICTED HERE BY "JO JO" ...
#6. The Lehigh Valley Political (wink wink) Blog!!! Nowhere last week, Top 10 (!) this week, CON(wink wink)GRATS!
Better GANG GAMING luck next week, local Neocon Blogs!
THIS WEEK, The Villas are #1 Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania! Again! This week! WOW!
Wow! This really IS an amazing underdog accomplishment, and I predict it's gonna be harder than usual to maintain our "most humble too" status this week, but we'll try!
Thanks, EVERYBODY, for making LVS #1 Again!
... and to think der Fuhrer sat there gaming on his Blackberry all through his grandson's baseball scrimmage this weekend, that is awful ...
Woo! Hoo! Way To Go! again, Villas!
Pam Varkony won't comment at my blog. Also, Pam and LVCI steal all my ideas. In all do respect, my blog should be the #1 blog instead of #9. My blog. Mine. The blog w/ all the good ideas. My ideas. My blog. Me. Mine. Me. Mine. My. Me. I. Me. Mine. Me.
I'm a regular reader and one of those "read-only" liberal majority types who has made you #1, week, after week, after week :) just had to say, and no "wink wink"...CONGRATULATIONS.
(wink wink) Merci!
Wow, "Daily viewer" you sure are in love with yourself. In all do respect, of course. And you really should stick to faux men's issues, like E.D. for example, some of those strolls down your "Memory Lane" give us young ladies the creeps.
Separated at Birth?
Blog war update: I just met w/ Bill V. He's cool, calm, and collected, as always. But you should see The Other Guy.
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