Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Racist Opposition To Allentown Playground

Dour buttinsky Mike Molovinsky is a resident of the tony Allentown PA suburb of South Whitehall Township.

He doesn't live, or vote, in Allentown.

But trust fund slacker Mike Molovinsky is accustomed to getting his own way, dammit.

And Mikey does not want a proposed new Destination Playground [Watch Video!] at Allentown's Cedar Beach Park.

It's okay to put it "in their 'hood, but not ours," is the verbatim gist of all the tightly Molovinsky-moderated "discussion" on this hot topic at Mike Molovinsky's Morning Call newspaper-affiliated and awarded hate blog, Molovinsky on Allentown.

FYI, Mike Molovinsky ran very unsuccessfully for Mayor of Allentown in 2005 when he suffered a humiliating (and some say life-changing) 59% to 3% pummeling by popular Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski. Adding belly-laugh (3%!) insult to injury, out-of-office and discredited former Mayor Bill Heydt got 38% of the vote.

Back in 2005, hardly anybody (3%) was paying any attention to Mike Molovinsky and so the coded racism that dominated Molovinsky's Campaign Platform went mostly unnoticed.

Readers, we encourage you to pay close attention to Molovinsky's Campaign Platform now-- because it reveals Molovinsky's elitist and racist disdain for the poor while providing some context for Molovinsky's konstantly kvetching "sore loser" vendetta against compassionate and humanitarian Allentown Mayor, Ed Pawlowski.

Molovinsky's platform starts w/ a misspelled, fear-mongering acronym, "Save Our Sity," and then 10 of its 18 sentences are blatantly elitist and racist. Allow us to "translate" its main points for you and put Mike's already telegraph-obvious agenda in the spotlight ...

"We must recover from being the victim of Political Correctness." Translation: "My political inspiration, the late Allentown City Council woman Emma Tropiano had it right: WE MUST QUIT BEING SHY ABOUT BLAMING ALLENTOWN'S PROBLEMS ON THE HISPANICS."

"We can no longer tolerate being a poverty magnet ... We will no longer strive to win the national HUD award for making low-income homeowners. We will no longer strive to be the third largest city in Pa., necessitating a high rise prison." Translation: "Poor people are criminals; most hispanics are poor; do the math."

"Our current social programs are morally commendable, but unfair to the taxpayer. Social agencies should receive our gratitude, not our taxes." Translation: "Poor people don't pay any of the taxes "we" pay, so screw 'em."

"Public safety will mean police patrolmen, not multiple assistant chiefs attending national conferences." Translation: "We already know who and where the trouble-makers are (Emma told us), so let's stop "studying solutions" and start crackin' heads."

Readers, the Mike Molovinsky-led opposition to Allentown's proposed Destination Playground is obstructionist and racist mob-rule mentality nonsense.

It's akin to the loony racist "birthers" who recently forged a Kenyan birth certificate for President Obama and the RepubliCON opposition to anything Obama wants to accomplish for the American people, like healthcare reform, and having a wise latina on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Isn't it curious how quickly some white men in Congress and the Lehigh Valley can see "reverse racism" against white people, but fail to notice or call out explicit racism and hatred against Latinos, African-Americans, Muslims, and other minorities-- which you can step in daily at local online "Klan Rallies" like The Morning Call Forum, Scott Armstrong's white-hooded Allentown Commentator chat room, and Molovinsky on Allentown.

On a related subject, we are saddened that Allentown City Council Vice President (for now) and Cedar Crest College "ethics" professor Michael Donovan (allegedly an educator? and a "liberal?") would ally so closely w/ Mike Molovinsky at his blog and give such unwarranted attention and approval to Molovinsky and his handful of loony, racist foot-dragger supporters who are against Equal Opportunity for all the children of Allentown, while deleting and muzzling a dozen legitimate comments of dissent at his ironically titled blog, "Inclusion."

Allentown, let's build that Destination Playground ASAP and Move Forward Together (well, most of us anyway).


Anonymous said...

THANK YOU! FINALLY, a LV blog that doesn't DELETE dissenting comments! You got it right with "Klan Rallies" around here. All the other local blogs are in goose-step sinc on this issue and dissent is strictly verboten! One of the comments DELETED BY DONOVAN at his blog dealt with Cedar Beach POOL in the 1960's and how OVER-USED the parking area was back then with THOUSANDSof cars cramming and mashing down an area MANY TIMES LARGER than the envisioned Destination Playground. The commenter made the VALID POINT I thought that the Cedar neighbors didn't complain THEN b/c that it was ALL WHITE FOLKS TOLERATING each other and that what a big difference today when NON-WHITES are supposedley "over-using" the exact same area. BUT POOF Donovan deleted it!

Bill Villa said...

Thank YOU.

Our local blog storm troopers have a strategy you may have noticed. If anyone disagrees w/ them, they bray to the blog author (if the author isn't themselves) ...

"Psst, Mr. Donovan, Mr. Donovan, commenter 8:46pm is BILL VILLA!" And POOF goes the dissent, per the compliant lapdog blog host. And this way, it seems like nobody (except Bill Villa) ever disagrees w/ them. It also has the value-added bonus of discouraging additional dissent. Pretty slick. And I'm flattered.

Anonymous said...

It's so obvious this is about race.

Anonymous said...

I've seen statements at Molivinski's blog that say way-out things like Pawlowski and his parks director want to "develop and over-build every square inch of our beautiful parks system." It's extremist (and yes "loony") wordages like that is where they lost me which was pretty much right out of the gate.

Foo Foo said...


best computer minds in S. Korea and Estonia can't catch their "cyber villains"


Mike Donovan deletes "Bill Villa" on Mike Molovinsky's positivity, and, Molovinsky's command ...

W-O-W. Donovan. GROW A SET buddy.

Anonymous said...

I saw that comment about Cedar Beach being "over-used" in the 1960s at Michael Donovan's blog. I too thought that the commengter was making a completely legitimate and rational argument regardless of who it was (Villa?) or wasn't. Donovan had absolutely no valid reason to delete that comment (other than possibly "Stockholm Syndrome".)

Anonymous said...

You Villas are like freakin' roller derby champions, I love it!

Angie Villa said...

Merci (must leave for dining engagement, be back later) ...

The City Official said...

I wish more people had your courage.

Anonymous said...

"We must recover from being the victim of Political Correctness."

This single sentence tells me everything I need to know about Mr. Molovinski.

Anonymous said...

The tactics that Molovinsky's Mob is using on Allentown City Council have been used before...

"Shut It Down"

...and they are similar to what other coached obstructionists are using to "shut down" current town hall discussions on health care reform.

This is a subversion of our democratic process.

Councilman Donovan is doing exactly what Molovinsky and his mob want him to do when he says he plans on trying to get fellow council persons to join him in "shutting down" the already Council-approved Cedar plans from going forward.

In my opinion, Donovan is a dunce for allowing himself to be duped like this by a racist (Molovinsky).

Anonymous said...

this mayor simply proves his ignorance when it comes to the tearing up and making Cedar Beach park into another Dorney Park!. Without any of the residents input! He is simply trying to build his resume at our expense for a job he is secretly trying to get or lineup in his hometown of Chicago! He could care less about Allentown!

ATTENTION Neighbors of Cedar Beach Park: Council meeting STOP THE CONSTRUCTION OF CEDAR BEACH PARK



Anonymous said...

The parallels w/ loonies wanting both Obama and Pawlowski to fail are remarkable.

Angie Villa said...

Wow, what nutjobs. Turning Cedar Beach into "Dorney Park!!"
Look at the scale of the playground on the plans, it is no bigger than the basketball court area or the pool area.

A playground is NOT an amusement park. Playgrounds promote unstructured play which improves a child's physical, cognitive and social development. Playgrounds increase social capital and promote community building because families can meet for a common cause THE WELL BEING OF OUR CHILDREN.

Bill Villa said...

"The parallels w/ loonies wanting both Obama and Pawlowski to fail are remarkable."

Sad, but true.

Thankfully, there's only 3% of them.

But there's no point "debating" w/ them. The total irrationality and insanity, really, of comments like those of "12:46am" (or the "Birthers") renders any give & take discussion impossible. These people are impossible.

Re: whether "12:46am" was Mike Donovan or some other loony, Councilor Donovan checked in here last night at 10:51pm ...

Domain Name > (Unknown) 
IP Address > 64.9.15.# (LVAIC Cedar Crest College)
Operating System > Microsoft WinXP
Browser > Internet Explorer 7.0
Time of Visit > Aug 4 2009 10:51:59 pm

... so "12:46am" was probably Mike Molovinsky.

Anon 11:47, we believe you are dead-on target (not a threat). The Cedar Park obstructionists are using the exact same tactics as those used by the GOP insider-led "Stop The Recount" thugs in Florida, the wacky Freedom Works-organized Tea Baggers, and the Freedom Works-organized disrupters at current town hall meetings on healthcare reform.

The majority of us must shut these people up
and shut 'em down.

Anonymous said...

It is clear to me, also, that the opposition to the park plan is --- if not racist -- definitely a discrimination-based movement. "Destination" is a problem for the opposition, who seem more like obstructionists than preservationists.

Bill Villa said...

Very well said, although I think we may be splitting hairs concerning "racist" or "discrimination-based."

Mrs. Dottie and I thought long and hard before making the editorial decision to lead w/ the word "racist" instead of "elitist" in this post.

What tipped us (and rather easily, I might add) is Mike Molovinsky's long-standing participation as a supportive commenter at Scott Armstrong's white-hooded "Allentown Commentator" chat room where the overtly rabid racism on most days makes the cesspool of hate Morning Call online "Forum" seem like an Acceptance LoveFest by comparison.

Incredibly, there are Allentown School Board members (and nominees) who are enthusiastic regulars at the Allentown Commentator, where the hate du jour is generally directed at Latinos (who make up the majority of their student body) or President Barack Obama (who was born in KENYA!)

Anonymous said...

Molovinski's a "preservationist" alright.

He wants to preserve Allentown as it was in 1950.

Anonymous said...

"Destination" is a problem for the opposition"

See: It's okay to put it "in their 'hood, but not ours"

Bill Villa said...

Readers, pardonnez-moi for going OT (just this once) to deliver some Breaking News:

Lehigh County's Open Records Act/Right To Know officer Kathleen Parrish got back to me regarding Debbie Garlicki's "new" Job w/ crooked and incompetent DA Jim Martin.

Look for a new post on this extremely high-interest topic, after we hear back from our confidential/anonymous and legal advisors.

And you are hitting the nail squarely on the head (not a threat), anonymous 9:21 and 9:30.

Angie Villa said...

As a mom of a super active young boy, I spend most of my time on local playgrounds. In fact, I would be at Lindbergh Park (a great, shaded playground with lots of running space) right now on a playdate if Gianni was feeling better today.(Poor guy has a bad stomach bug) I am thankful for the free fun that our playgrounds and parks provide. Our child has developed physical strength, confidence, lasting friendships,
and overall well being thanks to exercise and unstructured play at playgrounds.

Playgrounds also help children develop leadership skills, confidence, fine motor skills,creativity, connection to community. Oh, and the playground will help reduce crime and gang violence.

No one complained of over use of the park in the 60's when thousands of people converged on Cedar Beach. But back then, there was segregation and the Blacks used Fountain Park pool.

Kids deserve a new playground in Allentown. There is an abundance of peaceful park settings in Allentown, but Cedar Beach Park is already heavily used for sports and picnics, and events, and it makes perfect sense to have a big playground there.

"OT" Giggle said...

Separated at Birth?

Mike Molivinskli & A.J. Cordi (?)

Looking To Escape said...

"The parallels w/ loonies wanting both Obama and Pawlowski to fail are remarkable."

I thought Hillary Clinton said in 2008 that debate, argue and fight the powers that be was a good thing.
Crying racism or anything other name deflects from the basic issue, Allentown is broke, decaying and can't even afford a fully funded police force.
The suggestion that other more local parks be refurbished and upgraded is a good one and maybe more cost effective. Allentown can not afford to upkeep the infrastructure it has, why add more?

Bill Villa said...

"The suggestion that other more local parks be refurbished and upgraded is a good one and maybe more cost effective." -Looking To Escape From a Mental Institution

This is just a gussied-up way of saying:

okay to put it "in their 'hood, but not ours."

I see from your profile that your favorite music is the opening theme to the Rush Limbaugh show.

I rest my case.

Next ...

Angie Villa said...

"Crying racism or anything other name deflects from the basic issue",

What?? Racism IS the issue that everyone wants to ignore here.
What are you doing to help bring people together in Allentown if you are looking to escape? The playground would bring families together for a common cause, builds social capital, which leads to a better quality of life, and economic capital for the city.

As far as upgrading other local playgrounds, most inner city playgrounds have been updated, Central Elementary just got a new playground (a teacher raised the money) and McKinley recently was updated. Why can't urban children be given an opportunity to play in a park setting along with the suburban kids? The west end kids need a playground too.

And the lunatics who are fighting the powers that be are doing it just to obstruct Obama, with tactics that are despicable and in support of corporations NOT the American people. That's not a good thing.

Anonymous said...


there's no point "debating" w/ them.
The majority of us must shut these people up
and shut 'em down.

Anonymous said...

"What are you doing to help bring people together in Allentown if you are looking to escape?"


Foo Foo said...

Top 10 Racist Limbaugh Quotes

Anonymous said...

"Changing Allentown's Cedar Beach into a vast playground will have the unfortunate effect of moving the city's problem of neglected and unsupervised children into the heart of the so far peaceful West End. A better solution would be to raze a blighted block in the downtown and build the playground there." -Scott Armstrong



"Okay to put it "in THEIR 'hood, but not OURS."

Anonymous said...

Here's a real "knee-slapper" from SCOTT ARMSTRONG'S Allentown Commentator chat room (and remember: "We must recover from being the victim of Political Correctness!" -Mike Molovinsky)


What's in store for the future:


My name be Eboneesha Li Herenandez, an African Hispanic Asiatic-American Girl who just got an award for being the bess speler in class. I got 67% on the speling test and 30 points being black, 5 points for not bringin drugs into class, 5 points for not bringin guns into class, and 5 points for not
gettin pregnut during the cemester. It be hard to beat a score of 120%. White dude who sit nex to me is McGee from Ocala He got a 94% on the test but no extra points on acount of he have the same skin color as the opressirs of 150 years ago. Granny ax me to thank all Dimocrafts and Liberuls for suportin Afermative action. You be showin da way to tru eqwallity. I be gittin in medical skool nex an mabe I be yo doctor when Barrac take over da healtcare in dis cuntry

Bill Villa said...

I wonder which Allentown School Board member (or nominee) wrote that?

I do know that none of them asked Scott Armstrong to remove that jaw-droppingly offensive comment.

And, apparently, little Scotty thinks it has merit.

Bill Villa said...

Readers, we just enthusiastically rejected a 400-word rant from "Looking To Escape," but we'll allow this 42-word excerpt from him b/c it proves our point (Note: we've added the CAPS) ...

"It is not racist to examine the effects of Hispanic migration here … While it is racist to paint with too broad a brush concerning OTHER groups, it is not racist to examine the effects and actions of THESE PEOPLE on Allentown."

Alrighty then.

"Looking To Escape," we suggest you escape to Mike Molovinsky's or Mike Donovan's blog where you will be welcomed w/ open arms.

Bill Villa said...

Or "Scotty's Hate Hut," they'd be glad to have you too ...

Anonymous said...

Like a laser beam, you Villas.

Bill Villa said...

Thanks. You ain't seen Nuthin' (left) yet.

Bill Villa said...

"Looking To Escape," please, no more comments from you here. Let's just agree to disagree. Your last appearance here will be this "clarifier" excerpt from your most recent comment attempt:

"We have an influx of Hispanics, many which appear to be low income. They are the "these" I was talking about."

Yep. Got it. Have a nice day now ...

Bill Villa said...


Readers, and "Looking To Escape," here are the two comments we excerpted from "Looking To Escape," in their entirety ...


What?? Racism IS the issue that everyone wants to ignore here. What are you doing to help bring people together in Allentown if you are looking to escape? The playground would bring families together for a common cause, builds social capital, which leads to a better quality of life, and economic capital for the city. -Mrs. Dottie

A park will provide none of the above. I just find it ironic the city had to let city workers go while the mayor promotes a park that will do little for the city. When the city can't pay it's bills, the mayor's energies are needed elsewhere, not spending his time promoting an expense when the city's pockets are empty. Back to racism, it is not racist to examine the effects of Hispanic migration here. It is not racist to see the crime issues and the perceptions of potential customers on the business of Allentown. While it is racist to paint with too broad a brush concerning other groups, it is not racist to examine the effects and actions of these people on Allentown. In a city with the lowest average income in the Lehigh Valley, you need to watch pennies and look at anything that may affect the city and it's ability to generate tax income. An impoverish city benefits no one. I have been spending what time I can on promoting a newer vision of Allentown. I see Allentown as old, tired, dirty, declining and unappealing to younger high income people. Allentown has to become appealing to people who produce incomes and ideas for business. I have been strongly suggesting sections of Allentown have to be leveled and replaced with new housing, maybe using a ratio of tearing down 3 and replace with two. Part of my visualization is the additional room can be occupied by small playgrounds for kids that live in the nearby housing. I think the era of block after block of high density housing in Allentown is over. These earlier homes were built to supply workers for local factories, those factories are now gone or closed. Allentown needs to update. A mayor with a vision is needed, not a guy who promotes unneeded parks, money losing restaurants and arenas. A dash of paint here, an awning there doesn't fix the city's real problems. As for Obama, the American citizen that does not support his policies has every right to loudly vocalize their thoughts, just as anti Bush types did from 2001-2009. He/she who lives in political glass houses shouldn't cast the phrase "not fair". It is very unbecoming of Mr Obama (or his supporters) to run around saying, it's not fair. -Looking To Escape


"It is not racist to examine the effects of Hispanic migration here … While it is racist to paint with too broad a brush concerning OTHER groups, it is not racist to examine the effects and actions of THESE PEOPLE on Allentown."

"Looking To Escape," we suggest you escape to Mike Molovinsky's or Mike Donovan's blog where you will be welcomed w/ open arms.

It would have been nice if you posted my complete response. On reading your post, I can see the wording was not as I intended. As I pointed out, racism is the broad (usually negative) characrterization of a group of people by another group of people. What goes on in other cities is of little concern to me. Currently we have an influx of Hispanics, many which appear to be low income. They are the "these" I was talking about. Anyone who has to manage a city also has to observe what is going on within that city, if for no other reason than to be able to plan for the future. City employees were laid off because of poor planning. On several of my posts in the general Topix Allentown board I have spoken out about broad based racial attacks. My latest: http://www.topix.com/forum/source/the-morning-call/TN755HUTO3EONLE6E

Allentown restaurant: New Allentown restaurant (Post 82). -Looking To Escape

Angie Villa said...

... such a great character quality, BV, promptly admitting when you've made a mistake and making amends ;D

Bill Villa said...


Anonymous said...

Bill, thank you for having excerpted/edited those 2 comments, you extracted what was relevant and savd us a lot of time having to reading through all that other B.S. in there.

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion, of course.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that (at least some) racists ...

don't know that they're racists. Interesting.

Angie Villa said...

I'd like to address a few things here. LTE said "A park will provide none of the above."

I disagree. I think I have explained how a park (playground) builds social capital and brings diverse people together for a common cause, thus improving the quality of our lives, resulting in future economic growth. So I disagree with you, and as a resident who has taken action to improve Allentown, I have already seen progress. We patronize the downtown establishments.More people should, if they care about the city. Allentown needs more social capital, more community building.

Also, the mayor lives downtown,so I would think he is aware of what is going on.

RE: "I see Allentown as old, tired, dirty, declining and unappealing to younger high income people."

Who ARE these snobs? I see opportunities for young professionals and leaders to get involved. Take action, volunteer to help, get to know people.

Racism is socially conditioned, and white people should speak out against it, not ignore it because they "don't wanna go there." What else would you call that crap at the Commentator and at Topix? Let's not sugar coat it.

I see Hispanics and Blacks moving into in my NW Allentown (not deep west)neighborhood, and they are middle income, not low income. At Muhlenberg Elementary (west end) there is a lot of diversity, large Hispanic population.

"Dashes of Paint" do help. Every little bit helps to improve quality of life. People who help improve Allentown should be commended, not criticized.

I usually don't read that toxic Topix hate forum.
So sorry, I won't see your comments, or the ones at the other local blahhgs. Too aggravating for me.

As far as housing goes, I admit I am not an expert on that, but I believe that something has to be done about the numnber of multi family units per house.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bill Villa said...

Molovinsky is against
anything Pawlowski is for.

Same way GOP House Minority Leader John Boner is against anything Obama is for.

OT, BUT GOTTA KNOW!! said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

No issues, I just wanted to be your 50th commenter at this post and tell you both how much I love your blog.

Bill Villa said...

Thank you, anon 6:48, and if my calculations are correct, you are this blog's 3,000th visitor today, and it's still early ...

Lover of Progress said...

What a bully and a brat this out of town buttinsky Mike Molovinsky is. Mayor Pawlowski delays construction so Molovinsky and his handful of racist obstructionists can "air their concerns" and Molovinsky STILL isn't satisfied. Look at him kvetching at his blog and alienating lapdog City Council VP Mike Donovan who should have told Mike to shut up and go home to S. Whitehall Township a long time ago ...

Anonymous said...

"City Council ... Had they been so disposed, they could have turned the Citizen Petition into a motion, suspended the rules, and passed it under the Emergency Ordinance Clause of the Charter." -Molovinsky, at his blog

Soooo ... Mikey's foaming at the mouth mad b/c City Council didn't "SUSPEND THE RULES" last night, give him his way, and prevent the MAJORITY of us from airing OUR concerns next Thursday night. I see. Wow. Can you imagine how terrible Molovinsky's "Terrible Twos" must have been.

Angie Villa said...

If you look at the close up rendering of the proposed playground it is not very big at all. To compare it to Dorney Park is absurd. Like I said before, the scale of the playground, according to the sign at Cedar Beach, is no bigger than the basketball court area, or the swimming pool area. And the capacity at the swimming pool is over 800 people.

According to the rendering, there is open space around the equipment, which is nice. It looks like a great playground, perfect for the location. And I highly doubt that there will be 567 kids there at one time!

I really hope the plans move forward fast, so we can use the playground in the Fall. As a mom, and an educator, it really saddens me that there are people who would want to stop the building of something that will truly benefit our kids and community in so many ways.

The City Official said...

All of Molovinsky's arguments are absurd. This is about 2 things w/ Mike:

1. Racism
2. Cutting the legs out from under Pawlowski

Angie Villa said...

The opposition reflects a culture that does not put children first. Political motivations, greed, ego, racism, classism have taken over.

We should be investing in our children, not cutting educational and social programs that are so desperately needed just to create an even playing field for all kids. I'm disgusted with our local elected leaders. They should be fighting for MORE playgrounds and programs for kids.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.

The City Official said...

"Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now."

You get back up there, BOTH of you, and TALK LOUDER. As I've said before, I wish more people had your courage.

Fed Up Ex said...

These obstructionists are protesting against something that would benefit our kids, and give disabled kids an opportunity to play along with other children.
This is disgusting.

Keep fighting for our kids.

Angie Villa said...

Thanks City Official

Fed Up Ex, I agree. We know several children with disabilities who would benefit greatly from this playground.

Read Only, the racists need to be called out, not ignored. And let's keep doing it here, since no one else wants to "go there."

sorry MM said...

Sonia Sotomayor becomes Supreme Court's 111th justice

Wally said...

Another excellent post.