Email from John Micek to Bill Villa
Subject: Martin/Corbett "Right To Know" Request
Date: September 24, 2010 12:26:56 PM EDT
Bill: Heard back from AG's office yesterday. They politely declined to share the records with me, citing the criminal investigation exemption. Need to consult with bosses on what to do next.
Email from John Micek to Bill Villa
Subject: Martin/Corbett "Right To Know" Request
Date: October 5, 2010 5:12:47 PM EDT
Bill: I regret to inform you that I've come to the end of the line when it comes to pursuing this particular bit of inquiry. Unfortunately, there's nowhere to go, short of litigation, to try to get the correspondence out of the AG's office. My employers are not willing to go that route.
Subject: Your Martin/Corbett "Right To Know" Request
Date: October 12, 2010 7:22:09 PM EDT
Hi John, I'm holding in my hand the communication from DA Jim Martin to Tom Corbett's office that the AG denied your RTK request on because they don't want you to see it. I'd be happy to show it to you and your bosses. Give me a call to discuss it. FYI, I've acquired it through perfectly legal channels.
Readers, curiously, I had to phone a suddenly incommunicative John Micek to get a response to my Oct 12 email. I thought John would be highly interested in learning how and where I was able to acquire a piece of information he had been seeking but had been denied access to by State Attorney General Tom Corbett's office. Instead, and inexplicably, Micek flew off the handle and into a frothy rage at me over the telephone, screeching that he doesn't have to answer to me.
Yesterday, I regular mailed John Micek the letter from DA Jim Martin to Tom Corbett's office that he was denied access to via his Right-To-Know request. I yellow highlighted a telling passage where DA Martin added a bit more information than was required, or appropriate, in a recusal document-- i.e., it's crystal clear that DA Jim Martin is asking AG Tom Corbett's office to screw me, for him.
I'm greatly looking forward to hearing back from John Micek and his bosses on it.
Post UpDate: Readers, we haven't heard back from John Micek yet so we went ahead and wrote the exposé ourselves, you can read it here.
We are, nonetheless, still endeavoring diligently to acquire "feedback" from John Micek and his bosses on this matter via polite (and daily) email inquiry that only DA Jim Martin, Governor Tom Corbett, District Judge Rod Beck, and attorney (for now) Dave Najarian would interpret as "harassment." Stay tuned.
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