Monday, March 10, 2025

Double Trouble: Judge Platt & DA Martin

"... Rot at Core of Lehigh County Criminal Justice ..." -By Irvin Muchnick

Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka Is Dead. But the Corrupt Cop and District Attorneys Who Let Snuka Off the Hook in Nancy Argentino’s Death Live On. -By Irvin Muchnick, Concussion, Inc.

Allegations of conflicts and influence-peddling in the Lehigh County District Attorney's Office are as old as the Jimmy Snuka murder cold case itself  -By Irvin Muchnick, Concussion, Inc.

Story Update | Exclusive: DA Jim Martin was first assistant DA under DA Platt when Jimmy Snuka wasn't charged in 1983 -By Irvin Muchnick, Concussion, Inc.

Story Update | Why the Jimmy Snuka Murder Case Prosecutor's Gag Order Worked -By Irvin Muchnick, Concussion, Inc.


Monkey Mambo said...

Bill your incorrigible but in a good way!

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I can't say I'm "pleased" about this ... but ... we have installed ubiquitous and uber nervy (i.e., "synaptic") cyber bully and my cousin Jeffrey Anthony to LVS's right sidebar Exposé Wall Of Shame. The Morrissey family Christmas party should be interesting this year, just sayin'.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Whenever I see desperation saboteur pieces of shit like Michael Donovan or "attorney" Dave Najarian or "anonymous" or nervy/synaptic cretins like Jeffrey Anthony working overtime, I know Jim Martin is scared and losing. Stay strong and stay the course, Bill.

Consigliere said...

Well said and illustrated.

The City Official said...

Wow. Very sad. With family and friends like Jeffrey Anthony (left) who needs enemies?

Bill Villa said...

a big merci, everyone. "455," you nailed it.

Bill Villa said...

"I had a productive day meeting yesterday with counsel. Given the interest conflict, charges will have to go through the AG's office rather that the DA's, which will add a few days or more to the process, but so be it.

On the civil side of our efforts, apparently his previous -- and numerous -- threats make an injunction somewhat easier to obtain. Also, his attempts to damage my firm's reputation expand our options for pursuing damages. And, of course, it's gratifying how many of the people he's previously defamed have stepped forward and offered to testify. The courts move a bit more slowly than I'd like, but we'll get there. He should enjoy his "victory lap" while it lasts..."
-Jeffrey Anthony, Commenting at a Lehigh Valley Hate Blog

Bill Villa said...

UpDated Jeffrey Anthony verbatim quotes HERE, enjoy.

And keep checking back, more quotes will be added daily.

BTW, family members have started contacting me about all this ... stay tuned ...

Consigliere said...

Sadly, the uber nervy/synaptic Mr Anthony (left) is getting predictably bad "counsel" from his blog mentor. Oopsie.

Bill Villa said...

"My name is Jeffrey Anthony. I've just received a phone call from a cousin on my mother's side telling me of the current conversation going on here. The anonymous comments @10:37 and @11:08 are his, not mine." Jeffrey Anthony commenting at a Lehigh Valley Hate Blog

Really, Jeffrey? You're telling me that Tom Morrissey, Rick George, Tom George, Carl Segatti, or my own brother Joe Villa is anonymously co-taunting me (with you) at a Lehigh Valley Hate Blog at midnight and publishing the name of my new employer? I find this hard to believe. I'll have to take that "poll of the Morrisseys" that you've suggested here.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Morrissey family member.

Oct 7 2015 8:07pm

"I don't know what to say. This is awful. I'm sorry. I had no idea. Let's talk tomorrow."

Related Story

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from Angie Villa.

Oct 9 2015 9:19am

Subject Heading: [Redacted] Jeffrey

Wow, it's really compelling how his hateful comments fit right in there with the anonymous cyber trolls who have been stalking us for years. It's also outrageous that he would be filing a criminal complaint and "defamation" lawsuit against you, after he has spewed all that vile and defamatory hate against you, and much of it at a public (and notoriously toxic) forum. His hatred seems to come from a deep, dark place. What kind of sociopath would be on a mission to cause additional harm to a cousin who has suffered the death of a child? And is currently being wrongfully sued and harassed by a scared and cowardly district attorney? He obviously wants to see you fail, and to see your wife, and young son, suffer. That's pure evil. And he calls himself a Catholic? His actions are unforgivable, and I hope that God punishes him and any lunatic supporters he may have in your "family."

Bill Villa said...

Well said, Angie, although not all of our longtime cyber antagonists have been "anonymous."

Far from it.

Mike Molovinsky, Chris Casey, Michael Donovan, Ned Donovan, Diana Morse, Riley Schillaci, Alfonso Todd, Father Alex Joseph, Jeff Pooley, Rolf Oeler, and Bill White have all proudly signed their names to their taunts, threats, deceptions, and cruelties as DA Jim Martin looks the other way on it all.

I have merely published, verbatim, what each cretin has spewed at us.

And Jeffrey Anthony is only the latest, and certainly not the last, cyber bully we will expose.

I know of one or two people who are upset that I have exposed Jeffrey Anthony ... but ... these same people don't seem at all upset about the taunts, threats, deceptions, and cruelties that Jeffrey Anthony has spewed at us. These people need to pull their heads out of their asses and see exactly who the verifiably evil cretin in this shameful saga is: Jeffrey Anthony (left).

"Criminal charges?" "Defamation?" Good luck w/ that, Jeff.

Even your new pal Jim Martin (who swept a private criminal complaint against you under the rug recently) can't help you with this ruse, Martin's too busy being exposed and getting pulverized in court himself.

FYI, now that you've earned your way onto our enemies list, it's only a matter of time before you make this list.

Morrissey Family Member said...

Bill…I cannot imagine that Jeffrey Anthony’s COUSIN on his FATHER’S side, Lehigh County Judge JIM ANTHONY doesn’t know ALL ABOUT what HIS COUSIN Jeffrey Anthony and his cyber-sidekick are perpetrating on you and Angie and Gianni!

Q. Doesn’t Judge Anthony (right) have a moral (if not legal) obligation to inform his colleague Judge Reibman and district attorney (“for now”) James Bernard Martin about this flagrant court order violation and criminal harassment?

Bill Villa said...

We'll see, [Redacted].

In the meantime, it looks like another Morrissey family member may be back reading LVS again, welcome ...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

IP Address >
Location > York, Pennsylvania

Time of Visit > Oct 10 2015 9:30:50 am

Time of Visit > Oct 8 2015 8:34:16 am

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

IP Address >
Location > Salt Lake City, Utah

Time of Visit > Oct 9 2015 11:34:32 am

LVS Blog Post Read

Democrats for Don Ritter said...

I am surmising that retired (and yet, still very handsome) York Police Chief Carl Segatti has no LEGAL jurisdiction in this shameful matter but I'm certain he could "wrestle" some sense into his cousin Jeffrey Anthony, no?

Bill Villa said...


"My name is Jeffrey Anthony. I've just received a phone call from a cousin on my mother's side telling me of the current conversation going on here. The anonymous comments @10:37 and @11:08 are his, not mine." -Jeffrey Anthony commenting at a Lehigh Valley Hate Blog

Bill Villa said...

I wonder who that "male" cousin is ... Tom Morrissey? Rick George? Tom George? Carl Segatti? My brother Joe Villa? Anonymously co-taunting me and threatening my employment w/ cousin Jeffrey Anthony at a Lehigh Valley Hate Blog?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Democrats for Don Ritter said...

Somebody should write to Judge Reibman.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Ideally, Judge Anthony.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

I like the 'promotion' of Jeffrey Anthony to much higher on your sidebar, well-deserved.

Q: Has the colluding cousin manned up and/or been identified yet?

Bill Villa said...

Merci, and, not yet, but I'll be taking a poll at the family Christmas Party so stay tuned.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

ISP > Senate Of Pennsylvania
IP Address >
Location > Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Time of Visit > Oct 16 2015 11:43:40 am

Visit Length > 49 mins 28 secs

Five (5) different LVS blog posts were clicked on but the most clicks (and time spent) was on this post.

The mesmerized and appalled (and returning) LVS reader from the Pennsylvania Senate was likely either Lisa Boscola or Pat Browne, welcome.

Bill Villa said...

"I have come to appreciate Villa as a resource ..." -Irv Muchnick

Best-selling investigative journalist Irv Muchnick's work has appeared in The New York Times Magazine, Sports Illustrated, People, and many other major magazines and newspapers. He has been interviewed on forums as diverse as Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor and National Public Radio’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

ISP > US Dept Of Justice
IP Address >

Time of Visit > Oct 19 2015 11:35:02 am

LVS Blog Post Read

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Thanks for reading LVS, Charlie Dent, but shame on you for being a regular and generous contributor to crooked and incompetent Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) Jim Martin.

ISP > U.S. House Of Representatives
Location > Washington, District Of Columbia, United States
IP Address >

Time of Visit > Oct 20 2015 9:51:49 am

Consigliere said...

Bill, have you fully apprised Judge Reibman of this situation?

Morrissey Family Member said...

Billy, whose name will you get for the family Christmas party gift exchange? I'm hoping it's cousin Jeffrey Anthony.

Also, I am certain that Jeffrey Anthony's cousin, Judge Jim Anthony (right) has no doubt fully apprised Judge Ed Reibman in the 'robe room' about this blatant court order violation situation.

What good Judge Reibman may not realize (for now) is the increasing (daily) number of voters who are watching him curiously look the other way on this.

Bill Villa said...

Well said.

FYI, I intend to keep banging the public drum louder & louder on this, here @ LVS, Facebook, etc., etc., exposing Judge Reibman as a Team [Redacted]/Martin supporter, if he doesn't do something about [Redacted]'s repeated and increasingly flagrant violations of his court order .................... this week.

Bill Villa said...

Phone Call, Incoming, from Lehigh County Court Of Common Pleas Judge [Redacted].

"Bill, you have more allies among the Lehigh County judges than you probably realize ... you should ease up on Reibman and Steinberg."

Bill Villa said...

Your Honor ...

If Judge Reibman was an ally, and an advocate for Lehigh County justice, he would do something about THIS.

If Judge Steinberg was an ally, and an advocate for Lehigh County justice, he would do something about THIS.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

If there were Villa allies on the Lehigh County bench with some integrity, there would have been a joint statement of condemnation about THIS.

Bill Villa said...

On October 6, 2015, Republican DA Jim Martin (left) contributed $500.00 to the Lehigh County Democratic Committee. Source: Lehigh County Campaign Finance Reports

Q. Did DA Jim Martin's $500.00 pay for the Hartzell Jackson Martin Smith for Lehigh County Commissioners mailer?

Join the discussion & dissection at My Facebook Page.

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) …

Here’s a Facebook Message exchange involving yours truly (right) that was initiated by the son of a wealthy local businessman who is a frequent and generous campaign contributor to Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin. The son was requesting that I delete his family’s name(s) from my exposé litany of frequent and generous contributors to DA Jim Martin. As you’ll see, I politely declined his request but we continued our civil and mutually enjoyable conversation anyway. Some really good bombshells in here, don’t miss ‘em.

[Name Redacted]
Regardless of my father being a supporter of Jim Martin and many other republican people in office... I do agree with you.. Jim Martin is a corrupt scumbag. I had dealings with him where he crossed the line big time to benefit his personal agendas and supporters. Someone needs to get him out of the DAs office.

[Name Redacted]
My grandfather was [Redacted]... He passed away [Redacted]. My father is [Redacted] and my mother is [Redacted] from the [Redacted] family

[Name Redacted]
Family ran [Redacted].. And sold it to [Redacted] a few [Redacted] ago. Across from [Redacted].. And [Redacted] in [Redacted]. And a few other large businesses..

[Name Redacted]
Bill you know I'm a huge supporter of you and you know My father and my moms side of the family [Redacted] real well (yes they are extremely wealthy but you they are great honorable men) weather he is worth over a billion dollars or $1 please leave my family out of this. Bill our families go way back. My dad would support any DA incase of an emergency family or friend issue to get protection. I know he fucks over everyone, and I hate him but please take dads name down. I've witnessed him file false charges for favors / $... My family doesn't speak with him unless it's an emergency. Get back to me when you can

Bill Villa said...


[Name Redacted]
Bill you have the same honor we have and I talked this over with my dad, [Redacted], and in the future there will be no more donations going to Jim Martin. He understand my point of view and I have walked through your story with your daughter with him. He understands. My dad is now retired since he sold [Redacted], he had to make political donations everywhere all over the country and other parts of the world to grow the business to make our family as secure as he could. He is now in retirement traveling with my mom non stop in [Redacted] 4 plus months out of the year and on the 26 this month he is flying down to [Redacted] and putting his foot in the [Redacted] and riding his bike all the way across the country to where I am living / working in [Redacted] to put his foot in the [Redacted]. A 4 to 5 month trip. (I would die he's in much better shape than me) On the side he is helping out with a business [Redacted] and I started called [Redacted].. Something that has never been done b4. Just like we did all the [Redacted] throughout the world now my brother and I are doing it in [Redacted] facilities (if your ever in [Redacted] you will see our stuff. So what I'm saying is he no longer has and political business interests. Just charity, ie he is on the [Redacted] revamping all the [Redacted] the north east. As well as [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], [Redacted], and [Redacted]. He is not buddy buddy or in some club with Dick Head Jim Martin. He doesn't care about political stuff any more, it's his time to give back to the world the best he can and he fortunate that he can. So Bill please delete my the [Redacted] name and [Redacted] name from your information. I will owe you one and you know I'm good for it. So please bill take it off and keep us out of it. But you know I fully support you and if a law suit comes your way I will personally donate $ and to help you win.
Best Regards,

[Bill Villa]
Hi [Redacted], campaign contributions to DA Jim Martin are (thankfully, still) publicly accessible information, although not everyone is so honest as to admit that their contribution is for "incase of an emergency family or friend issue to get protection," and I respect that you and your dad admit that openly. I've always figured that's what explains money hand-overs to Jim Martin. Protection. And favors. Just in case they're needed. I publicized my list of the most frequent and most generous Jim Martin campaign contributors well in advance of the current contributing season in hopes of shaming some high rollers into not contributing to Jim Martin and do you know what happened? Martin actually took in MORE "protection" money, in a year where he has no one running against him. I'm sure your dad (and my [Redacted] mate) knew all about Sheena's story long ago. Same with the [Redacted]’s, [Redacted]’s, [Redacted]’s, etc., etc., etc. But they all chose to keep giving Jim Martin protection money-- instead of doing the right thing, which would have been bankrolling an opposition candidate. You can't have it both ways-- you can't be a protected insider ... and also keep that secret from the public. So, no, no one gets courtesy deleted from that list. And as I de-throne Jim Martin, my intention is to publicly expose and humiliate as many Jim Martin contributors as I possibly can. Hope I can still count on your huge support.

Bill Villa said...


[Name Redacted]
Bill can you send me the website where it shows who's donating and how much to Jim Martins campaign? I can't seem to locate it

[Name Redacted]
Did you find out where that money is going? Or if he can legally use it to bank roll his law suit to try and silence you? This law suit is going to backfire on him in my opinion.

[Bill Villa]
Lehigh, Campaign Finance Reports

[Bill Villa]
You can see all Martin's contributors going back to around 2009. Don't know if he can use campaign contributions to fund his phony lawsuit. I thought not, and found some PA statute stuff that said campaign contributions must be used to influence the outcome of your campaign. But recently some local bloggers are "reporting" that Mayor Pawlowski can use his campaign contributions for his legal defense, so who knows. But it possible that the [Redacted]’s, [Redacted]’s, etc., are paying for Jim Martin to crush my 1st amendment free speech rights.

[Bill Villa]
You can look up all Jimbo's campaign contributions (and expenses) going back to 2009, here.

[Name Redacted]
Thank you Bill for sending over the website! Who is you attorney fighting against Martin. Keep me posted I hope this blows up in Martins face and destroys him!

[Name Redected]
Good job Bill! I feel like this was a bully civil suite to try and scare you. Now he realizes you will fight him in the end and he might try and drop it. Can you turn around and sue him for deformation of character... Etc be he has blatantly tried to destroy your image with BS comments?

[Bill Villa]
Planning on counter suing Martin and Lehigh County after winning at trial, yes.

[Name Redected]

[Name Redacted]
Hey Bill did the FBI investigate any of Jim Martins records? And are you effectually going to be during him? I hope you can sue him for damages.

[Bill Villa]
We're on it ... dunno what the FBI is up to ...

[Name Redacted]
No one knows. Seems like a lot of people are going to be getting in trouble. As much as I think it I initially hurts the Lehigh valley it will nock off all the corruption in the future. And I pray to got Jim Martin and almost everyone has to resign over this stuff

[Bill Villa]
I'm not holding my breath on anybody laying a glove in Jim Martin ... except for me ... by pulverizing him in court. Which of course won't make the local papers or TV. But Jimbo will know who kicked his ass. Ditto the judge and jury.

[Name Redacted]
Haha good!

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

In inter-related news, Angie Villa is pursuing hiring discrimination litigation against the Allentown School District via the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, stay tuned.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Bill, there's a well-known working alliance between D.A. James Martin and the Allentown School District's David Elcock-- they work very closely in coordinating presentations on "Sexting" at ASD schools. David Elcock is supposed to be Director of Human Resources ("wink wink") but obviously has plenty of extra time on his hands for sexting (presentations) with D.A. James Martin. What's the over/under that H.R. Director David Elcock and D.A. James Martin have discussed blacklisting Angie Villa from full-time employment in the ASD? Inquiring minds want to know.

Bill Villa said...


Given no choice of candidates for Lehigh County DA (again) this past election, 191 voters opted out and wrote in somebody/anybody else against 3rd-time unopposed power-abusing DA Jim Martin.

See the full list gladly supplied by Lehigh County Voter Registration here and here are some of the write-in highlights …

[ ] A Trained Monkey
[ ] Anybody But Martin
[ ] Anybody Else
[ ] Anyone But Jim Martin
[ ] Anyone But Martin
[ ] Anyone Else
[ ] Anyone Sober
[ ] Deeznutz
[ ] Donald Duck
[ ] Fozzy Bear
[ ] Jesus
[ ] John Karoly
[ ] Mickey Mouse
[ ] Not Martin
[ ] Not Him
[ ] Ozzy Osbourne
[ ] Pope Francis
[ ] Santa Clauss
[ ] Satan
[ ] Someone Else
[ ] Socrates
[ ] Syphilis

Bill Villa said...

Stumblebum DA (for now) Jim Martin (left) cuts another dangerous drunk driver a Big Break, join the discussion @ My Facebook Page.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to

Nov 30, 2015 6:38pm

Subject: Xmas Party 12/13/15

See you then!

We'll bring a dessert,

a "Brown Betty."


Bill Villa said...

Very Best Of LVS "Emails Outgoing"

On May 23, 2010 at 5:04:40 PM, Bill Villa wrote:

Subject Heading: You made my day, Jim, thanks (from Bill Villa)

DA Jim, such a pleasant surprise spotting you waddling to your smashed-up car in the parking lot of Lehigh Country Club on Sunday afternoon. By the way, that was Sheena's mom, Sheena's stepmom, and Sheena's three brothers who were with me.

So Jim, what the heck happened to your black Cadillac SUV? The driver's side was all side-swiped a bright green color like you took out a fence or a row of hedges or something after a night at the Hogan's Club. Note: I have cc'd Allentown Chief of Police Roger MacLean on this email, just in case there's an unsolved DUI hit and run that fits your description.

But anyway, Jim, you sneered a question at me, before hurriedly getting in your vehicle, locking the door, putting the window up, and peeling the heck out of there wearing wet panties.

You sneered: "What are YOU doing here Villa?"

Well sorry to penetrate your crony sanctuary Jimbo, but I was at Lehigh Country Club celebrating my mom's 85th birthday, and I wish you would have given me a chance to answer your question and get a conversation going w/ you instead of running away (pusillanimously) like you did. Sheena's mom and stepmom both remarked on how nervous and "all shook up" you obviously were upon seeing me.

And I really liked that. A lot. You made my day Jim. Thanks.


Bill Villa

Bill Villa said...

Wow. Jimbo. Exceedingly tough day yesterday, eh? Well-deserved. But hey, I won't keep you, I know you have a whole lot to get crackin' on and only 10 days to do it. Happy Holidays.

Readers (and stalkers), it was this kind of day for us, just sayin'.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

Domain Name >
IP Address > (RCN Corporation)
Location > Bethlehem

Time of Visit > Dec 15 2015 2:46:57 pm

Returning Visits (Last Few Days) > 33

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers, and in this case, Presbyterians researching LVS 2015 Stalker #13, attorney (for now) David C. Najarian.

The Board Of Pensions Of The Presbyterian Church
IP Address >
Location > Philadelphia

Time of Visit > Jan 6 2016 2:11:28 pm

LVS Post Pored Over For Quite Some Time > County Commissioner Candidate David C. Najarian > PUSSY: WHIPPED (in court)

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

LVS is hopeful the now bi-county allied DeSales Crime Lab will start looking into defamation via the malicious and knowingly false tactic of anonymous blog comment attribution, more on this at My Facebook Page

Morrissey Family Member said...

What a sociopath looks like

Bill Villa said...

"WAEB continues to adamantly refuse to give equal (or even unequal) time to Villa's "Foes List" ... -Jeffrey Anthony, (left, my coddled cousin) 1/18/16 Public Comment @ WAEB Facebook Page | Note: DA Jim Martin was invited on-air, repeatedly, to rebuke or disprove my opinions and verifiably factual statements. Martin never showed. Listen to my WAEB shows.

Related Story

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

ISP > US Dept Of Justice
Host Name >
IP Address >

Time of Visit > Jan 21 2016 5:07:14 pm

Related Story

Bill Villa said...

"Villa was for many years a deeply troubled alcoholic and illegal drug addict. One can't help but wonder whether that has left a mark on him mentally and may be at the root of his belligerent behavior." -Jeffrey Anthony, (my coddled cousin) 1/24/16 comment @ Molovinsky On Allentown blog [Note: Bill V has been recovered and sober since July 26, 1987] [See Synaptic video]

Related [UpDated] Post

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

FYI, I had a lovely hour-plus breakfast with Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski @ the (fabulous!) TOP DINER, 1019 Union Boulevard on Allentown's East Side, on Saturday morning, December 19, 2015. Neither of us was wearing a wire (I don't think). Mayor Pawlowski told me he's innocent of everything he's being accused of and I believe him ... and maybe that's because I know quite a bit about Allentown Frame Jobs That Can't Be Won In Court. I would encourage everyone to respect our great nation's longstanding judicial policy of considering the accused as being "innocent until proven guilty" in a court of law.

It ain't over until it's over, regardless of what our confederacy of dunces local media and hate bloggers are giddily spewing.

Bill Villa said...

(almost forgot)

I also know quite a bit about Lehigh County Frame Jobs That Can't Be Won In Court ... and ... Northampton County Frame Jobs That Can't Be Won In Court.

Bill Villa said...

Jeffrey Anthony (left)
January 22 at 10:39am
Off Topic Post @ Allentown School District: Issues & Discussions @ Facebook

Is there anyone here who has been smeared on Bill and Angie Villa's hate blog "Lehigh Valley Somebody" and wants to talk about it?

A number of us who have been attacked on their "Foes List" of 60+ Lehigh Valley journalists, educators, lawyers, business people, and clergy members are putting together an information resource blog to rebut their charges against us and to warn as many people as possible who associate with them just how easy it is for the Villas to irrationally and maliciously damage personal and professional reputations.

If you feel you need to speak confidentially and on background only, please feel free to message me.


Allentown School District: Issues & Discussions @ Facebook

A post concerning the Villas was deleted. This is not a forum for personal attacks, it is not a he said/she said forum, and it is not a gossip forum. Anyone who violates this will be deleted and banned. Period. No warning from now on.

Related Story

Bill Villa said...


455 W. Hamilton St. said...
Whenever I see desperation saboteur pieces of shit like Michael Donovan or "attorney" Dave Najarian or "anonymous" or nervy/synaptic cretins like Jeffrey Anthony working overtime, I know Jim Martin is scared and losing. Stay strong and stay the course, Bill.

Bill Villa said...

"If you or someone you know are a victim of Bill and Angie Villa's "Foes List," call WAEB and tell them we want equal time (Bill Villa appeared on BGW's show 11 times spewing his nonsense). It's time we bring the Villas' lies, abuse, and bullying to a much, much wider audience that includes their friends, co-workers, employers, and business associates. Let's make "Lehigh Valley Somebody" really famous..."-Jeffrey Anthony (left)
January 24, 2016 at 9:44 AM @ Molovinsky On Allentown

Readers (and stalkers) …
Only one (1) member of The Villas "Foes List" was actually discussed at length during my 11 appearances on WAEB > DA Jim Martin, who was invited on-air, repeatedly, to rebuke or disprove my opinions and verifiably factual statements. Martin never showed. Listen to my WAEB shows.

LVS “Foes” never even mentioned (yawn) on WAEB include (but are not limited to) ...

Jeffrey Anthony
Rolf Oeler
Merrily Starkey
David Najarian
Tom Corbett
Judge Adrianne L. Masut
Michael Donovan
Rev. Grant Harrity
Bob Romancheck
Rev. Maria Tjeltveit
Diana Morse
Carmen T. Ambar
Jeff Pooley, PhD
Peyton R. Helm
Bill White
Wally Trimble
Patrick V. Farrell
Father Alex Joseph
Janine Iamunno
Jerry Brahm
Mike Molovinsky
Scofflaw Alfonso Todd
Scofflaw Gina Blevins
Riley Schillaci
"Anonymous" (wink wink)
Geoff Brace
Judge Mike D'Amore
Scott Armstrong
Paul Muschick
Kevin Amerman
Tim Ryan
David Erdman
Neil Hever
David Jaindl
Charles Dent
John Micek
Judge Edward D. Reibman
The Very Reverend Daniel G. Gambet

"Equal time?" LOL

Bill Villa said...

Several "Foes" I did rightfully discuss on WAEB include ...

> Glenn Kranzley
> Mike Miorelli
> The Morning Call "newspaper"
> Debbie Garlicki
> Mal Gross
> Pat Reilly
> Judge Robert L. Steinberg

As far as I know, no one has asked for "equal time" on WAEB.

Gar Pro-Shell-Game said...

"Let's make "Lehigh Valley Somebody" really famous..."-Jeffrey Anthony (left) January 24, 2016 at 9:44 AM @ Molovinsky On Allentown"

Very telling that even "foe" Molovinski is deleting Jeff Anthony's unhinged comments about you addition to the dozens who are deleting Anthony's incoherent anti-Villas rants at Facebook and blocking him. Must be very frustrating for Jeff Anthony that he's getting zero traction in his crusade against you as he sits at home unemployed and drinking all day every day in between rolling around on the floor and foaming at the mouth. Sad.

Bill Villa said...

FYI, Mike Molovinsky moderated & approved Jeffrey Anthony's vile comment and let it stand for most of the day before realizing his legal jeopardy or (more likely) being informed of it. Then he deleted it.

Related Story [Parental Warning: Vile Content]

Bill Villa said...

Watch Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski's brilliant and inspiring annual State Of The City address, Part 1 and Part 2.

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

My first deposition on Jan 29 in the malicious truth-muzzling farce lawsuit "DA Jim Martin vs. Bill Villa" went well in ways that were way, way beyond my most ambitious expectations.

5'3" Napoleon Complex Sprague & Sprague “attorney” Jason Pearlman and Sprague's Cigar Store Indian Alan Starker Strained & Sprained themselves trying in vain to trip me up and “catch” me for 8 hours straight, but their every impotent-limp question came in to me like a big fat slow changeup I was waiting on and which I drilled far, far over the fence like being in a home run derby on a T-Ball field. It was embarrassing— for Jason Pearlman & Alan Starker, for Sprague & Sprague, and for power-abusing plaintiff DA (for now) Jim Martin.

And it’s all on video, which I’ll have access to for my documentary.

When you’re telling the truth, as I am, there’s only one (1) story to keep track of. So this phony lawsuit continues to be very, very easy for me to defend myself against, as it becomes increasingly more impossible for malicious litigation perpetrator and eventual state prison inmate James Bernard Martin to win (no chance, none, zero).

Bill Villa said...

Join the well-attended & spirited discussion-in-progress @ My Facebook Page

Bill Villa said...


Bill, your fighting spirit gives great honor to yourself and the rest of us who marvel at it.

Is (U.S.) Atty. Memeger interested in this case? It does seem a perfect fit for the Dragonetti Law.

of course you'll win this


Doing the noble work that more of us should have the balls to do, keep up the good fight my friend..

The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. Ignorance mat deride it. But in the end, there it is. –Winston Churchill

Yes!! Great to hear..

glad it went well , the truth will prevail , lots of support out there for you my friend !!

So happy for you, Bill! It's lookin' good!

stay strong and focused! Your family, friends and followers need you to win this one!!

Glad we're on the same side! Would hate to be them! Lol

Take these bastards down my friend.

[Jason Pearlman] What an asshole! I can only imagine how much you wanted to bash his smug face in. I would've felt the same.

omg how horrid . i'm so glad that's all on video. no conscience ????

A Documentary would be truly awesome.

Your description of Jason Pearlman's behavior chills and nauseates me.

Smug bastard!

Bravo! Stand firm in what is right, Bill. THAT is the greatest reproach to lawyers and their tricks.

Impressive, keep it up.

GOOD FOR YOU BILL !!! It's time that arrogant lawyers like the one pictured above get put in their place and shown for the bottom feeders that they are!!!

Saying prayers for you so that "JUSTICE" will be done ... and the court system will not once again prove that it "JUST IS", which has been my experience !!!

It's tough to fight the system, wishing you the best

Bill, so glad to hear this the truth shall prevail !

Bravo, ‪Bill! May justice triumph.

You are an exceptionally intelligent, loyal, brave man fighting with the truth as your sword for justice in your daughters honor and memory.

And your music is good too

Bill it is easy to hate these bastards no doubt, but I am very proud of you for taking the 'high road'. The rude and immature actions are just that. Their lack of class is out there for everyone to witness. Truth is the only thing that matters. Keep on keeping on! You are courageous!

Hang in there Bill! Your courage & heart are an inspiration to everyone. Please remember to take time out & care for yourself & be with your family.

It's outrageous and disgusting that our legal system allows Martin and his team to do this to a family, after all we have been through with the killing of Bill's daughter Sheena. It is beyond harassment, it is criminal. It's morally wrong and evil in its intent.

"In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell

Strength and courage in your fight, ‪Bill Villa!

Prayers for you Bill, we need people like you in the D.A.'s office.

The people are on your side Bill, God bless.

Morrissey Family Member said...

For every person courageous enough to support you PUBLICLY, there are no doubt hundreds or thousands more who support you anonymously and PRIVATELY.

Bill Villa said...

Very true, I've lost count of the many private Facebook messages of support I've warmly received.

Bill Villa said...


Jim Takatsch
My question is this: why isn't there morning call exposure. Go figure. Bill, I was in a lawsuit back in '83. I went through the same questions. Where is the true exposure. Good luck, God speed, I have no horses in this race, I only pray for the truth.

Bill Villa
Appreciate your prayers, thanks Jim Takatsch. FYI, there's a LOT going on in this landmark case that's being recorded in court documents which are easily discoverable by real reporters ... and ... the public would be rightly shocked by much of it ... which no doubt explains why our forever blindly loyal to DA Jim Martin local media is purposefully and cooperatively looking the other way on all of it. DA Martin's malicious and un-winnable lawsuit against me isn't about "defamation," it's about harassing and punishing a courageous and articulate crime victim and grieving father who spoke out and exposed him and it's about beating me up, out of sight, in the back alley. But guess what ... so far, I'm winning this rigged and unfair fight. And rather easily. Just don't look for the truth from The Morning Call "newspaper," 69 "News," or The "Express" Times. Watch for my reports.

Bill Villa said...


Email, Incoming, from my inexplicably seething w/ jealousy sociopathic liar 'n coddled cousin Jeffrey Anthony (left)

Sun Feb 14 2016, 7:41 am

"A number of us on your “Foes List” have put together an Exposé site we’ll be going live with over the next week or so ( – keep checking)."

Bill Villa said...


LVS honors the recent passing of a "Foes List" includee by deleting his name from the list and those of several others associated w/ his regrettable transgression against us. May he rest in peace.

Bill Villa said...


Yesterday (Sunday Feb 14) morning, four (4) Allentown Policemen showed up at my front door. They were responding to a "911" call from a cousin of mine who was citing me as "a danger." After speaking with me for several minutes, the 4 Policemen realized this was a false report/false arrest attempt, they apologized, and left. But before doing so, they encouraged me to press charges.

Consigliere said...

Pennsylvania Code for Penalties for Filing a False Police Report

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from my sociopathic and seething w/ jealousy coddled cousin Jeffrey Anthony (left).

Tue 2/16/16 6:42 PM

Subject: Our [“Villas Victims”] Upcoming Information Resource Blog Launch‏

Mr. Villa … we'd like to provide you early access to "Questions for Bill Villa” … complete the questionnaire … we look forward to your prompt reply ...


[My Reply]

10 Questions for Jeff Anthony

1. The Morrissey family thought it was very odd that you continued to mince around wearing a Batman® costume well past your 16th birthday, demanding that your Teamsters Union member father act as “Robin,” as you lisped loudly in public places about fighting ‘bad guyth,’ please explain.

2. You dined with Bill Villa at Robata of Tokyo a few years back and the bill of nearly $400.00 included approximately $300.00 for your bar tab. Bill Villa begged you to let him drive you home but you belligerently refused. Q. What was your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) when you stumbled out of Robata and how many vehicles did you sideswipe and Hit ‘N Run on your illegal drunken drive home that night?

3. Your wife, Mary Ann (Havran) Anthony, has separated from you and moved out of your shabby and claustrophobic shared residence on several occasions. Please explain.

4. Your wife Mary Ann (Havran) Anthony is a schoolteacher and presumably a member of a socialist teachers’ labor union. Q. Are you covered under Mary Ann’s socialized health care plan or have you requested an opt out due to your NeoCon Nut Job status.

5. Because “Synaptic Consulting” (wink wink) has no actual clients (sadly, none are listed at your website), you’re free to sit home all day drinking yourself into blackout stupors and cyber-stalking foes on the internet while Mary Ann’s teacher salary supports you, isn’t this correct?

Bill Villa said...

6. The Upper Saucon Township Police have filed harassment and assault charges against your Synaptic Consulting “business” partner, Garth “Party On” Proechel. Q. Who arranged for these serious criminal charges to be subsequently “withdrawn” instead of prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law?

7. In an email to Bill Villa, and at your “Villas Victims” blog, you threaten to contact the Villa’s 14 year-old son to enlighten him about events you falsely claim happened in his father Bill Villa’s three decades-passed past, including a "coke bust," and "7 years of not filing taxes." Q. Does your elementary school teacher wife Mary Ann (Havran) Anthony approve of your threats to corrupt a minor with fabricated information? And do you have an opinion on what her employer, the Parkland School District, will think of her complicit compliance?

8. You’ve boasted online about having contacted the Allentown School District & ASD Board and its Human Resources Director, David Elcock, to enlighten them about Angie Villa's discrimination complaint filed with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC) and comments she made about ASD Administrators. Please explain your “understanding” of the reasons why Angie Villa filed a discrimination complaint against the Allentown School District; also please detail your knowledge of Angie Villa’s work history and participation within the Allentown School District as a certified and tenured art teacher, parent, volunteer, and long-term substitute art teacher.

9. Because you have been expressing strong public disapproval of Bill Villa’s efforts to expose and de-throne Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin—online, and among family members, while simultaneously defending DA Martin—please detail your presumably comprehensive and exhaustive understanding of the apparently fair-minded and totally above-board “prosecution” of Robert Edward LaBarre for the killing of Sheena Villa—and please enlighten us on Robert LaBarre’s crime, his delayed arrest, his unpunished AWOL Belize vacation, his sweetheart criminal charges, his secretly arranged private guilty plea hearing, and all relevant case information that was curiously withheld from the public by The Morning Call “newspaper.”

10. Recently, among an array of sociopathic deceptions and blatant lies, you’ve been perpetuating a lie among Morrissey family members regarding Bill Villa having been “escorted off the campus of Lehigh University and barred from re-entry.” Please provide all the verifiably factual details on this one and also explain why you are threatening the lives of numerous, frail, 90 year-old Morrissey family female elders by assaulting them daily with every minute detail of your jealousy-fueled and futile vendetta against Bill Villa as only a self-aggrandizing slime ball would.

Morrissey Family Member said...

(almost forgot)


Bill Villa said...

Creepy Narcissistic Email, Incoming, from my seething w/ jealousy sociopathic liar ‘n coddled cousin and eventual state prison inmate Jeffrey Anthony (left).

Thurs., 2/18/16 9:37am

“… you will be welcome to respond to our 20 Questions when we launch our information resource blog [“Villas Victims”] next week … you are obliged to extend the same courtesy to me … in the same forum in which you’ve posed your questions to me.”

(My Reply)

They were rhetorical questions.

Plus, I already know the answers.

Now run along little fellow (maybe thlip into your Batman cothtume?)

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Apparently, Mr. Anthony can dish it out but he can't take it.

Bill Villa said...

Another good article in The Vermont Sun on me.

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

For just $60.00 per month (scroll down and see “Shared Desk Plan” at Bridgeworks Center), you can dupe people (even relatives) into thinking you have a real business and not just a “Shared Desk @ Bridgeworks Center,” just be sure to appropriate some general Bridgeworks facility photos of other “Shared Desk” renters and send out tweets using the photos with captions saying they’re depicting “crunch time” at YOUR (wink wink) “business.”

Morrissey Family Member said...

OMG. I had no idea.

Anonymous said...

Related Story and from where Mr. Anthony stole the photo for wildly fraudulent misrepresentation at his twitter account.

The Banker

Bill Villa said...

Excellent catch Banker, merci.

Morrissey Family Member said...

Somebody call 911! Bill's a "danger!"

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

To ReCap, it sure looks to those of us here @ LVS Exposé like ...

1. Jeffrey Anthony (left) rents a desk at AEDC's Bridgeworks Center for possibly as low as $25.00 a month (see Hive4A).

2. This enables Jeff Anthony (left) to (among other things) use the AEDC Bridgeworks Center's address of 905 Harrison Street | Allentown PA as the address of "Synaptic" (and remember, it's really just a rented desk there) adding a cachet of credibility vs. "working" (wink wink) out of his shabby and claustrophobic house and using that zero prestige address.

3. Jeff Anthony (left) then steals Bridgeworks facility stock photos of desk-renting strangers (see AEDC and Hive4A Pik #2) and dishonestly and deceitfully misrepresents them as being photos of “Synaptic," see Synaptic Tweet, "Crunch Time at Synaptic," and Facebook posts, see "Synaptic helping a client build a world class cryptography infrastructure at our Allentown facility."

4. Apparent sociopathic liar Jeff Anthony (left) goes so far as to deceitfully describe a stock photography model as his "business partner" Garth Proechel, see Facebook post, "Synaptic partner Garth Proechel discusses fundamentals and some new techniques ..."

As stated, it sure looks like this to LVS Exposé, but we could be wrong (wink wink), and so for due diligence fact checking, we will be contacting AEDC Executive Director Scott Unger ASAP -- stay tuned and keep checking back.

Related Story

LCVI said...

Wow. You should definitely publish these findings at Facebook.

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to AEDC Executive Director R. Scott Unger.

Sunday, February 28, 2016 5:29 PM

Subject: Bridgeworks Center

Hi Scott, can you please give me a call on Monday, I have a question or two about Flex Launch and Co-Working, thanks Scott.

Bill Villa


Our Program Manager for the Flex Launch and Co-Working is out of the office today what are your questions and I will be happy to see if I can answer them.

R. Scott Unger
Executive Director
Allentown Economic Development Corporation


Okay, thanks Scott.

There's a company out there who's using Bridgeworks Center/905 Harrison Street as its business address.

I'm assuming they're a Flex Launch "shared workspace" client of AEDC, although I can't find them listed among partners, or incubation companies, etc., at the AEDC website.

This same company is using photos from the AEDC website and the Flex Launch Grand Re-Opening Facebook Event Page--photos that seem to be depicting a random snapshot of un-connected shared workspace folks--and misrepresenting them, at Twitter, and at their business Facebook page, as depicting this company's personal employees.

If I send you the photos, can you tell me if the shared workspace folks seen in them are indeed employees of this company? Or if this company is misrepresenting AEDC photos deceptively to make themselves look bigger and more legit than they really are.

Let me know, thanks Scott.

Bill Villa


If you provide me the name of the company I can simply confirm if they are tenants or co-workers.

R. Scott Unger
Executive Director
Allentown Economic Development Corporation


Synaptic. See attached: are the people in this shot really all Synaptic employees? Clearly, that's how they're being represented … or … misrepresented. Thanks for anything you can tell me, Scott.

Bill Villa


Synaptic has been a tenant for several years and currently leases an office in our facility.

R. Scott Unger
Executive Director
Allentown Economic Development Corporation


Are those all Synaptic employees in the photo, as is being touted by Synaptic at Twitter and Facebook ...

Bill Villa


And if you can't answer my previous question for whatever reason, can you tell me if the open work space in the photos I sent you is showing a leased tenant office space in your facility, or is it showing a Flex Launch Co-Working scenario ...

Bill Villa


Note: R. Scott Unger stops replying (for now) … stay tuned and keep checking back.

Related Story

Bill Villa said...

Editor's Note: LVS has learned that the office rental spaces at AEDC's Bridgeworks Center are adjacent to the open Flex Launch Co-Working area and are typically 100 square feet, i.e., plenty of room to shoot amateur video.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, don't know what's more egregious, Mr. Anthony (left) seemingly appropriating AEDC photos (and rental co-workers) as his own or Mr. Unger not issuing an immediate cease & desist. Sadly, yet another example of the 'Allentown Way' of gatekeepers protecting its snakes from scrutiny.

The Banker

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to AEDC Executive Director R. Scott Unger.

Wednesday, Mar 2, 2016, 7:42AM

Subject: Bridgeworks Center

Thanks Scott, okay so obviously this isn't tenant Synaptic's leased office that's being depicted (and misrepresented) in Jeff Anthony's Twitter tweet, i.e., these aren't tenant Synaptic employees cooperatively engaged in "crunch time at Synaptic" ...

... or in "helping a client build a world class cryptography infrastructure at our Allentown facility."

Last Question: Are you and AEDC okay with this deceit?


Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

In their endlessly futile smear campaigns against Lehigh Valley Somebody and WAEBV, the word most used by maligners like Mike Molovinsky, [Redacted], and Jeffrey Anthony | Synaptic Publishing to describe my verifiably factual output is >>> "LIES!" <<<

But nobody has ever specified & proven even one lie. Ever. Not even one. At no time.

That's why LVS is offering a $3.1 MILLION REWARD to any emailer who Specifies & Proves a lie I've told about anything or anyone on the so-called “Enemies List” they’re all so concerned about.

All sober and lucid accusations with even just the slightest faint whiff of any merit will be published and addressed right here.

Need my email address?

It's published at the bottom of the right sidebar of the anonymous blog created by lies-accuser and defamer Jeffrey Anthony | Synaptic Publishing.

I'm waiting ...

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Just one (1) lie, cousin Synaptic Jeffrey Anthony (left). Email me specifics and proof and I'll publish it right here, right now. ONE LIE. What? No emails from you? Stumped? Pussy got your tongue? Inquiring co-stalkers wanna know, Fatman.

IP Address > (Verizon Fios)
Location > "Malvern" (wink wink)

Time of Visit > Mar 6 2016 10:50:07 am

LVS Reference Exposé

'Nother > Related Story

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Last night, obviously in a totally appropriate terrified panic, dour and misguided blogger/putz Mike Molovinsky POOFED two of his numerous libelous blog posts on me and my family that are being libelously linked to by Jeffrey Anthony | Synaptic Publishing.

"Bill Villa" and "Bill Villa, The Tormentor" are now both gone from the internet. We of course have had digital captures of all of Molovinsky's libel locked & loaded (not a threat, a promise) and ready for trial for a long time.

When challenged to Specify & Prove even just ONE lie I've told about something or someone on the "Enemies List" they're so concerned about, Mike Molovinsky ran for the hills.

We're sure our subpoena will find him.

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Team Villa scored a HUGE Court Ruling Victory on 3/7 in the malicious truth-muzzling farce "defamation" lawsuit, "DA Jim Martin vs Bill Villa.”

The presiding Judge has granted our Motion for Protective Order meaning that no further depositions of me can be taken by DA Martin’s harassing, provoking, bullying, and punishing attorneys from Sprague & Sprague ("Sprained & Strained") Philadelphia.

In related news, the plaintiff, DA Jim Martin, has defied the Judge’s Compel Order to hand over case files on the DUI homicides I discussed & dissected on WAEB, instead going over the Judge’s head and attempting to plead his case to the Pennsylvania Superior Court.

We doubt DA Jim Martin’s grandstanding appeal will go well for Jimbo as it is a transparently pathetic tactic designed only to delay his complete pulverization. Stay tuned, this is getting really good.

Bill Villa said...

(almost forgot)


Guess who is a judge on the Pennsylvania Superior Court ... DA Jim Martin's mentor and former Lehigh County DA William Platt (left).

Bill Villa said...

Fraudulent Jeff Anthony Synaptic Deceit @ LinkedIn

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

I've endeavored repeatedly to re-engage AEDC Executive Director R. Scott Unger about Jeffrey Anthony’s deceitful misrepresentation of AEDC photography but Scott stopped responding to my excellent questions and polite outreaches which, BTW, is the classic Allentown way of protecting wrongdoing cronies.

So we’ll subpoena and depose R. Scott Unger not a problem.

In the meantime, I believe it’s legally safe to say that Jeffrey Anthony's apparent appropriation of Bridgeworks Flex Launch and Co-Working photographs and deceitfully misrepresenting them as depicting "Synaptic employees" at Synaptic’s “Allentown facility” speaks volumes about Jeffrey Anthony’s "credibility.”

Ditto the multiple Synaptic employee identity forgeries Jeffrey Anthony has perpetrated at LinkedIn.

And all this should put Jeffrey Anthony | Synaptic Publishing in a much clearer and exposed light for everyone concerned.

Related Stories

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Wow, a big day yesterday for unique & repeated stalking visits to LVS from the IP address we know to be the Lehigh County Courthouse and our best guess on Who Was Who at each time they were spotted stalking LVS ...

Domain Name >
IP Address > (PenTeleData)
Host >
City > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 10:16:15 am

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 10:23:27 am

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 11:30:55 am

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 11:45:41 am

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 11:55:36 am

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 12:12:45 pm

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 1:13:22 pm

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 1:29:17 pm

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 2:34:57 pm

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 2:40:44 pm

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 2:54:56 pm

Time of Visit > Apr 20 2016 4:02:17 pm

Related Stories

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Too funny! I'm belly laughing!

Ramblin' Man said...

In his "woefully inadequate" sentencing of drunk driver Ronnie Banks (county jail w/ immediate work release?!) Judge Anthony is brutally re-victimizing the victim family.

D.A. James B. Martin must appeal this sentence.

Bill Villa said...

Email(s) [Excerpts], Incoming, from my obviously unhinged and (hiccup) coddled cousin and sociopath Jeffrey Anthony (left), Synaptic Publishing.

April 21, 2016

"Say what you want about men like Jimmy and I (sic), but will you stop posting my [Redacted] on the internet … you can imagine what it's doing … Can I collect the $3.1 Million ... You're not Shame on me ..."

Democrats For Don Ritter said...

Well played.

Bill Villa said...


Anonymous letter we received on DA Jim Martin and Federal Judge Edward Cahn ... Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

WOW. This should be JUMPED on by our local media.

Fred Windbag

Bill Villa said...

Agreed, join the discussion at My Facebook Page.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Sprained & Strained spotted stalking LVS again.

440th stalking visit in the past several days.

Domain Name > (Network)
IP Address > (Comcast Business Communications)
City > Philadelphia

Time of Visit > May 2 2016 2:29:44 pm

Related Stories

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

A very stressed Jim Martin spotted stalking LVS again.

Domain Name >
IP Address > (PenTeleData)
Host >
City > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > May 2 2016 11:36:05 am
Time of Visit > May 2 2016 3:29:09 pm

Returning Visits (Last 10 Days) > 812

Related Martin/Garlicki Scheme

Bill Villa said...


Friends, DA (for now) Jim Martin's motion to keep baiting, bullying, berating, and harassing me via depositions has been DENIED by the court in yet another humiliating loss for DA Martin and his meritless and malicious truth-muzzling "defamation" lawsuit against me. The noose tightens ... follow the action @ My Facebook Page

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming from ... [Name Redacted]

Subject: Stalkers

I like how you engaged Jeff Anthony just long enough to make a fool out of him...and then just tossed him aside.

Consigliere said...

(he's) not very bright at all -- as his lifelong inability to hold a job can attest.

Angie Villa said...

His wife should be ashamed of him. We know she has separated from him at least once.

Morrissey Family Member said...

Snapping at the heels of his betters like a rabid poodle inflates his ego rather than engendering the sort of shame it would in normal people.

Angie Villa said...

He got virtually nothing from that “day trading” (wink wink) … and really has nothing …

Morrissey Family Member said...

... take a poll of the Morrisseys; you'll get the picture ... self-aggrandizing slimeball is the current general consensus ... shut up and go away ... go back to the cottage industry you've built around your unemployment and seething jealousy

Bill Villa said...

Jeff Anthony has been for many years a deeply troubled heavy drinker (I've witnessed his excessive drinking first-hand). One can't help but wonder whether that has left a mark on him mentally and may be at the root of his belligerent behavior.

Angie Villa said...

You, I, and whoever else posted lately is really getting under Jeff Anthony's skin.

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

IP Address > (Verizon Fios)
Location > "Malvern" (wink wink)

Time of Visit > May 22 2016 7:38:27 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 6:42:30 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 3:14:33 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 2:12:34 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 1:12:17am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 1:00:01 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 12:12:12 pm
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 11:12:45 am
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 10:23:45 am
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 5:45:56 am
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 4:16:43 am
Time of Visit > May 20 2016 5:30:21 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 9:59:32 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 8:51:16 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 5:30:21 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 3:59:32 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 1:22:24 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 3:19:40 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 2:24:22 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 1:55:10 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 1:27:22 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 12:00:00 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 11:45:17 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 11:02:03 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 10:23:13 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 9:12:44 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 8:01:01 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 7:19:02 am

LVS Reference Exposé

Criminal Docket > Synaptic Partner Garth Proechel

Morrissey Family Member said...

(Jeff) ... poll the family ... The fool you made of yourself at "Villas Victims United" ... is still frequently discussed in shocked and appalled tones ... Don't give me the 'unemployed, drunk & depressed' excuse ...

Bill Villa said...

My mother and his mother think he's crazy as they have for some time. Maybe they'll think he's back on coke ... Seriously Jeff, are you back on the sauce and the dope?

Angie Villa said...

Sheena's Family is queued-up to testify as to Jeff's deranged behavior.

Consigliere said...

Related Litigious Story

Bill Villa said...


Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) …

On Friday May 27th I received the excellent news of yet another opinion from the judge that is favorable to me. My pulverization of DA (for now) Jim Martin in court continues ... join the discussion @ My Facebook Page

Bill Villa said...

Facebook Message, Incoming ...

[Name Redacted]
Just a side-note, I don't think it is on the internet anymore, but there is an Anthony, don't remember if it is the last or first name saying that you were a drug user/former DUI offender. If I can find the guys name, I"ll let you know. It is on WAEB Facebook ... I looked but it was a rant about you being on WAEB, etc. I have no dog in this fight, but I believe in your plight. Just a side note. I was busy at the time, but I think his last name was Anthony.

Bill Villa
He's my cousin. He's on Jim Martin's side. Running interference. Trying to provoke me into doing something they can arrest me for. He's also been trying in vain to get me fired from my job. All this should tell you how "well" Martin's lawsuit against me is going. Lol.

[Name Redacted]
Bill, okay, now I get it. This wasn't the first time, the other time I just didn't have the time to tell you. But he went on about WAEB, and how is BGW doing in this lawsuit, etc. That was the gig. Just so you know. Your friend and confidant. But I just looked for it at the WAEB facebook, and it didn't exist anymore. Take care. A cousin? Go figure. That is atrocious.

Bill Villa
He's an unemployed drunk who sits home all day cyber stalking people (he's been banned & blocked at numerous Facebook pages) and ironically lives off his wife's Parkland school teacher income while bashing the very teacher union that pays his health care and buys his liquor.

My Coddled Cousin Jeff Anthony has been libelously penning stuff about me all over the internet since September and I've been capturing & collecting it all here (see link) along with all the other venom spewed at me and my wife Angie (and daughter Sheena) over the years ... Jeff Anthony is now apparently leading the cyber charge against The Villas ...

Bill Villa said...

Related Stories

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight


Still no relevant emails from my compulsively repeating stalker, total fraud, sociopathic sadist liar and coddled cousin Synaptic Jeffrey Anthony (left). Come on Jeff, Specify & Prove JUST ONE (1) lie you've libelously alleged I've told, conspiring co-stalkers are counting on you.

IP Address > (Verizon Fios)
Location > "Malvern" (wink wink)

Time of Visit > Jun 11 2016 10:13:27 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 10 2016 9:44:58 am
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2016 4:16:56 am
Time of Visit > Jun 8 2016 9:01:13 am
Time of Visit > Jun 7 2016 2:22:25 am
Time of Visit > Jun 6 2016 3:12:34 am
Time of Visit > Jun 5 2016 10:13:51 am
Time of Visit > Jun 4 2016 11:55:56 am
Time of Visit > Jun 4 2016 3:19:18 am
Time of Visit > Jun 3 2016 10:22:46 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 2 2016 4:45:05 am
Time of Visit > Jun 1 2016 3:17:16 am
Time of Visit > May 31 2016 4:01:22 am
Time of Visit > May 30 2016 11:12:45 pm
Time of Visit > May 29 2016 2:56:19 am
Time of Visit > May 28 2016 5:01:22 am
Time of Visit > May 27 2016 3:08:01 am
Time of Visit > May 26 2016 2:22:02 am
Time of Visit > May 25 2016 4:12:17 am
Time of Visit > May 24 2016 1:31:52 pm
Time of Visit > May 24 2016 11:25:53 am
Time of Visit > May 23 2016 9:09:09 am
Time of Visit > May 23 2016 4:23:24 am
Time of Visit > May 23 2016 3:22:13 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 6:42:30 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 3:14:33 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 2:12:34 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 1:12:17am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 1:00:01 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 12:12:12 pm
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 11:12:45 am
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 10:23:45 am
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 5:45:56 am
Time of Visit > May 21 2016 4:16:43 am
Time of Visit > May 20 2016 5:30:21 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 9:59:32 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 8:51:16 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 5:30:21 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 3:59:32 am
Time of Visit > May 19 2016 1:22:24 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 3:19:40 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 2:24:22 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 1:55:10 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 1:27:22 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 12:00:00 pm
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 11:45:17 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 11:02:03 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 10:23:13 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 9:12:44 am
Time of Visit > May 18 2016 8:01:01 am

LVS Reference Exposé

Criminal Docket > Synaptic Partner Garth Proechel

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

My deranged (unemployed and pathologically jealous) cousin Jeff Anthony (enlisted by DA Jim Martin) published these delusions, briefly, on the internet, panicked (temporarily sobered up) and then quickly deleted them. We now call them "Exhibit A."

For more Jeff Anthony synaptic & actionable verbatim quotes, click here.

Related Sabotage/Collusion Story

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming ...

Date: 6/13/16 11:45 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Your account has been terminated

Hello, bill_villa --
Your account has been suspended due to violation(s) of Scribd's Terms of Service. When you signed up for Scribd, you agreed to abide by our Terms of Service or face account suspension. For more information, visit
-The Scribd Team


((My Response))

I'd appreciate a phone call, 610-XXX-XXXX, thanks ... Scribd, if you'll grant me the courtesy of telling me which document posts of mine are in violation of Scribd's Terms of Service, I'd be happy to remove (or modify) them for compliance. Let's communicate … thanks … Did you know ... I'm currently being wrongfully and maliciously sued for "defamation" by a crooked District Attorney. Many of the verifiable facts involved in my successful defense are archived at Scribd. In terminating my account, you have been successfully manipulated (duped) by a person (Jeffrey Anthony, my cousin) who has been enlisted by this District Attorney to discredit and sabotage me. Don't fall for whatever he told you, without even speaking with me. Give me a call, let's talk, I'm sure we can resolve this to both of our satisfactions and compliance with Scribd's Terms of Service.

Bill Villa

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Not to worry. I still have all these documents and will have them all reposted shortly, stay tuned ...

Democrats For Don Ritter said...

Bill, clearly, it appears that your deranged sociopath coddled cousin Jeffrey Anthony (left) is out of gas, bullets, lies, nerve, etc., he's been fully exposed publicly (and among his family?) as a Synaptic imposter, and he's been ostracized (and his pathetic pandering comments are being ignored) by the local hate bloggers he tried to enlist (unsuccessfully) as “united” (LOL) allies against you. Touché (yet again), sir.

Bill Villa said...

FACEBOOK COMMENT BY JEFF ANTHONY @ WAEB Facebook Page, w/ truth-clarifying comments here by moi.

Jeffrey Anthony
‎to Newsradio 790 WAEB

How is it that "Newsradio" 790 had no idea that convicted drunk driver Bill Villa was spewing lies, half-truths, and innuendo during his 11 appearance run on WAEB?

((Me)) My 1986 DUI was expunged from my record decades ago and I've been continuously sober since July 1987. I've repeatedly invited Jeff Anthony to Specify & Prove just one (1) "lie" I've told about DA Jim Martin ... crickets.


Why did WAEB not also point out that Villa -- who was for many years also addicted to illegal drugs -- publishes a ranting "Foes List" that smears more than 50 of the Lehigh Valley's leading teachers, journalists, lawyers, business professionals and clergy members in addition to his obsessive smear campaign against DA Jim Martin?

((Me)) Again, I invite Jeff Anthony to Specify & Prove his libelous smear that I've been "addicted to illegal drugs," and I also invite anyone on my "Foes List" to Specify & Prove that what I've exposed about them isn't the 100% Verifiably Factual Truth. So far, only DA Jim Martin has accepted my challenge and he's currently getting pulverized by me in court.


Can anyone who smears more than 50 people on an ongoing basis be taken seriously?

((Me)) Yes. Other local bloggers get awards from The Morning Call and article attributions for their "writings."


Certainly if WAEB had provided the proper background context with respect to Villa's past and current behavior, listeners could have made a better assessment of his credibility -- or lack thereof. Why did WAEB deny that journalistically sound, balanced coverage to its listeners?

((Me)) In vetting me prior to airing me 11 times, WAEB found me to be highly credible and they were right.


And speaking of Villa's "Foes List", why does WAEB repeatedly and adamantly refuse to provide a forum for Villa's victims as they did for Villa? VP Craig Stevens tells me, "that's not news." But by that reasoning, why were Villa's rants over 11 appearances considered news?

((Me)) While on WAEB, I did not speak about "50" foes, I spoke about DA Jim Martin, assistant DAs, judges, and local "news" organizations. DA Jim Martin was invited on-air, repeatedly, by host Bobby Gunther Walsh, to rebut my verifiably factual truth. He never showed. Also, my 11 exposé appearances on WAEB apparently weren't news as there was no local media coverage, despite disingenuous smears of "defamation" in our local blogosphere.


Here's the mental state of the deranged individual who's story WAEB and Bobby Gunther Walsh championed. Recently, as a member of his "Foes List", I received an email from Villa stating that he was certain that God was "on that" to see to my "slow and ugly death" and that "you and [the name of another of Villa's numerous enemies] can both be chugging cheap wine in hell soon."

Still think Villa's "Foes List" isn't news? Craig? Bobby? Have any answers for your duped listeners?

((Me)) I stand by all my statements, and, WAEB: consider blocking Jeff Anthony unless you wanna be co-defendants with him in a libel action.


Democrats For Don Ritter said...


Bill Villa said...

(almost forgot)

My deranged (seething with jealousy) sadist cousin Jeff Anthony has been enlisted by DA Jim Martin through Martin's "law firm," Sprague & Sprague via signed affidavit.

Since joining Team Martin/Sprague, enlisted saboteur Jeff Anthony has been ...

* Stalking my employer at Facebook and repeatedly contacting him (and his wife) in unsuccessful efforts to get me fired

* Libeling me (and my wife) all over the internet (Facebook, local hate blogs, Scribd, etc.)

* Slandering me to members of my extended family (mostly frail female elders with already high blood pressure who he runs to daily with lies, half-truths, and innuendo about me)

View sampling of Jeff Anthony enlisted hate speech here.

Consigliere said...

Wow. The jury will love this story (wink wink) and this enlisted related story.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

The story of Martin/Sprague enlisting your unhinged cousin Jeff Anthony to provoke, sabotage and criminally harass you (and w/ apparent sanctioned impunity/immunity) because Martin knows he has no case against you really needs to go viral in front of a larger audience (Facebook?) and make sure the presiding judge knows all about Martin's desperation crap.

Blog Administrator said...

Email, Incoming …

June 29 2016 9:17am

Check this out. Jeffrey Anthony being called out and blocked at ICON magazine on Facebook. Just one example of several I am finding to make your case that Jeff Anthony is an unhinged cyber bully/sadist.

ICON: "We've had enough."

Blog Administrator said...

Email, Incoming …

June 30 2016 7:51am

People, Jeff Anthoney has been blocked from this page …

Bill Villa said...

I've spoken to my mother about this photograph and elder abuse moment. She thought she was being photographed with her sisters. But when Jeffrey Anthony (who she had been avoiding) "horned in" on the shot, she knew exactly what he was up to. Unlike the rest of the Morrissey clan, my mother sees right through Jeffrey Anthony, ever since he showed up at her door unannounced and spent the next few hours trying to convince her that DA Jim Martin prosecuted the Robert LaBarre case appropriately and that I have no legitimate beef about anything having to do with DA Jim Martin. Curious advocacy, very curious, we both thought.

Bill Villa said...

Sadly, DA Jim Martin-enlisted affiant & cyber saboteur Jeff Anthony has succeeded in getting Sheena's family ostracized from the Morrissey clan via deceitful & blood pressure spiking-abusive narcissistic sociopath manipulations; convoluting & concealing his provocations which include cyber stalking endeavors intended to get me fired from my job.


Ask plaintiff Jim Martin.

Bill Villa said...

Although Jeff Anthony has certainly elevated my mother's blood pressure in endeavoring, relentlessly, to turn a mother against her son, it is my Aunt Florence, Jeffrey's mother (right), who I am most concerned about, health-wise, because Jeffrey has run to Florence, since September 2015, with a report on every keystroke here. And that's gotta be taking a toll. Very sad.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Bill as you know Jim Martin has charged "attempted homicide" for much less elder abuse if it suits his political purposes.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Jeff Anthony affiant-enlisting "law firm" (for now) Strained & Sprained spotted stalking LVS again and hopefully researching elder abuse for their snoozy & boozy & out-maneuvered dumb-ass plaintiff client Jim Martin.

This is their [countless # of] stalking visits in the past several days.

Domain Name > (Network)
IP Address > (Comcast Business Communications)
City > Philadelphia

Time of Visit > Jul 7 2016 8:40:25 am

Related Stories

Democrats For Don Ritter said...

Jim Martin's never had a legit "defamation" (wink wink) case against you. Anybody who has listened to your WAEB shows knows that. But there was always the chance that a jury would feel sorry for Martin because you kicked his dumb ass so freakin' hard (after exposing it) over & over & over & over again (11 times) to WAEB's audience. "Underdog Syndrome." However, your crazy cousin has removed all possibility of any jury ever feeling sorry for Jim Martin. They will hate Martin, major big time, after hearing about the enlisted activities of your cousin against you. Your cousin has handed you a guaranteed victory over Jim Martin. And (moreover) we all know that was not his intention. LOL.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Bill, word on the street is that your cuckoo cousin Jeffrey "Judas" Anthony has stabbed you in the back in return for some referrals from Martin to his phony/sham "consulting business" (wink wink), you know, some Butz's, Jaindl's, and Reilly's to make up for the no (zero) clients he has now...but your cursin' cousin Jeff will soon find out how good at backstabbing Jim Martin is!

Bill Villa said...

Blog Administrator, you, I, and whoever else posted lately is really getting under Jeff Anthony's skin.

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

IP Address > (Verizon Fios)
Location > "Malvern" (wink wink)

Time of Visit > Jul 16 2016 3:15:14 am
Time of Visit > Jul 15 2016 6:12:40 am
Time of Visit > Jul 14 2016 4:05:06 am
Time of Visit > Jul 13 2016 4:13:44 am
Time of Visit > Jul 12 2016 1:22:17 am
Time of Visit > Jul 11 2016 3:22:34 am
Time of Visit > Jul 10 2016 5:01:12 am
Time of Visit > Jul 9 2016 2:23:56 am
Time of Visit > Jul 8 2016 4:00:03 am
Time of Visit > Jul 7 2016 2:56:00 am
Time of Visit > Jul 6 2016 5:35:04 pm
Time of Visit > Jul 6 2016 9:09:33 am
Time of Visit > Jul 5 2016 9:00:37 am
Time of Visit > Jul 4 2016 2:15:12 pm
Time of Visit > Jul 4 2016 3:12:28 am
Time of Visit > Jul 3 2016 4:11:29 am
Time of Visit > Jul 2 2016 2:23:19 am
Time of Visit > Jul 1 2016 3:18:22 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 30 2016 8:48:16 am
Time of Visit > Jun 29 2016 9:40:37 am
Time of Visit > Jun 29 2016 4:46:29 am
Time of Visit > Jun 28 2016 10:49:42 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 28 2016 9:41:06 am
Time of Visit > Jun 27 2016 9:09:04 am
Time of Visit > Jun 26 2016 12:47:47 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 25 2016 2:31:14 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 25 2016 10:15:07 am
Time of Visit > Jun 25 2016 4:17:16 am
Time of Visit > Jun 24 2016 9:45:19 am
Time of Visit > Jun 23 2016 9:48:23 am
Time of Visit > Jun 22 2016 3:08:17 am
Time of Visit > Jun 21 2016 9:44:27 am
Time of Visit > Jun 20 2016 9:54:32 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 19 2016 2:32:10 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 18 2016 2:22:40 am
Time of Visit > Jun 17 2016 9:48:33 am
Time of Visit > Jun 16 2016 4:46:48 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 15 2016 9:01:59 am
Time of Visit > Jun 14 2016 2:15:30 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 13 2016 4:04:04 am
Time of Visit > Jun 12 2016 8:48:24 am
Time of Visit > Jun 11 2016 10:13:27 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 10 2016 9:44:58 am
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2016 4:16:56 am
Time of Visit > Jun 8 2016 9:01:13 am
Time of Visit > Jun 7 2016 2:22:25 am
Time of Visit > Jun 6 2016 3:12:34 am
Time of Visit > Jun 5 2016 10:13:51 am
Time of Visit > Jun 4 2016 11:55:56 am
Time of Visit > Jun 4 2016 3:19:18 am
Time of Visit > Jun 3 2016 10:22:46 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 2 2016 4:45:05 am
Time of Visit > Jun 1 2016 3:17:16 am
Time of Visit > May 31 2016 4:01:22 am
Time of Visit > May 30 2016 11:12:45 pm
Time of Visit > May 29 2016 2:56:19 am
Time of Visit > May 28 2016 5:01:22 am
Time of Visit > May 27 2016 3:08:01 am
Time of Visit > May 26 2016 2:22:02 am
Time of Visit > May 25 2016 4:12:17 am
Time of Visit > May 24 2016 1:31:52 pm
Time of Visit > May 24 2016 11:25:53 am
Time of Visit > May 23 2016 9:09:09 am
Time of Visit > May 23 2016 4:23:24 am
Time of Visit > May 23 2016 3:22:13 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 6:42:30 am
Time of Visit > May 22 2016 3:14:33 am

LVS Reference Exposé

Criminal Docket > Synaptic Partner Garth Proechel

Bill Villa said...


On Feb 14, 2016, I was engaged in what I thought was a cordial and private interrogatory email conversation with a confidant (we've swapped numerous emails and phone calls and have had lunch together several times), Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge James T. Anthony, regarding two (already "closed") Lehigh County criminal cases involving members of my extended (Morrissey) family.

Apparently (and inexplicably), Judge Anthony forwarded our email correspondence to his cousin, and Sprague & Sprague/DA Jim Martin enlisted affiant/saboteur Jeffrey Anthony, Synaptic Consulting, who, in turn, contacted the Allentown Police Department about me via 911 falsely.

Four (4) Allentown Policemen in two (2) cruiser cars stormed my residence on Valentine's Day.

They left 5 minutes later, after speaking with me, knowing they had been duped by Jeffrey Anthony, Synaptic "Consulting."

Although I was able to obtain a copy of the Police Report (after much delay and rigamarole), curiously, the Allentown Police Department would not release to me the "150 word," written, false 911 report submitted to the APD by DA Jim Martin-enlisted affiant/saboteur Jeffrey Anthony, telling me, cryptically, that it was "evidence."

Indeed. I'll make sure it is.

Democrats for Don Ritter said...

Bill, affiant/saboteur/sadist Jeffrey Anthony has guaranteed you another victory in your countersuit against Jim Martin and Lehigh County which will likely yield much more than $3.1 million for you, just sayin'.

Bill Villa said...

Agreed. Also, when the Superior & Common Pleas courts both toss Martin's malicious truth-muzzling lawsuit accompanied by blistering opinions and this should be fairly soon, I have it on good authority that I'll be resuming my appearances on WAEB, stay tuned.

"Absolutely I can see you back on the air with Bobby again." -Craig Stevens, WAEB Operations Mgr., 8/14/14 phone call

Bill Villa said...


With his harassing letter to my attorney that was grandstand-cc'd to the local media, apparently, my delusional sociopath cousin Jeffrey Anthony believes that he (and he alone) can achieve something that Lehigh County District Attorney (and "Martin vs. Villa" plaintiff) James B. Martin is finding impossible to do, and that is, Specifying & Proving even just one (1) "lie" I've told about anyone. Not surprisingly, to date, no "lies" have been specified or proven by DA Jim Martin or Jeffrey Anthony. And none will be.

Martin/Sprague Tactics Exposed

Bill Villa said...


Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to my attorney ...

Sat Jul 30, 09:13:00 AM 2016

Mike, for now, I've published/exposed Jeffrey Anthony's letter to you at Scribd and added it to my published list of outrageousness that Team Martin/Sprague-enlisted affiant Jeffrey Anthony has perpetrated against us, see bullet point #3, here ...

FYI, I will supply this exact same information to the local media, should they contact me for a statement on any stories they may want to publish on this via Jeffrey Anthony's "news tip."

I of course would like the voting public to know about the smear & sabotage tactics that are being employed by Team Martin/Sprague-enlisted affiant Jeffrey Anthony, in lieu of plaintiff Martin not having a legitimate defamation case against me and WAEB.

Bill Villa

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Merci, Jeff, there goes Martin's case ...

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

LVS is always pleased to be of assistance to internet researchers.

Host Name > (
IP Address > (Saul Ewing LLP)
City > Philadelphia

Time of Visit > Aug 1 2016 4:25:52 pm

Related Story

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Strained & Sprained spotted stalking LVS again.

This is Sprague's countless # of stalking visits in the past several days.

Domain Name > (Network)
IP Address > (Comcast Business Communications)
City > Philadelphia

Time of Visit > Aug 1 2016 8:43:34 am

Sprague Tactics Exposed

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Guess who spotted stalking LVS again.

Domain Name >
IP Address > (PenTeleData)
Host >
City > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > Aug 1 2016 9:15:37 am

Returning Visits (Last 10 Days) > 886

Martin Tactics Exposed

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

FYI, still no relevant emails from my compulsively repeating stalker, total fraud, sociopathic sadist liar and coddled cousin Synaptic Jeffrey Anthony (left).

Come on Jeff, Specify & Prove JUST ONE (1) lie you've libelously alleged I've told, conspiring co-stalkers are counting on you.

IP Address > (Verizon Fios)
Location > "Malvern" (wink wink)

Time of Visit > Aug 1 2016 1:36:43 pm

LVS Reference Exposé

Criminal Docket > Synaptic Partner (for now) Garth Proechel

McJudas said...

Curiously, no interest from the local media in this story?

Blog Administrator said...

(almost forgot)

Readers (and stalkers) ...

For those keeping score @ home, please add the Facebook ASD Issues & Discussions page to the countless Facebook pages where DA Jim Martin-enlisted affiant Jeffrey Anthony has been blocked and/or banned for cyber stalking, criminal harassment, deranged sociopathy, and verbal abuse.

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

IP Address > (Verizon Fios)
Location > "Malvern" (wink wink)

Time of Visit > Aug 2 2016 8:31:22 am
Time of Visit > Aug 2 2016 12:07:03 pm

LVS Reference Exposé

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Guess who spotted stalking LVS again.

Domain Name >
IP Address > (PenTeleData)
Host >
City > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > Aug 2 2016 10:59:37 am

Returning Stalking Visits (Last 10 Days) > 887

Related Martin/Garlicki Scheme

Martin/Sprague Desperation Tactics Exposed

Bill Villa said...


Readers (and stalkers) ...

In their endlessly futile smear & sabotage campaigns against me, the word most used by malcontent maligners like Jeffrey Anthony | Synaptic Publishing to describe my verifiably factual output is >>> "LIES!" <<<

But nobody--not even "defamation" (wink wink) plaintiff (and pussy) DA Jim Martin--has ever specified & proven even just one (1) lie. Ever. Not even one. At no time.

That's why LVS is offering a $3.1 MILLION REWARD to any emailer who Specifies & Proves any "lie" I've told about DA (for now) Jim Martin or anyone on the so-called “Foes List” they’re all so concerned about.

All sober and lucid accusations with even just the slightest faint whiff of any merit will be published and addressed right here.

Need my email address? Email my deranged sociopath cousin Jeffrey Anthony for it at

Go ahead. Specify & Prove One (1) Lie.

I'm waiting ...

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

"Anonymous," what's it to you?

Related Story

IP Address > (Verizon Internet Services)
Location > Bethlehem, PA

Time of Visit > Aug 7 2016 9:46:33 am

Related Stories

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Guess who spotted nervously stalking LVS on a Sunday again.

Domain Name >
IP Address > (PenTeleData)
Host >
City > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > Aug 7 2016 10:48:34 am

Returning Visits (Last 10 Days) > 890

Related Martin/Garlicki Scheme

Martin/Sprague Tactics Exposed

Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

Guess who spotted stalking LVS again.

Domain Name >
IP Address > (PenTeleData)
Host >
City > Allentown, PA

Time of Visit > Aug 8 2016 9:39:47 am

Returning Visits (Last 10 Days) > 891

Related Martin/Garlicki Scheme

Martin/Sprague Tactics Exposed

Bill Villa said...

Readers (and stalkers) ...

Enjoy! The Villas Perfect Family V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N piks!

Related Story

Bill Villa said...


Bill Villa said...

A heartfelt thank you to the many who are emailing WAEB's requesting my return to the WAEB airwaves.

"Absolutely I can see you back on the air with Bobby again." -Craig Stevens, WAEB Operations Mgr., 8/14/14 phone call

Democrats For Don Ritter said...

Bill, no joke, I spotted your deranged sociopath stalker cousin Jeff Anthony this morning at 24th and Hamilton streets around 7:40am. He had belongings in a knapsack and he was on foot, walking. Q. Did Maryann possibly throw him out (again) because he lost his license via DUI? Inquiring minds want to know!

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Possibly Mr Anthony is prototyping a new product, a "synapsack."

Consigliere said...

No doubt there's a laptop in Jeffrey's "synapsack" and all the IP addresses you need out there in the wide open spaces to mask-up cyber stalker aliases like "Martin Kimmel." Just sayin'.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bill Villa said...

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

"Anonymous," what's it to you?

Related Story

IP Address > (Verizon Internet Services)
Location > Bethlehem, PA

Time of Visit > Aug 21 2016 11:47:29 am

Returning Visits (Last 10 Days) > 433

Bill Villa said...


Based on the avalanche of Facebook Messages I've received, MARTIN vs. VILLA LAWSUIT: RECAP & UPDATE is, by far, my most read, and most successful, Facebook Exposé Post ever. Enjoy & Merci.

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

In a word, devastating, for Martin, Jeff Anthony, Jim Anthony, Sprague & Sprague, Ray Spraggins, Good Old Boy Network Insider$, Lawyer$ & Judge$, et al. Would not be surprised if the judge (who's on Facebook) has been reading all of it with a dropped jaw as have all the rest of us. Nice to see all the public support too. Very well done.

Bill Villa said...


Random sampling of FACEBOOK MESSAGES, INCOMING, about DA Jim Martin-enlisted affiant/saboteur/cRaZy cousin Jeffrey Anthony, regarding my recent Facebook Post, MARTIN vs. VILLA LAWSUIT: RECAP & UPDATE.

* I'm appalled ...

* Sick mind.

* Absolutely appalling.

* I have to say I can't remember the last time I was so shocked, horrified, disgusted and disappointed with a human being as I am at this moment with Jeff Anthony.

* Jeff drinks a lot.

* Mary Ann is a [redacted] ...

* You are disrupting their world.

* Never give up on this.

* Wonder why this is so important to him. I don't get it.

* Wait wait wait!!!!!! What???! You've got to be kidding.

* He is the mentally ill one.

* What is his obsession here?

* Omg!!!! I just read the blog. That shit came out of him.

* Jeff is messed up.

* He drinks a lot.

* His wife has a great job at Parkland School. I'm sure this would be embarrassing to her if fellow co workers saw what he was doing.

* Sounds like Jeff might of always been jealous of you his whole life.

* Those things he wrote about Sheena ...

* The fact that he is interjecting himself so strongly in something that has no barring on his daily life shows his character.

* He is a failure.

* I'm proud of you guys for how strong you are and have been in the face of all this unbelievable adversity and pray things get resolved in your favor.

Morrissey Family Member said...

Hey, Jeff.

Democrats for Don Ritter said...

What losers like synaptic Jeff Anthony fail to realize is that when you foolishly take on the Villas, you get "paid back" 10X worse. And then of course, oh yeah, those Villas are such bullies. LOL. Jeffrey Anthony can dish it out but he can't take it. Just like all the other cyber losers who've tried and failed. Oh well.

Bill Villa said...

Well that's certainly an excellent question that deserves to be answered, and, to that end, we've installed Mary Ann Havran Anthony on LVS's right sidebar Exposé Wall Of Shame to stimulate inquiries, and, moreover, answers, enjoy.

Democrats for Don Ritter said...

You should spotlight Mary Ann Anthony @ Facebook.

Bill Villa said...

Blog Administrator, you, I, and whoever else posted lately is really getting under Jeff Anthony's skin. Ditto "Martin Kimmel" and “Allentown OldGuard” and all the other Jeffrey Anthony synaptic cyber stalker aliases.

LVS StatMeter® Spotlight

IP Address > (Verizon Fios)
Location > "Malvern" (wink wink)

Time of Visit > Sep 13 2016 9:57:23 am
Time of Visit > Sep 12 2016 8:34:57 pm
Time of Visit > Sep 12 2016 9:04:30 am
Time of Visit > Sep 12 2016 8:27:48 am
Time of Visit > Sep 11 2016 2:18:15 pm
Time of Visit > Sep 10 2016 3:17:35 am
Time of Visit > Sep 9 2016 3:37:47 pm
Time of Visit > Sep 9 2016 7:22:31 am
Time of Visit > Sep 8 2016 8:31:16 am
Time of Visit > Sep 7 2016 7:46:08 am
Time of Visit > Sep 6 2016 8:26:12 pm
Time of Visit > Sep 6 2016 4:29:59 am
Time of Visit > Sep 6 2016 1:33:26 am
Time of Visit > Sep 5 2016 11:42:37 am
Time of Visit > Sep 5 2016 10:37:33 am
Time of Visit > Sep 4 2016 1:27:10 am
Time of Visit > Sep 3 2016 4:01:27 am
Time of Visit > Sep 2 2016 5:23:53 pm
Time of Visit > Sep 1 2016 8:59:28 pm
Time of Visit > Sep 1 2016 9:28:48 am
Time of Visit > Aug 31 2016 4:04:04 am
Time of Visit > Aug 30 2016 2:48:08 am
Time of Visit > Aug 29 2016 9:28:48 am
Time of Visit > Aug 29 2016 8:56:59 am
Time of Visit > Aug 29 2016 6:48:50 am
Time of Visit > Aug 28 2016 2:52:46 am
Time of Visit > Aug 27 2016 3:46:35 am
Time of Visit > Aug 26 2016 11:27:43 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 25 2016 9:04:26 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 24 2016 8:20:20 am
Time of Visit > Aug 23 2016 9:45:27 am
Time of Visit > Aug 22 2016 9:17:53 am
Time of Visit > Aug 21 2016 5:13:00 am
Time of Visit > Aug 20 2016 9:37:04 am
Time of Visit > Aug 19 2016 6:06:00 am
Time of Visit > Aug 18 2016 6:57:33 am
Time of Visit > Aug 17 2016 8:07:14 am
Time of Visit > Aug 16 2016 3:45:46 am
Time of Visit > Aug 15 2016 3:22:25 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 14 2016 6:57:03 am
Time of Visit > Aug 13 2016 5:01:17 am
Time of Visit > Aug 12 2016 9:03:01 am
Time of Visit > Aug 11 2016 1:04:05 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 10 2016 5:01:19 am
Time of Visit > Aug 9 2016 3:12:13 am
Time of Visit > Aug 8 2016 9:51:27 am
Time of Visit > Aug 7 2016 6:01:00 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 7 2016 3:16:28 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 7 2016 2:05:48 am
Time of Visit > Aug 6 2016 1:05:16 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 6 2016 8:57:29 am
Time of Visit > Aug 6 2016 6:50:52 am
Time of Visit > Aug 5 2016 11:54:17 pm
Time of Visit > Aug 5 2016 8:30:22 am
Time of Visit > Aug 4 2016 11:08:07 am
Time of Visit > Aug 3 2016 9:56:34 am
Time of Visit > Aug 2 2016 8:31:22 am
Time of Visit > Aug 2 2016 12:07:03 am
Time of Visit > Aug 1 2016 1:36:43 pm
Time of Visit > Jul 31 2016 2:13:12 am

LVS Reference Exposé

Criminal Docket > Synaptic Partner (for now) Garth Proechel

Bill Villa said...


Related Story

Bill Villa said...


Bill Villa said...

Kenneth Heffentrager "takes a stand" (wink wink) against cyber terrorism.

Bill Villa said...


Consigliere said...

Curiously, not one of Jeffrey Anthony's allegedly legion "Villas Victims United" rallied to his side during his actionable libel-fest at "ASD Issues & Discussions." Telling.

Morrissey Family Member said...

Obviously he's as all alone on the internet as he is at home. Sad.

Consigliere said...


Bill Villa said...

Enjoy our Jeffrey Anthony/DA Jim Martin Exposé @ Facebook

Bill Villa said...


"I had a productive day meeting yesterday with counsel. Given the interest conflict, charges will have to go through the AG's office rather that the DA's, which will add a few days or more to the process, but so be it.

On the civil side of our efforts, apparently his previous -- and numerous -- threats make an injunction somewhat easier to obtain. Also, his attempts to damage my firm's reputation expand our options for pursuing damages. And, of course, it's gratifying how many of the people he's previously defamed have stepped forward and offered to testify. The courts move a bit more slowly than I'd like, but we'll get there. He should enjoy his "victory lap" while it lasts..."
-Jeffrey Anthony, The Caped Cruthader, Commenting at a Lehigh Valley Hate Blog, OCTOBER 7, 2015

Bill Villa said...

Enjoy our Judge Jim Anthony/DA Jim Martin Exposé @ Facebook

Blog Administrator said...

(FYI) Bill has left the building (for now) ...

Morrissey Family Member said...

It's just wonderful news about Judge Jim Anthony's public pledge of support and offer to testify against D.A. Jim Martin on your behalf. Now if only you and Judge Anthony could get your mutual cousin and deranged sociopath Jeffrey Anthony on the same page with you both, look at the libelous/foaming at the mouth nonsense Jeffrey's "writing" out there-- these toxins "launched" Friday night 12/2 but are back-dated as Feb 2016; tellingly he makes it very hard for readers to access Lehigh Valley Somebody, either his links to LVS curiously don't work or you have to copy and paste the url, obviously he doesn't want any easy comparisons between the lies, half-truths, and innuendo he's spewing up there and the verifiable truth and facts at LVS. Nice (hiccup) try, Jeff!

Morrissey Family Member said...

(almost forgot)

See you there?

455 W. Hamilton St. said...

Good place for a DUI check point.

LCVI said...

What's most telling about Jeffrey Anthony's libelous website is that he has published it anonymously. Only cowards & liars do that.

Bill Villa said...

Well said.