Monday, September 28, 2009

Bernie O'Hare: What's it to you?

"What's it to O'Hare & Company [e.g., David Najarian, Chris Casey, Donovan] that Bill Villa has legitimate complaints re: DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call "newspaper?" Why are they so compulsively interested in Bill's efforts in exposing some things around here? Obviously, Bill has the FACTS and he can communicate them w/ frightening precision and the same goes for Mrs. Villa. Are their fellow bloggers simply JEALOUS of this blog's obvious journalistic and literary superiority? Is there some quid pro quo (pay to play) happening between Martin's office, the "newspaper" and these saboteur bloggers? Is Martin really steamed that Bill out-foxed him so embarrassingly w/ the LeBarre prosecution? Is it ALL of the above? SOMETHING'S got to explain why all these hate bloggers (e.g., Chris Casey) spend more time HERE than at their own blogs."

Excellent Questions.

And here's a sobering FACT. Frequently trolling here for over an hour per visit, these are Bernie O'Hare's most recent surveillance visits to this blog, as documented by our SiteMeter(R) over just the past few days and these visits are from a confirmed internet "fingerprint" we have on O'Hare (it was confirmed by O'Hare himself in a comment). O'Hare no doubt uses multiple IP identities and likely trolls our blog much more frequently than this ...

Time of Visit > Sep 24 2009 10:27:10 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 25 2009 12:44:30 am

Time of Visit > Sep 25 2009 9:24:52 am

Time of Visit > Sep 25 2009 10:36:17 am

Time of Visit > Sep 25 2009 11:31:12 am

Time of Visit > Sep 25 2009 7:35:11 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 25 2009 9:05:14 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 25 2009 10:51:21 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 12:12:56 am

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 9:29:58 am

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 11:25:36 am

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 1:10:03 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 2:11:51 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 4:30:31pm

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 5:40:10 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 6:45:07 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 26 2009 10:41:03 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 27 2009 10:19:37 am

Time of Visit > Sep 27 2009 3:06:29 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 27 2009 4:11:17 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 27 2009 5:32:35 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 27 2009 6:49:21 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 27 2009 7:59:06 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 27 2009 11:34:59 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 28 2009 1:30:25 am

UPDATE: O'Hare's creepy stalking visits to this blog continue ...

Time of Visit > Sep 28 2009 10:51:46 am

Time of Visit > Sep 28 2009 12:21:24 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 29 2009 10:58:10 am

Time of Visit > Sep 29 2009 11:44:18 am

Time of Visit > Sep 29 2009 1:28:23 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 29 2009 2:02:19 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 29 2009 9:25:15 pm

Time of Visit > Sep 30 2009 2:51:52 am

Time of Visit > Sep 30 2009 10:58:01 am

Time of Visit > Sep 30 2009 12:21:45 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 1 2009 1:34:35 am

Time of Visit > Oct 1 2009 12:23:00 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 2 2009 9:46:25 am

Time of Visit > Oct 3 2009 2:21:36 am

Time of Visit > Oct 3 2009 10:08:03 am

Time of Visit > Oct 3 2009 1:01:14 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 3 2009 2:31:00 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 4 2009 9:47:47 am

Time of Visit > Oct 4 2009 10:44:23 am

Time of Visit > Oct 4 2009 10:59:24 am

Time of Visit > Oct 4 2009 9:35:06 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 5 2009 9:24:41 am

Time of Visit > Oct 5 2009 7:37:24 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 5 2009 8:48:34 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 5 2009 10:30:52 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 5 2009 11:45:30 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 6 2009 8:17:37 am

Time of Visit > Oct 6 2009 9:36:58 am

Time of Visit > Oct 6 2009 11:06:38 am

Time of Visit > Oct 6 2009 12:24:38 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 6 2009 1:04:05 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 6 2009 5:09:05 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 7 2009 1:52:07 am

Time of Visit > Oct 7 2009 9:29:49 am

Time of Visit > Oct 8 2009 10:37:18 am

Time of Visit > Oct 8 2009 12:02:47 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 9 2009 11:07:46 am

Time of Visit > Oct 9 2009 12:25:19 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 9 2009 9:56:44 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 10 2009 10:40:11 am

Time of Visit > Oct 10 2009 2:55:35 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 10 2009 4:51:22 pm

Time of Visit > Oct 11 2009 11:01:27 am

Time of Visit > Oct 11 2009 8:25:10 pm

We've lost count, and interest.

O'Hare & Company [e.g., David Najarian, Chris Casey, Michael Donovan] ... what's it to you?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pusillanimous Personified

Readers, "attorney" (for now) David C. Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor (pictured), the originator of the proactively provoking and sadistically cruel "Troll Blog" has (ironically) filed a private criminal complaint of "harassment" ... against me. Yep. Good luck, Dave. 

Apparently, Dave Najarian can dish it out, but he can't take it.

Apparently, it's okay for him to co-publish a "Troll Blog" filled with baiting self-penned commentary defiling my deceased daughter Sheena on the internet, opining about her killer's "remorse," and publicly discussing ways to sabotage my daughter Sheena's wrongful death litigation, but it's not okay for me to respond in a rational, reasonable, and legal manner, as I did?

I see.

Readers, not surprisingly, there's a not so hidden agenda at play here in attorney Dave Najarian's "criminal" complaint against me, as loyal Republican Najarian's "harassment" complaint revolves around this, the cornerstone of his "criminal" complaint. Najarian states on the record for the court:

"Villa wrote: "I don't care how many people are in the way of what I'm trying to accomplish, which is exposing and bringing down two genuinely bad guys, Jim Martin, and Glenn Kranzley. I can't be stopped. Nothing will stop me from achieving my goals."

In his "harassment" (against whom?) complaint, Najarian then helpfully brays, "By way of background, Jim Martin is District Attorney of Lehigh County! Glenn Kranzley is the Editor of The Morning Call newspaper!"

Readers, I'm positive Dave Najarian's Lynn Township Recreation Board buddy, crooked crony, and Slatington District Magistrate Rod Beck (to whom Najarian filed his phony private "criminal" complaint against me) already knew who DA Jim Martin and Glenn Kranzley were. Just sayin'.

In his private "criminal" complaint, attorney (for now) Najarian then digresses briefly to boast that his blog was one of the original selectee/honorees of the Valley Blogosphere "community" of bloggers at The Morning Call "newspaper" hand-picked by longtime DA Jim Martin protector Glenn Kranzley.

Tell ya what, "guys," I'll plead guilty to this:

Nothing will stop me from achieving my goals.

Read Post UpDate: PUSSY: WHIPPED (in court)

Read Related Story

Pusillanimous Personified

Readers, "attorney" (for now) David C. Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor (pictured), the originator of the proactively provoking and sadistically cruel "Troll Blog" has (ironically) filed a private criminal complaint of "harassment" ... against me. Yep. Good luck, Dave. 

Apparently, Dave Najarian can dish it out, but he can't take it.

Apparently, it's okay for him to co-publish a "Troll Blog" filled with baiting self-penned commentary defiling my deceased daughter Sheena on the internet, opining about her killer's "remorse," and publicly discussing ways to sabotage my daughter Sheena's wrongful death litigation, but it's not okay for me to respond in a rational, reasonable, and legal manner, as I did?

I see.

Readers, not surprisingly, there's a not so hidden agenda at play here in attorney Dave Najarian's "criminal" complaint against me, as loyal Republican Najarian's "harassment" complaint revolves around this, the cornerstone of his "criminal" complaint. Najarian states on the record for the court:

"Villa wrote: "I don't care how many people are in the way of what I'm trying to accomplish, which is exposing and bringing down two genuinely bad guys, Jim Martin, and Glenn Kranzley. I can't be stopped. Nothing will stop me from achieving my goals."

In his "harassment" (against whom?) complaint, Najarian then helpfully brays, "By way of background, Jim Martin is District Attorney of Lehigh County! Glenn Kranzley is the Editor of The Morning Call newspaper!"

Readers, I'm positive Dave Najarian's Lynn Township Recreation Board buddy, crooked crony, and Slatington District Magistrate Rod Beck (to whom Najarian filed his phony private "criminal" complaint against me) already knew who DA Jim Martin and Glenn Kranzley were. Just sayin'.

In his private "criminal" complaint, attorney (for now) Najarian then digresses briefly to boast that his blog was one of the original selectee/honorees of the Valley Blogosphere "community" of bloggers at The Morning Call "newspaper" hand-picked by longtime DA Jim Martin protector Glenn Kranzley.

Tell ya what, "guys," I'll plead guilty to this:

Nothing will stop me from achieving my goals.

Read Post UpDate: PUSSY: WHIPPED (in court)

Read Related Story

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why is Bernie O'Hare Defiling Sheena Villa?

[And why do so many local politicians, and the local media, continue to affiliate w/ O'Hare?]

Readers, it's been three and a half years since my daughter Sheena was killed ... and people who were touched by Sheena, after all this time, are still posting inspired comments in Sheena's memory, and in her honor, at the Sheena Villa Guest Book.

Along with Sheena's equally loving mother, I'm very proud to have co-parented Sheena into the remarkable and memorable young woman Sheena turned out to be, and always will be, in our memories of her.

But hate blogger Bernie O'Hare has an altogether different take on Sheena Villa and her parents, even though O'Hare never knew Sheena or her parents.

At O'Hare's Morning Call-affiliated "Troll Parade" blog that O'Hare co-created w/ attorney (for now) David C. Najarian, O'Hare has adamantly refused to delete wildly inaccurate and sadistically cruel "anonymous" comments that O'Hare and Najarian have published up there ...

"villa daughter was a mess and he can't come to grips with his awful parenting. his bitterness is a reflection of his disgust with the mess of a daughter he created and now wishes to blame on the rest of the world because he and his wife failed to properly do their jobs. they are two of legions of irresponsible parents who are, sadly, forced to live with their own incompetence. i've had enough of their blaming everybody but themselves. no guts. lots of blame. they are poster nuts for why society is going down the toilet: parents who unleash disaterous consequences on the society. in this case, karma bit them hard and they must look in the mirror someday and properly assess blame on themselves. until then, the pathetic charade continues. i don't particularly like or agree with bernie o'hare. i rip him regularly for his views (and sometimes the tone with which they're expressed). at least bernie has the guts to own his shortcomings, the villas will never and will die bitter failures who were made to pay for their mistakes while living. it's a shitty life, but it's the one they so richly deserve."

I see.

Another nugget you will find at the Troll Parade blog is a back-and-forth comment dialogue between ex-attorney O'Hare and attorney (for now) David C. Najarian. They are discussing ways to successfully sabotage Sheena Villa's (then upcoming) wrongful death litigation. O'Hare proceeds to threaten us, twice, that he will indeed follow-through and sabotage Sheena's civil litigation.

As was demonstrated through facts in our recent exposé on him, Bernie O'Hare has a history of deeming a civil litigation is "without merit" and taking it upon himself to sabotage it.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court disbarred O'Hare for this, citing "moral turpitude," i.e., evil intent activity.

But before the PA Supreme Court could catch up w/ O'Hare he had sabotaged the wrongful death litigation of a Luzerne County widow, Lucille White, and her three fatherless children.

Hate blogger Bernie O'Hare has displayed a now well-documented zeal for emotionally torturing already suffering, grief-stricken families-- specifically, by sabotaging civil settlements. $85,000.00 in George Usry's case. $19 million in Lucille White's case.

In 2008, 22 years after being disbarred for screwing George Usry out of an $85,000.00 civil settlement, Bernie O'Hare publicly threatened to do the exact same thing to the family of Sheena Villa.

And if you don't believe O'Hare has a zeal for emotionally torturing Sheena's family, please re-read the "anonymous" comments O'Hare refuses to delete from his Troll Parade blog. Its only purpose is to distort and defile the memory of Sheena Villa, to provoke, and to emotionally torture her grief-stricken family. Ditto every post at The Troll Parade blog.





Why is Bernie O'Hare Defiling Sheena Villa?

[And why do so many local politicians, and the local media, continue to affiliate w/ O'Hare?]

Readers, it's been three and a half years since my daughter Sheena was killed ... and people who were touched by Sheena, after all this time, are still posting inspired comments in Sheena's memory, and in her honor, at the Sheena Villa Guest Book.

Along with Sheena's equally loving mother, I'm very proud to have co-parented Sheena into the remarkable and memorable young woman Sheena turned out to be, and always will be, in our memories of her.

But hate blogger Bernie O'Hare has an altogether different take on Sheena Villa and her parents, even though O'Hare never knew Sheena or her parents.

At O'Hare's Morning Call-affiliated "Troll Parade" blog that O'Hare co-created w/ attorney (for now) David C. Najarian, O'Hare has adamantly refused to delete wildly inaccurate and sadistically cruel "anonymous" comments that O'Hare and Najarian have published up there ...

"villa daughter was a mess and he can't come to grips with his awful parenting. his bitterness is a reflection of his disgust with the mess of a daughter he created and now wishes to blame on the rest of the world because he and his wife failed to properly do their jobs. they are two of legions of irresponsible parents who are, sadly, forced to live with their own incompetence. i've had enough of their blaming everybody but themselves. no guts. lots of blame. they are poster nuts for why society is going down the toilet: parents who unleash disaterous consequences on the society. in this case, karma bit them hard and they must look in the mirror someday and properly assess blame on themselves. until then, the pathetic charade continues. i don't particularly like or agree with bernie o'hare. i rip him regularly for his views (and sometimes the tone with which they're expressed). at least bernie has the guts to own his shortcomings, the villas will never and will die bitter failures who were made to pay for their mistakes while living. it's a shitty life, but it's the one they so richly deserve."

I see.

Another nugget you will find at the Troll Parade blog is a back-and-forth comment dialogue between ex-attorney O'Hare and attorney (for now) David C. Najarian. They are discussing ways to successfully sabotage Sheena Villa's (then upcoming) wrongful death litigation. O'Hare proceeds to threaten us, twice, that he will indeed follow-through and sabotage Sheena's civil litigation.

As was demonstrated through facts in our recent exposé on him, Bernie O'Hare has a history of deeming a civil litigation is "without merit" and taking it upon himself to sabotage it.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court disbarred O'Hare for this, citing "moral turpitude," i.e., evil intent activity.

But before the PA Supreme Court could catch up w/ O'Hare he had sabotaged the wrongful death litigation of a Luzerne County widow, Lucille White, and her three fatherless children.

Hate blogger Bernie O'Hare has displayed a now well-documented zeal for emotionally torturing already suffering, grief-stricken families-- specifically, by sabotaging civil settlements. $85,000.00 in George Usry's case. $19 million in Lucille White's case.

In 2008, 22 years after being disbarred for screwing George Usry out of an $85,000.00 civil settlement, Bernie O'Hare publicly threatened to do the exact same thing to the family of Sheena Villa.

And if you don't believe O'Hare has a zeal for emotionally torturing Sheena's family, please re-read the "anonymous" comments O'Hare refuses to delete from his Troll Parade blog. Its only purpose is to distort and defile the memory of Sheena Villa, to provoke, and to emotionally torture her grief-stricken family. Ditto every post at The Troll Parade blog.





Friday, September 18, 2009

LVS Interview w/ Don Cunningham

"Mrs. Dottie" and I first met popular Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham, Jr. (pictured) when Don and Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan were in the audience for a Villas gig in October 2004 at the Illick's Mill Fall Gala in Bethlehem. We have some piks from that gig at our website's "Gig Piks" page and that's Bethlehem City Council person (and our booking host for that very fun Illick's Mill gig) Karen Dolan pictured about half-way down the page. Cunningham and Callahan cornered us after our set to rave about The Villas original music which we thought was very gracious of them. Then in September 2006, The Villas shared the stage with Don and his cover band at Downtown Allentown's "Dancing in the Streets" celebration and opening of the new Butz Corporate Center. We like Don (and his cover band) and we believe the feeling is mutual. We also figure Don knows we're not "nutz" as has been perpetrated against us in certain circles 'round our local blogosphere in the aftermath of our daughter Sheena having been killed by a drunk driver. 

LVS initiated our email interview w/ Don Cunningham three weeks ago on August 28th with an email we published here as a blog post entitled, "Just Say No" to Bernie O'Hare.

When we didn't hear anything back from Don, we popped him this email on September 16:

Hi Don, hope all's well. Q. Have you had a chance to read our blog exposé on Bernie O'Hare? [Follow Link Below] And, do you have a response or a reaction for us, either off, or on, the record? Thanks again for your consideration, Don. Best Regards, Bill Villa

Don emailed us back later that same day and now our interview was rolling:

Bill, Things are going fairly well for me; thanks. Certainly have a little more time on my hands since pulling back from trying to build a race for Governor next year. Anyway, in regard to blogs -- right, wrong or indifferent -- I don't read any of them. People often let me know who is writing what, etc. but I don't read blogs or read newspapers on-line. In regard to bloggers, since they dispense information regarding county government to people who do read them, we treat them as "media." Therefore, we send them our news releases, invite them to news conferences and review and often grant requests for interviews. In this electronic age, I realize I am a bit of a dinosaur in not getting my news and information electronically but I do understand that many others do get their information that way. I didn't realize you have a blog. If you write about county goverment, we certainly will put you on our distribution list. Toward that end, I'm copying Kathleen Parrish, the county's public information director, on this email. I hope you are well -- and the band is playing often. -Don

[LVS Note: Readers, we inserted the link on Kathleen Parrish's name to our post entitled, "DA Martin Stonewalls on Stinky Garlicki Hiring." Although Don Cunningham "didn't realize you have a blog" (wink wink), we're pretty sure Kathleen Parrish knows.]

We responded to Don right away: 

Thanks, Don. I can't speak for the family of George Usry ... or Lucille White ... but on behalf of the family of Sheena Villa, we're asking that you remove Bernie O'Hare and Lehigh Valley Ramblings from your "media" list and avoid him like the plague he is. Don, what can we tell our blog readers, re: your answer to our request? Thanks as always for your consideration. Best Regards, Bill Villa P.S. Hi Kathleen ... 

Don responded to us later the same day: 

Oh, if you need a response, I would just use what is our county policy that was pretty much imbedded in my previous email. We treat all bloggers that dispense information regarding county government as "media." Therefore, we send them our news releases, invite them to news conferences and review and often grant requests for interviews. I have no intention to offer any comment that goes beyond our non-discrimination policy to inform equally all media outlets and reporters that are interested in and cover Lehigh County government. Thanks, Don [cc: Kathleen Parrish]

We responded to Don yesterday: 

Don, we're not asking you to "discriminate" but we are asking that you be more discriminating regarding who you consider "credible media."

O'Hare was disbarred by the PA Supreme Court for "dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude."

And O'Hare's "moral turpitude," by definition, and in the application of the PA Supreme Court, was the "evil intent" activity of emotionally torturing his already-suffering client George Usry for two years. George Usry was a Bethlehem Steel worker; your father (who also worked there if I recall correctly) may have known George Usry.

If you read our blog's exposé on O'Hare, we can't imagine you not coming to the same conclusion that we and many others have-- i.e., that O'Hare, 23 years later, is still engaging in the same evil intent activity he was disbarred for 23 years ago. He's still getting his kicks through emotionally torturing already suffering, grief-stricken families, and my grieving family has been a favorite target of O'Hare's for over a year now.

Don, we ask that you (at least) apply some due diligence and have your media liaison people examine our exposé on O'Hare. And until you come to an informed decision on this matter, we ask that you initiate a moratorium on O'Hare, regarding Don Cunningham press release information and crony interview access that gives credibility to a "news" source who, clearly, does not merit it.

Q. Will you commit to doing at least this? i.e., informing yourself, re: our facts on O'Hare.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

P.S. Our blog, "Lehigh Valley Somebody," is located here >

Start w/ our post dated, August 28, 2009, and work backwards. Thanks.

Readers, this is where we're at, so far, re: the LVS Interview w/ Don Cunningham. 

Hopefully, we'll get more responses back from Don and be able to conclude our interview ... and resolve the disturbing issue of local politicians lending undue credibility to Bernie O'Hare by giving him their unwarranted, and undeserved access. 

If you'd like to read the LVS exposé on Bernie O'Hare that is, hopefully, being examined very carefully by Team Cunningham right now, and by all area politicians eventually, even if we have to camp out in their offices and read it to them, follow these links.



Part 1: Overview  


Part 2: George Usry  


Part 3: Lucille White  


Part 4: Still Duped By O'Hare?   

LVS Interview w/ Don Cunningham

"Mrs. Dottie" and I first met popular Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham, Jr. (pictured) when Don and Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan were in the audience for a Villas gig in October 2004 at the Illick's Mill Fall Gala in Bethlehem. We have some piks from that gig at our website's "Gig Piks" page and that's Bethlehem City Council person (and our booking host for that very fun Illick's Mill gig) Karen Dolan pictured about half-way down the page. Cunningham and Callahan cornered us after our set to rave about The Villas original music which we thought was very gracious of them. Then in September 2006, The Villas shared the stage with Don and his cover band at Downtown Allentown's "Dancing in the Streets" celebration and opening of the new Butz Corporate Center. We like Don (and his cover band) and we believe the feeling is mutual. We also figure Don knows we're not "nutz" as has been perpetrated against us in certain circles 'round our local blogosphere in the aftermath of our daughter Sheena having been killed by a drunk driver. 

LVS initiated our email interview w/ Don Cunningham three weeks ago on August 28th with an email we published here as a blog post entitled, "Just Say No" to Bernie O'Hare.

When we didn't hear anything back from Don, we popped him this email on September 16:

Hi Don, hope all's well. Q. Have you had a chance to read our blog exposé on Bernie O'Hare? [Follow Link Below] And, do you have a response or a reaction for us, either off, or on, the record? Thanks again for your consideration, Don. Best Regards, Bill Villa

Don emailed us back later that same day and now our interview was rolling:

Bill, Things are going fairly well for me; thanks. Certainly have a little more time on my hands since pulling back from trying to build a race for Governor next year. Anyway, in regard to blogs -- right, wrong or indifferent -- I don't read any of them. People often let me know who is writing what, etc. but I don't read blogs or read newspapers on-line. In regard to bloggers, since they dispense information regarding county government to people who do read them, we treat them as "media." Therefore, we send them our news releases, invite them to news conferences and review and often grant requests for interviews. In this electronic age, I realize I am a bit of a dinosaur in not getting my news and information electronically but I do understand that many others do get their information that way. I didn't realize you have a blog. If you write about county goverment, we certainly will put you on our distribution list. Toward that end, I'm copying Kathleen Parrish, the county's public information director, on this email. I hope you are well -- and the band is playing often. -Don

[LVS Note: Readers, we inserted the link on Kathleen Parrish's name to our post entitled, "DA Martin Stonewalls on Stinky Garlicki Hiring." Although Don Cunningham "didn't realize you have a blog" (wink wink), we're pretty sure Kathleen Parrish knows.]

We responded to Don right away: 

Thanks, Don. I can't speak for the family of George Usry ... or Lucille White ... but on behalf of the family of Sheena Villa, we're asking that you remove Bernie O'Hare and Lehigh Valley Ramblings from your "media" list and avoid him like the plague he is. Don, what can we tell our blog readers, re: your answer to our request? Thanks as always for your consideration. Best Regards, Bill Villa P.S. Hi Kathleen ... 

Don responded to us later the same day: 

Oh, if you need a response, I would just use what is our county policy that was pretty much imbedded in my previous email. We treat all bloggers that dispense information regarding county government as "media." Therefore, we send them our news releases, invite them to news conferences and review and often grant requests for interviews. I have no intention to offer any comment that goes beyond our non-discrimination policy to inform equally all media outlets and reporters that are interested in and cover Lehigh County government. Thanks, Don [cc: Kathleen Parrish]

We responded to Don yesterday: 

Don, we're not asking you to "discriminate" but we are asking that you be more discriminating regarding who you consider "credible media."

O'Hare was disbarred by the PA Supreme Court for "dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude."

And O'Hare's "moral turpitude," by definition, and in the application of the PA Supreme Court, was the "evil intent" activity of emotionally torturing his already-suffering client George Usry for two years. George Usry was a Bethlehem Steel worker; your father (who also worked there if I recall correctly) may have known George Usry.

If you read our blog's exposé on O'Hare, we can't imagine you not coming to the same conclusion that we and many others have-- i.e., that O'Hare, 23 years later, is still engaging in the same evil intent activity he was disbarred for 23 years ago. He's still getting his kicks through emotionally torturing already suffering, grief-stricken families, and my grieving family has been a favorite target of O'Hare's for over a year now.

Don, we ask that you (at least) apply some due diligence and have your media liaison people examine our exposé on O'Hare. And until you come to an informed decision on this matter, we ask that you initiate a moratorium on O'Hare, regarding Don Cunningham press release information and crony interview access that gives credibility to a "news" source who, clearly, does not merit it.

Q. Will you commit to doing at least this? i.e., informing yourself, re: our facts on O'Hare.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,

Bill Villa

P.S. Our blog, "Lehigh Valley Somebody," is located here >

Start w/ our post dated, August 28, 2009, and work backwards. Thanks.

Readers, this is where we're at, so far, re: the LVS Interview w/ Don Cunningham. 

Hopefully, we'll get more responses back from Don and be able to conclude our interview ... and resolve the disturbing issue of local politicians lending undue credibility to Bernie O'Hare by giving him their unwarranted, and undeserved access. 

If you'd like to read the LVS exposé on Bernie O'Hare that is, hopefully, being examined very carefully by Team Cunningham right now, and by all area politicians eventually, even if we have to camp out in their offices and read it to them, follow these links.



Part 1: Overview  


Part 2: George Usry  


Part 3: Lucille White  


Part 4: Still Duped By O'Hare?