Saturday, November 7, 2009

DA Jim Martin Still Firmly in Favor of Paying for Sex

In vein-throbbing defiance of the Pennsylvania Superior Court and Lehigh County Judge Robert Steinberg and the Pennsylvania State Police, Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) Jim Martin is maintaining his hard-line stance that it's appropriate to pay citizen informants to have sex at massage spas as many times as Martin wants it.

Sadly, DA Martin is now caught nakedly all alone w/ his over-sexed issue.

Let us explain ...

Back in 2006, some local (and still un-named) guy patronizing the Shiatsu (massage parlor) Spa in suburban Allentown was highly "offended" when sex was allegedly offered to him. He later contacted State Police who proposed that the "offended" man return to the spa and (what the heck) have sex w/ the female masseuse who had "offended" him. Well apparently the guy got over being "offended" pretty quickly as he returned to the spa for "a smorgasbord of sexual activity" four (4) more times. Each "Happy Ending" was paid for by the PA State Police who also paid the increasingly "offended" (wink wink) informant $180.00 for performing such upstanding civic service.

The State Police made recordings of themselves and the "offended" informant laughing and joking about his multiple sexual encounters at the spa.

"No Nonsense" (wink wink) DA Jim Martin took charge and charged the owner of the spa w/ prostitution, presumably after Martin himself stopped laughing like a high school sophomore at the State Police's hardy har har recordings.

Lehigh County Judge Robert Steinberg (Martin's far superior predecessor as DA) tossed off Martin's case immediately on the grounds that the government (namely DA Martin and the cops) had "acted outrageously."

Steinberg's position was that the "offended" man's subsequent, frequent, and state cop-paid-for visits to the spa for sex "did not advance the police investigation."

Steinberg went on to say that we [the people] expect more from law enforcement [and especially from our Chief Law Enforcement Officer DA Jim Martin, eh?] "and demand that they conduct their investigations and utilize their resources without resorting to such embarrassing investigative techniques."

Steinberg continued: "No adequate supervisory guidance was provided [Jim?], no standards existed for this type of investigation [again, Martin M.I.A], and some of the behavior by the participants [this includes DA Martin] was sophomoric."

In a jaw-dropping display of hard-on arrogance, DA Jim Martin subsequently appealed Judge Steinberg's ruling to the Pennsylvania Superior Court-- as if our PA courts aren't gagging already on total nonsense appeals.

On Thursday, 11/5/09, the PA Superior Court spanked and bitch-slapped DA Jim Martin by upholding Judge Steinberg's ruling against him.

"It is difficult to imagine how this informant could have been so offended, and yet proceed to engage in oral and sexual intercourse with the two women in the case, and laugh about it with the investigating troopers after each occasion," wrote Judge John T. Bender for the 3-judge Superior Court panel.

So was DA Jim Martin finally spent and ready for a cigarette? Hardly. Like the "offended" Shiatsu Spa John, Jumbo Jim Martin is coming back for more.

Martin says he "plans to seek review by the State SUPREME Court." [!]

Readers, even PA State Police spokeswoman Lt. Myra Taylor concedes that "the informant's behavior did not conform with state police standards" and that the "troopers' conduct has been addressed internally."

Additionally, the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas and the Pennsylvania Superior Court have both ruled against DA Jim Martin.

But DA Jim Martin wants to pay for sex (dammit) and as frequently as he sees fit, because nobody, and we mean NOBODY, tells (unopposed) DA Jim Martin he's WRONG, and so he's taking his "Justice Mission" all the way to the PA Supreme Court.

What an asshole.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Teabaggers Saved by Government Healthcare Workers

In a delicious display of poetic irony, Teabaggers rallying against "government takeover of healthcare" (wink wink) in Washington this week were saved by government healthcare workers. Yep. One protester suffered a heart attack, and four other elderly protesters needed emergency treatment. Luckily, medical professionals from the Capitol's physician's office were on the scene immediately to save these NeoCon lives. The rally was organized by wacky right wingnut Michele Bachman (R-MN). The man who suffered the heart attack was being wheeled away on a stretcher just as House Minority Leader John Boehner stepped up to the microphone to talk about the dangers of the Democrat's socialized medicine and communist agenda. Why didn't John Boner intervene and protect the 4 fallen Teabaggers from the dangers of socialized medicine?! See story here

Above photo is of protesters holding a sign with picture of corpses from Dachau. How horrifying to compare the public option to The Holocaust! At this rally, Rep. Steve King(R-IA) actually autographed a teabagger sign that said "Ken-ya Trust Obama?" Nice.

Teabaggers Saved by Government Healthcare Workers

In a delicious display of poetic irony, Teabaggers rallying against "government takeover of healthcare" (wink wink) in Washington this week were saved by government healthcare workers. Yep. One protester suffered a heart attack, and four other elderly protesters needed emergency treatment. Luckily, medical professionals from the Capitol's physician's office were on the scene immediately to save these NeoCon lives. The rally was organized by wacky right wingnut Michele Bachman (R-MN). The man who suffered the heart attack was being wheeled away on a stretcher just as House Minority Leader John Boehner stepped up to the microphone to talk about the dangers of the Democrat's socialized medicine and communist agenda. Why didn't John Boner intervene and protect the 4 fallen Teabaggers from the dangers of socialized medicine?! See story here

Above photo is of protesters holding a sign with picture of corpses from Dachau. How horrifying to compare the public option to The Holocaust! At this rally, Rep. Steve King(R-IA) actually autographed a teabagger sign that said "Ken-ya Trust Obama?" Nice.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Bernie O'Hare (nearly) the "kiss of death" for Don Cunning-Ham

Once popular Lehigh County Executive Don Cunning-Ham (D) limped, staggered, and crawled his way to an empty and shallow “victory” on Tuesday night, narrowly “beating” previously unknown and positively unqualified Republican/Evangelical challenger Scott Ott by a razor thin margin of 800 votes out of more than 40,000 votes cast.

Most political pundits had been anticipating a Cunning-Ham reelection landslide in the neighborhood of 80%.

Instead, Cunning-Ham got only 51% of the vote, and, just barely.

We trust that this stunning, near-miss upset was a LONG OVERDUE WAKE UP CALL to Don, and to all local politicos, regarding the toxic and potentially terminal political danger of granting "media" access to evil sadist hate blogger, Bernie O’Hare, even if you’re a seemingly invincible office holder like Don Cunning-Ham and Jim Martin used to be.

Regrettably (in hindsight), Team Cunning-Ham had made disbarred and disgraced ex-lawyer O’Hare their main "go to" "guy" for Don Cunning-Ham press release dissemination. Bad idea.

Even more foolishly, Oh Donny Boy had done numerous syrupy too cute interviews into O’Hare’s flip-cam for broadcast at O’Hare’s cronyism-on-parade spin blog, Lehigh Valley Ramblings.

Apparently, the voting public was not amused. Oopsie.


LEARN FROM DON CUNNING-HAM’s HUGE MISTAKE, unless you have more political capital to blow than Don used to have.

Affiliating w/ Bernie O’Hare is a political kiss of death.

Here’s why (and sadly, Don Cunning-Ham ignored these facts) ...

O'Hare was disbarred in 1986 for sabotaging his own client's civil rights litigation w/ "evil intent." See: Part 2: George Usry

When they finally caught up w/ O'Hare, he had just finished successfully sabotaging the wrongful death litigation of a grieving widow and her three fatherless children. See: Part 3: Lucille White

Recently, O'Hare publicly threatened (twice) to sabotage the wrongful death litigation of Sheena Villa. See: Why is Bernie O'Hare Defiling Sheena Villa?

In 1986, O'Hare's own lawyer told the PA Supreme Court that O'Hare had a "serious emotional problem."

Obviously, O'Hare has never been rehabilitated.

Still duped by O'Hare?

We'll petition Scott Ott to pray for you.





Bernie O'Hare (nearly) the "kiss of death" for Don Cunning-Ham

Once popular Lehigh County Executive Don Cunning-Ham (D) limped, staggered, and crawled his way to an empty and shallow “victory” on Tuesday night, narrowly “beating” previously unknown and positively unqualified Republican/Evangelical challenger Scott Ott by a razor thin margin of 800 votes out of more than 40,000 votes cast.

Most political pundits had been anticipating a Cunning-Ham reelection landslide in the neighborhood of 80%.

Instead, Cunning-Ham got only 51% of the vote, and, just barely.

We trust that this stunning, near-miss upset was a LONG OVERDUE WAKE UP CALL to Don, and to all local politicos, regarding the toxic and potentially terminal political danger of granting "media" access to evil sadist hate blogger, Bernie O’Hare, even if you’re a seemingly invincible office holder like Don Cunning-Ham and Jim Martin used to be.

Regrettably (in hindsight), Team Cunning-Ham had made disbarred and disgraced ex-lawyer O’Hare their main "go to" "guy" for Don Cunning-Ham press release dissemination. Bad idea.

Even more foolishly, Oh Donny Boy had done numerous syrupy too cute interviews into O’Hare’s flip-cam for broadcast at O’Hare’s cronyism-on-parade spin blog, Lehigh Valley Ramblings.

Apparently, the voting public was not amused. Oopsie.


LEARN FROM DON CUNNING-HAM’s HUGE MISTAKE, unless you have more political capital to blow than Don used to have.

Affiliating w/ Bernie O’Hare is a political kiss of death.

Here’s why (and sadly, Don Cunning-Ham ignored these facts) ...

O'Hare was disbarred in 1986 for sabotaging his own client's civil rights litigation w/ "evil intent." See: Part 2: George Usry

When they finally caught up w/ O'Hare, he had just finished successfully sabotaging the wrongful death litigation of a grieving widow and her three fatherless children. See: Part 3: Lucille White

Recently, O'Hare publicly threatened (twice) to sabotage the wrongful death litigation of Sheena Villa. See: Why is Bernie O'Hare Defiling Sheena Villa?

In 1986, O'Hare's own lawyer told the PA Supreme Court that O'Hare had a "serious emotional problem."

Obviously, O'Hare has never been rehabilitated.

Still duped by O'Hare?

We'll petition Scott Ott to pray for you.





Monday, November 2, 2009

Reelect Ed Pawlowski and Give Him a Big Raise

UpDate: Mayor Pawlowski cruised to reelection w/ a whopping 74% popular vote mandate. Congrats, Mr. Mayor! 

The Mayor of Allentown's salary has not been increased since 1996. It's hard to believe that the mayor of the third largest city in Pennsylvania is paid only $61,493.00. Several years ago, there was concern that the salary was too low compared to the salaries of other PA Mayors, so a group was formed to study the issue. The group determined that in 2010 the Mayor of Allentown's salary should increase to $95,000.00 and City Council approved this increase.

Currently, because of economic hard times the Obama Administration is well on its way to reversing (and making it look easy), there are some people who think Mayor Pawlowski should not take his approved salary increase. That's dumb. But consider the source(s). 

Ray O'Connell (D), a former ASD middle school principal who is running for City Council supports a pay increase for Mayor Pawlowski so Ray's got our vote. O'Connell understands that in order to attract highly qualified mayoral candidates to Allentown, the mayor's salary should reflect the importance of the position. Educators like O'Connell understand this concept, likely because they have first-hand experience with being undervalued, see: the unfairly low salary most teacher's make compared to the very valuable job they do. Ditto Ed Pawlowski. 

Here at Lehigh Valley Somebody, the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania most weeks in Liberal Influence, we believe that Mayor Pawlowski has accomplished a lot for Allentown. No real estate tax increase in 5 yrs, crime is down 12% overall, surveillance cameras have been installed, new businesses are sprouting up like flowers downtown, our parks are being improved despite rabidly racist opposition from a lunatic fringe "3%,", and slumlords are being held accountable. Sure, we have a long way to go, but we think Ed Pawlowski is making a hugely positive difference. Plus, anyone who works so hard for Allentown as Ed Pawlowski does, and for so little pay, has gotta have his heart and soul into it and care very deeply about our, and his, city.


And then let's start paying Ed $95K annually ASAP so he keeps running Allentown and keeps running for reelection and winning. 

Reelect Ed Pawlowski and Give Him a Big Raise

UpDate: Mayor Pawlowski cruised to reelection w/ a whopping 74% popular vote mandate. Congrats, Mr. Mayor! 

The Mayor of Allentown's salary has not been increased since 1996. It's hard to believe that the mayor of the third largest city in Pennsylvania is paid only $61,493.00. Several years ago, there was concern that the salary was too low compared to the salaries of other PA Mayors, so a group was formed to study the issue. The group determined that in 2010 the Mayor of Allentown's salary should increase to $95,000.00 and City Council approved this increase.

Currently, because of economic hard times the Obama Administration is well on its way to reversing (and making it look easy), there are some people who think Mayor Pawlowski should not take his approved salary increase. That's dumb. But consider the source(s). 

Ray O'Connell (D), a former ASD middle school principal who is running for City Council supports a pay increase for Mayor Pawlowski so Ray's got our vote. O'Connell understands that in order to attract highly qualified mayoral candidates to Allentown, the mayor's salary should reflect the importance of the position. Educators like O'Connell understand this concept, likely because they have first-hand experience with being undervalued, see: the unfairly low salary most teacher's make compared to the very valuable job they do. Ditto Ed Pawlowski. 

Here at Lehigh Valley Somebody, the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania most weeks in Liberal Influence, we believe that Mayor Pawlowski has accomplished a lot for Allentown. No real estate tax increase in 5 yrs, crime is down 12% overall, surveillance cameras have been installed, new businesses are sprouting up like flowers downtown, our parks are being improved despite rabidly racist opposition from a lunatic fringe "3%,", and slumlords are being held accountable. Sure, we have a long way to go, but we think Ed Pawlowski is making a hugely positive difference. Plus, anyone who works so hard for Allentown as Ed Pawlowski does, and for so little pay, has gotta have his heart and soul into it and care very deeply about our, and his, city.


And then let's start paying Ed $95K annually ASAP so he keeps running Allentown and keeps running for reelection and winning. 

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Falling Down Drunk Supervisor Wants Your Vote

UpDate: Frankenfield fell out of office, garnering only 160 votes. We wonder if one (or several) of Tim's votes were from Wind Gap District "Judge" Adrianne L. Masut (?)  

Timothy Frankenfield (D), 43, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Plainfield Township, and the former township Fire Marshall, has scored two citations in the past three years for public drunkenness. 

During the first incident in Dec. of 2006, he was stopped while walking towards a vehicle after leaving a Lower Nazareth area liquor store. He had a blood alcohol content of .30, nearly four times the legal limit. Was Frankenfield heading for his car and intending to drive? The "news report" fails to say. 

Then in June of 2009, Frankenfield was found passed out on the floor of the Municipal building with a bottle of Jack Daniels next to him see story here He was at the Municipal Building because he had arranged for a (non-public) emergency management meeting. He had a .17 BAC at that time, the same time that he would have been making public policy decisions, if he had not passed out first. Frankenfield later publicly apologized, saying it would never happen again, and  that he fell because he has a medical condition. District Judge Adrianne Masut, Wind Gap, (sound familiar?) (see this post) received his guilty plea by mail in the second incident, and Frankenfield was fined $150.00 plus court costs.

Frankenfield is an incumbent up for re-election this year in a race where there are four candidates running for two vacant Plainfield Township Supervisor seats. He wants the voters to focus on his record of public service, not his record of public drunkenness. After all, a little "booze" never hurt anyone (wink wink), right?

“I don’t believe it’s relevant,” said Frankenfield. “I believe my record not only as supervisor but in many years of community service stands for itself. Bar none.”

Why wasn't Frankenfield arrested? He's a danger to society if he drives while intoxicated, and did not learn his lesson. Instead, he gets a slap on the wrist from D.J. Masut for being a repeat offender and is able to continue in his public role as Chairman of Supervisors.

Is this the kind of role model the citizens of Plainfield Township want? Can an intoxicated person make clear decisions on public policy? And doesn't Judge Masut have a responsibility to protect citizens from dangerous drunk drivers? Did Masut give him a pass because he's a "connected" elected official?

What a sham our local "justice system" is around here, protecting and enabling connected criminals, and putting our communities at risk.

Falling Down Drunk Supervisor Wants Your Vote

UpDate: Frankenfield fell out of office, garnering only 160 votes. We wonder if one (or several) of Tim's votes were from Wind Gap District "Judge" Adrianne L. Masut (?)  

Timothy Frankenfield (D), 43, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Plainfield Township, and the former township Fire Marshall, has scored two citations in the past three years for public drunkenness. 

During the first incident in Dec. of 2006, he was stopped while walking towards a vehicle after leaving a Lower Nazareth area liquor store. He had a blood alcohol content of .30, nearly four times the legal limit. Was Frankenfield heading for his car and intending to drive? The "news report" fails to say. 

Then in June of 2009, Frankenfield was found passed out on the floor of the Municipal building with a bottle of Jack Daniels next to him see story here He was at the Municipal Building because he had arranged for a (non-public) emergency management meeting. He had a .17 BAC at that time, the same time that he would have been making public policy decisions, if he had not passed out first. Frankenfield later publicly apologized, saying it would never happen again, and  that he fell because he has a medical condition. District Judge Adrianne Masut, Wind Gap, (sound familiar?) (see this post) received his guilty plea by mail in the second incident, and Frankenfield was fined $150.00 plus court costs.

Frankenfield is an incumbent up for re-election this year in a race where there are four candidates running for two vacant Plainfield Township Supervisor seats. He wants the voters to focus on his record of public service, not his record of public drunkenness. After all, a little "booze" never hurt anyone (wink wink), right?

“I don’t believe it’s relevant,” said Frankenfield. “I believe my record not only as supervisor but in many years of community service stands for itself. Bar none.”

Why wasn't Frankenfield arrested? He's a danger to society if he drives while intoxicated, and did not learn his lesson. Instead, he gets a slap on the wrist from D.J. Masut for being a repeat offender and is able to continue in his public role as Chairman of Supervisors.

Is this the kind of role model the citizens of Plainfield Township want? Can an intoxicated person make clear decisions on public policy? And doesn't Judge Masut have a responsibility to protect citizens from dangerous drunk drivers? Did Masut give him a pass because he's a "connected" elected official?

What a sham our local "justice system" is around here, protecting and enabling connected criminals, and putting our communities at risk.

Monday, October 26, 2009

2009 World Champion New York Yankees

Last night, Major League Baseball's best team, the New York Yankees (103-59) beat baseball's 2nd best team, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (97-65) to capture their 40th American League pennant.

LVS predicts the Yankees will sweep past the Phillies (93-69) and onto their unprecedented (in all of sports) 27th World Championship in 6 games or less.

2009 World Champion New York Yankees

Last night, Major League Baseball's best team, the New York Yankees (103-59) beat baseball's 2nd best team, the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim (97-65) to capture their 40th American League pennant.

LVS predicts the Yankees will sweep past the Phillies (93-69) and onto their unprecedented (in all of sports) 27th World Championship in 6 games or less.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Grayson's Got Guts!

Representative Alan Grayson (D-Fla) has become the new star of the Democratic Party because he has the courage to speak out loudly for the people. During a speech on the House floor, he said that the GOP's alternative healthcare plan is simple, "Don't Get Sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly." see this video

Grayson highlighted a Harvard study that found 44,000 Americans die annually due to no health insurance. We wrote about those facts here at LVS. We Must Have A Public Option

It's refreshing to finally watch a Democrat speak in a no-nonsense way, and to call out the RepubliCONS as "the party of no, and soon, the party of nobody." Seems like it is working. The "you get more bees with honey" approach is not gonna work here because people are dying, and because the majority of the American public supports a public option, or as it has been cleverly coined by Liberals, "Medicare Part E," i.e., Medicare for Everybody. Sometimes the truth has gotta sting and wake people up. Democrats have got to stand up to the bullying, lies, and smear campaigns of the right. Grayson says, "I don't remember hearing a lot about bipartisanship when we were talking about tax breaks for the rich."

Democrats are in power now and we gotta start getting things done. Let the tea baggers protest-- who cares. The facts speak for themselves. We the people want a public option.

Grayson has started a website called Names of the Dead as a tribute to people who have died due to lack of health insurance.

Grayson's campaign fundraising website is called A Congressman With Guts.

We're hoping Alan Grayson's gutsiness is contagious.

[Mr. Dottie contributed to this post]

Grayson's Got Guts!

Representative Alan Grayson (D-Fla) has become the new star of the Democratic Party because he has the courage to speak out loudly for the people. During a speech on the House floor, he said that the GOP's alternative healthcare plan is simple, "Don't Get Sick. And if you do get sick, die quickly." see this video

Grayson highlighted a Harvard study that found 44,000 Americans die annually due to no health insurance. We wrote about those facts here at LVS. We Must Have A Public Option

It's refreshing to finally watch a Democrat speak in a no-nonsense way, and to call out the RepubliCONS as "the party of no, and soon, the party of nobody." Seems like it is working. The "you get more bees with honey" approach is not gonna work here because people are dying, and because the majority of the American public supports a public option, or as it has been cleverly coined by Liberals, "Medicare Part E," i.e., Medicare for Everybody. Sometimes the truth has gotta sting and wake people up. Democrats have got to stand up to the bullying, lies, and smear campaigns of the right. Grayson says, "I don't remember hearing a lot about bipartisanship when we were talking about tax breaks for the rich."

Democrats are in power now and we gotta start getting things done. Let the tea baggers protest-- who cares. The facts speak for themselves. We the people want a public option.

Grayson has started a website called Names of the Dead as a tribute to people who have died due to lack of health insurance.

Grayson's campaign fundraising website is called A Congressman With Guts.

We're hoping Alan Grayson's gutsiness is contagious.

[Mr. Dottie contributed to this post]

Monday, October 19, 2009

Quit Bashing Our Teachers

It's a rare occasion when our local "news media" reports anything positive about teachers, schools, or education in general. In fact, right now, teacher bashing is in vogue due to recent reaction to the Saucon Valley teachers strike. And when it comes to education issues, our local "newspaper" provides a stage for lunkhead columnist Paul Carpenter to bloviate regularly his misinformed opinions.

Teachers strikes are not good news, but the overwhelmingly negative opinions about teachers expressed in the majority of letters published in the Opinion section of The Morning Call is bad news for our community. If those know-it-all critics who like to opine about education would volunteer and spend just one day in a classroom in the Allentown School District, I believe they would have a new appreciation for teachers and the extremely demanding job they do. And it's a job that benefits everyone in our society. Sadly, teachers have been labeled as liberal elitists who belong to corrupt unions and work less hours than everyone else. Bullshit. And if it's such an easy and cushy job, then why aren't you a teacher?

Because of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act, teachers must now spend much more time doing paperwork and grading tests, so they are putting in many extra hours in addition to the very demanding school day of handling up to 30 or more kids in a classroom. But before NCLB and its mandated curriculum of teaching to the test, dedicated teachers spent extra time conducting after school clubs, preparing creative lessons, attending meetings and conferences, calling parents. What's expected of them now is unrealistic. And because of the unrealistic demands put on teachers due to NCLB, there is less time in the schedule for teachers to be creative. I could go on and on about the detrimental effects of NCLB on students, teachers, and society but that will have to be a topic for a future post.
Striking is a last resort for teachers. In Saucon Valley, one of the issues that the school board and teachers cannot agree on is tuition reimbursement for graduate work. The school board is discouraging teachers from becoming better, more motivated teachers because they believe teachers shouldn't be reimbursed for graduate work. They want to make sure that the already underpaid teachers don't make too much money by moving up on the pay scale! See this article

But in the private sector, it's common practice for companies to pay for employees to take graduate classes and to continue their education for the overall benefit to the company. This decision by the school board shows a disrespect for the valuable job that teachers do. And the commenters at the above article are saying "FIRE 'EM ALL." If this kind of negative attitude towards teachers is the norm in our community we are doomed, and I can understand why teachers may not feel motivated to do their jobs. Hopefully, the closed minded attitudes of some Lehigh Valley residents aren't representative of the rest of our community. If people really cared about children, they would not be bashing teachers, instead they would be supporting teachers.

This post was written by Mrs. Dottie, a former teacher.

Quit Bashing Our Teachers

It's a rare occasion when our local "news media" reports anything positive about teachers, schools, or education in general. In fact, right now, teacher bashing is in vogue due to recent reaction to the Saucon Valley teachers strike. And when it comes to education issues, our local "newspaper" provides a stage for lunkhead columnist Paul Carpenter to bloviate regularly his misinformed opinions.

Teachers strikes are not good news, but the overwhelmingly negative opinions about teachers expressed in the majority of letters published in the Opinion section of The Morning Call is bad news for our community. If those know-it-all critics who like to opine about education would volunteer and spend just one day in a classroom in the Allentown School District, I believe they would have a new appreciation for teachers and the extremely demanding job they do. And it's a job that benefits everyone in our society. Sadly, teachers have been labeled as liberal elitists who belong to corrupt unions and work less hours than everyone else. Bullshit. And if it's such an easy and cushy job, then why aren't you a teacher?

Because of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act, teachers must now spend much more time doing paperwork and grading tests, so they are putting in many extra hours in addition to the very demanding school day of handling up to 30 or more kids in a classroom. But before NCLB and its mandated curriculum of teaching to the test, dedicated teachers spent extra time conducting after school clubs, preparing creative lessons, attending meetings and conferences, calling parents. What's expected of them now is unrealistic. And because of the unrealistic demands put on teachers due to NCLB, there is less time in the schedule for teachers to be creative. I could go on and on about the detrimental effects of NCLB on students, teachers, and society but that will have to be a topic for a future post.
Striking is a last resort for teachers. In Saucon Valley, one of the issues that the school board and teachers cannot agree on is tuition reimbursement for graduate work. The school board is discouraging teachers from becoming better, more motivated teachers because they believe teachers shouldn't be reimbursed for graduate work. They want to make sure that the already underpaid teachers don't make too much money by moving up on the pay scale! See this article

But in the private sector, it's common practice for companies to pay for employees to take graduate classes and to continue their education for the overall benefit to the company. This decision by the school board shows a disrespect for the valuable job that teachers do. And the commenters at the above article are saying "FIRE 'EM ALL." If this kind of negative attitude towards teachers is the norm in our community we are doomed, and I can understand why teachers may not feel motivated to do their jobs. Hopefully, the closed minded attitudes of some Lehigh Valley residents aren't representative of the rest of our community. If people really cared about children, they would not be bashing teachers, instead they would be supporting teachers.

This post was written by Mrs. Dottie, a former teacher.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hope For Investigative Journalism

Here's an idea worth supporting: The Freedom Journalism School is a bold new program that will train 50 citizen journalists and bloggers from the South, giving them the tools and skills needed to carry out in-depth investigative journalism. As our corporate news media continues to deteriorate because ratings and profit have become more important than informing the public, there is a void that needs to be filled. Democracy cannot work unless the public is properly informed. According to their website, this is one of the reasons why The Freedom Journalism School was started:

"The media's fading commitment to public interest and investigative journalism to put a spotlight on injustice and hold the powerful accountable."

The project is modeled after the Freedom Schools of the civil rights movement. These schools taught children the value of asking the important questions, not just learning facts and figures, so students could become agents for change. In our local media and blogosphere we could really benefit from more citizens asking excellent questions that deserve to be answered, and holding our elected officials accountable. Don't let big corporate interests stifle debate or block reform on important issues. Speaking truth to power will light the way to a better future for all of us. If you would like to support this program and find out more information, here's a link: Facing South

Hope For Investigative Journalism

Here's an idea worth supporting: The Freedom Journalism School is a bold new program that will train 50 citizen journalists and bloggers from the South, giving them the tools and skills needed to carry out in-depth investigative journalism. As our corporate news media continues to deteriorate because ratings and profit have become more important than informing the public, there is a void that needs to be filled. Democracy cannot work unless the public is properly informed. According to their website, this is one of the reasons why The Freedom Journalism School was started:

"The media's fading commitment to public interest and investigative journalism to put a spotlight on injustice and hold the powerful accountable."

The project is modeled after the Freedom Schools of the civil rights movement. These schools taught children the value of asking the important questions, not just learning facts and figures, so students could become agents for change. In our local media and blogosphere we could really benefit from more citizens asking excellent questions that deserve to be answered, and holding our elected officials accountable. Don't let big corporate interests stifle debate or block reform on important issues. Speaking truth to power will light the way to a better future for all of us. If you would like to support this program and find out more information, here's a link: Facing South

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's About Time For Gay Rights

After winning the Nobel Peace Prize, our President Obama has started kicking some civil rights buttocks by pledging to end the outdated policy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the military, and to move forward on repealing the Defense of Marriage Act. It's way long past the time that gays should have the same civil rights as everyone else in America.
see story

We know that our President has an enormous amount of important stuff on his proverbial plate right now, but we think this issue of gay rights is extremely important. Gay columnist Andrew Sullivan is not happy and says that Obama has done nothing, offered no timeline, no deadline for action. I can understand his POV and frustration, and we think Obama needs to now act, but geez what about the Democrats in Congress? We have a Democratic majority and still nothing has been done. We think our elected leaders and all of us need to scream a little louder about this issue. Gotta give the wacko religious right and the neo-cons credit for screaming the loudest about their crazy beliefs and values. We can understand why gays are tired of waiting, but we don't think complaining is going to help them right now.

Obama is putting the issue front and center by speaking about it and pledging to do something. He's done more than any other President. Gotta give him credit. In our present time of such gross injustices, (ie health insurance company abuses, bailing out Wall St. robber barons, right wing media lies) I guess we should be happy about even the smallest tablescrap of Democratic ballsiness in this country. Maybe it will inspire other Democrats to grow half a set, and speak out LOUDER for human rights.

It's About Time For Gay Rights

After winning the Nobel Peace Prize, our President Obama has started kicking some civil rights buttocks by pledging to end the outdated policy of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" in the military, and to move forward on repealing the Defense of Marriage Act. It's way long past the time that gays should have the same civil rights as everyone else in America.
see story

We know that our President has an enormous amount of important stuff on his proverbial plate right now, but we think this issue of gay rights is extremely important. Gay columnist Andrew Sullivan is not happy and says that Obama has done nothing, offered no timeline, no deadline for action. I can understand his POV and frustration, and we think Obama needs to now act, but geez what about the Democrats in Congress? We have a Democratic majority and still nothing has been done. We think our elected leaders and all of us need to scream a little louder about this issue. Gotta give the wacko religious right and the neo-cons credit for screaming the loudest about their crazy beliefs and values. We can understand why gays are tired of waiting, but we don't think complaining is going to help them right now.

Obama is putting the issue front and center by speaking about it and pledging to do something. He's done more than any other President. Gotta give him credit. In our present time of such gross injustices, (ie health insurance company abuses, bailing out Wall St. robber barons, right wing media lies) I guess we should be happy about even the smallest tablescrap of Democratic ballsiness in this country. Maybe it will inspire other Democrats to grow half a set, and speak out LOUDER for human rights.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

We Must Have A Public Option

I don't see how we can have real health care reform without the public option. Corporate control of our health care is resulting in people dying for the good of the insurance company. It's immoral. Corporations should not have control over our lives. A government run public option can co-exist with private plans. People can choose what they want, or stay with the plan they have. Obama's plan is NOT a government take over. The public option makes perfect sense and there is now an urgency to lower costs, and hold the greedy companies accountable for their many abuses, which have resulted in the deaths of American people. It is a serious crisis. The wingnut commentators are scaring people with lies. The Republicons want to see Obama fail, no matter how many Americans die. They hate Obama more than they love America. And they hate him because he is Black. We must have a public option, it's a human need.

Here are some facts and stats:
45,000 uninsured Americans die each year, according to research done by the Harvard Medical School. That's one person every 12 minutes.

46.3 million Americans lacked coverage in 2008. Uninsured adults under age 64 have a 40% higher risk of dying than those who have coverage. These people are dying from complications associated with preventable diseases such as diabetes because they can't afford proper care. The insurance companies run the real "death panels."

The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 73% of doctors favor a public option.

65% of Americans favor a public option.

14,000 people a day are losing their health insurance.

Where is our compassion for fellow human beings? We are all in this together, why not pool the wealth to help each other out? No one should have to die because they can't afford health insurance.

Did you know that young adults ages 19-29 make up 30% of the nation's uninsured? An average health insurance premium for young adults for the school year 2007-2008 was $850.00.

According to The Kaiser Family Foundation, the average cost of a family's health care policy is now more than $13,000 annually, having more than doubled in a decade. It is unaffordable for middle class people, especially those who (like us) are self-employed and have to pay the entire amount. Our policy is going up to $932.00 a month, and that's just for 2 people, since our child is enrolled in CHIP, which is a great government run program for kids. We would choose the public option.

We Must Have A Public Option

I don't see how we can have real health care reform without the public option. Corporate control of our health care is resulting in people dying for the good of the insurance company. It's immoral. Corporations should not have control over our lives. A government run public option can co-exist with private plans. People can choose what they want, or stay with the plan they have. Obama's plan is NOT a government take over. The public option makes perfect sense and there is now an urgency to lower costs, and hold the greedy companies accountable for their many abuses, which have resulted in the deaths of American people. It is a serious crisis. The wingnut commentators are scaring people with lies. The Republicons want to see Obama fail, no matter how many Americans die. They hate Obama more than they love America. And they hate him because he is Black. We must have a public option, it's a human need.

Here are some facts and stats:
45,000 uninsured Americans die each year, according to research done by the Harvard Medical School. That's one person every 12 minutes.

46.3 million Americans lacked coverage in 2008. Uninsured adults under age 64 have a 40% higher risk of dying than those who have coverage. These people are dying from complications associated with preventable diseases such as diabetes because they can't afford proper care. The insurance companies run the real "death panels."

The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 73% of doctors favor a public option.

65% of Americans favor a public option.

14,000 people a day are losing their health insurance.

Where is our compassion for fellow human beings? We are all in this together, why not pool the wealth to help each other out? No one should have to die because they can't afford health insurance.

Did you know that young adults ages 19-29 make up 30% of the nation's uninsured? An average health insurance premium for young adults for the school year 2007-2008 was $850.00.

According to The Kaiser Family Foundation, the average cost of a family's health care policy is now more than $13,000 annually, having more than doubled in a decade. It is unaffordable for middle class people, especially those who (like us) are self-employed and have to pay the entire amount. Our policy is going up to $932.00 a month, and that's just for 2 people, since our child is enrolled in CHIP, which is a great government run program for kids. We would choose the public option.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Commissioner Bill Leiner Leans Our Way

By: Mrs. Dottie

Readers, Bill (Villa) and I had a very enjoyable 1.5 hour breakfast chat w/ Lehigh County Commissioner Bill Leiner Jr. this morning at the fabulously renovated new West Side Diner (formerly Saylor's) in Allentown.

It appears the "two Bills" have a lot in common.

Both Bills are really nice guys and true (and proud) Liberal Democrats. 

Both Bills are former Bethlehem Steel workers, Bill Leiner a longtime veteran of BethSteel machine shops, and Bill Villa a furnace jack-hammerer in the mid-1970s.

Bill Villa believes that blogger Bernie O'Hare has never been rehabilitated from the evil intent activity O'Hare was disbarred for in 1986-- that is, O'Hare's 2-year emotional torturing of his African-American civil rights client, and former Bethlehem Steel worker, George Usry.

Bill Villa also believes that when O'Hare publicly threatened, twice, to sabotage the civil litigation of Sheena Villa at the David Najarian & Bernie O'Hare co-created "Troll Parade" blog, that that evil intent activity provides compelling evidence that O'Hare has never been rehabilitated from the evil intent activity O'Hare was disbarred for in 1986-- i.e., sabotaging the civil litigation of his own client, George Usry.

Because of Bill Villa's beliefs, Bill Leiner told us he would stop commenting at O'Hare's Lehigh Valley Ramblings blog.

Instead, Bill Leiner will be commenting here, at Lehigh Valley Somebody, the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania most weeks in Liberal Influence and currently ranked 4th Most Influential Political Blog in PA in all categories.

While we can't speak for the family of George Usry ... or the family of Lucille White ... on behalf of the family of Sheena Villa, we thank Lehigh County Commissioner Bill Leiner Jr. for making what we believe is an excellent decision.

We encourage all local politicos, and everyone, to follow Bill Leiner's lead.

Commissioner Bill Leiner Leans Our Way

By: Mrs. Dottie

Readers, Bill (Villa) and I had a very enjoyable 1.5 hour breakfast chat w/ Lehigh County Commissioner Bill Leiner Jr. this morning at the fabulously renovated new West Side Diner (formerly Saylor's) in Allentown.

It appears the "two Bills" have a lot in common.

Both Bills are really nice guys and true (and proud) Liberal Democrats. 

Both Bills are former Bethlehem Steel workers, Bill Leiner a longtime veteran of BethSteel machine shops, and Bill Villa a furnace jack-hammerer in the mid-1970s.

Bill Villa believes that blogger Bernie O'Hare has never been rehabilitated from the evil intent activity O'Hare was disbarred for in 1986-- that is, O'Hare's 2-year emotional torturing of his African-American civil rights client, and former Bethlehem Steel worker, George Usry.

Bill Villa also believes that when O'Hare publicly threatened, twice, to sabotage the civil litigation of Sheena Villa at the David Najarian & Bernie O'Hare co-created "Troll Parade" blog, that that evil intent activity provides compelling evidence that O'Hare has never been rehabilitated from the evil intent activity O'Hare was disbarred for in 1986-- i.e., sabotaging the civil litigation of his own client, George Usry.

Because of Bill Villa's beliefs, Bill Leiner told us he would stop commenting at O'Hare's Lehigh Valley Ramblings blog.

Instead, Bill Leiner will be commenting here, at Lehigh Valley Somebody, the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in Pennsylvania most weeks in Liberal Influence and currently ranked 4th Most Influential Political Blog in PA in all categories.

While we can't speak for the family of George Usry ... or the family of Lucille White ... on behalf of the family of Sheena Villa, we thank Lehigh County Commissioner Bill Leiner Jr. for making what we believe is an excellent decision.

We encourage all local politicos, and everyone, to follow Bill Leiner's lead.