Thursday, January 28, 2010

Obama Calls for a Strong and Decent Government

Barack Obama spoke as our commander in chief last night, setting the tone and direction of the country, and he mentioned ALLENTOWN, PA! We thought he sounded more conservative than liberal, but strong and hopeful as he scolded both Democratic and Republican elected leaders for not mirroring the strength and decency of the American people. He reminded people that he is working on important issues like health insurance reform because of the real stories he has heard from Americans who have been denied coverage, or have gone bankrupt, not because of his "legacy." He also cuffed around the Supreme Court for their radical decision that corporations can now overpower the American people and buy elections, as he stared right at them, and we thought that was gutsy. Take that, Roberts and Alito! How dare you play politics with our democracy! We won't stand for that!

Some things that stood out for us was how he mocked the Democratic majority for "running for the hills" and not getting the job done on health care reform. (YES!) But he also personally took some of the blame for not being clear enough to the American people. He called out the Republicans for obstructing everything he wants to do, but he is still hopeful that we can "move forward as one nation." We don't feel too hopeful about that anymore considering the recent Supreme Court decision and the fact that not one Republican is on board with health insurance reform. Obama has gotten closer to achieving reform than any President ever before, and if it is derailed, then the onus is on the Republicans. He reminded Republicans that if they have any better solutions, then he would like to hear them. Near the end of the speech, some of the Republicans finally began to applaud. But they were silent earlier, even when he mentioned tax cuts. The Republicans are even opposed to his plans for a fee on big banks to recover the rest of the bail out money and give it back to taxpayers!

Obama realizes that people are still struggling, but at the same time he has averted a major disaster, because of the stimulus. The markets are stabilized and most of the money has been recovered from the bank bailout. The economy is growing. He cut taxes to 95% of working families, created 2 million new jobs. He says that his main priority in 2010 is JOBS. He is proposing a new jobs bill which will focus on small business tax credits and loans, eliminating the capital gains tax, creating infrastructure and clean energy jobs.

We believe that if Obama's conservative tone and willingness to work with Republicans on so many issues will continue to be flat out rejected by the GOP, this will ultimately result in Americans not voting for Republicans and their "do nothing" stand. This will be the demise of the Republican Party, since they are not willing to work for the American people, and they clearly care more about divisive politics. Obama is fed up with the divisiveness, the dirty tactics, and the spins and lies of the media. So are the American people. He is calling for a government and a Supreme Court that matches the "decency" of the American people, not the greedy, corrupt corporate interests. He wants a government that "embodies the strength of the American people." He said "we don't quit, and I don't quit."

Obama Calls for a Strong and Decent Government

Barack Obama spoke as our commander in chief last night, setting the tone and direction of the country, and he mentioned ALLENTOWN, PA! We thought he sounded more conservative than liberal, but strong and hopeful as he scolded both Democratic and Republican elected leaders for not mirroring the strength and decency of the American people. He reminded people that he is working on important issues like health insurance reform because of the real stories he has heard from Americans who have been denied coverage, or have gone bankrupt, not because of his "legacy." He also cuffed around the Supreme Court for their radical decision that corporations can now overpower the American people and buy elections, as he stared right at them, and we thought that was gutsy. Take that, Roberts and Alito! How dare you play politics with our democracy! We won't stand for that!

Some things that stood out for us was how he mocked the Democratic majority for "running for the hills" and not getting the job done on health care reform. (YES!) But he also personally took some of the blame for not being clear enough to the American people. He called out the Republicans for obstructing everything he wants to do, but he is still hopeful that we can "move forward as one nation." We don't feel too hopeful about that anymore considering the recent Supreme Court decision and the fact that not one Republican is on board with health insurance reform. Obama has gotten closer to achieving reform than any President ever before, and if it is derailed, then the onus is on the Republicans. He reminded Republicans that if they have any better solutions, then he would like to hear them. Near the end of the speech, some of the Republicans finally began to applaud. But they were silent earlier, even when he mentioned tax cuts. The Republicans are even opposed to his plans for a fee on big banks to recover the rest of the bail out money and give it back to taxpayers!

Obama realizes that people are still struggling, but at the same time he has averted a major disaster, because of the stimulus. The markets are stabilized and most of the money has been recovered from the bank bailout. The economy is growing. He cut taxes to 95% of working families, created 2 million new jobs. He says that his main priority in 2010 is JOBS. He is proposing a new jobs bill which will focus on small business tax credits and loans, eliminating the capital gains tax, creating infrastructure and clean energy jobs.

We believe that if Obama's conservative tone and willingness to work with Republicans on so many issues will continue to be flat out rejected by the GOP, this will ultimately result in Americans not voting for Republicans and their "do nothing" stand. This will be the demise of the Republican Party, since they are not willing to work for the American people, and they clearly care more about divisive politics. Obama is fed up with the divisiveness, the dirty tactics, and the spins and lies of the media. So are the American people. He is calling for a government and a Supreme Court that matches the "decency" of the American people, not the greedy, corrupt corporate interests. He wants a government that "embodies the strength of the American people." He said "we don't quit, and I don't quit."

Monday, January 25, 2010

Supremely Wrong

The recent radical-right decision by the GW Bush-appointed John Roberts (left, caught hiding behind the flag) U.S. Supreme Court gives corporations the same rights as individuals under the constitutionally abusive ruse of (wink wink) "free speech." Corporations are now allowed to spend unlimited cash on political campaign ads. Unlimited amounts of money can now also be put towards ads to destroy candidates not on board w/ corporate wish lists. So, according to the highest court in our land, spending money, politically, as freely as you want (if you're a corporation) is now the same as "free speech." Our government is now (officially) up for sale to the highest corporate/political bidder. President Obama has, of course, spoken out strongly against this jaw-droppingly partisan and supremely wrong ruling.

This "decision," made by NeoCon activist judges, shows how even our Supreme Court, our highest court, is infested with partisanship and abuse of power-- as if we didn't know that after Gore v. Bush 2000.
We believe this radical ruling is not about justice but is an attempt by the Supreme Court to restore Republican Reign via out-spending Democratic candidates. Remember, this is the same righty U.S. Supreme Court that stopped the Florida recount and handed George W. Bush the presidency. By sanctioning corporate/political spending-spree free for alls, the decision by "John Roberts and Company" is clearly a counter maneuver against how Obama (and Howard Dean before him) ran stunningly successful grassroots campaign fund raising involving the internet and social networking sites that kicked the corporate-backed asses of Republican candidates like say McCain-Palin for instance. The NeoCONservatives won't stand for Democrats being in control. They want their rightful power back! And that's scary, considering how hard and to the right the GOP has careened, and with the U.S. Supreme Court obviously riding shotgun.

Many Republican obstructionists, like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are applauding this decision to muzzle the voice of the people with corporate money. So where are those "populist" teabaggers on this issue, hmm? And even though this may give power to the Democratic party-backed unions, the unions can't compete with billion dollar corporations. We don't buy the argument that this decision "will benefit both sides" (wink wink). That's ridiculous.

What can
We The People do now?

1. We can make sure Republican candidates don't go unchallenged. If they win elections, they can elevate other wingnuts up the chain of power. There seems to be no moderate Republicans out there because they are all staying loyal to the far right obstructionist ideology. Don't fall for this.

2. There are Democrats working on legislation. Jon Larson (CT) is chair of the House Democratic Caucus and is leading the
Fair Elections Now effort for public funding of elections which would eliminate corporate funding. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) is looking at ways to require disclosure from CEO's on ads run by corporations. Sign petitions against the Roberts Ruling and push for new legislation to stop this Supreme assault on our Democracy.

Supremely Wrong

The recent radical-right decision by the GW Bush-appointed John Roberts (left, caught hiding behind the flag) U.S. Supreme Court gives corporations the same rights as individuals under the constitutionally abusive ruse of (wink wink) "free speech." Corporations are now allowed to spend unlimited cash on political campaign ads. Unlimited amounts of money can now also be put towards ads to destroy candidates not on board w/ corporate wish lists. So, according to the highest court in our land, spending money, politically, as freely as you want (if you're a corporation) is now the same as "free speech." Our government is now (officially) up for sale to the highest corporate/political bidder. President Obama has, of course, spoken out strongly against this jaw-droppingly partisan and supremely wrong ruling.

This "decision," made by NeoCon activist judges, shows how even our Supreme Court, our highest court, is infested with partisanship and abuse of power-- as if we didn't know that after Gore v. Bush 2000.
We believe this radical ruling is not about justice but is an attempt by the Supreme Court to restore Republican Reign via out-spending Democratic candidates. Remember, this is the same righty U.S. Supreme Court that stopped the Florida recount and handed George W. Bush the presidency. By sanctioning corporate/political spending-spree free for alls, the decision by "John Roberts and Company" is clearly a counter maneuver against how Obama (and Howard Dean before him) ran stunningly successful grassroots campaign fund raising involving the internet and social networking sites that kicked the corporate-backed asses of Republican candidates like say McCain-Palin for instance. The NeoCONservatives won't stand for Democrats being in control. They want their rightful power back! And that's scary, considering how hard and to the right the GOP has careened, and with the U.S. Supreme Court obviously riding shotgun.

Many Republican obstructionists, like Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are applauding this decision to muzzle the voice of the people with corporate money. So where are those "populist" teabaggers on this issue, hmm? And even though this may give power to the Democratic party-backed unions, the unions can't compete with billion dollar corporations. We don't buy the argument that this decision "will benefit both sides" (wink wink). That's ridiculous.

What can
We The People do now?

1. We can make sure Republican candidates don't go unchallenged. If they win elections, they can elevate other wingnuts up the chain of power. There seems to be no moderate Republicans out there because they are all staying loyal to the far right obstructionist ideology. Don't fall for this.

2. There are Democrats working on legislation. Jon Larson (CT) is chair of the House Democratic Caucus and is leading the
Fair Elections Now effort for public funding of elections which would eliminate corporate funding. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) is looking at ways to require disclosure from CEO's on ads run by corporations. Sign petitions against the Roberts Ruling and push for new legislation to stop this Supreme assault on our Democracy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time to Take The Gloves Off, Democrats!

HEY! We hope the senatorial debacle in Massachusetts is a wake-up call to the Democrats. It's time to take the gloves off and knock out the RepubliCONS. Get angry and scream louder than they do. Get the media's attention and STOP the RepubliCONS - Don't be nervous, and please stop trying to be centrists, that'll never work. Obama's offer of bipartisanship was rejected by RepubliCONS, so let's move forward without them and get health care reform passed into the law of the land.

Doofus former nude centerfold model Scott Brown bamboozled his way past MA voters (a NeoCon wolf in an Independent sheep's costume) yesterday and won Ted Kennedy's Senate seat because Democratic candidate Martha Coakley came across with a sense of entitlement after taking an early 19 point lead over Brown and then went on freakin' vacation instead of campaigning. The Democratic establishment in MA took her early lead for granted. But voters in MA were fed up with local Democrats (because of MA issues; they love Obama in huge majorities in MA) so they pulled a lever for change. Easily duped syndrome? Yeah probably.

The senatorial election in MA was also a popularity contest. Most people simply prefer the All-American hunky and gregarious white guy who drives a truck (and once posed nude) to a woman-- and maybe to some voters (i.e., the ones who like Sarah Palin too) that nude modeling made Brown "transparent" (wink wink). Also, let's face it, the Deal Maker here could very well have been the fact that Mr. Brown's lovely daughter appeared on American Idol! Sadly, American Idol "resonates" deep w/ in a too large percentage of Americans, in our always humbly elitist opinion.

Brown calls himself an "Independent" as he promises to stand with RepubliCONS to kill "ObamaCare." The guy's a charlatan, and a wingnut, and this'll become obvious to everyone soon enough. But you gotta give the GOP credit for getting their candidates elected, even though most of them can't govern once in office.

Just 7 months ago, 72% of Americans supported some form of government-run health care, but now polls suggest that more people oppose the plan than support it. That's a big swing. I guess for a lot of people health care's not an issue until you need it and don't have it. If you pay your own health insurance, like we do, then it's a top priority issue, since insurance has become nearly unaffordable. Maybe it would have been easier to pass health care reform if the Democrats had kept it simpler. Just extend Medicare to all who can pay it, and provide subsidies for those who can't. Now we are stuck with a plan that seems maybe too complicated, and definitely caters too much to the powerful insurance companies. Still, there are many benefits to the bill, and we'll take 'em. There's always Obama's 2nd term to get more. But if the bill is killed, we may never have another chance at real progressive reform, making it even harder for Dems to make progress on the economy because they'll have a lot less political capital to work with.

Democrats need to LOUDLY establish that the rabidly Pro-Business (no matter how broken or crooked it is) Republican party is the party that is in opposition to the well-being of the American people. The GOP just wants to obstruct Obama and then claim that the Democrats can't govern, while playing politics with the lives of the American people. Dems need to take the gloves off and start fighting back against the smears and lies from the right to move America forward/left.

Here are two of the ways Dems can slam dunk health care reform in the GOPs face:

1. They can display the intestinal fortitude to pass the bill before Scott Brown is sworn in. If the roles were reversed, this is exactly what the Republicons would do. The Dems can also use stall tactics on Brown's being seated just like the GOP does.

2. The "Ping Pong" approach. The Senate has already passed its version of the bill, and the original plan was for the House to blend its version with the Senate's version, and then both houses would vote on it. But if the House would pass the same version of the bill as the Senate, there would be no need to blend the two bills. This "ping ponging" would be a way to save health care reform. Flaws could be fixed later through the reconciliation process. Passing a compromised bill is better than starting from scratch. And it's way faster.

Just because Dems lose their 60 seat filibuster-proof majority should not mean the end to health care reform.

It's time to throw a 1-2 punch combination at the GOP and knock 'em out.

[Mr. Dottie contributed to this post]

Time to Take The Gloves Off, Democrats!

HEY! We hope the senatorial debacle in Massachusetts is a wake-up call to the Democrats. It's time to take the gloves off and knock out the RepubliCONS. Get angry and scream louder than they do. Get the media's attention and STOP the RepubliCONS - Don't be nervous, and please stop trying to be centrists, that'll never work. Obama's offer of bipartisanship was rejected by RepubliCONS, so let's move forward without them and get health care reform passed into the law of the land.

Doofus former nude centerfold model Scott Brown bamboozled his way past MA voters (a NeoCon wolf in an Independent sheep's costume) yesterday and won Ted Kennedy's Senate seat because Democratic candidate Martha Coakley came across with a sense of entitlement after taking an early 19 point lead over Brown and then went on freakin' vacation instead of campaigning. The Democratic establishment in MA took her early lead for granted. But voters in MA were fed up with local Democrats (because of MA issues; they love Obama in huge majorities in MA) so they pulled a lever for change. Easily duped syndrome? Yeah probably.

The senatorial election in MA was also a popularity contest. Most people simply prefer the All-American hunky and gregarious white guy who drives a truck (and once posed nude) to a woman-- and maybe to some voters (i.e., the ones who like Sarah Palin too) that nude modeling made Brown "transparent" (wink wink). Also, let's face it, the Deal Maker here could very well have been the fact that Mr. Brown's lovely daughter appeared on American Idol! Sadly, American Idol "resonates" deep w/ in a too large percentage of Americans, in our always humbly elitist opinion.

Brown calls himself an "Independent" as he promises to stand with RepubliCONS to kill "ObamaCare." The guy's a charlatan, and a wingnut, and this'll become obvious to everyone soon enough. But you gotta give the GOP credit for getting their candidates elected, even though most of them can't govern once in office.

Just 7 months ago, 72% of Americans supported some form of government-run health care, but now polls suggest that more people oppose the plan than support it. That's a big swing. I guess for a lot of people health care's not an issue until you need it and don't have it. If you pay your own health insurance, like we do, then it's a top priority issue, since insurance has become nearly unaffordable. Maybe it would have been easier to pass health care reform if the Democrats had kept it simpler. Just extend Medicare to all who can pay it, and provide subsidies for those who can't. Now we are stuck with a plan that seems maybe too complicated, and definitely caters too much to the powerful insurance companies. Still, there are many benefits to the bill, and we'll take 'em. There's always Obama's 2nd term to get more. But if the bill is killed, we may never have another chance at real progressive reform, making it even harder for Dems to make progress on the economy because they'll have a lot less political capital to work with.

Democrats need to LOUDLY establish that the rabidly Pro-Business (no matter how broken or crooked it is) Republican party is the party that is in opposition to the well-being of the American people. The GOP just wants to obstruct Obama and then claim that the Democrats can't govern, while playing politics with the lives of the American people. Dems need to take the gloves off and start fighting back against the smears and lies from the right to move America forward/left.

Here are two of the ways Dems can slam dunk health care reform in the GOPs face:

1. They can display the intestinal fortitude to pass the bill before Scott Brown is sworn in. If the roles were reversed, this is exactly what the Republicons would do. The Dems can also use stall tactics on Brown's being seated just like the GOP does.

2. The "Ping Pong" approach. The Senate has already passed its version of the bill, and the original plan was for the House to blend its version with the Senate's version, and then both houses would vote on it. But if the House would pass the same version of the bill as the Senate, there would be no need to blend the two bills. This "ping ponging" would be a way to save health care reform. Flaws could be fixed later through the reconciliation process. Passing a compromised bill is better than starting from scratch. And it's way faster.

Just because Dems lose their 60 seat filibuster-proof majority should not mean the end to health care reform.

It's time to throw a 1-2 punch combination at the GOP and knock 'em out.

[Mr. Dottie contributed to this post]

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thoughts on Martin Luther King Day

You may have noticed a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. that has been at our blog's sidebar since the start of LVS:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

This quote has special meaning to us here at LVS where we believe that King's words ring as true today as they did during the civil rights movement.

A time comes when citizens must speak out, because of civic duty, against the crooked systems that enable injustice, no matter how deceitful the opposing voices that support the status quo may be.

Dr. King believed that changing peoples' hearts and minds is what changes the system. If good men and women do nothing, then evil wins.

King's dream of racial equality has come true for some but it has not been completely realized considering the fact that our nation's wealth and power is still controlled by privileged white men, and great disparities between most black and white people still exist. And even with a black President of the United States, racial prejudice and outright racism still thrive. But because Dr. King had the courage to speak out, racial segregation ended and paved the way for a man like Barack Obama to even have a chance at becoming President.

Some ways we can honor Dr. King's memory are by volunteering, donating money to Haiti, and speaking out against injustice-- be it Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Lehigh County DA's office, health insurance companies, The Morning Call, or our NeoCon local blogosphere.

You Tube Video > full version of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Comments had to be disabled at You Tube because so many were hateful and racist. Still.

Thoughts on Martin Luther King Day

You may have noticed a quote from Martin Luther King Jr. that has been at our blog's sidebar since the start of LVS:

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

This quote has special meaning to us here at LVS where we believe that King's words ring as true today as they did during the civil rights movement.

A time comes when citizens must speak out, because of civic duty, against the crooked systems that enable injustice, no matter how deceitful the opposing voices that support the status quo may be.

Dr. King believed that changing peoples' hearts and minds is what changes the system. If good men and women do nothing, then evil wins.

King's dream of racial equality has come true for some but it has not been completely realized considering the fact that our nation's wealth and power is still controlled by privileged white men, and great disparities between most black and white people still exist. And even with a black President of the United States, racial prejudice and outright racism still thrive. But because Dr. King had the courage to speak out, racial segregation ended and paved the way for a man like Barack Obama to even have a chance at becoming President.

Some ways we can honor Dr. King's memory are by volunteering, donating money to Haiti, and speaking out against injustice-- be it Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, the Lehigh County DA's office, health insurance companies, The Morning Call, or our NeoCon local blogosphere.

You Tube Video > full version of Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. Comments had to be disabled at You Tube because so many were hateful and racist. Still.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

ASD Students Shine at Arts Appreciation Night

This past Tuesday evening we had the pleasure of attending the Arts Appreciation Night held at Muhlenberg Elementary School in the Allentown School District. I am the chair of the Muhlenberg PTA Reflections Art Program and I had the honor of presenting the awards to students. Reflections is a national PTA arts program that recognizes talented students in visual art, music, literature, dance, and photography. Our son Gianni, who is in third grade at Muhlenberg, placed 1st and 2nd in photography, and performed on violin and piano with the school orchestra. And he had the audience laughing during a comedy trick where his hands played Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" while his body hid under the piano. He can also play backwards. He's our little Victor Borge ;D

Mr. Flynn, Muhlenberg's tireless and dedicated music teacher does an excellent job with the students, spending time before and after school teaching string lessons and planning events, all in addition to his very demanding daily schedule of teaching music. Mrs. Wolfe, who teaches gifted students, plays violin with the Allentown Symphony, performs with students and teaches a group of talented young musicians. Mr. Groller teaches the school band. Mr. Turton, the principal, sings in a choir and is very supportive of the arts.

Above is Gianni's 2nd place award winning photo "Performing Ducks." Below is Gianni's 1st place award winning photo "Reaching for the Sky." He took these photos at Trexler Park. The tree is the famous old tree located next to the cabin where Gianni and his dad throw pine cones and try to stick them on the roof. Other students entered beautiful photos of our Allentown parks, capturing the colors of the Fall foliage. This year's theme is "Beauty Is...." Congratulations to all the talented student participants, winners, and performers.
This important program for our kids is made possible only because of the work of dedicated parent volunteers, and a dedicated and supportive school staff. The arts are being left behind in public education due to the damaging curriculum mandated by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. That's why programs like Reflections are so important to our students. The arts should not be viewed as just enrichment activities for kids, they are integral to the school curriculum and help increase a child's math and reading skills, motivating children to excel in all areas of their lives.

ASD Students Shine at Arts Appreciation Night

This past Tuesday evening we had the pleasure of attending the Arts Appreciation Night held at Muhlenberg Elementary School in the Allentown School District. I am the chair of the Muhlenberg PTA Reflections Art Program and I had the honor of presenting the awards to students. Reflections is a national PTA arts program that recognizes talented students in visual art, music, literature, dance, and photography. Our son Gianni, who is in third grade at Muhlenberg, placed 1st and 2nd in photography, and performed on violin and piano with the school orchestra. And he had the audience laughing during a comedy trick where his hands played Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" while his body hid under the piano. He can also play backwards. He's our little Victor Borge ;D

Mr. Flynn, Muhlenberg's tireless and dedicated music teacher does an excellent job with the students, spending time before and after school teaching string lessons and planning events, all in addition to his very demanding daily schedule of teaching music. Mrs. Wolfe, who teaches gifted students, plays violin with the Allentown Symphony, performs with students and teaches a group of talented young musicians. Mr. Groller teaches the school band. Mr. Turton, the principal, sings in a choir and is very supportive of the arts.

Above is Gianni's 2nd place award winning photo "Performing Ducks." Below is Gianni's 1st place award winning photo "Reaching for the Sky." He took these photos at Trexler Park. The tree is the famous old tree located next to the cabin where Gianni and his dad throw pine cones and try to stick them on the roof. Other students entered beautiful photos of our Allentown parks, capturing the colors of the Fall foliage. This year's theme is "Beauty Is...." Congratulations to all the talented student participants, winners, and performers.
This important program for our kids is made possible only because of the work of dedicated parent volunteers, and a dedicated and supportive school staff. The arts are being left behind in public education due to the damaging curriculum mandated by the federal No Child Left Behind Act. That's why programs like Reflections are so important to our students. The arts should not be viewed as just enrichment activities for kids, they are integral to the school curriculum and help increase a child's math and reading skills, motivating children to excel in all areas of their lives.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Your struggle is an admirable one and your leadership is a necessity."

Dear LVS Readers, we received a much appreciated email this morning that we wanted to share with you. The author (who we spoke with by phone after receiving it) wanted us to publish his name ... but we all agreed it would be safer for him to remain anonymous, evil allied forces being what they are.

We hope and believe there are many more readers of this blog out there who perceive our Justice Mission like the author of this email does. We'd love to hear from you.

You can reach us by email at and please know that your words will remain anonymous-- and unpublished, if you don't want them published.

Our purpose in asking you to contact us is to add your name to a forming block of registered Lehigh and Northampton County voters who, voting together, can and will vote "deserving" elected officials out of office. Want to join forces w/ us? Pop us an email.

We will of course start w/ the ouster of crooked and incompetent Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) Jim Martin.

Thank you, again, to the author of this email. We really needed it.

On Jan 12, 2010, at 8:39:22 AM, [Redacted] wrote:

Good Morning Bill,

My name is [Redacted]. I grew up with Sheena and Patrick, attending both St. Catherine's and Central with them (Patrick was a year behind me, Sheena a year ahead of me) and my mother's family is the [Redacted], some of whom you may know through Sheena’s dancing career. I'm writing you to offer my belated condolences (somehow I feel almost four years later and I still owe some reconciliation for your tragedy), and my full support to your cause. I have kept up pretty readily with you and your wife's blogs since the beginning and, while remaining silent on the sidelines, I have always felt compelled to offer my support in words and actions, but never found the gumption to address it until now. I want you to know that I genuinely see the value and purpose of your struggle and as a victim of this tragedy in other areas of my life (unfortunately Sheena was not the only person we’ve lost to drunk driving) I hope that you never give up your fight until true justice is realized. Without people like you and Angie, who don’t sit silently by as the wheels of justice turn by the hand of the rich and powerful, the rights and liberties of common everyday people will never be addressed. Your struggle is an admirable one and your leadership is a necessity. I have a family of my own now and although my actions may be limited, I offer you whatever help I can in your fight for justice.

Kindest Regards,

"Your struggle is an admirable one and your leadership is a necessity."

Dear LVS Readers, we received a much appreciated email this morning that we wanted to share with you. The author (who we spoke with by phone after receiving it) wanted us to publish his name ... but we all agreed it would be safer for him to remain anonymous, evil allied forces being what they are.

We hope and believe there are many more readers of this blog out there who perceive our Justice Mission like the author of this email does. We'd love to hear from you.

You can reach us by email at and please know that your words will remain anonymous-- and unpublished, if you don't want them published.

Our purpose in asking you to contact us is to add your name to a forming block of registered Lehigh and Northampton County voters who, voting together, can and will vote "deserving" elected officials out of office. Want to join forces w/ us? Pop us an email.

We will of course start w/ the ouster of crooked and incompetent Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) Jim Martin.

Thank you, again, to the author of this email. We really needed it.

On Jan 12, 2010, at 8:39:22 AM, [Redacted] wrote:

Good Morning Bill,

My name is [Redacted]. I grew up with Sheena and Patrick, attending both St. Catherine's and Central with them (Patrick was a year behind me, Sheena a year ahead of me) and my mother's family is the [Redacted], some of whom you may know through Sheena’s dancing career. I'm writing you to offer my belated condolences (somehow I feel almost four years later and I still owe some reconciliation for your tragedy), and my full support to your cause. I have kept up pretty readily with you and your wife's blogs since the beginning and, while remaining silent on the sidelines, I have always felt compelled to offer my support in words and actions, but never found the gumption to address it until now. I want you to know that I genuinely see the value and purpose of your struggle and as a victim of this tragedy in other areas of my life (unfortunately Sheena was not the only person we’ve lost to drunk driving) I hope that you never give up your fight until true justice is realized. Without people like you and Angie, who don’t sit silently by as the wheels of justice turn by the hand of the rich and powerful, the rights and liberties of common everyday people will never be addressed. Your struggle is an admirable one and your leadership is a necessity. I have a family of my own now and although my actions may be limited, I offer you whatever help I can in your fight for justice.

Kindest Regards,

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Deliver Us From Allied Evil

Read May 27, 2013 Post UpDate

Readers, this shameful hypocrite Alex Joseph is allegedly studying to become a Catholic Priest. When he should be studying scripture, he's instead gleefully helping "Team O'Hare" emotionally torture and provoke our grief-stricken Villa family by joining in the Team O'Hare tactic of posting countless sadistically cruel and deceitfully false and provoking statements towards us at the participating allied blogs of Cedar Crest College "Ethics" Professor and Allentown City Council Vice President Michael Donovan, Bernie O'Hare, Mike Molovinsky, Lynn Township Supervisor David Najarian, Alfonso Todd, Pam Varkony, Chris Casey, Joe Hilliard, The Morning Call Forum/Troll Parade blog and others.

If we defend ourselves and our deceased and defenseless daughter Sheena against this cyber intimidation gang that includes "Father" Alex Joseph, Team O'Hare arranges to have bogus criminal "harassment" charges filed against us.

Recently, criminal courts in Lehigh and Northampton counties have both ruled swiftly and decisively against Team O'Hare and in our favor.

But their evil, allied, and sanctioned provoking of us continues (see vile comment below).

It is our hope and prayer that Catholic Seminarian and rabidly (and curiously) fervent O'Hare follower and acolyte "Father" Alex Joseph gets the intensive psychiatric help he needs for his obviously profound internet blogging/lying addiction and sadism streak. And he should never be ordained as a Catholic priest ... God help us.

Readers, this sadistically cruel and vile comment was posted and published at our blog by an "anonymous" member of Team O'Hare on Friday to provoke us, in the aftermath of our most recent courtroom victory ...

Anonymous said...You are one sick Mother. What do you do,keep your daughter's dead body in the basement so you can whore it around like a trophy? You oughta call this the How I whore my dead daughter blog. I bet you masterbate on her everytime you mention the name of one of your enemies. You and your wife are two of the sickest fucks I have ever read. Get some help. Fri Jan 08, 02:59:00 PM 2010
UpDate: this related comment was posted and signed by Chris Casey at LV Ramblings on Friday, January 15, 2010, 9:53am ...
"I am disappointed to see the last bastion of no moderation of comments has fallen. Villa must be celebrating in his basement."
Note: Only a total psycho buffoon like Chris Casey would subliminally "confess" to having posted that awful anonymous "basement" comment about Sheena here at LVS...via using the exact same language of evil in a signed comment elsewhere. And if Chris didn't author it, he is endorsing it, by referencing it. He is also, quite obviously, referencing the vile comment to provoke us, by way of pushing the cruelest "hot button" he can find, the death of our daughter.

Deliver Us From Allied Evil

Read May 27, 2013 Post UpDate

Readers, this shameful hypocrite Alex Joseph is allegedly studying to become a Catholic Priest. When he should be studying scripture, he's instead gleefully helping "Team O'Hare" emotionally torture and provoke our grief-stricken Villa family by joining in the Team O'Hare tactic of posting countless sadistically cruel and deceitfully false and provoking statements towards us at the participating allied blogs of Cedar Crest College "Ethics" Professor and Allentown City Council Vice President Michael Donovan, Bernie O'Hare, Mike Molovinsky, Lynn Township Supervisor David Najarian, Alfonso Todd, Pam Varkony, Chris Casey, Joe Hilliard, The Morning Call Forum/Troll Parade blog and others.

If we defend ourselves and our deceased and defenseless daughter Sheena against this cyber intimidation gang that includes "Father" Alex Joseph, Team O'Hare arranges to have bogus criminal "harassment" charges filed against us.

Recently, criminal courts in Lehigh and Northampton counties have both ruled swiftly and decisively against Team O'Hare and in our favor.

But their evil, allied, and sanctioned provoking of us continues (see vile comment below).

It is our hope and prayer that Catholic Seminarian and rabidly (and curiously) fervent O'Hare follower and acolyte "Father" Alex Joseph gets the intensive psychiatric help he needs for his obviously profound internet blogging/lying addiction and sadism streak. And he should never be ordained as a Catholic priest ... God help us.

Readers, this sadistically cruel and vile comment was posted and published at our blog by an "anonymous" member of Team O'Hare on Friday to provoke us, in the aftermath of our most recent courtroom victory ...

Anonymous said...You are one sick Mother. What do you do,keep your daughter's dead body in the basement so you can whore it around like a trophy? You oughta call this the How I whore my dead daughter blog. I bet you masterbate on her everytime you mention the name of one of your enemies. You and your wife are two of the sickest fucks I have ever read. Get some help. Fri Jan 08, 02:59:00 PM 2010
UpDate: this related comment was posted and signed by Chris Casey at LV Ramblings on Friday, January 15, 2010, 9:53am ...
"I am disappointed to see the last bastion of no moderation of comments has fallen. Villa must be celebrating in his basement."
Note: Only a total psycho buffoon like Chris Casey would subliminally "confess" to having posted that awful anonymous "basement" comment about Sheena here at LVS...via using the exact same language of evil in a signed comment elsewhere. And if Chris didn't author it, he is endorsing it, by referencing it. He is also, quite obviously, referencing the vile comment to provoke us, by way of pushing the cruelest "hot button" he can find, the death of our daughter.