Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First Responders of the Blogosphere

Sometimes the first comment can set the tone for the rest of the comments on a post, but not all the time. Thanks to those brave first responders of the blogosphere who are not afraid to be out there all alone for a little while. Here's a salute to those brave bloggers who have taken the plunge to be first on the scene:
From Anonymous: "I suspect many male (and female) voters would like to lay on Mrs. Obama....damn, she's cute"
Luckily, this first responder did NOT set the tone for the discussion, although I think he would have liked to. I guess I should not salute this one, but I will use it as an example.

From Bill Villa: "I'd call it "Bunk Science" and typical Morning Call framed agenda baloney, laziness, and arrogance. Geez. If you're gonna rig a poll for a front page story, have your survey methodology be somewhat believable ..."
I think this first responder nailed it.

AJ Cordi: All the recent murders and attacks lately is plenty cause for concern and plenty proof that a hose and a few signs won't stop the crime.
AJ doesn't mince words.

Alfonso: Thanks, Dottie, for including me in your "Best Of" blog. I am honored to be listed along with the others you mentioned. I feel with a combined effort, we can make these words into a tangible reality, and A-town will become the great city we all are working towards !
Alfonso is hopeful and realistic.

Bernie O'Hare: "Maybe I can augment my wardrobe." BernO finally realizes he should look presentable for the ladies of the blogosphere

Michael Molovinsky: i like your photo and the sentiment behind it. when my son was about 5, his mother hired a balloon-man in a gorilla suit to entertain the kids. he was very late and she was vicious. i recall seeing her out on the porch pounding on his chest when he finally arrived. This former hippie and film maker is a great storyteller. Peace, man.

Sorry if I left anyone out. Thanks for responding!


A.J.C. said...

WooHoo! First again!

Bill Villa said...

Darn ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for including me!!!


Mrs. Dottie said...

Why did you change your name?

Bernie O'Hare said...

He's hiding from the cops.

Chris Casey said...

Dottie, you do compose one of the nicer, more civil blogs. It definitely adds quality to the Blog Universe.

Mrs. Dottie said...

Thanks Chris, I appreciate that!

A.J.C. said...

A lot of the time when I write notes or whatever I end them "AJC," so I figured what the heck.

A.J.C. said...

...Actually, Bernie's guess if probably a better answer!