Sunday, June 8, 2008

Let us not fret over Paul Carpenter's past performance

This is in response to PC's Sunday column, "Let us not fret over the ASD's past performance.",0,1197011.column (I know the ASD has its problems and I am not real happy either, but there ARE good kids and good teachers.)

There are no comments at the forum, which tells me that people just don't bother anymore because PC is just so predictable and boring. Or, the powers that be are not allowing comments. Why am I giving him any time or thought at all? I don't know.

You are so right PC, nobody likes a party pooper. Everyone hates people who try to rain on other people's parades. Therefore, I have decided to say nothing but nice things about your opinion of the ASD and public education.

Here are some ideas for future awards in excellence in journalism (education issues), for columnist Paul Carpenter. Let's think "happy thoughts." ;D

1. The Lunk Head Award- for his support of and compassion for special ed and special needs students. (Applause)

2. The Ed Frills Award- for encouraging and recognizing the importance of the arts in education (Applause)

3. The Rotten Apple Award- for supporting public school teachers and acknowledging their importance to society. (Applause)

4. The Morning Crawl Moral Compasshole Award- For ethics in journalism (Rousing Applause)
PC you rule! ;D

(editor's note: writer is a former ASD art teacher.)


Leprechaun said...

Hi Mrs Dottie. I've heard a lot about you, and I think your blog is "da Bomb". I like the "compasshole" award. Once I figure out how to do a blog list on my blog, I will put yours on my lists of ones I like.

Bernie O'Hare said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Mrs. Dottie said...

Hi Leprechaun,

Thanks, and I will check out your blog.

Anonymous said...


As a father of two boys in the Allenton School District I have nothing good to say about the district’s administration. I will however write that the teachers are a fabulous group of dedicated professionals doing their best in a very difficult situation. That being said, I will be very relieved when they are out of the system and no longer encourage neighbors to start their children with the district.
Paul Carpenter is an agitator whose only interest is maintaining an interest in his pathetic column.

Scott Armstrong

Mrs. Dottie said...


I have a son in 1st grade in the district, and I have taught at many of the Allentown inner city elem. schools, and at South Mountain and Raub. So I have met many dedicated teachers and great kids, as well as some really bad actors. Being a teacher in the ASD is a very difficult job. PC is no expert on education.

P.O'd Naked Blogger said...

Hi Dottie, I enjoy the pictures of your art work. Did you happen to teach with Janet? I'm Curious.
Concerning Carpenter: He was once a great investigative reporter, but now he's living off his legend, and that's sad.

Mrs. Dottie said...

Hi P'od,

Thanks. I stopped teaching 7 yrs. ago, and I don't believe I met Janet. I can't believe Carpenter was a great investigative reporter.

Sarina said...

I'm not sure who exactly likes Carpenter. (Reps, Dems, Satanists, Libertarians...) His views are all over the place and he can be downright nasty. I think people read his column to jump start their heart rates in the morning.

I try to avoid what makes me angry anymore. It can be tiring!

Bill Villa said...

"I'm not sure who exactly likes Carpenter."

PC must have some very incriminating polaroids from some infamous MC Christmas er I mean Holiday parties, because for the life of me, I cannot figure out why he has a job as a writer. Ditto Bill White. Neither man is interesting or insightful or clever or witty or anything (other than embarrassing) in their columns. I suppose the MC maybe keeps them on because they are aggravating, and that's better than being totally snooze-boring, and this would make sense in terms of the lengths the MC is willing to go to put a better product out there.

Mrs. Dottie said...

Bill Villa,

Geez, I find PC both aggravating and snoozy. Bill White I just don't find very interesting, all that dancin with stars and american idol crap, But I guess people really watch tv.

THe MC needs more variety, and more women writing columns. PC and BW get too much space. They need an "edgy" woman.

Mrs. Dottie said...

Sarina, RE:"I try to avoid what makes me angry anymore. It can be tiring!"

I agree with this, and I try to do the same, but at the same time if everyone just ignores this kind of stuff it will just continue and even grow. I think it is bad for the community for our newspaper to be putting down students and teachers and their accomplishments.
I think that's why I wrote about PC because this crap is bad for the community just like the racist and hateful forum.

Anonymous said...

"THe MC needs ... an "edgy" woman."

I agree but wouldn't this cause all those bearded Morning Call mens' penises to shrink, even smaller? I guess they could grow their beards longer, to compensate...."don't forget the cream in my coffee, Missy...." which reminds me, whatever happened to TMC's Mary Youtz? Mary rose up the ranks to become VP/Minister of Propaganda Glenn Kranzley's right hand, she even became a member of the shallowed and a-steamed Morning Call Editorial Board, and then ... poof. Mary was gone!! Without warning. Or any explanation. Was Mary Youtz shrinking too many penises at work?

Mrs. Dottie said...


The MC should change it's name to the BBC (Bearded Boys Club)