There are no comments at the forum, which tells me that people just don't bother anymore because PC is just so predictable and boring. Or, the powers that be are not allowing comments. Why am I giving him any time or thought at all? I don't know.
You are so right PC, nobody likes a party pooper. Everyone hates people who try to rain on other people's parades. Therefore, I have decided to say nothing but nice things about your opinion of the ASD and public education.
Here are some ideas for future awards in excellence in journalism (education issues), for columnist Paul Carpenter. Let's think "happy thoughts." ;D
1. The Lunk Head Award- for his support of and compassion for special ed and special needs students. (Applause)
2. The Ed Frills Award- for encouraging and recognizing the importance of the arts in education (Applause)
3. The Rotten Apple Award- for supporting public school teachers and acknowledging their importance to society. (Applause)
4. The Morning Crawl Moral Compasshole Award- For ethics in journalism (Rousing Applause)
PC you rule! ;D
(editor's note: writer is a former ASD art teacher.)