Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time 4 Tea Baggers!

April 15 Tax Day is "Tea Party" Protest Day!

But I'm confused. What, exactly, are these angry "Teabaggers" protesting?

Why are they so outraged at President Obama? Tax rates haven't increased. In fact, Obama is cutting taxes for 95% of Americans. Only the wealthiest 5% will have their taxes "raised" back to the same level they were during the Bill Clinton economic BOOM years and way, way less than what they were during the (genuflect now please) Reagan administration.

Where were these angry patriot protesters when GW Bush was on a dry-drunken spending spree for 8 years?

Do they blame Obama for TARP?

What exactly has Obama done that is so (impeachment-worthy? really?) wrong in his first 90 days on the job?

Okay, so he's a Muslim (and a terrorist) and a socialist (and a Negro) and not even an actual American and his wife's arm muscles are bigger than McCain's. Other than this stuff, I mean.

Is it because Obama will "spread your wealth around" and "take away your guns?"

Hey, teabaggers, maybe Obama should take away your Social Security and Medicare benefits. These are socialist (FDR, LBJ, boo, hiss) programs after all. How 'bout that?

Fact is, today's patriotic (wink wink) Tea Parties were created purely to placate a bunch of cry baby sore loser Republicans. Well-spoken Conservative Andrew Sullivan describes the movement as "Tea Tantrums," brilliantly, here.

And don't be fooled: GOP teabagging is no grass roots movement. The movement across America to successfully elect Barack Hussein Obama President, now that was a grass roots movement. Plus, the whole Tea Party idea was stolen from the Libertarians and Ron Paul. Fox News created this faux Tea Party protest movement and they're promoting the heck out of it. FreedomWorks, a national Conservative lobby, is funding it. Faux News is gonna cover it (after creating it) like it's some legitimate big news event. It ain't. It's a fauxin' joke. 

So what's next for these GOP teabaggers?

Charity balls?

That might excite their shrinking base.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to comment...and I'd like to use my real name...but I am afraid of how the rest of our local blogosphere will respond...

Bill Villa said...

Don't sweat it, we moderate comments here! Still though, I wouldn't use your real name (or address) ...

Anonymous said...

I think the whole tea party theme is a bit lame but I agree with some of what I have heard. I don't think it is as much anti Obama as fear in the path the country is on. Obama did not put us on that path, that would be naive to think. GWB and his borrow and spend policies did plenty to harm this country. I don't think we can spend our way out of a mess we got in from spending too much.

Angie Villa said...

Yesterday Obama clearly explained why it is necessary for the govt. to spend right now to stimulate the economy. People are cutting back on their own spending during this crisis, so the American people are not going to stimulate the economy, so the govt. needs to do something.
As far as "fear of the path the country is on" now? 68% of Americans approve of the job Obama is doing, and he's only been in office for less than 100 days.
Where have these protesters been for the last 8 yrs?
I think the real fear is that the poor will have more power.

Anonymous said...

I believe that right wingnut "Stealth" at Polly blog summed it up best the other day when he wrote: "the Democrats and their socialistic agenda of making the "poor" equal to the "rich", without working for it." You see, the wingnuts see a black guy in the White House and right away think, "Sanctioned Welfare State! On my dime!! Where's my gun!!" That's what today's "Tea Parties" are really about.

Bill Villa said...

On WAEB radio this morning, Bobby Gunther Walsh was reciting quotes from Thomas Jefferson (conveniently out of context) that were basically fear-mongering the same thing, namely, the poor "getting ahead without having to work for it" and how bad and unfair this is for wealthy heirs and robber barons. The segment was sponsored by John Brinson's "24/7" fitness and racquet clubs, w/ no irony whatsoever involved here.

Anonymous said...

It is true that The President is enjoying favorable poll ratings. These "Tea Parties", for many people, are not about The President. I believe they are about a fear in the direction the country is going. Rasmussen reports that 58% of people believe the country is on the wrong track and Real Clear Politics Poll has 58.8% believing the country is on the wrong track. Both polling companies show Mr. Obama's approval rating at between 55% to 60%.
I believe the these protests have been 8 years in the making and people were hoping for a different type of change after the election. Despite polls showing that the majority are fearful of the direction this country is going people still seem to have faith in The President, for now.

Anonymous said...

Rasmussen and Real Clear Politics Polls both report that about 58 percent of the people believe the country is on the wrong track. The same pollsters have Mr. OBama's approval at about 60 percent. This leads me to believe that while many people believe the country is on the wrong track they still have confidence that The President can make the appropriate "change" as necessary.

I heard a report that RNC Chairman Michael Steele asked to speak at a tea party and was told no. The reason was that the tea parties are an attempt to have the people heard by politicians and not politicians heard by the people. I still think the tea party theme is lame. Even is I agree with some of the sentiments and frustrations.

Bill Villa said...

Anon 12:28 and 12:35, hi, we got your comment asking that your 12:35 comment be deleted (because of it being repetitive) but it contains new/additional info (about Steele) and if it's okay with you, we'd like to keep it up there ... is that okay by you?

Anonymous said...

By all means if you would like keep my comment that is fine. It is your blog after all.

Bill Villa said...

Cool, thanks.

Bill Villa said...

"I believe the these protests have been 8 years in the making and people were hoping for a different type of change after the election." -Anon 12:28

You know ... I can (almost) buy this.

It sounds (nearly) plausible.

However, I'd be more convinced if these Tea Parties had started to take place before the Presidential election-- i.e., sending a message to both candidates about the kind of change that is expected. There was certainly a large enough window of time opportunity to "grass roots organize" between the first bailouts (orchestrated by President Bush) and the election. Plus, there was all that "8 years in the making" stuff building to an alleged head of steam, right? Hmm.

Would these tea parties be taking place right now if John McCain were President? I'm skeptical about this ...

Angie Villa said...

"The number of people who said they thought the country was headed in the right direction jumped from 15 percent in mid-January, just before Mr. Obama took office, to 39 percent today."

Latest CBS News/NY Times poll has Obama's approval rating at 66% (I heard on MSNBC last night that it was now 68%) CBS News/New York Times Poll

Bill Villa said...

Speaking of John McCain, he was on Jay Leno the other night, and when listing (at Jay's request) his personal picks as the strongest 2012 GOP Prez candidates, he didn't mention Sarah Palin ... and in fact McCain actually drew attention to the fact that he was omitting her. 90 days ago, Sarah Palin was in line to be a heart beat away from the Presidency and McCain had deemed her, "oh absolutely qualified to be President, absolutely. Yup."

What does McCain's very public disowning of Sarah Palin on The Tonight Show say about his judgement? And his loyalty?

Anonymous said...

and his (wink wink) "honesty"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm all for a tea party for the right reasons but this idea seems like a huge R stunt. I think Papa Bush was the last prez to raise taxes on us, where was the bitching then?

They should make sure theres crumpets and a lace tablecloth to make this a proper (blech!) tea party.

Anonymous said...

heard a report that RNC Chairman Michael Steele asked to speak at a tea party and was told no.

Well theres some good R decision making!

Anonymous said...

Only 300 Wing Nuts Turn Out in Bethlehem but look closely ... it's the same Wing Nuts from Palmer! And no car pooling because global warming is a lie!!!

Bill Villa said...

Too Funny! The Morning Call used the same photo for Palmer and Bethlehem! I'm dyin' (laughin') over here :)

Anonymous said...

TMC forgot the photo caption:

"Sanctioned Welfare State! On my dime!! Where's my gun!!"

Anonymous said...

"Charity balls?"

No way! Let those poor people work for their balls. WHERE'S MY GUN!

Anonymous said...

Tea Bagging = Grass Roots Envy

Anonymous said...

Great post Villas, your independence and courage is always inspiring.

Bill Villa said...

(thanks) Tea Bagging Party Silver Lining: Texas Threatens to Secede

Anonymous said...

"These "Tea Parties", for many people, are not about The President."

Anonymous said...

Thoughtful Teabagger

Anonymous said...

'nother example of a teabagging being not about President Obama

Angie Villa said...

On a news show last night they showed many examples of people holding racist signs about Obama at tea parties across the country. Yes, there were definitely racist undertones to these rallies, and it is scary stuff.

Bill Villa said...

Here's text from two "not about Obama" (wink wink) Teabagger signs from yesterday (that I couldn't link to directly, see link at bottom) ...

"The American Taxpayers are
the Jews for Obama's Ovens"

"Speak for Yourself Obama
We are a Christian Nation"

Huffington Post

Anonymous said...

How come no anti-George W. Bush signs? Bush had 8 years, Obama's had 90 days. The right's rage seems a tad Obama-weighted. Just a tad.

Bill Villa said...

All This Damage Done in just 90 Days, tsk tsk ...

Anonymous said...

villa daughter was a mess and he can't come to grips with his awful parenting. his bitterness is a reflection of his disgust with the mess of a daughter he created and now wishes to blame on the rest of the world because he and his wife failed to properly do their jobs. they are two of legions of irresponsible parents who are, sadly, forced to live with their own incompetence. i've had enough of their blaming everybody but themselves. no guts. lots of blame. they are poster nuts for why society is going down the toilet: parents who unleash disaterous consequences on the society. in this case, karma bit them hard and they must look in the mirror someday and properly assess blame on themselves. until then, the pathetic charade continues. i don't particularly like or agree with bernie o'hare. i rip him regularly for his views (and sometimes the tone with which they're expressed). at least bernie has the guts to own his shortcomings, the villas will never and will die bitter failures who were made to pay for their mistakes while living. it's a shitty life, but it's the one they so richly deserve.

Angie Villa said...

Readers, the previous comment was originally published by Bernie O'Hare at his "Troll Parade" blog on 9/29/08.

Sheena's family has requested repeatedly that this wildly inaccurate and sadistically cruel comment be removed from O'Hare's "Troll Parade" blog.

O'Hare refuses to remove it.

As two commenters at a previous LVS post noted:

"Wow. Even The Morning Call/Topix removes offsensive comments from its Forum when someone from the general public complains. And yet O'Hare refuses Sheena's family's (!) request to remove that awful comment about Sheena?" Anonymous, Fri Apr 10, 09:29:00 AM 2009

"What possible rationale justifies leaving that disgusting comment up there? "Free Speech?" "Rebecca's Pocket" blog "ethics?" Please. This is sadistic cruelty, pure and simple, and criminal harassment. That comment serves no legitimate purpose and remains up there only to punish and provoke and intimidate." Anonymous, Fri Apr 10, 10:09:00 AM 2009

Anonymous said...

"Wildly innaccurate" O'Hare is, about Sheena Villa and her parents, is right. Sheena was a wonderful girl, a complete joy, with wonderful parents. Totally accurate it seems to me is the 2-headed snake picture of that O'Hare.

Bill Villa said...

I second that, and thank you.

Esq. said...


It is astonishing that The Morning Call provides a link at its website to Bernie O'Hare's hate-filled "Troll Parade" blog via LV Ramblings.

Also up there at The Morning Call-affiliated Troll Parade Blog:

Bernie O'Hare's and attorney (for now) Dave Najarian's public, written plottings, and threats > to sabatoge Sheena Villa's wrongful death litigation.

Bill Villa said...

Readers, FYI, the "Troll Parade" blog was, incredibly, originally created by Attorney (for now) David C. Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor.

He called it "Bills and Trolls."

Its (futile) purpose was to intimidate and muzzle me so I would shut up about DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call. In this regard, it has been a dismal and total failure.

Soon realizing his legal jeopardy, or, more likely, after having it pointed out to him by a more competent lawyer, Najarian deleted his "Bills and Trolls" blog within a week. But Bernie O'Hare took attorney (for now) Najarian's original content and installed it at his new & improved "Troll Parade" blog w/ Najarian's liability intact.

Currently, The Morning Call "newspaper" links to "The Troll Parade" blog and that comment about my deceased daughter Sheena that O'Hare refuses to delete, and O'Hare's and Najarian's public, written plottings, and threats to sabatoge my daughter Sheena's wrongful death litigation.

Anonymous said...

"Only 300 Wing Nuts Turn Out in Bethlehem but look closely ... it's the same Wing Nuts from Palmer!"

By any chance are these the same right wing nuts who dominate the Morning Call Forum? And "attract advertisers" (according to Bill "White")

Anonymous said...

I say yes.

Teabag D-Bag said...

Bobby Gunther Douche

Bill Villa said...

Correct usage is Douche ... Bobby Gunther Douche.

Anonymous said...

"Yesterday Obama clearly explained why it is necessary for the govt. to spend right now to stimulate the economy."
His programs will probably lengthen the recession. He wants to raise taxes on small businesses, punish American companies competing globally- family businesses, energy producers and consumers. He talks about responsibility, but the national debt is set to double by the end of his 4 yr term. What would he see as irresponsible? He inherited a bad economy and rising deficits, but his stimulus and budget plans will make this bad picture even worse. Even as this economy attempts to recover he threatens a disruptive and massively expensive environment program. This program will damage the economy permanently.
Gigantic permanent increases in government intervention, federal spending, taxes and national debt. How can this be seen as a good thing? And how can he threaten to raise taxes during a recession?
If we do nothing to control spending ou country as we know it is dead. The welfare/warfare state must end. IMO

Bill Villa said...

You seemed semi-reasonable until you tipped your hand w/ the word "welfare." Some people (like you) just cannot stomach the idea of a black man in The White House. Get used to it. He's gonna be there for 8 years ...