Showing posts with label Cry Babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cry Babies. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Time 4 Tea Baggers!

April 15 Tax Day is "Tea Party" Protest Day!

But I'm confused. What, exactly, are these angry "Teabaggers" protesting?

Why are they so outraged at President Obama? Tax rates haven't increased. In fact, Obama is cutting taxes for 95% of Americans. Only the wealthiest 5% will have their taxes "raised" back to the same level they were during the Bill Clinton economic BOOM years and way, way less than what they were during the (genuflect now please) Reagan administration.

Where were these angry patriot protesters when GW Bush was on a dry-drunken spending spree for 8 years?

Do they blame Obama for TARP?

What exactly has Obama done that is so (impeachment-worthy? really?) wrong in his first 90 days on the job?

Okay, so he's a Muslim (and a terrorist) and a socialist (and a Negro) and not even an actual American and his wife's arm muscles are bigger than McCain's. Other than this stuff, I mean.

Is it because Obama will "spread your wealth around" and "take away your guns?"

Hey, teabaggers, maybe Obama should take away your Social Security and Medicare benefits. These are socialist (FDR, LBJ, boo, hiss) programs after all. How 'bout that?

Fact is, today's patriotic (wink wink) Tea Parties were created purely to placate a bunch of cry baby sore loser Republicans. Well-spoken Conservative Andrew Sullivan describes the movement as "Tea Tantrums," brilliantly, here.

And don't be fooled: GOP teabagging is no grass roots movement. The movement across America to successfully elect Barack Hussein Obama President, now that was a grass roots movement. Plus, the whole Tea Party idea was stolen from the Libertarians and Ron Paul. Fox News created this faux Tea Party protest movement and they're promoting the heck out of it. FreedomWorks, a national Conservative lobby, is funding it. Faux News is gonna cover it (after creating it) like it's some legitimate big news event. It ain't. It's a fauxin' joke. 

So what's next for these GOP teabaggers?

Charity balls?

That might excite their shrinking base.

Time 4 Tea Baggers!

April 15 Tax Day is "Tea Party" Protest Day!

But I'm confused. What, exactly, are these angry "Teabaggers" protesting?

Why are they so outraged at President Obama? Tax rates haven't increased. In fact, Obama is cutting taxes for 95% of Americans. Only the wealthiest 5% will have their taxes "raised" back to the same level they were during the Bill Clinton economic BOOM years and way, way less than what they were during the (genuflect now please) Reagan administration.

Where were these angry patriot protesters when GW Bush was on a dry-drunken spending spree for 8 years?

Do they blame Obama for TARP?

What exactly has Obama done that is so (impeachment-worthy? really?) wrong in his first 90 days on the job?

Okay, so he's a Muslim (and a terrorist) and a socialist (and a Negro) and not even an actual American and his wife's arm muscles are bigger than McCain's. Other than this stuff, I mean.

Is it because Obama will "spread your wealth around" and "take away your guns?"

Hey, teabaggers, maybe Obama should take away your Social Security and Medicare benefits. These are socialist (FDR, LBJ, boo, hiss) programs after all. How 'bout that?

Fact is, today's patriotic (wink wink) Tea Parties were created purely to placate a bunch of cry baby sore loser Republicans. Well-spoken Conservative Andrew Sullivan describes the movement as "Tea Tantrums," brilliantly, here.

And don't be fooled: GOP teabagging is no grass roots movement. The movement across America to successfully elect Barack Hussein Obama President, now that was a grass roots movement. Plus, the whole Tea Party idea was stolen from the Libertarians and Ron Paul. Fox News created this faux Tea Party protest movement and they're promoting the heck out of it. FreedomWorks, a national Conservative lobby, is funding it. Faux News is gonna cover it (after creating it) like it's some legitimate big news event. It ain't. It's a fauxin' joke. 

So what's next for these GOP teabaggers?

Charity balls?

That might excite their shrinking base.