Now, due to the failing economy, the internet, media consolidation ( i.e. big corporate takeovers) and a failing business model based on circulation and ad revenue, these are dark times for the venerable printed newspaper. And a tragedy for democracy.
I read this the other day: WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. government could provide tax breaks for newspapers or allow them to operate as nonprofits to help the struggling business survive, Sen. John Kerry said Wednesday.
Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland is proposing legislation (The Newspaper Revitalization Act)
http://cardin.senate.gov/news/record.cfm?id=310392 which would allow newspapers to restructure as nonprofits. The purpose of this legislation is to save local papers and community papers, not the big media conglomerates. Nonprofit status would allow for advertising and subscriptions to be tax exempt. The newspaper would subsist on tax deductible donations and contributions. As a nonprofit, the newspaper would not be allowed to make political endorsements. They would be allowed to operate for educational purposes, like NPR or PBS.
This sounds good to me, because it would allow for many perspectives and different points of view. Media consolidation has suppressed the diverse voices in our community. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concentration_of_media_ownership
And this would be one way to help local and community newspapers to stay afloat, hopefully preserving some investigative journalism.
I like this idea, but while advertising is prohibited on PBS, this legislation would allow advertising for the nonprofit newspapers, and it would be tax exempt. I think instead of selling ads, the nonprofit news outlets should solicit donations toward responsible journalism. I think most people would support a newspaper that publishes unbiased facts instead of propaganda.
This is a great idea. News is something we certainly need to keep democracy alive and ensure government transparency. It's frightening that people don't subscirbe to their local papers like they used to. I suppose if they're giving it away for free online, why pay to subscribe. But we need to come together and accept that if we don't pay for these things they're going away.
I also think it would be great if papers didn't endorse candidates anymore. That's so tacky - to claim objective journalism and then to promote one candidate.
Villas, ahead of the curve as usual, great post.
"preserving some investigative journalism."
Well I'm all for this, and not just 'puppy mill' investigating (although I do enjoy front-page photo spreads of adorable pooches almost as much as the next person).
But take covering trials, for example. It would be great if our hometown "newspaper" could afford to have a seasoned reporter attend the entire trial he or she is "covering," instead of just dropping in sporadically and hearing things out of context and then getting most of the published story wrong (except for maybe the headline).
Morning Call courthouse beat reporter Debbie Garlicki used to do this ... but Debbie got terminated in the last round of Mornng Call layoffs and now (incredibly) works for the "man" she spent so many years protecting, DA Jim Martin.
Loyalty has its rewards :) right Deb?
"Newspapers as Nonprofits"
Great solution and that's what I love about LVS. Sure, you guys complain (like the neocon blogs) but you always offer a SOLUTION. The neocons NEVER do. They don't want solutions. They just want to complain. No wonder LVS is #1 in the LV.
Anon 1:33 I agree completely. And I wonder if PBS and NPR would say this is unfair?
Avid Reader: I don't like the way newspapers endorse a candidate either. As nonprofits, newspapers could cover campaigns so the public would get the info to make informed decisions.
Anon 9:27 thanks, I avoid reading the neocon blogs (what a downer) and even centrist blogs (boring)
But that does not mean I ignore the other side of the issue. But I do believe that "reality has a liberal bias."
BV: The MC coverage of trials is absolutely shameful and misinforms the public.
Thanks! How could I forget you?
"BV: The MC coverage of trials is absolutely shameful and misinforms the public." -Angie
Sweetie, I'd go a giant step farther and say that The Morning Call "newspaper" DIS-INFORMS the public, and by this I mean that their coverage isn't of the hapless "mistake" variety and thus MIS-INFORMATION, but is instead a PURPOSEFUL DISTRACTION from the truth, and is thus DIS-INFORMATION.
The purpose of TMC's DIS-INFORMATION is to protect info-access political pals (like DA Jim Martin) and select advertisers of The Morning Call, as needed.
Now don't blame hapless cub reporters like Kevin Amerman (and Jarrett Renshaw) for this because they don't possess the brainpower wattage required for collusion and conspiracy. These adorable pups merely bring back the bulk of the story (like a dog returns a thrown stick) for the "newspaper's" crony-connected editors (e.g., Mike Miorelli, Dave Erdman, (ex) Jack Tobias, soon to be ex-Glenn Kranzley) to manipulate into DIS-INFORMATION.
Here are two recent examples that were covered exclusively by our #1 Rated blog, LVS:
Jury Tosses DA Jim Martin's Murder Case in an Hour
Jury Rejects DA Jim Martin's Vote-Pandering Prosecution
Mea Culpa,
yesterday I comment/announced here a "Sunday Bloody Sunday" (not a threat) blog post scheduled for today on soon to be ex-Morning Call Editorial/Opinions VP, Glenn Kranzley, who has been given his walking papers effective in 3 weeks or so.
But I'm really tired after a week in court so Glenno gets a reprieve today, and maybe altogether, cuz hey, what the heck, Kranzley's already been defeated.
Our near-boundless energies will no doubt be better applied to manipulating pink slips for Morning Callers still standing (and doing damage) like Mike Miorelli and Dave Erdman.
Not to mention our ongoing Priority Project.
And prosecuting that pesky blog hacker, O'Hare.
Not to worry, we're resting & re-CHARGE-ing and we'll be back on it all ASAP, you can always count on us being relentless liberals on a mission for justice.
The bad guys don't stand a chance.
JURORS in the recent trial, re: the Estate of Sheena Villa vs. Robert LaBarre and J.P. O'Malley's Bar (which you found to be negligent in Sheena's death, thank you) ...
Sheena's parents would welcome meeting with any of you, if you would like to discuss the trial with us.
To arrange for an in-person meeting with us, I can be reached via email at alacarbv@aol.com.
Thank You, again, for your service.
The free-floating intelligentia has been dead for years. And non-profit status will not deter bias.
Accept the inherent inescapable conflict- Profesionals working for Money. Despite "PBA 1967" and attempts to reflect the highest standards of broadcast journalism, fed and state funds maintain 1/2 of PBS and even some of NPR. Personal, social, ethnic, political, gender, religious, even cognitive bias will always be present. And money makes everything ugly.
"The free-floating intelligentia has been dead for years."
Present company excluded ;D
But we agree completely w/ you about the money always making things ugly.
However, there are still some among us who are more interested in the principle of the thing.
That's right and I'll give you an example:
Jury Finds J.P. O'Malley's Bar NEGLIGENT in Death of Sheena Villa
Oh and there's some 'ugly money' involved here too I've heard but who cares ...
Villas, getting Glen Kranzley "the boot" is huge. Well-deserved congratulations 2 U both.
Bill, and Barb, and Angie, and Patrick, and Cruz, and Gianni, and Sheena:
Now that the jury has spoken, "congratulations" doesn't seem like the right word to say to you. So instead I am saying "good for you." "Good for you" that you took a stand and held people accountable for their negligence. It is shameful that the Morning Call would not report on the jury finding that O'Malley's was negligent in Sheena's death. But what did we expect? Those editors withheld that important information about O'Malley's (which the public might want to know about, for reasons of safety), solely for the purpose of punishing you, Bill, because you have the courage to stand up to that newspaper and the favorites they protect, like Jim Martin. All I can say is "GOOD FOR YOU."
Thank You, anon 9:48.
Interestingly, Sheena's alleged early stage pregnancy at the time of her death was harped on by the "newspaper" in each of its coverages on the trial-- even though that info had been deemed irrelevant and inadmissible by the Judge, before the trial started.
Our belief is that the "newspaper" re-re-re-reported on Sheena's alleged pregnancy just to be vindictive, since this issue wasn't any part of the trial.
To put this and anon 9:48's point in clearer context, re-read my comment above at "Sat May 09, 10:31:00 AM 2009"
My Take...
I'll bet you know who wishes he could "hack" in here and muzzle you today :)
Over & Out...
"Our founding fathers established a press system because they realized the necessity to inform all citizens. It was public policy. The news as a public good." -Mrs. Dottie
Yep. Except for the stuff The Morning Call deems to be none of the public's business-- "public good" be damned.
I believe The Morning Call is fast-approaching "no profit" status so just sit tight and it won't be long before the whole gang is gone.
We need a local paper and we deserve a good one. Problem is, nobody insists on it. Everybody puts up w/ The Morning Call's crap. Getting rid of Glen Kranzley is an excellent start and may (may) be a sign that The Tribune has been paying attention to the current regime's incompetence and pettiness and personal agendas. Good riddance, Glen. Here's hoping for much more dead wood to be discarded and replaced w/ good people.
w/ Kranzley being put out to pasture, can Valley Blogosphere be far behind?
the "public good" be damned
This would be a good campaign slogan for DA Jim Martin
Our soon-to-be-reelected Mayor Pawlowski has been known to shut down negligent, nuisance bars ... although DA (burp) Jim Martin (hiccup) is never anywhere in sight at these press conferences ...
Jim's probably inside (for the final "last call") ...
Anon 10:58, and City Official, and Very Casual ...
because Sam Zell and Tribune Corporate Relations VP Gary Weitman appear to be avid readers of this blog, and because they've recently canned Glenn Kranzley (effective in 22 days), I thought I'd make a list for Sam and Gary to consider, re: who else at The Morning Call "newspaper" should be shown the door for the public good. Here goes ...
* Tim Kennedy, Publisher/President/CEO
* Dave Erdman, VP/Managing Editor
* Terry Rang, Deputy Managing Editor
* Mike Miorelli, Asst. Managing Editor/Editorial
* David Venditta, Asst. Metro Editor
* Paul Carpenter, Columnist
* Bill White, Columnist
Sam, and Gary, thank you for your consideration.
Bill, what about that toothless joke of a "Watchdog Reporter," Paul Muschick?
Hi "read-only," I don't wanna single out any specific "reporters" to fire, we'd be here all day (except for former MC courthouse beat "reporter" Debbie Garlicki who has made the collusion deal "official" (and painfully obvious) by accepting a job in DA Martin's office).
Instead, I say 'cut the head off' (not a threat, i.e., get those at the top, like Kranzley) and the rest of the organism will be re-programmable by the new boss who will be, hopefully, nothing like the old boss.
Again, Sam Zell and Gary Weitman, thank you for your consideration and for reading LVS, the #1 Most Influential Political Blog in The Lehigh Valley for 18 of the last 23 weeks.
FYI, we've been getting a good number of blog comments and emails we can't publish and share w/ you for various reasons-- mostly, people asking questions about our recent court case.
Suffice it to say that The Morning Call's carefully crafted coverage intentionally missed the boat on many significant and interesting aspects of the case and the jury's verdict, on purpose, we believe.
Unless you were there--as we were--you can't know what really went on in court. And we say this as a qualifier regarding any "interpretations" (wink wink) of the jury's verdict you might read at other blogs in the coming days and weeks.
Remember: they weren't there.
When the time is right, we'll write about it here, exclusively.
In the meantime, THANK YOU, for your many good wishes and warm words of congratulations.
To the several hate mailers (jealous?), up yours.
Bill, so O'Hare and attorney (for now) David C. Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor, did not succeed in sabotaging your civil case, as they had publicly threatened to do (twice) at their Troll blog, correct?
That is correct.
They did not succeed.
Putting up a "troll blog" to muzzle the truth and participating in a public blog discussion about threatening to sabotage a civil litigation is conduct unbecoming an attorney (for now), disbarred or otherwise.
We're on it.
My Take...
Don't forget this actionable action.
Over & Out...
Oui, absolument.
... plus the "Big Game" (left)
= another busy and rewarding year for BV.
"The free-floating intelligentia has been dead for years."
Present company excluded ;D)
Point taken! All winking aside, I am always very impressed by the total lack bias I find here at LVS ... personally, socially, ethnicaly, politically, cognitively, etc. As a practicing psychologist specialising in recovery (CAADC), I hope Mr. Labarre hs embraced recovery in prison. Nuff said.
And isn't it ironic that by courageously taking unpopular stands (against Martin, Morning Call, O'Hare & company), you've become the #1 MOST POPULAR blog in the Lehigh Valley. Life's funny like that.....
Perhaps I hit a little too close to home with that Labarre comment. I understand how that much truth might be a little too difficult. Essential and illuminating, but enormously problematic in light of the relentless denial emanating from the tavern found to be negligent by the jury. But if this question is not addressed, I'll assume there's a good bit of of truth to it. Regardless, best of luck. P.S., you have the smartest anonymous commenters in the blogosphere.
"I hope Mr. Labarre hs embraced recovery in prison."
That's my hope as well.
Moderation is the key and he certainly WAS enabled by that pub the jury found negligent.
"The Morning Call "newspaper" DIS-INFORMS the public."
BILL VILLA you're a civic crusader.
Thanks. Some people don't "get" what we do here. Although we may joke about self-aggrandizing matters (like being #1 at BNN every week, for example), we're all about Civic Duty and exposing and ridding our community of bad guys. Most of the other local blogs are exclusively about the self-aggrandizement of their authors. Big difference.
Villas, KUDOS in ridding our community of this Bad Guy. This is a truly great (and remarkable) accomplishment.
"Some people don't "get" what we do here."
But most of us do!
Read the comments!
That's why you're #1!
Keep up the great work!
"Most of the other local blogs are exclusively about the self-aggrandizement of their authors."
So true.
Shout it from the rooftops!
Lehigh Valley Somebody!
You're doing a superlative job!
LVS has the #1 Best readers and commenters ...
I second that.
LVS = Let Villas Succeed!
(Thanks) and someone must be listening to you, since we've 'run the table' against all comers so far! Glenn Kranzley being the latest '8-ball' to drop :) stay tuned, we're just gettin' warmed up!
“Ve get too soon oldt, und too late schmart”
sounds so much better than
"Lehigh Valley Ramblings"
"Lehigh Valley Political Blog"
Congratulations on the Great Pic on this one too. Very real life like!
Impressive how you weave bad guys Kransley, Jim Martin and the Morning Call into a vice-pres Cheney piece! In the words of Winston Churchill: "Brilliant!"
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