Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O'Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life
Let us not forget that wise men like Oliver Wendell Holmes and Justice Cardozo voted on cases which upheld both sex and race discrimination in our society. Until 1972, no Supreme Court case ever upheld the claim of a woman in a gender discrimination case. I, like Professor Carter, believe that we should not be so myopic as to believe that others of different experiences or backgrounds are incapable of understanding the values and needs of people from a different group. Many are so capable. As Judge Cedarbaum pointed out to me, nine white men on the Supreme Court in the past have done so on many occasions and on many issues including Brown. -Sonia Sotomayor
When read in context, it is clear that Sotomayor's comment is about the reality that different people have different life experiences. Diversity of opinion is good for the court. A judge's background can make a difference. In fact, her comment is the opposite of racism. She is saying that she hopes a Latina would make wise decisions, just like the previous white males did.
Drug addicted gas bag Rush Limbaugh has labeled her a "reverse racist." He says "He(Obama) just wants one of his own on the court to do his dirty work, from the highest court in the land, and she fits the bill." "Obama is the greatest example of a reverse racist, and now he has appointed one."
Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, Glenn Beck, Michael Steele, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, have all expressed their outrage over the Sotomayor comment. And at this blog in my previous post, I received numerous vile comments, some that we published, most that we rejected, from foaming at the mouth hysterical anonymous commenters gone bonkers. G. Gordon Liddy has said "let's hope the key conferences aren't when she is menstruating or something, or just before she is going to menstruate." Ex Congressman Tom Tancredo has referred to Sotomayor as the ring leader of the Latino's version of the KKK.
FACT: All but four of the 110 Supreme Court justices in our nation’s history have been white men.
Twist and shout all you want, connected white guys, your privileged days of exclusive and unchallenged power are over.
Sotomayor is getting a really raw deal but I'll bet (coming from the Bronx) she can take whatever B.S. the Right dishes at her. Incredible though the things that some people who "put themselves out there" in the name of public service have to endure, not that I'm telling you Villas anything you don't already know on that score. P.S. She's in.
Hi jdg,
Yes, we have endured the lies, smears, and provocations of local blahg nazi know it alls and neoKon kvetchers, but it has been our pleasure to dish it back at those pusillanimous cretins. But let's stay on topic.
Forgot to mention in post that Sotomayor was giving a lecture on the subject of what it means to be a Latina judge (at UC Berkeley)
On March 30, 1995, Sotomayor issued the preliminary injunction against Major League Baseball, preventing it from unilaterally implementing a new collective bargaining agreement and using replacement players. Her ruling ended the 1994 baseball strike after 232 days, the day before the new season was scheduled to begin. -Wikipedia
I second that!
Very interesting & informative article on our next U.S. Supreme Court Justice (she's in) in Sunday's Los Angeles Times, oopsie, a plug for The Tribune Company ...
Context is important, here. I heard she was speaking to minority students and encouraging them, hence the reference to her Latino roots.
Which would make the speech rather appropriate.
Here's the entire lecture:
Anon 5:04, yes, I agree context is so important, that's why I just provided a link to the entire speech. It's worth reading.
Re: context, reading the entire lecture, and seeing how Sotomayor's "racist" (come on) comment was pounced on and isolated completely OUT of context by the NeoCons is, well, that's how the NeoCons operate. They're liars. Be it Rush, Newt, Beck, Boner, Buchanan, Hannity, O'Reilly ...
O'Hare, Molovinsky ...
I'll let this piece speak for itself. It's on Bill Villa and it starts on paragraph 4. It was written by Aurélie Thiele, PhD, Lehigh University ... Re: Bill Villa
After posting here, I posted my previous comment at Michael Donovan's "Inclusion," "Molovinsky on Allentown," and "Lehigh Valley Ramblings."
Since all three blogs are currently discussing "Bill Villa," my comment at each blog should not be deemed "off topic."
Sorry for going "OT" here but I had a hunch you wouldn't mind.
You are correct, "Tour de Blog," and thank you, very much, for bringing this to our attention.
Readers, we just sent this email to Aurélie Thiele, PhD, Lehigh University ...
Dr. Thiele, hello, Bill Villa here.
This morning, a commenter at our blog made us aware of your coverage of me at your blog on May 13.
Dr. Thiele, thank you so much for a) taking the time to follow our justice mission and b) writing about it so that others can learn about what we are doing, and why. As you may know, the legitimate dissent issues we have with the criminal justice and media "powers that be" in Lehigh and Northampton counties are routinely "ignored" or sabotaged by most local bloggers who have formed P.R. alliances with these same powers that be. Thank you again for raising your independent, objective, and powerfully astute voice on our behalf. We appreciate it and we hope it inspires more people to speak out against cronyism, collusion, and corruption.
Best Regards,
Bill Villa
Angie Villa
My Take...
I never thought understanding your legitimate dissent issues was "rocket science" but maybe it helps to have a Ph.D. In any case, this exchange speaks volumes about the quality of LVS's readership.
Over & Out...
Tour de Blog,
Thanks for the info. And it's nice to know that there are intelligent people like Dr. Thiele reading our blog. As far as the local blahggers you mentioned, I don't waste my valuable time reading their drivel and lies. They have absolutely no credibility whatsoever.
Thanks, "LCD."
Tour de Blog said...
I posted my previous comment at Michael Donovan's "Inclusion," "Molovinsky on Allentown," and "Lehigh Valley Ramblings."
I see Molovinsky never published it. No surprise there, eh?
Villas, revisit Dr. Thiele's Blog when you can, Der Fuhrer is absolutely rolling around on the floor and foaming at the mouth, it's priceless. Have a nice night.
Yeow. Well, good thing Father Alex showed up there to add some much-needed "credibility" (wink wink). Too bad about Capri ...
P.S. (re: Dr. Thiele's post)
Was nice to see my good pal Jesse Smith from Denver up there setting O'Hare straight. And did you catch O'Hare's tutorial to Dr. Thiele on the now sudden UN-reliability of sitemeters in identifying blog commenters?! A truly Classic O'Hare moment.
Readers, of all the outrageous and uninformed things O'Hare is spewing at Dr. Thiele's blog, this one really stands out:
"There is no cronyism, no case-fixing, no sweeping things under the rug."
Well. O'Hare must have walked in our shoes then ...
he must have experienced what we've experienced, first-hand, at the hands of DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call ...
and come to the opposite conclusion
we have ...
to speak so emphatically and so definitively on this subject.
"There is no cronyism, no case-fixing, no sweeping things under the rug."
I see.
Or maybe O'Hare has formed a P.R. alliance w/ The Morning Call which has had a long-standing P.R. alliance w/ DA Jim Martin?
Readers, decide for yourselves (we already know the answer).
Note to O'Hare: You Can't Stop Us.
You can lie and cheat and launch a troll blog and hack into our blog and get phony criminal charges and convictions trumped up against us and gather as many loyal dunce allies as you like while scaring off anyone who would dare even consider siding w/ us and against you.
You Can't Stop Us.
Well-said, honeykins.
Readers, this next item is really none of your (or anyone's) business, but I gotta set O'Hare straight on the huge swing and a miss he takes at Dr. Thiele's blog on this screwball:
"Your claim that Villa somehow won $3.1 MM is also false. Sure, a jury awarded him that sum, but against a Defendant who has nothing and whose insurance policy is not close to that amount. The bar that actually served this defendant, and Villa's daughter, was found to have no responsibility. It won't be paying a dime."
Obviously, O'Hare has been out of the trial lawyering profession for a very long time-- in fact, O'Hare is barred from practicing law because of "dishonest behavior" (no. you can't be serious?), by his own reluctant admission at his blog, after being confronted w/ it.
Anyone who thinks they're getting the "whole story" on our stunning civil victory from The Morning Call's account is completely dis-informed.
For example, the jury found that J.P. O'Malley's bar was negligent in the death of my daughter Sheena.
But The Morning Call continues to keep this highly relevant fact out of the "newspaper."
Instead, The Morning Call harped about Sheena having been pregnant at the time of her death ...
but this wasn't even part of the trial. It had been deemed inadmissible, and not relevant, by the judge, before the trial even started.
Suffice it to say that if O'Hare's getting his info from The Morning Call, and he is, he doesn't know the actual detail$.
Same way he doesn't know the actual details of the cronyism, case-fixing, and attempted sweeping of things under the rug that we've had to battle through for three years.
And will continue to do so, victoriously, at every turn.
My Take...
Well it's just not a fair fight, all these Morning Call-affiliated bloggers and crony crooks in 2 counties lined up against Bill and Angie.
Villas, how about "leveling the playing field" and tying a hand or two behind your backs?
Over & Out...
(blushing) we do make it look too easy, don't we ;)
Villas, hearty congratulations on getting Glenn Kranzley fired. By your Kranzley Kountdown Klock, it looks like Kranzley's job is "all" (ended, over, kaput, done w/ ) on Friday, yes?
Why thank you, thoughtful anon 6:31. Well, we're keeping our fingers crossed that The Tribune Company doesn't change its mind. Kranzley gone from the editorial and opinions and agenda framing gatekeeper position is a just Excellent Riddance for our Lehigh Valley. Ott mit the old, in w/ the new. More on this story as the Kranzley Kountdown Klock Kounts Glenn down. And out. The door. Oh ........... parting is such sweet sorrow.
Readers, for old time's sake, and because, well heck, because I am really going to miss him, today I emailed Glenn Kranzley and The Morning Call Editorial Board my 228th polite request for a "Welcome Mat" meeting, you know, the meeting they graciously extend to "anyone who wants to be heard," as it says at their website.
Glenn: only 2 days left to book my meeting ...
Bill, you mentioning you're up to 228 requests for a "Welcome Mat" meeting w/ the "newspaper" reminded me of the good old days of our local blogosphere, before "Valley Blogosphere at The Morning Call" when local bloggers actually tried to right wrongs, instead of trying to become "celebrities" (wink wink) like Bill White. Remember?
February, 2008
March 2008
My Take...
Hey. Some flashy "show of force" (wink wink) Der Fuhrer staged against the good Dr. yesterday, eh? Relatively EZ to coordinate I suppose when the lynch mob is mostly "he, himself, and him." But sadly, there were some "real" Loyal Dunce Allies mixed in there too like Hitler Youth. That’ll learn ya, Doc. Do not challenge the carefully controlled BlogWorld of Adolph O’Hare. Dissent is strictly verboten and the party line is "there is no cronyism" (except when O’Hitler says there is) and "Bill Villa is nuts." Got it? And ACHTUNG! Take down your link to the Villa’s blog like everyone else has, schnell!
Over & Out...
"LCD," (drum roll), you're the winner of the LVS Comment of The Week Award (cymbal crash) and I am positive you are voicing the disturbed thoughts of our "read-only liberal majority" blogosphere. Exceptionally well-stated.
"Pete," yes, indeed, those were the days.
Pat Wallace, we never get tired of hearing from you-- over & over & over & over again.
Readers, you may be pleased to know that since we announced the installation of LVS's *district court-approved Sitemeter(R), our "anonymous" (wink wink) "hate mail" is down by approximately 96.5%.
*district court-approved in Wind Gap PA, only
Villas, congratulatory kudos again for getting Glenn Kranzley fired. This is a remarkable civic-minded accomplishment.
sadly, there were some "real" Loyal Dunce Allies mixed in there too like Hitler Youth.
proof that "you can fool some of the people all the time."
Who is this "Monkey Momma" character who has posted thousands of comments at the Morning Call/Topix forum, and then has the nerve to declare the Villas "nuts" at Dr. Thiele's blog? Is Monkey a Dr. of Psychology? A real mom would never be able to spend so much time blogging. She, if it is a she, sounds like a complete nutjob, but SO representative of the very low quality of people who follow the hateful and sadistically cruel O'Hare.
Anon 4:24, "Monkey Momma," a.k.a. RCN IP # checks our blog like 10X a day.
We suspect many of the "hate mail" comments we've gotten have been posted "anonymously" (wink wink) by "her" and we are in the process of compiling definitive proof of this.
We agree that it would be difficult to be any sort of attentive mother when you're spending countless hours posting literally thousands of comments at the Morning Call/Topix Forum which is "her" home ballpark, ya'll.
SO representative of the very low quality of people who follow the hateful and sadistically cruel O'Hare.
SO true and these low-grades include Alfonso "the human self-promo commercial" Todd and Allentown City Council "man" Michael "Mellow Yellow" Donovan. Ick.
Molovinsky actually "quotes" that Monkey Momma mutant in his puff posts.
Okay people, we're starting to veer "OT," let's bring it back on topic (too bad about Kranzley (center)
I confess ...
You asked who Monkey Momma was? All I need to know about her is that she posted on O'hater's bog that the good doctor needs a boyfriend. That says it all.
I'm surprised that GEOFF BRACE is a member of O'Hare's Hitler Youth ...
Molovinsky actually "quotes" that Monkey Momma mutant in his puff posts.
Oh, so now Molovinksy has respect for what he normally calls "anonymous cowards" (if they are disagreeing with him). I guess if they are trashing the Villas then anonymous is ok and courageous?
"KattyD" (wink wink), interesting how the then ubiquitously seen-everywhere "KathyD" character disappeared immediately (and permanently) after our post on O'Hare's Tell-Tale Troll fingerprint. Ditto O'Hare's "Tool" character. Poof. "The Banker" took an immediate um hiatus after that post too, but O'Hare eventually eased him back into play.
Anon 7:54, O'Hare must have "mommy issues" as he really seems to despise women, especially strong women, although he has trashed vulnerable abused women too ... and all w/ the giggling endorsement of folks like Geoff Brace, and Michael Donovan, and Alfonso Todd, and Glenn Kranzley, and Gladys Kravitz Molovinsky, and Pam Varkony.
We are judged by the company we keep.
Sometimes, the company fires us for the company we keep.
any plans to have a "bon voyage" party assembled outside the mourning call to see glenn kranzley off (into the sunset) later today? I would attend this.
I really like this idea.
"McJudas," can you clue me in (back-channel) on Glenno's estimated time of getting kicked out the door today?
... just emailed Glenno my 229th polite request for a "Welcome Mat" meeting w/ The Morning Call Editorial Board. He'd still have time today ...
"I'm surprised that GEOFF BRACE is a member of O'Hare's Hitler Youth"
So am I, it reveals Geoff to be an extremely poor judge of "character."
Great idea, question Geoff Brace's judgement. This is a guy who gives and gives to allentown and takes nothing in return. He stays out of the political firestorms and volunteers his time.
I emailed this to him today and he is livid that you would allow somebody to anonymously slander him. Not the best way to treat an up and coming leader who has done nothing to any of you.
Would love to see your response. I'll communicate it to him personally.
"he [Geoff] is livid that you would allow somebody to anonymously slander him."
Too bad. It's a valid opinion which we happen to agree w/ totally. Geoff has no problem when his Fuhrer O'Hare "slanders" me, or my wife Angie (who gives and gives of her volunteer time to Allentown too and takes nothing in return) or my deceased daughter Sheena, or whoever else O'Hitler deems slam- and slander-able. If you're w/ that sadistic snake Bernie O'Hitler, you're no friend of ours. Just so we're all crystal clear on this.
Bernie O'Hare is a despicable individual who no one except the Villas has the guts to confront and stop.
This is true.
"I'm surprised that GEOFF BRACE is a member of O'Hare's Hitler Youth"
So am I, it reveals Geoff to be an extremely poor judge of "character."
I agree. Why anyone would interact with O'Hare at any of his hate blogs (except to condemn him) is beyond me.
Geoff Brace didn't mind seeing Dr. Aurelie Thiele get slandered and libeled and "slibeled" and beat up unmercifully this week by a gang of locker room thugs over at O'Hitler's blog.
And now Geoff's "livid" because someone respectfully (and rightfully) questions his judgement in giddily cavorting w/ sadist O'Hare?
Well, boo hoo, Geoff-y.
Obviously, Geoff Brace can dish it out but he can't take it. No wonder he hits it off w/ O'Hare O'Mcall so well they're both pusillanimous bullies who can't handle the dish back and run crying to mommy (or Morganelli).
Look at these elitist snobs playing "bocce in the arts park." How pretentious! "Oh Muffy, be a dear and get me another double-Starbucks-latte, fore!" -Geoff Brace
Geoff is H-U-G-E!!!
Obviously he needs a girlfriend!!!
Uh oh, the exact same thing that happened to Dr. Aurelie Thiele over at O'Hitler's blog is happening to Geoff Brace here!
A locker room-esque, ad hominem gang up.
Who would allow such a thing?
And where is the outrage?
Uh oh, the exact same thing
Hardly the same thing. O'Hare made Dr. Thiele the bulls-eye target/mocking feature focus of an entire post. And why? Because Dr. Thiele had the audacity to spot-light the Villas justice mission in the most insightful way our local blogosphere has seen this side of the Villas themselves. O'Hare short-circuited and went berserker. Through a ranting series of self-posted anonymous comments and email orchestrations, not one of O'Hare's 80+ Thiele-basher commenters even mentioned Thiele's support of Villa-- and what are the odds of this happening randomly?
Only idiots can't see right through Bernie O'Hare and clear through to his sadist core.
O'Hare sycophant Geoff Brace is getting off easy here by comparison so far.
Good points ...
I love it how irregardless of what ever twisted crap O'Hater pulls, you Villas always find a way to explode another cigar in his face. It's a beautiful thing to watch (from a safe distance of course)
Merci. Ka-BOOM.
Geoff Brace once sent me an e-mail telling me how much he appreciates the volunteer work I have done with the Chen Arts Group. But when O'Hatebag posted lies and smears about me at Molovinsky's blog, and bashed Chen Arts, and Allentown Arts Commissioner Joe Skrapits, and Economic Development head Joyce Marin, Geoff Brace had nothing to say. Neither did Allentown City Councilor Michael Donovan, who is on the Allentown Arts Commission. And Donovan is supposed to represent the citizens of ALLENTOWN. Seems like he is much more interested in appeasing haters from Nazareth (O'Hare) and South Whitehall Township (Molovinsky). Instead, these "men" just yuck it up daily with O'Hatebag, co-creator of the Troll Parade blog, and encourage him. So does "community activist" Alfonso Todd. These people should be speaking out against O'Hatebag, who is a dangerous and sadistic cretin liar. The way O'Hare goes after women is especially despicable. We have zero respect for anyone who corresponds with O'Hare, and if Bill and I see any of these people in public, we will confront you.
Not a threat, it's a promise.
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