Sunday, September 18, 2011

Morning Call lets DA Jim Martin get away with "No Comment" on stunning acquittal

Readers, don't let the purposefully dizzying and convoluted coverage by The Morning Call "newspaper" bamboozle you.

Try reading their September 15 article: Man acquitted of kidnapping

Editor's Note: The Morning Call "newspaper" has deleted this article from its archives to shield DA Jim Martin from scrutiny. It originally ran on September 15, 2011. Poof. It's not there anymore, click here and have a look.

This one's pretty simple really.

Either ... a guilty kidnapper walked in this case because increasingly erratic and incompetent prosecutor DA Jim Martin failed to convince the jury of his guilt.

Or ... an innocent man was falsely charged by an increasingly erratic and incompetent DA Jim Martin and the jury saw right through it quickly.

It was one or the other.

And curiously, according to Morning Call "reporter" Kevin Amerman ...

"Attempts to reach the prosecutor [from DA Jim Martin's office] in the case, Craig Scheetz, for comment after the verdict were unsuccessful."

Yo ... Cubby ... don't give up so easily.

In fact, tell ya what ...

We'll work on this story together this week.

I'll phone you first thing Monday morning.

This case stinks to high heaven and I want answers.

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