Watch Ed Koren's Hard-Hitting New TV Spot #2 and Ed Koren's "Bio" Spot #1.
Then watch 69 News's carefully edited, and totally rigged, 2-Part, Ed Koren vs. Jim Martin "debate" that Ed Koren still wins handily, even w/ both hands tied behind his back by an obviously DA Jim Martin damage-controlling 69 News that, with this John Craven produced segment has, sadly, proven itself to be as crony-cozily in the bag for Jim Martin as is 69 News's cross-town cahoots club colleague, The Morning Call "newspaper."
10/26, 7:30 pm UpDate: Readers, "Part 2" of the Ed Koren vs. Jim Martin "rigged debate" that was originally broadcast on 69 News at 6:00 pm yesterday was, curiously, not originally included in 69 News's online version that we link to above. LVS today inquired as to why "Part 2" was omitted from 69 News's online version, and a 69 News spokesperson told us via email that "the person doing the posting wasn't paying attention and didn't realize the two parts were distinct. I'm told it's all in one piece now. If you play the video, part one plays into part two." A plausible explanation that we don't buy for a second. "Part 2" was purposefully omitted, in our opinion, because 69 News's longtime pal DA Jim Martin comes off like an embarrassingly tired and cranky old gas bag alkie in Part 2, while his challenger Ed Koren comes off like one tough former cop, and modern lawyer, who will make a great Lehigh County District Attorney. Watch Part 1 and Part 2 that now immediately follows Part 1 (thanks to LVS) and you'll see what we mean, and take note of the obvious "rigging" and futile attempts at Jim Martin damage control by the Dick Dean-owned 69 News > Part 1 & Part 2 [Note: 69 News has it rigged so that our links to their Part 1 & Part 2 rigged debate won't work via some smart phones so please use your desktop or laptop]
Vote: Ed Koren for Lehigh County District Attorney on November 8.
Anybody wanting to see Jim Martin after November 8 should make an appointment at his new permanent office. Just saying!
Jim Martin's TV spot has him "shooting the breeze" with hispanic kids on a stoop. Yeah right talk about your truth in advertising! NOT!
Martin's excuses on Cullen amount to "my dog ate my homework."
Why didn't 69 News have Koren and Martin in the same room going toe-to-toe, mano-a-mano? I know why, its so they could do damage control for MARTIN.
WFMZ's John Craven is wrong. Charles Cullen was not prosecuted and was not "convicted" in Lehigh County. D.A. Martin kicked the Cullen can down the road for New Jersey authorities to prosecute. Worse yet, when the families of some of Cullen's likely local victims tried to get access to Martin's interview notes w/ Cullen, Martin got one of his good ol' boy judges, EDWARD REIBMAN, to slam the door in their faces.
I am just going to let all comments run. They are fun to read.
FYI, "Judge" Edward Reibman is up for a retention vote on November 8 ... vote NO ... and kick him off the bench.
Koren comes off measured and reasonable.
Martin on the other hand seems like a loose (or drunk) cannon, throwing around insults like "nonsense" and bragging that HE thinks that HE'S done a good job.
Koren's got my vote. Thanks for all the amazing info.
Will 69 news be providing on-air "counter spin" every time Ed Koren's TV spot runs :) oopsie!! don't let that spot get loose!!
Make a difference: CONTRIBUTE RIGHT NOW ... ;D
I haven't voted for anything since Obama but I'll be voting for Ed Koren on Nov 8.
Here's How DA Jim Martin Fixes DUI Homicide Cases for Connected Cronies
Martin gets :26 seconds of that 69 news "debate" to talk on camera.
Ed Koren gets :06 seconds.
That's not real fair & balanced but at least Dick Dean didn't weigh in.
Bill, you're just toying with Martin before pulverizing him (not a threat) on 11/8 I can tell. Keep up the excellent questions.
Just read your blog post on GEOFF BRACE...truly despicable.
Right now, there are approximately 50 different people from the IP address "LehighCounty.org" reading LVS. We assume most of them are laughing their asses off at Jim Martin, Debbie Garlicki, Renee Smith, and Merrily Starkey.
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.62.# (PenTeleData)
Host > LehighCounty.org
City > Allentown, PA
Time of Visit > Oct 26 2011 7:24:42 am
At any given moment 24/7, 365, there are dozens of different people from the IP address "Tribune Company" (a.k.a. The Morning Call "newspaper") skittishly stalking LVS.
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IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Oct 26 2011 3:40:23 am
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SiteMeter(R) Spotlight
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Time of Visit > Oct 26 2011 8:19:27 am
Some LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight visitor/stalker "callouts" are based on our savvy, astute, informed, researched, and corroborated opinion.
Others we're 100% proof-positive of.
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.62.# (PenTeleData)
Host > LehighCounty.org
City > Allentown, PA
Time of Visit > Oct 26 2011 9:31:12 am
Villas Credo
Readers, please welcome LVS's most frequent, and most frustrated, stalker/commenter, "anonymous" (wink wink).
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.244.# (PenTeleData)
City > "Walnutport" (wink wink)
Time of Visit > Oct 26 2011 10:27:28 am
It is just shameful how those Morning Call bloggers and freelancers such as Chris Casey, Mike Donovan, Michael Molovinsky, Bill White, Diana Morse, John Micek, and attorney ("for now") David Najarian all in cahoots with Glen Kranzley and Martin and Dave Erdman and the "newspaper" tried to knock you off the track of your blatantly legitimate issues w/ Martin and the Morning Call.
Well said, but don't forget the former Morning Callers now holding court at Lehigh Valley Patch.
Mea Culpa, hey maybe a new DA would be open to some harassment by cyberstalking charges?
(almost forgot)
And libel.
We'll see .. btw, libel is a civil action where our track record speaks for itself, screams actually. Just sayin'.
We've done well on the criminal side too ... ;D
If Lee Butz and David Jaindl and Martin's other wealthy payola benefactors manage to keep him in office this election, I doubt Martin will live long enough to finish the 4 year term (not a threat). The "man" looks terrible, the picture of bad health. As much as he has abused crime victims, he has obviously been abusing himself too, albeit in other ways-- obesity, nicotine addiction, apparent (and also from what I've heard) alcoholism. Martin needs an AA sponsor, not pay-to-play sycophants like Butz and Jaindl. They're just enabling him.
WFMZ is run by Richard Dean, probably the most ultra conservative christian guy around. WFMZ is run under the Maranantha Broadcasting Company..Maranantha being some type of Christian religious organization. So obviously the news coming from there is very slanted and I don't think that is going to change anytime soon. I know because I had friends who worked there. Its nice to know our local news around here is controlled by a religous organization...yikes!
Great. Our local TV station is run by religious zealots and our only paper is run by people with no morals.
And they both worship at the altar of this "guy."
And do you know WHY?
Because it's E-A-S-I-E-R for them.
It's E-A-S-I-E-R for them to be spoon-fed the crime news THAT MARTIN WANTS THEM TO KNOW...than it is for them to PAY FOR ANY ACTUAL INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING.
If EITHER (Morning Call or 69 News) were to take an adversarial and QUESTIONING stance against Martin, they know that petty pig head Martin would CUT THEM OFF FROM HIS MONOPOLY CRIME NEWS FLOW AND THEY'D HAVE TO PAY REPORTERS TO GET CRIME NEWS INFORMATION.
Which would give their one (1) competitor a huge advantage.
Forget that.
So ... "Let's wait until Jim tells us," is the operational mantra of both "news" outfits.
And because DA Jim Martin is their MAIN SOURCE for crime news, and information, and back story ...
both The Morning Call "newspaper" and 69 "News," incredibly, look the other way ... ON ALL THIS STUFF.
Their profit margins are valued, way, way more than their readers' and viewers' right to know what's really going on around here-- and THEIR RESPONSIBILITY TO INFORM US.
They are pathetic slackers. Both outfits.
And they've made it possible for a "guy" like this to survive, and prosper, and do whatever the fuck he wants, w/ total impunity.
Lehigh County can CHANGE THIS on November 8.
LVS highly recommends it.
There is currently ZERO (0) mainstream media oversight of Jim Martin in Lehigh County. And in our local blogosphere, only LVS covers Martin (but be sure to look for the inevitable re-election endorsements of Jim Martin from our "Team Martin/Morning Call" local blogger adversaries who aren't currently "retired").
With no oversight, Jim Martin is free to FLAUNT his Good Ol' Boy network connections and get away w/ trampling on ethics and the law.
The following LVS exposé exclusive feature stories makes this especially and shockingly apparent ...
* October 31, 2010
* September 27, 2011
* January 30, 2011
* March 16, 2011
* March 17, 2011
* March 18, 2011
* May 10, 2011
* May 22, 2011
* June 19, 2011
* December 3, 2009
Villas, allow me to put a face (or two) on this "no over-sight" of D.A. Martin issue. Two guys in cahoots who could make a difference...but instead choose to make a profit.
* Dave Erdman, The Morning Call
* Brad Rinehart, 69 News
Just saying.
Well said.
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