Monday, July 28, 2008

Ice cream love affair

I love ice-cream. Actually I love anything from the four food groups: cookies, cake, candy, and ice cream. I guess most kids do. Here's me at six (bad haircut, Mom!) waiting for my birthday party to start. We always had those vanilla/chocolate ice cream cups with the little wooden spoons, along with the cake at every birthday party I can remember. On Saturday nights my Dad would take us to the Dairy Queen, and that was a treat. That's when I fell in love with "soft serve."

So where's the freshest and best ice cream in the Lehigh Valley? We love The Crystal Spring Farm Creamery/Tulip's Cafe on Route 329 Schnecksville. From Allentown, it's a nice ride in the country. You can actually watch cows graze in the field; the same cows that provide the milk for your ice-cream. The soft serve is the creamiest by far. Anyone know why it is called "soft serve?" I usually indulge in a peanut butter sundae with soft serve twist, or a hot fudge sundae. Our little guy loves root beer floats. And hubby loves milkshakes and mile high cones. He'd have even more, but he's watching his figure. One thing about the Creamery, the smell of manure gets really strong at the end of the day and it's not so enjoyable to eat your ice cream outside on the patio at this time. It's a "Farm of Distinktion"
You can also buy farm fresh milk at their grocery store and they have a restaurant.
Coming soon: Best Candy Shop, Any suggestions?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Arty Party Pics

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Chen Arts party at Pete's. Special thanks to Pete for hosting at his cool retro downtown pad! Stay tuned for future events.

Arty Party Pics

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Chen Arts party at Pete's. Special thanks to Pete for hosting at his cool retro downtown pad! Stay tuned for future events.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Arty Party at Pete's

The arty party is happening this Saturday night, 6:30 pm at Pete Lewnes' place in downtown Allentown. Don't worry Pete, we won't be body painting your walls! It's a pot-luck supper, baby. Artists and friends of all ages are welcome to join us. Bring some slides or cd of your work to show and discuss. Share some food. Eat like Elvis! (Or just have a salad and a bean)
Allentown Chen-Arts Group = CHARGE
E-mail me if you would like to be on the Chen-Arts mailing list or if you need info.

Thank you very much.

Arty Party at Pete's

The arty party is happening this Saturday night, 6:30 pm at Pete Lewnes' place in downtown Allentown. Don't worry Pete, we won't be body painting your walls! It's a pot-luck supper, baby. Artists and friends of all ages are welcome to join us. Bring some slides or cd of your work to show and discuss. Share some food. Eat like Elvis! (Or just have a salad and a bean)
Allentown Chen-Arts Group = CHARGE
E-mail me if you would like to be on the Chen-Arts mailing list or if you need info.

Thank you very much.

Monday, July 21, 2008

My pitch for Obama the Charmer

As well as being charming and charismatic, Barack Obama is a great orator with a lot of substance. He's certainly saying the things I wanna hear. Will he get things done? I think so. Please read this interview

There are three big jobs he says he wants to get done: 1. get combat troops out of Iraq 2. pass universal health care 3. create a new energy policy that speaks to our dependence on foreign oil and deals seriously with global warming. Read the article for the specifics on how he plans to accomplish this. He has been speaking about these things for a while and has been very consistent in his positions. Have people been listening?

Obama's candidacy is historic, and therefore I believe it speaks to us all. Over the years so many people have worked so hard, even died, so minorities could have the right to vote. Here is a black man running for president. Wow. But Obama does not talk about himself, he just says that his accomplishments are a testimony to those who came before him.

Obama was raised by a single mother, and then by his grandmother. He did not have a privileged life. I think most Americans can relate to this. He is familiar with the difficulties single mothers face. He embraces working class people of every race, and also does pretty well relating to "the haves." He continuously refers to others instead of himself. He speaks for the majority of Americans who oppose the war. He wants to unify the nation.

But his critics constantly bring up his lack of experience and his "rock star" image, and fail to see that he has substance. As far as experience, I'm excited about a fresh start and willing to take that risk. I think some people just don't want to see beyond that so called "charm and charisma." I think he has many qualities that make him a strong leader. Obama is even tempered, calm and precise. Those are good qualities in a leader. It's an historic time, it's emotional, and it's hopeful. It's nice to be excited about a candidate. I am continuously reminded of this everytime I see our current president speaking. (I mean trying to speak.)

Obama says "I want people to feel connected to their government again, and I want that government to respond to the voices of the people, and not just insiders and special interests. That's real change."

My pitch for Obama the Charmer

As well as being charming and charismatic, Barack Obama is a great orator with a lot of substance. He's certainly saying the things I wanna hear. Will he get things done? I think so. Please read this interview

There are three big jobs he says he wants to get done: 1. get combat troops out of Iraq 2. pass universal health care 3. create a new energy policy that speaks to our dependence on foreign oil and deals seriously with global warming. Read the article for the specifics on how he plans to accomplish this. He has been speaking about these things for a while and has been very consistent in his positions. Have people been listening?

Obama's candidacy is historic, and therefore I believe it speaks to us all. Over the years so many people have worked so hard, even died, so minorities could have the right to vote. Here is a black man running for president. Wow. But Obama does not talk about himself, he just says that his accomplishments are a testimony to those who came before him.

Obama was raised by a single mother, and then by his grandmother. He did not have a privileged life. I think most Americans can relate to this. He is familiar with the difficulties single mothers face. He embraces working class people of every race, and also does pretty well relating to "the haves." He continuously refers to others instead of himself. He speaks for the majority of Americans who oppose the war. He wants to unify the nation.

But his critics constantly bring up his lack of experience and his "rock star" image, and fail to see that he has substance. As far as experience, I'm excited about a fresh start and willing to take that risk. I think some people just don't want to see beyond that so called "charm and charisma." I think he has many qualities that make him a strong leader. Obama is even tempered, calm and precise. Those are good qualities in a leader. It's an historic time, it's emotional, and it's hopeful. It's nice to be excited about a candidate. I am continuously reminded of this everytime I see our current president speaking. (I mean trying to speak.)

Obama says "I want people to feel connected to their government again, and I want that government to respond to the voices of the people, and not just insiders and special interests. That's real change."

Friday, July 18, 2008

Greg Weaver Art Show at Hava Java!

Fellow blogger and Allentown historian Michael Molovinsky tells me that from 1972-1982 there was a cool art scene happening at Greg Weaver's studio in downtown Allentown. Weaver opened his doors to artists, performers, musicians, and all sorts of hipsters making the scene. There were lots of parties, man. That former hippie MM was there making movies and taking photos. Greg started this scene and was an inspiration to many local artists. Greg also had a band and he played guitar. The Allentown Art Museum has some of his work, and he had a sculpture in the Rose Garden. Weaver showed his work at the Allentown Art Museum, and at galleries in NYC and in the Lehigh Valley. Unfortunately Greg suffered from kidney disease and lost his sight in 1987, but he continued to paint until his death in 1994.

The collection of around 20 pieces at Hava Java is a good representation of the various styles of Weaver's work. There are several abstracted cow paintings, done in different media, some with heavy impasto (thick) paint and bright colors. There are no large scale paintings (and Weaver tended to work large scale) in this show due to the small space of the room. Some of his cow paintings remind me of French artist Dubuffet There are mixed media paintings with tin foil and glitter and other found materials. Some of his abstract paintings without figures remind me of color field painting

Weaver's fun and folksy subject matter of cows, ducks, and fisherman for example, crosses over into the realm of fine art, and this is what makes his work really special, and accessible to everyone. Here is the artist's statement:

"I see my painting as urban American folk art; that is, an art that comes from responding to the tensions of national urbanization. My art is a translation of cultural energy that I feel, into a language that speaks to those with no special knowledge of art, as well as to the knowledgeable. I like the visual intensity and commercialism of neon lights, television, billboards, postcards, comics, photographs, metallic and iridescent cars. I need the contradictions and paradoxes of modern American culture."

Sounds a lot like Pop-Art to me, and that's my personal fave.

This is important and meaningful art. Please go see this show at Hava Java coffee shop on 19th St. in Allentown across from the Theatre. It will be up through July 31.

Greg Weaver Art Show at Hava Java!

Fellow blogger and Allentown historian Michael Molovinsky tells me that from 1972-1982 there was a cool art scene happening at Greg Weaver's studio in downtown Allentown. Weaver opened his doors to artists, performers, musicians, and all sorts of hipsters making the scene. There were lots of parties, man. That former hippie MM was there making movies and taking photos. Greg started this scene and was an inspiration to many local artists. Greg also had a band and he played guitar. The Allentown Art Museum has some of his work, and he had a sculpture in the Rose Garden. Weaver showed his work at the Allentown Art Museum, and at galleries in NYC and in the Lehigh Valley. Unfortunately Greg suffered from kidney disease and lost his sight in 1987, but he continued to paint until his death in 1994.

The collection of around 20 pieces at Hava Java is a good representation of the various styles of Weaver's work. There are several abstracted cow paintings, done in different media, some with heavy impasto (thick) paint and bright colors. There are no large scale paintings (and Weaver tended to work large scale) in this show due to the small space of the room. Some of his cow paintings remind me of French artist Dubuffet There are mixed media paintings with tin foil and glitter and other found materials. Some of his abstract paintings without figures remind me of color field painting

Weaver's fun and folksy subject matter of cows, ducks, and fisherman for example, crosses over into the realm of fine art, and this is what makes his work really special, and accessible to everyone. Here is the artist's statement:

"I see my painting as urban American folk art; that is, an art that comes from responding to the tensions of national urbanization. My art is a translation of cultural energy that I feel, into a language that speaks to those with no special knowledge of art, as well as to the knowledgeable. I like the visual intensity and commercialism of neon lights, television, billboards, postcards, comics, photographs, metallic and iridescent cars. I need the contradictions and paradoxes of modern American culture."

Sounds a lot like Pop-Art to me, and that's my personal fave.

This is important and meaningful art. Please go see this show at Hava Java coffee shop on 19th St. in Allentown across from the Theatre. It will be up through July 31.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy summer thoughts

I'm so happy today. Here's a happy photo I took while on my happy vacation. It's not as good as my kid's pictures, but enjoy and think of happy summer thoughts and happy summer memories.

Happy summer thoughts

I'm so happy today. Here's a happy photo I took while on my happy vacation. It's not as good as my kid's pictures, but enjoy and think of happy summer thoughts and happy summer memories.

Monday, July 14, 2008

TC= Tres Chic!

Well, bonjour ladies and gents! It looks like the popular TC Salon and Day Spa will be moving into the vacant Shanty building on 19th St. This is good news, even though I was hoping for a nightclub/restaurant. No Autozone after all! There are many salons in the area, but this one will be much more fabulous because it will also have a bakery, a deli, and an art gallery. It will be a place to get pampered and indulge in sweet treats while viewing art work. Well, this is good news for our Chen-Arts group. Maybe TC owner Frank Shipman will be interested in showing local artists. And it's good news for the upscale businesses in the area. Since I am not one to indulge in extravagant and luxurious salon beauty treatments, I will go to TC for the sweets and art. And to see the vintage Hess's chandeliers which Shipman plans on keeping in the building. I guess I'm just TC= Tres Cheap. Or should I say thrifty? ;D

TC= Tres Chic!

Well, bonjour ladies and gents! It looks like the popular TC Salon and Day Spa will be moving into the vacant Shanty building on 19th St. This is good news, even though I was hoping for a nightclub/restaurant. No Autozone after all! There are many salons in the area, but this one will be much more fabulous because it will also have a bakery, a deli, and an art gallery. It will be a place to get pampered and indulge in sweet treats while viewing art work. Well, this is good news for our Chen-Arts group. Maybe TC owner Frank Shipman will be interested in showing local artists. And it's good news for the upscale businesses in the area. Since I am not one to indulge in extravagant and luxurious salon beauty treatments, I will go to TC for the sweets and art. And to see the vintage Hess's chandeliers which Shipman plans on keeping in the building. I guess I'm just TC= Tres Cheap. Or should I say thrifty? ;D

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Some Photos

My son took these shots in Philadelphia yesterday. I'm on vacation right now, but just wanted to share. He's almost 7 yrs. old, and he loves to document everything he sees. He wanted pictures of all the animals at the zoo and is working on making a book. We spent 7 hrs. on foot at the zoo yesterday. I really like the dead on shot of the elephant. First shot is the view from Jim's Steak's on South St.

Some Photos

My son took these shots in Philadelphia yesterday. I'm on vacation right now, but just wanted to share. He's almost 7 yrs. old, and he loves to document everything he sees. He wanted pictures of all the animals at the zoo and is working on making a book. We spent 7 hrs. on foot at the zoo yesterday. I really like the dead on shot of the elephant. First shot is the view from Jim's Steak's on South St.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Taking a break

I am taking a break from blogging for a couple of weeks. I will be back with a post about our next Chen-Arts group happening scheduled for July 26th.

In the meantime, don't miss Upward Bound Allentown! A multicultural celebration to be held on July 12, on Hamilton St. in Allentown between 6th and 7th.

Make sure to go see art work by the late Greg Weaver at Hava Java on 19th St., the opening will be July 11th.
Have a Happy 4th of July and a fun summer! Mrs. :D

Taking a break

I am taking a break from blogging for a couple of weeks. I will be back with a post about our next Chen-Arts group happening scheduled for July 26th.

In the meantime, don't miss Upward Bound Allentown! A multicultural celebration to be held on July 12, on Hamilton St. in Allentown between 6th and 7th.

Make sure to go see art work by the late Greg Weaver at Hava Java on 19th St., the opening will be July 11th.
Have a Happy 4th of July and a fun summer! Mrs. :D

Monday, June 30, 2008

The gift of life

I've been thinking a lot about how short life can be, and that it could end instantly at any second, and for that reason I should make the most of my life and do the things I want to do right now. There's no time like the present. I guess the impact of unexpectedly losing a young loved one can have that effect on a person. It really makes you think about the fragility of life.

I recently went to get my driver's license renewed at the photo license center. This can be a somewhat traumatic event for women over 40. I did not want to part with that picture from 4 yrs. ago. Luckily, the new one came out ok, they must have pretty good lighting there. I don't look that much older than I did four years ago, well at least not in that picture. ;D

For the first time I said "yes, I want to be an organ donor" (even though I only have one good kidney to give, and my eyes are really bad). I made that decision because my late step-daughter was an organ donor. Sheena saved 5 lives within 48 hours of losing hers and the organs, bone, and tissue Sheena gave away will eventually improve the quality of life for more than 50 people. We have received letters from some of the organ recipients, and those letters have been very moving. Her heart went to a man from NYC, but we have not heard from him yet.

One day someone may give me a kidney and save my life, so I think the least I can do is donate whatever good organs I have left to save someone else's life. Are you an organ donor? Think about it.

The gift of life

I've been thinking a lot about how short life can be, and that it could end instantly at any second, and for that reason I should make the most of my life and do the things I want to do right now. There's no time like the present. I guess the impact of unexpectedly losing a young loved one can have that effect on a person. It really makes you think about the fragility of life.

I recently went to get my driver's license renewed at the photo license center. This can be a somewhat traumatic event for women over 40. I did not want to part with that picture from 4 yrs. ago. Luckily, the new one came out ok, they must have pretty good lighting there. I don't look that much older than I did four years ago, well at least not in that picture. ;D

For the first time I said "yes, I want to be an organ donor" (even though I only have one good kidney to give, and my eyes are really bad). I made that decision because my late step-daughter was an organ donor. Sheena saved 5 lives within 48 hours of losing hers and the organs, bone, and tissue Sheena gave away will eventually improve the quality of life for more than 50 people. We have received letters from some of the organ recipients, and those letters have been very moving. Her heart went to a man from NYC, but we have not heard from him yet.

One day someone may give me a kidney and save my life, so I think the least I can do is donate whatever good organs I have left to save someone else's life. Are you an organ donor? Think about it.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Does the ASD need more minority teachers?

In Allentown, 77% of the students in the ASD are minorities, while only 7% of the teachers are minorities. Looks like the minorities are really the majority, as far student population goes. Apparently Bethlehem and Easton hire more minority teachers than Allentown, according to the Morning Call article,0,5602646.story

The article quotes an Hispanic teacher from the Bethlehem School District who says that she knows people, including herself who were not even considered to teach in Allentown, even though they were highly qualified. They easily found positions elsewhere. Well, this makes me think, if Allentown is purposely excluding highly qualified minority candidates then that is really bad news. Need more info on that before I can reach a conclusion.

I think a teaching staff, and an administrative staff should be diverse. I think it's a bonus for students to have role models (teachers) who are from their culture, but I don't think it is necessary for learning. A really good teacher sets the bar really high, and challenges all students. That has nothing to do with one's cultural background. When I taught in the district 7 yrs. ago, there seemed to be a diverse staff at the middle school level. I think the article leaves out some important factors.

First of all the district employs many paraprofessionals (teacher's aides) who play important roles and interact with students every day. I have seen minorities as paras at every school I have taught at in the district. Also, in every elementary school I have seen business partnerships with the community where professionals volunteer to read with students and interact with them. Many of these inner city professionals work at PPL and many are minorities.
There are other programs like CIS (Communities in Schools).
So I think the kids do interact with good role models from different cultures.

The article also mentions that many young teachers start in Allentown and use it as a springboard to teaching in the suburbs. This may be true because discipline is an issue in Allentown. Money is also an issue. Lack of supplies and other poor conditions. It's not the ideal teaching or learning environment. But I think the administrators need to work on a stricter discipline policy so the burden doesn't fall so heavy on the teachers.

A huge factor here is that parents need to be better role models and read to their kids, and take care of their kids, and prepare them for school. Even if the district hires more minority teachers, it's not going to fix the problem of so many kids coming to school without basic needs being met, with little or no skills, and with poor behavior.