Sunday, November 29, 2009

Flip ... Flop ... Flip ...

Mike Molovinsky Throws Evil Sadist Hate Blogger Bernie O'Hare Overboard ... But Then Mikey Throws O'Hare a Life Preserver (?)

For a while there, it looked like O'Hare-Duped Loyal Dunce Mike Molovinsky had (finally?) figured out Master Liar O'Hare.

But when commenters started agreeing w/ his negative assessments of O'Hare, Mikey abruptly disabled further comments and frantically moved on to another post, an alleged "Open Mike" (wink wink, Mike's blog is "Comment Moderated").

When commenters flocked there ("Open Mike," remember?) and tried to continue their disapproval of O'Hare and his tactics, Mikey whimpered (at three O'clock in the morning) that he "won't accept any more comments on O'Hare."

So let's review: Mikey can dish it out, but he can't take it, and when commenters agree w/ what he's dishing out ... Mikey can't take that either.

Note: spineless, gutless, churlish, and pathetically pusillanimous flip-flopping coward Mike Molovinsky actually believes he should be Mayor of Allentown. Yep.

How freakin' nutz is this "guy?"

Flip ... Flop ... Flip ...

Mike Molovinsky Throws Evil Sadist Hate Blogger Bernie O'Hare Overboard ... But Then Mikey Throws O'Hare a Life Preserver (?)

For a while there, it looked like O'Hare-Duped Loyal Dunce Mike Molovinsky had (finally?) figured out Master Liar O'Hare.

But when commenters started agreeing w/ his negative assessments of O'Hare, Mikey abruptly disabled further comments and frantically moved on to another post, an alleged "Open Mike" (wink wink, Mike's blog is "Comment Moderated").

When commenters flocked there ("Open Mike," remember?) and tried to continue their disapproval of O'Hare and his tactics, Mikey whimpered (at three O'clock in the morning) that he "won't accept any more comments on O'Hare."

So let's review: Mikey can dish it out, but he can't take it, and when commenters agree w/ what he's dishing out ... Mikey can't take that either.

Note: spineless, gutless, churlish, and pathetically pusillanimous flip-flopping coward Mike Molovinsky actually believes he should be Mayor of Allentown. Yep.

How freakin' nutz is this "guy?"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chelsea Weekend

We love New York and staying at the Hotel Chelsea.

Here's the Hotel Chelsea website.

Here's our favorite suite to hang out in at the Chelsea Hotel (so far), 1024.

Here's what we did in Manhattan, this past Sunday through Tuesday ...

Chelsea Weekend

We love New York and staying at the Hotel Chelsea.

Here's the Hotel Chelsea website.

Here's our favorite suite to hang out in at the Chelsea Hotel (so far), 1024.

Here's what we did in Manhattan, this past Sunday through Tuesday ...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Pray for Obama ... To Die?

Oh, isn't this just adorable: a teddy bear that encourages children to pray for our President. To die. Right-Wing Christian Conservatives are urging people to "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8" with bumper stickers, t-shirts, mugs, and even teddy bears. Such amazing grace Christian sentiment, and just in time for the Thanksgiving/Holiday Season! But if you read Psalm 109 it says, "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow." "Let his days be few; Let another take his office." Ruh oh. Is this what "compassionate conservatism" is about? Having their personal God/Jesus smite Obama?

Do these so called "Christians" really want Obama to die, or is this just another one of those "meant to be funny" (wink wink) anti-Obama Teabagger Birther Little Hussein Racist Monkey Doll Nazi Socialist Communist Terrorist End of the World Death Panel Obama's Gonna Kill Grandma so Get Your Gun cuz the President is really a Muslim ... punch lines?

If all this fear-mongering, racist-hateful, and anti-government propaganda led by Fox News and Glenn Beck and the Teabaggers really leads to (God forbid) religious zealot plots to kill our President, we doubt it will be the handiwork of loony Al-Qaeda. We've got plenty of radical and dangerous Christian right-wing racist extremist/terrorists right here in the Good Old U.S. of A(holes).

CafePress has recently taken these dread-laden products off the market. Thank God.

More info at Think Progress

Mr. & Mrs. Dottie collaborated on this post.

Pray for Obama ... To Die?

Oh, isn't this just adorable: a teddy bear that encourages children to pray for our President. To die. Right-Wing Christian Conservatives are urging people to "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8" with bumper stickers, t-shirts, mugs, and even teddy bears. Such amazing grace Christian sentiment, and just in time for the Thanksgiving/Holiday Season! But if you read Psalm 109 it says, "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow." "Let his days be few; Let another take his office." Ruh oh. Is this what "compassionate conservatism" is about? Having their personal God/Jesus smite Obama?

Do these so called "Christians" really want Obama to die, or is this just another one of those "meant to be funny" (wink wink) anti-Obama Teabagger Birther Little Hussein Racist Monkey Doll Nazi Socialist Communist Terrorist End of the World Death Panel Obama's Gonna Kill Grandma so Get Your Gun cuz the President is really a Muslim ... punch lines?

If all this fear-mongering, racist-hateful, and anti-government propaganda led by Fox News and Glenn Beck and the Teabaggers really leads to (God forbid) religious zealot plots to kill our President, we doubt it will be the handiwork of loony Al-Qaeda. We've got plenty of radical and dangerous Christian right-wing racist extremist/terrorists right here in the Good Old U.S. of A(holes).

CafePress has recently taken these dread-laden products off the market. Thank God.

More info at Think Progress

Mr. & Mrs. Dottie collaborated on this post.

Monday, November 16, 2009

My PTA Pitch

Those of you who follow this blog are probably aware of how steamed I am about NCLB (The Federal No Child Left Behind Act) mainly because it mandates how/what a teacher must teach, and has resulted in a stale "teaching to the test" curriculum in our public schools. This method of teaching is detrimental to our children because it stifles creativity and critical thinking, and hinders meaningful learning. As a former teacher, I can tell you that things have really changed in public education, and I don't like what I see. When I taught elementary art 10 years ago in urban Allentown schools, students put on plays in the classroom, made art projects, science and history were important subjects, and there was teaching across the curriculum (i.e. integration of all subjects to help kids make connections and be engaged in learning.) I don't see this happening at my son's school, and I am not happy about it.

Should parents just accept the crummy curriculum? Well, the NCLB Act is law until 2012, so there is not much we can do about what is taught in the classroom. I am not happy about the fact that Obama has not just done away with NCLB altogether. That would be REAL CHANGE I could believe in.

There is a way parents can have a voice, and try to fill the creativity void: get involved with your school's PTA. That's where you can develop enrichment activities and programs for kids. And the kids really need it. I serve on the Board of my son's school PTA, and I chair the Reflections Art Program, Craft Day, and help with most special events. We just had a really cool science program for the kids at our last PTA meeting. Find your niche, and volunteer, even if it's just an hour a week, it does make a big difference. There are many committees and opportunities for parents and community members. It is very rewarding work, and the kids really do appreciate it.

The National PTA has important purposes and goals:

To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.
To raise the standards of home life.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.

My PTA Pitch

Those of you who follow this blog are probably aware of how steamed I am about NCLB (The Federal No Child Left Behind Act) mainly because it mandates how/what a teacher must teach, and has resulted in a stale "teaching to the test" curriculum in our public schools. This method of teaching is detrimental to our children because it stifles creativity and critical thinking, and hinders meaningful learning. As a former teacher, I can tell you that things have really changed in public education, and I don't like what I see. When I taught elementary art 10 years ago in urban Allentown schools, students put on plays in the classroom, made art projects, science and history were important subjects, and there was teaching across the curriculum (i.e. integration of all subjects to help kids make connections and be engaged in learning.) I don't see this happening at my son's school, and I am not happy about it.

Should parents just accept the crummy curriculum? Well, the NCLB Act is law until 2012, so there is not much we can do about what is taught in the classroom. I am not happy about the fact that Obama has not just done away with NCLB altogether. That would be REAL CHANGE I could believe in.

There is a way parents can have a voice, and try to fill the creativity void: get involved with your school's PTA. That's where you can develop enrichment activities and programs for kids. And the kids really need it. I serve on the Board of my son's school PTA, and I chair the Reflections Art Program, Craft Day, and help with most special events. We just had a really cool science program for the kids at our last PTA meeting. Find your niche, and volunteer, even if it's just an hour a week, it does make a big difference. There are many committees and opportunities for parents and community members. It is very rewarding work, and the kids really do appreciate it.

The National PTA has important purposes and goals:

To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.
To raise the standards of home life.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dunce Corner: Paul Carpenter

Readers (don't miss this), in today's Morning Call "newspaper," "columnist" Paul Carpenter who we emailed a link to our Most Recent Post on DA Jim Martin on Monday morning does a just masterful misdirection job on it, spending nearly his entire article musing about Japanese word usage.

Read: Paul Carpenter's column.

Carpenter finally gets around to mentioning his "no nonsense" (wink wink) buddy
DA Jim Martin in the last coupla sentences:

"District Attorney James Martin appealed to Superior Court, which relied on a rare trait (sanity) in the appellate court system and upheld Steinberg. Saturday's story said Martin may further appeal the case to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Given my opinion of the Supremes, which is no better than my opinion of pimps and prostitutes of any ethnicity, that appeal could very well be successful." -Paul Carpenter

Very clever, Paul.

So (in your opinion) the PA Superior Court applied "sanity" in upholding Judge Steinberg's presumably good call (in your opinion) to toss DA Jim Martin's case (on its ear) out of Lehigh County Common Pleas Court ...

but if the PA Superior Court's (and Judge Steinberg's) ruling gets reversed by the PA Supreme Court, well that'll be because they're all like "pimps and prostitutes" on that bench ... and (you're like freakin' Houdini, Paul) NOT A WORD ON THE SCREAMING ASSHOLE FACTOR HERE, i.e., your pal DA Jim Martin, who is ARROGANTLY AND STUBBORNLY REFUSING TO LET GO OF THIS PAYING FOR SEX ISSUE, WHILE WASTING THE TAXPAYERS' AND THE COURTS' TIME & MONEY, AND ALL B/C JIM'S GIGANTIC but fragile EGO HAS BEEN BRUISED BY JUDGE STEINBERG.

Paul. You may be fooling
Jim Martin ... and his trembling fan base of super voters aged 80+ ... but you're not fooling the authors and readers of this blog, and we all vote too.

Dunce Corner: Paul Carpenter

Readers (don't miss this), in today's Morning Call "newspaper," "columnist" Paul Carpenter who we emailed a link to our Most Recent Post on DA Jim Martin on Monday morning does a just masterful misdirection job on it, spending nearly his entire article musing about Japanese word usage.

Read: Paul Carpenter's column.

Carpenter finally gets around to mentioning his "no nonsense" (wink wink) buddy
DA Jim Martin in the last coupla sentences:

"District Attorney James Martin appealed to Superior Court, which relied on a rare trait (sanity) in the appellate court system and upheld Steinberg. Saturday's story said Martin may further appeal the case to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. Given my opinion of the Supremes, which is no better than my opinion of pimps and prostitutes of any ethnicity, that appeal could very well be successful." -Paul Carpenter

Very clever, Paul.

So (in your opinion) the PA Superior Court applied "sanity" in upholding Judge Steinberg's presumably good call (in your opinion) to toss DA Jim Martin's case (on its ear) out of Lehigh County Common Pleas Court ...

but if the PA Superior Court's (and Judge Steinberg's) ruling gets reversed by the PA Supreme Court, well that'll be because they're all like "pimps and prostitutes" on that bench ... and (you're like freakin' Houdini, Paul) NOT A WORD ON THE SCREAMING ASSHOLE FACTOR HERE, i.e., your pal DA Jim Martin, who is ARROGANTLY AND STUBBORNLY REFUSING TO LET GO OF THIS PAYING FOR SEX ISSUE, WHILE WASTING THE TAXPAYERS' AND THE COURTS' TIME & MONEY, AND ALL B/C JIM'S GIGANTIC but fragile EGO HAS BEEN BRUISED BY JUDGE STEINBERG.

Paul. You may be fooling
Jim Martin ... and his trembling fan base of super voters aged 80+ ... but you're not fooling the authors and readers of this blog, and we all vote too.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

DA Jim Martin Still Firmly in Favor of Paying for Sex

In vein-throbbing defiance of the Pennsylvania Superior Court and Lehigh County Judge Robert Steinberg and the Pennsylvania State Police, Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) Jim Martin is maintaining his hard-line stance that it's appropriate to pay citizen informants to have sex at massage spas as many times as Martin wants it.

Sadly, DA Martin is now caught nakedly all alone w/ his over-sexed issue.

Let us explain ...

Back in 2006, some local (and still un-named) guy patronizing the Shiatsu (massage parlor) Spa in suburban Allentown was highly "offended" when sex was allegedly offered to him. He later contacted State Police who proposed that the "offended" man return to the spa and (what the heck) have sex w/ the female masseuse who had "offended" him. Well apparently the guy got over being "offended" pretty quickly as he returned to the spa for "a smorgasbord of sexual activity" four (4) more times. Each "Happy Ending" was paid for by the PA State Police who also paid the increasingly "offended" (wink wink) informant $180.00 for performing such upstanding civic service.

The State Police made recordings of themselves and the "offended" informant laughing and joking about his multiple sexual encounters at the spa.

"No Nonsense" (wink wink) DA Jim Martin took charge and charged the owner of the spa w/ prostitution, presumably after Martin himself stopped laughing like a high school sophomore at the State Police's hardy har har recordings.

Lehigh County Judge Robert Steinberg (Martin's far superior predecessor as DA) tossed off Martin's case immediately on the grounds that the government (namely DA Martin and the cops) had "acted outrageously."

Steinberg's position was that the "offended" man's subsequent, frequent, and state cop-paid-for visits to the spa for sex "did not advance the police investigation."

Steinberg went on to say that we [the people] expect more from law enforcement [and especially from our Chief Law Enforcement Officer DA Jim Martin, eh?] "and demand that they conduct their investigations and utilize their resources without resorting to such embarrassing investigative techniques."

Steinberg continued: "No adequate supervisory guidance was provided [Jim?], no standards existed for this type of investigation [again, Martin M.I.A], and some of the behavior by the participants [this includes DA Martin] was sophomoric."

In a jaw-dropping display of hard-on arrogance, DA Jim Martin subsequently appealed Judge Steinberg's ruling to the Pennsylvania Superior Court-- as if our PA courts aren't gagging already on total nonsense appeals.

On Thursday, 11/5/09, the PA Superior Court spanked and bitch-slapped DA Jim Martin by upholding Judge Steinberg's ruling against him.

"It is difficult to imagine how this informant could have been so offended, and yet proceed to engage in oral and sexual intercourse with the two women in the case, and laugh about it with the investigating troopers after each occasion," wrote Judge John T. Bender for the 3-judge Superior Court panel.

So was DA Jim Martin finally spent and ready for a cigarette? Hardly. Like the "offended" Shiatsu Spa John, Jumbo Jim Martin is coming back for more.

Martin says he "plans to seek review by the State SUPREME Court." [!]

Readers, even PA State Police spokeswoman Lt. Myra Taylor concedes that "the informant's behavior did not conform with state police standards" and that the "troopers' conduct has been addressed internally."

Additionally, the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas and the Pennsylvania Superior Court have both ruled against DA Jim Martin.

But DA Jim Martin wants to pay for sex (dammit) and as frequently as he sees fit, because nobody, and we mean NOBODY, tells (unopposed) DA Jim Martin he's WRONG, and so he's taking his "Justice Mission" all the way to the PA Supreme Court.

What an asshole.

DA Jim Martin Still Firmly in Favor of Paying for Sex

In vein-throbbing defiance of the Pennsylvania Superior Court and Lehigh County Judge Robert Steinberg and the Pennsylvania State Police, Lehigh County District Attorney (for now) Jim Martin is maintaining his hard-line stance that it's appropriate to pay citizen informants to have sex at massage spas as many times as Martin wants it.

Sadly, DA Martin is now caught nakedly all alone w/ his over-sexed issue.

Let us explain ...

Back in 2006, some local (and still un-named) guy patronizing the Shiatsu (massage parlor) Spa in suburban Allentown was highly "offended" when sex was allegedly offered to him. He later contacted State Police who proposed that the "offended" man return to the spa and (what the heck) have sex w/ the female masseuse who had "offended" him. Well apparently the guy got over being "offended" pretty quickly as he returned to the spa for "a smorgasbord of sexual activity" four (4) more times. Each "Happy Ending" was paid for by the PA State Police who also paid the increasingly "offended" (wink wink) informant $180.00 for performing such upstanding civic service.

The State Police made recordings of themselves and the "offended" informant laughing and joking about his multiple sexual encounters at the spa.

"No Nonsense" (wink wink) DA Jim Martin took charge and charged the owner of the spa w/ prostitution, presumably after Martin himself stopped laughing like a high school sophomore at the State Police's hardy har har recordings.

Lehigh County Judge Robert Steinberg (Martin's far superior predecessor as DA) tossed off Martin's case immediately on the grounds that the government (namely DA Martin and the cops) had "acted outrageously."

Steinberg's position was that the "offended" man's subsequent, frequent, and state cop-paid-for visits to the spa for sex "did not advance the police investigation."

Steinberg went on to say that we [the people] expect more from law enforcement [and especially from our Chief Law Enforcement Officer DA Jim Martin, eh?] "and demand that they conduct their investigations and utilize their resources without resorting to such embarrassing investigative techniques."

Steinberg continued: "No adequate supervisory guidance was provided [Jim?], no standards existed for this type of investigation [again, Martin M.I.A], and some of the behavior by the participants [this includes DA Martin] was sophomoric."

In a jaw-dropping display of hard-on arrogance, DA Jim Martin subsequently appealed Judge Steinberg's ruling to the Pennsylvania Superior Court-- as if our PA courts aren't gagging already on total nonsense appeals.

On Thursday, 11/5/09, the PA Superior Court spanked and bitch-slapped DA Jim Martin by upholding Judge Steinberg's ruling against him.

"It is difficult to imagine how this informant could have been so offended, and yet proceed to engage in oral and sexual intercourse with the two women in the case, and laugh about it with the investigating troopers after each occasion," wrote Judge John T. Bender for the 3-judge Superior Court panel.

So was DA Jim Martin finally spent and ready for a cigarette? Hardly. Like the "offended" Shiatsu Spa John, Jumbo Jim Martin is coming back for more.

Martin says he "plans to seek review by the State SUPREME Court." [!]

Readers, even PA State Police spokeswoman Lt. Myra Taylor concedes that "the informant's behavior did not conform with state police standards" and that the "troopers' conduct has been addressed internally."

Additionally, the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas and the Pennsylvania Superior Court have both ruled against DA Jim Martin.

But DA Jim Martin wants to pay for sex (dammit) and as frequently as he sees fit, because nobody, and we mean NOBODY, tells (unopposed) DA Jim Martin he's WRONG, and so he's taking his "Justice Mission" all the way to the PA Supreme Court.

What an asshole.