Saturday, December 19, 2009

O'Hare-Duped Dunce Donovan Drops By (to taunt us)

[12/31 UpDate: Read more sadly revealing back and forth w/ Donovan in the Comments section]

Readers, at our previous post, Cedar Crest College "Ethics" (wink wink) professor and Allentown City Council Vice President (for now) W. Michael Donovan posted and signed this woozy comment:

"Hey Bill, Since you name me directly, I'm going to write an entry. You are so nice and liberal. Progessive [sic]...etc. So I read your blog. I too feel that some the [sic] democrats are missing an historical [sic] opportunity You [sic] read mine, and leave very nice anonymous entries. Love them. When you decide to stop harassing people you do not like, let me know. I don't think you can edit my entry so...let me tell people how I sat down with you several times to discuss the death of your daughter. How I met with people at the Morning Call several times to get an audience. How I stood up to the District Attorney when he called you an asshole, and told him that he was wrong. This is what I do for my constituents. Then, just because in my role as ciy [sic] councilor, [sic] I have entries published in the Morning Call, which you hate, suddenly you hate me. You know, as someone who also lost daughter to bad circumstancs [sic]--- yes, the surgeon blew it --- I challenge you to move on. I challenge you get [sic] rid of your hate. I challenge you to decide that you cannot blame everyone who does not do exactly what you want them to do. We all feel your pain. We all know what you have been through. We all know that it is hell. But do not believe for one moment that we hate you. Want people to know that? Publish this entry, I dare you. If you can edit it, [sic] I'll reprint this in [sic] my blog." Best regards Michael Donovan Vice President City Councilor [sic] Fri Dec 18, 06:52:00 PM 2009

" ... just because in my role as ciy [sic] councilor, [sic] I have entries published in the Morning Call, which you hate, suddenly you hate me." -Donovan

Bill Villa writes: Nah. That's not why we hate you Mike, and you know that. We hate you because of your endorsing and enabling alliance with evil sadist Bernie O'Hare and his co-defendants. You should be condemning O'Hare and the tactics he uses on people he chooses to emotionally terrorize, like my grieving family ... instead of blowing him breathless kisses ... because you're scared shitless of him.

Also ... I don't "harass" people.

I fight back against
those dumb enough to provoke me ...

and I
kick their asses in court.

Let me repeat that:
I kick their asses in court.

more ass kicking on the way, btw.

And Mikey ..
Jim Martin barked at you one time at a dinner party and you ran for the hills wearing wet panties. Thanks for nuthin' on this front. Ditto w/ Glenn Kranzley where your phony and totally ineffective "civility" only made it easier for Glenno to make believe he was ignoring me for a while there.

Re: your verbiage on "hate" and "moving on" and "challenging me" and "blaming everyone" and "we all feel your pain" and "we all know what you have been through" (that's a good one) ... I won't even dignify this drivel w/ a response.

But thanks for reading
Lehigh Valley Somebody obsessively and compulsively. Our hope is that one day you might actually learn something.

Donovan: you're an O'Hare-Duped Dunce, and those will be the first words out of my mouth the next time I run into you in public and we'll proceed from there.

> Readers, and registered voters, it should be noted that despite the reams of exposé truth we've published on evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare since last August, in response, Allentown City Council Vice President (for now) Michael Donovan has just gotten cozier & cozier w/ O'Hare, a resident of Nazareth PA, next county over. It's mind boggling to us how anyone could be so non-discerning, and stupid-- let alone a city council vice president (for now).


O'Hare-Duped Dunce Donovan Drops By (to taunt us)

[12/31 UpDate: Read more sadly revealing back and forth w/ Donovan in the Comments section]

Readers, at our previous post, Cedar Crest College "Ethics" (wink wink) professor and Allentown City Council Vice President (for now) W. Michael Donovan posted and signed this woozy comment:

"Hey Bill, Since you name me directly, I'm going to write an entry. You are so nice and liberal. Progessive [sic]...etc. So I read your blog. I too feel that some the [sic] democrats are missing an historical [sic] opportunity You [sic] read mine, and leave very nice anonymous entries. Love them. When you decide to stop harassing people you do not like, let me know. I don't think you can edit my entry so...let me tell people how I sat down with you several times to discuss the death of your daughter. How I met with people at the Morning Call several times to get an audience. How I stood up to the District Attorney when he called you an asshole, and told him that he was wrong. This is what I do for my constituents. Then, just because in my role as ciy [sic] councilor, [sic] I have entries published in the Morning Call, which you hate, suddenly you hate me. You know, as someone who also lost daughter to bad circumstancs [sic]--- yes, the surgeon blew it --- I challenge you to move on. I challenge you get [sic] rid of your hate. I challenge you to decide that you cannot blame everyone who does not do exactly what you want them to do. We all feel your pain. We all know what you have been through. We all know that it is hell. But do not believe for one moment that we hate you. Want people to know that? Publish this entry, I dare you. If you can edit it, [sic] I'll reprint this in [sic] my blog." Best regards Michael Donovan Vice President City Councilor [sic] Fri Dec 18, 06:52:00 PM 2009

" ... just because in my role as ciy [sic] councilor, [sic] I have entries published in the Morning Call, which you hate, suddenly you hate me." -Donovan

Bill Villa writes: Nah. That's not why we hate you Mike, and you know that. We hate you because of your endorsing and enabling alliance with evil sadist Bernie O'Hare and his co-defendants. You should be condemning O'Hare and the tactics he uses on people he chooses to emotionally terrorize, like my grieving family ... instead of blowing him breathless kisses ... because you're scared shitless of him.

Also ... I don't "harass" people.

I fight back against
those dumb enough to provoke me ...

and I
kick their asses in court.

Let me repeat that:
I kick their asses in court.

more ass kicking on the way, btw.

And Mikey ..
Jim Martin barked at you one time at a dinner party and you ran for the hills wearing wet panties. Thanks for nuthin' on this front. Ditto w/ Glenn Kranzley where your phony and totally ineffective "civility" only made it easier for Glenno to make believe he was ignoring me for a while there.

Re: your verbiage on "hate" and "moving on" and "challenging me" and "blaming everyone" and "we all feel your pain" and "we all know what you have been through" (that's a good one) ... I won't even dignify this drivel w/ a response.

But thanks for reading
Lehigh Valley Somebody obsessively and compulsively. Our hope is that one day you might actually learn something.

Donovan: you're an O'Hare-Duped Dunce, and those will be the first words out of my mouth the next time I run into you in public and we'll proceed from there.

> Readers, and registered voters, it should be noted that despite the reams of exposé truth we've published on evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare since last August, in response, Allentown City Council Vice President (for now) Michael Donovan has just gotten cozier & cozier w/ O'Hare, a resident of Nazareth PA, next county over. It's mind boggling to us how anyone could be so non-discerning, and stupid-- let alone a city council vice president (for now).


Friday, December 18, 2009

Health Care "Reform" (wink wink)

UpDate 12/20/09: Nebraska NeoCon "Democrat" (wink wink) Senator Ben Nelson has flip-flopped and will be voting for approval of the Senate's currently watered-down version of the House's Healthcare Reform Bill (but only after raping and abusing the process for concessions of pure self-interest). Nelson's vote gives the Good Guys (we Dems) a filibuster-proof 60 votes. So by Christmas Eve, both the House and the Senate will have passed a Healthcare Reform bill-- an amazing achievement for President Obama. After the Holidays, the process of "merging" both bills begins. This is where we kick all the obstructionist GOP ass off the playing field and reconfigure and pass the Healthcare Reform Bill America wants.


Right now, it looks like the majority of our elected leaders in Washington are traitors and shills on the take for the health insurance companies. Congress is awash in greed and corruption, and the current/mutated healthcare "reform" bill is an endless paid vacation for the powerful and profit obsessed health insurance companies. We're enraged that there are elected Democrats who are not working for the good of the common people-- the people who want and need true healthcare reform. The Voice of the People is being quashed (for now) and it doesn't seem to matter that thousands of Americans are dying every year due to a lack of affordable health insurance. A mandate that everyone must sign up for health insurance, without a public option, is not going to guarantee that healthcare will be affordable to everyone. But it will guarantee future corporate ownership of the USA, because corporate greed has no limits. And the Democrats (so far) are too pussified to stand up to these bully crooks.

Howard Dean says we should kill the Health Care Reform Bill and start all over again. We have a lot of respect for Howard Dean, and we are leaning his way, although not totally convinced that we should "kill" the bill. Even without a public option and Medicare buy-in there are some benefits to the bill, and advocating a total kill of the bill would mean killing all progressive progress. This bill needs to change-- big time. And get passed. If HCR does not get passed now, we don't think it will be revived any time soon, thanks to an incredibly effective lunatic fringe minority in Congress. It needs to happen now due to the urgency of the crisis. And the rightness of the mission. Come on. How can we reduce health insurance costs without the healthy (and long overdue) competition of some form of public option? If this lousy bill is passed close to "as is," it will benefit only the health insurance companies and continue to stick it to the consumer w/ no health insurance affordability anywhere on the horizon.

Here are some of the meager benefits of the current bill, let's start building on this stuff:

* Insurers can't turn you down for a pre-existing condition or cut you off when you get sick

* Expansion of Medicaid

* Subsidies for low and middle income people

* Caps on out of pocket expenses

* Cost containment measures

... and there are more ...

But if insurance companies "can't turn you down" ... but can just charge you lots more for coverage ... how is this delivering the "affordable healthcare for everyone" that Obama campaigned on? And subsidies won't help if rates keep getting jacked up higher and higher.

The Democrats must grow a set and stop caving to mega douchebag traitor/shills like Joe Lieberman and others in Congress who have been bought by the insurance companies. No way we should settle for this crappy bill while hoping for future improvements. A public option is already a compromise. What we want and need is a single payer plan. Universal Healthcare. For all Americans. We, the majority of the people, need to grab Washington by the suit collar and overpower these idiotic teabaggers and obstructionist whack jobs.

Where are the liberal activists who advocated for a single payer plan?




[Mr. Dottie contributed to this post]

Health Care "Reform" (wink wink)

UpDate 12/20/09: Nebraska NeoCon "Democrat" (wink wink) Senator Ben Nelson has flip-flopped and will be voting for approval of the Senate's currently watered-down version of the House's Healthcare Reform Bill (but only after raping and abusing the process for concessions of pure self-interest). Nelson's vote gives the Good Guys (we Dems) a filibuster-proof 60 votes. So by Christmas Eve, both the House and the Senate will have passed a Healthcare Reform bill-- an amazing achievement for President Obama. After the Holidays, the process of "merging" both bills begins. This is where we kick all the obstructionist GOP ass off the playing field and reconfigure and pass the Healthcare Reform Bill America wants.


Right now, it looks like the majority of our elected leaders in Washington are traitors and shills on the take for the health insurance companies. Congress is awash in greed and corruption, and the current/mutated healthcare "reform" bill is an endless paid vacation for the powerful and profit obsessed health insurance companies. We're enraged that there are elected Democrats who are not working for the good of the common people-- the people who want and need true healthcare reform. The Voice of the People is being quashed (for now) and it doesn't seem to matter that thousands of Americans are dying every year due to a lack of affordable health insurance. A mandate that everyone must sign up for health insurance, without a public option, is not going to guarantee that healthcare will be affordable to everyone. But it will guarantee future corporate ownership of the USA, because corporate greed has no limits. And the Democrats (so far) are too pussified to stand up to these bully crooks.

Howard Dean says we should kill the Health Care Reform Bill and start all over again. We have a lot of respect for Howard Dean, and we are leaning his way, although not totally convinced that we should "kill" the bill. Even without a public option and Medicare buy-in there are some benefits to the bill, and advocating a total kill of the bill would mean killing all progressive progress. This bill needs to change-- big time. And get passed. If HCR does not get passed now, we don't think it will be revived any time soon, thanks to an incredibly effective lunatic fringe minority in Congress. It needs to happen now due to the urgency of the crisis. And the rightness of the mission. Come on. How can we reduce health insurance costs without the healthy (and long overdue) competition of some form of public option? If this lousy bill is passed close to "as is," it will benefit only the health insurance companies and continue to stick it to the consumer w/ no health insurance affordability anywhere on the horizon.

Here are some of the meager benefits of the current bill, let's start building on this stuff:

* Insurers can't turn you down for a pre-existing condition or cut you off when you get sick

* Expansion of Medicaid

* Subsidies for low and middle income people

* Caps on out of pocket expenses

* Cost containment measures

... and there are more ...

But if insurance companies "can't turn you down" ... but can just charge you lots more for coverage ... how is this delivering the "affordable healthcare for everyone" that Obama campaigned on? And subsidies won't help if rates keep getting jacked up higher and higher.

The Democrats must grow a set and stop caving to mega douchebag traitor/shills like Joe Lieberman and others in Congress who have been bought by the insurance companies. No way we should settle for this crappy bill while hoping for future improvements. A public option is already a compromise. What we want and need is a single payer plan. Universal Healthcare. For all Americans. We, the majority of the people, need to grab Washington by the suit collar and overpower these idiotic teabaggers and obstructionist whack jobs.

Where are the liberal activists who advocated for a single payer plan?




[Mr. Dottie contributed to this post]

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Obama Stimulus is Working

The Congressional Budget Office Report provides the facts about how the economic stimulus is working.

Here are some facts: between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs have been created or saved through September 2009 as a result of the American Recovery and Re-investment Act. The data shows that the real inflation adjusted GDP was 1.2 to 3.2% higher than it would have been had the $787 billion dollar stimulus package not been passed.

Here's a link to the report: Congressional Budget Report

But sadly, for the disgruntled lunatic fringe, it doesn't matter what the facts are because there is such polarization in this country. House Minority "Leader" (wink wink) John Boehner and fellow NeoCONservatives like frustrated actor Glenn Beck and frustrated hater Rush Limbaugh boldly claim the stimulus has failed (?) no matter what. It's like this in local politics w/ our local NeoCons, too. Look at our local "newspaper" and blogosphere: the loudest and most blatant liars and NeoCon sycophants are the ones referenced as "reputable" (wink wink) sources of information. Our local "newspaper" actually links its online "news" stories to NeoCon haters like disbarred and un-rehabilitated lawyer Bernie O'Hare and perpetually disgruntled and konstantly kvetching Allentown Mayoral "Hopeful" (wink wink) Mike Molovinsky as "other news sources." Incredible. The truth doesn't matter anymore. Ditto facts. Only the hate. And the RepubliCONS couldn't care less about the well-being of the citizenry, they just want to make sure Obama fails by blocking him. Same way some jealous locals try to block Bill Villa. And if they keep repeating the same lie loudly enough that the stimulus has failed, easily duped dunces will believe them. Ditto locally, where easily duped dopes fall for what NeoCons O'Hare, Molovinsky, Casey, Varkony, Najarian, LVCI, and Michael Donovan are dishing out. Thankfully, we Liberals are the majority.

Bush's tax cuts for the rich did not trickle down to create jobs. The jobs created under the Bush administration were mostly jobs outsourced to China, India, Dubai, and Mexico. The right wingnuts complain that the jobs created by Obama's stimulus are government jobs, and that he is expanding big bad government with his socialist agenda. Well, some of those bad government jobs include, fire, police, teachers, and court employees. Spending results in jobs. And the top economists in the country have pointed that out. Obama has avoided a depression. It's going to take a while to recover and rebound from the desperate situation that "W" left us in but Obama has all the right things heading in the right direction. To the left. Just sayin'.

For more facts on how the stimulus money is being used, click here.

Obama Stimulus is Working

The Congressional Budget Office Report provides the facts about how the economic stimulus is working.

Here are some facts: between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs have been created or saved through September 2009 as a result of the American Recovery and Re-investment Act. The data shows that the real inflation adjusted GDP was 1.2 to 3.2% higher than it would have been had the $787 billion dollar stimulus package not been passed.

Here's a link to the report: Congressional Budget Report

But sadly, for the disgruntled lunatic fringe, it doesn't matter what the facts are because there is such polarization in this country. House Minority "Leader" (wink wink) John Boehner and fellow NeoCONservatives like frustrated actor Glenn Beck and frustrated hater Rush Limbaugh boldly claim the stimulus has failed (?) no matter what. It's like this in local politics w/ our local NeoCons, too. Look at our local "newspaper" and blogosphere: the loudest and most blatant liars and NeoCon sycophants are the ones referenced as "reputable" (wink wink) sources of information. Our local "newspaper" actually links its online "news" stories to NeoCon haters like disbarred and un-rehabilitated lawyer Bernie O'Hare and perpetually disgruntled and konstantly kvetching Allentown Mayoral "Hopeful" (wink wink) Mike Molovinsky as "other news sources." Incredible. The truth doesn't matter anymore. Ditto facts. Only the hate. And the RepubliCONS couldn't care less about the well-being of the citizenry, they just want to make sure Obama fails by blocking him. Same way some jealous locals try to block Bill Villa. And if they keep repeating the same lie loudly enough that the stimulus has failed, easily duped dunces will believe them. Ditto locally, where easily duped dopes fall for what NeoCons O'Hare, Molovinsky, Casey, Varkony, Najarian, LVCI, and Michael Donovan are dishing out. Thankfully, we Liberals are the majority.

Bush's tax cuts for the rich did not trickle down to create jobs. The jobs created under the Bush administration were mostly jobs outsourced to China, India, Dubai, and Mexico. The right wingnuts complain that the jobs created by Obama's stimulus are government jobs, and that he is expanding big bad government with his socialist agenda. Well, some of those bad government jobs include, fire, police, teachers, and court employees. Spending results in jobs. And the top economists in the country have pointed that out. Obama has avoided a depression. It's going to take a while to recover and rebound from the desperate situation that "W" left us in but Obama has all the right things heading in the right direction. To the left. Just sayin'.

For more facts on how the stimulus money is being used, click here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

"Best" Of The Troll Parade Blog

Actual (condensed) conversation, excerpted from The Troll Parade Blog, between Troll blog co-creators attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) and disbarred lawyer Bernie O'Hare.

The two "men" are publicly threatening to sabotage the wrongful death litigation of my daughter Sheena.

Not coincidentally, O'Hare was disbarred in 1986 for sabotaging his own African American client's civil rights litigation "with evil intent" [see our right sidebar item, "The Ugly Truth About Bernie O'Hare"].

Sadly, some people never learn their lesson ... but it's not every day that they publish this fact for all to see.

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

Hey, Bill (Villa) ... I’m not terrified of you. If you think you’ve been unfairly harmed, sue my butt. You’ll see a counterclaim you’ll pray for that Dram shop recovery. September 24, 2008 11:25 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

It would be really horrible if someone sent ... comments to the attorney representing the defendants in Villa's dramshop case. September 26, 2008 10:14 AM

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

A dram shop case is a claim against a bar owner for serving alcohol to person known to be intoxicated at the time. The claim is usually made by a third party who was injured by the intoxicated person. September 26, 2008 11:16 AM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

Villa has certainly given none of us any reason to want to interfere with his attempts to benefit financially from the tragedy of his daughter's death, has he? Dave, do you happen to have the name of the attorney representing the defendants in that dramshop case? CHARGE! September 26, 2008 2:33 PM

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

I hope he had not squandered his dram shop case. September 26, 2008 3:36 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

Without Villa's testiminy, it will be kind of tough for his team to establish loss of future earnings. He's pretty much ruined himself as a witness. If he does take the stand, everyone is screwed. Credibility is always an issue in every case, and Villa will be nailed six ways to Sunday. CHARGE! September 26, 2008 3:53 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

NLVLogic (Dave Najarian) ... I'll stop at the LC Civil Division myself on Monday Morning and pick up the docket entries ... I think I should do my part and share ... with the attorneys on both sides of this litigation ... I'm sure (Villa's) own lawyer will be ecstatic. I hope he's not the same lawyer who represents (his) ex. If he is, (Villa) just created a conflict and one of (them) will have to get a new lawyer. CHARGE! September 26, 2008 4:13 PM

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

Quite simply, Villa, himself, individually is a party-Plaintiff. Villa must prove his own damages separately from the estate, Its his burden to prove his individual claim. He always is a potential fact witness regarding his daughter. September 26, 2008 6:45 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

I am sure the defense lawyers in his drapshop suit will be ecstatic. Villa claims I've sunk to the bottom. Believe me, I can sink much lower than this. No need to wait for the weekend to be over Bill. Here's my response to your demand for an apology - I fart on you. CHARGE! September 27, 2008 10:52 AM

Several months later ...

The End?


Read: Related Story

"Best" Of The Troll Parade Blog

Actual (condensed) conversation, excerpted from The Troll Parade Blog, between Troll blog co-creators attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) and disbarred lawyer Bernie O'Hare.

The two "men" are publicly threatening to sabotage the wrongful death litigation of my daughter Sheena.

Not coincidentally, O'Hare was disbarred in 1986 for sabotaging his own African American client's civil rights litigation "with evil intent" [see our right sidebar item, "The Ugly Truth About Bernie O'Hare"].

Sadly, some people never learn their lesson ... but it's not every day that they publish this fact for all to see.

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

Hey, Bill (Villa) ... I’m not terrified of you. If you think you’ve been unfairly harmed, sue my butt. You’ll see a counterclaim you’ll pray for that Dram shop recovery. September 24, 2008 11:25 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

It would be really horrible if someone sent ... comments to the attorney representing the defendants in Villa's dramshop case. September 26, 2008 10:14 AM

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

A dram shop case is a claim against a bar owner for serving alcohol to person known to be intoxicated at the time. The claim is usually made by a third party who was injured by the intoxicated person. September 26, 2008 11:16 AM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

Villa has certainly given none of us any reason to want to interfere with his attempts to benefit financially from the tragedy of his daughter's death, has he? Dave, do you happen to have the name of the attorney representing the defendants in that dramshop case? CHARGE! September 26, 2008 2:33 PM

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

I hope he had not squandered his dram shop case. September 26, 2008 3:36 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

Without Villa's testiminy, it will be kind of tough for his team to establish loss of future earnings. He's pretty much ruined himself as a witness. If he does take the stand, everyone is screwed. Credibility is always an issue in every case, and Villa will be nailed six ways to Sunday. CHARGE! September 26, 2008 3:53 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

NLVLogic (Dave Najarian) ... I'll stop at the LC Civil Division myself on Monday Morning and pick up the docket entries ... I think I should do my part and share ... with the attorneys on both sides of this litigation ... I'm sure (Villa's) own lawyer will be ecstatic. I hope he's not the same lawyer who represents (his) ex. If he is, (Villa) just created a conflict and one of (them) will have to get a new lawyer. CHARGE! September 26, 2008 4:13 PM

Attorney (for now) David Najarian (Lynn Township Supervisor) said...

Quite simply, Villa, himself, individually is a party-Plaintiff. Villa must prove his own damages separately from the estate, Its his burden to prove his individual claim. He always is a potential fact witness regarding his daughter. September 26, 2008 6:45 PM

Disbarred Lawyer Bernie O'Hare said...

I am sure the defense lawyers in his drapshop suit will be ecstatic. Villa claims I've sunk to the bottom. Believe me, I can sink much lower than this. No need to wait for the weekend to be over Bill. Here's my response to your demand for an apology - I fart on you. CHARGE! September 27, 2008 10:52 AM

Several months later ...

The End?


Read: Related Story

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Business Doesn't Matter to Tony Iannelli

Did you catch the total disgrace that was Monday 11/30's episode of "Business (wink wink) Matters" on WFMZ-TV Channel 69? Click on "Race and the Obama Administration" to watch the "show."

First off, the topic (which isn't really "debatable"), "is there racism against President Obama?" had nuthin' to do w/ business, Lehigh Valley or otherwise. And Tony Iannelli it should be noted is head honcho (for now) of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce-- i.e., it might make cents for Iannelli to use his Business Matters forum to enhance, promote, pump-up, you know, Lehigh Valley Business.

Nah. Instead, as we witnessed in stunned and jaw-dropping amazement on Monday night, Iannelli used his Business Matters forum to host a socio-politico-culturo babble-speak and cross-fire interrupto session from a total bullshit panel that included Nazareth hate blogger Bernie O'Hare ... who was disbarred for sabotaging his own African American client's civil rights litigation against Bethlehem Steel with (in the conclusions of the PA Supreme Court) evil intent ... on a show about racism!


FYI, Iannelli never mentioned O'Hare's "expert" status.

But guess what ... Tony "I" knows all about what Bernie O did to George Usry, and to Lucille White and to Sheena Villa and Tony knew this stuff well in advance of booking O'Hare on the show (we know because we told Tony) but he went right ahead w/ the show featuring O'Hare anyway.

Consequences, anyone?

We suggest canceling Business Matters, firing Tony Iannelli as head of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce ASAP, and WFMZ formally apologizing to the family of George Usry.

See our right sidebar item, The Ugly Truth About Bernie O'Hare for all the gory facts that seemingly everyone (except us) is too pusillanimous to hold O'Hare accountable for, and sadly, you know we're right.

UpDate: Bill Villa on WAEB  

Business Doesn't Matter to Tony Iannelli

Did you catch the total disgrace that was Monday 11/30's episode of "Business (wink wink) Matters" on WFMZ-TV Channel 69? Click on "Race and the Obama Administration" to watch the "show."

First off, the topic (which isn't really "debatable"), "is there racism against President Obama?" had nuthin' to do w/ business, Lehigh Valley or otherwise. And Tony Iannelli it should be noted is head honcho (for now) of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce-- i.e., it might make cents for Iannelli to use his Business Matters forum to enhance, promote, pump-up, you know, Lehigh Valley Business.

Nah. Instead, as we witnessed in stunned and jaw-dropping amazement on Monday night, Iannelli used his Business Matters forum to host a socio-politico-culturo babble-speak and cross-fire interrupto session from a total bullshit panel that included Nazareth hate blogger Bernie O'Hare ... who was disbarred for sabotaging his own African American client's civil rights litigation against Bethlehem Steel with (in the conclusions of the PA Supreme Court) evil intent ... on a show about racism!


FYI, Iannelli never mentioned O'Hare's "expert" status.

But guess what ... Tony "I" knows all about what Bernie O did to George Usry, and to Lucille White and to Sheena Villa and Tony knew this stuff well in advance of booking O'Hare on the show (we know because we told Tony) but he went right ahead w/ the show featuring O'Hare anyway.

Consequences, anyone?

We suggest canceling Business Matters, firing Tony Iannelli as head of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce ASAP, and WFMZ formally apologizing to the family of George Usry.

See our right sidebar item, The Ugly Truth About Bernie O'Hare for all the gory facts that seemingly everyone (except us) is too pusillanimous to hold O'Hare accountable for, and sadly, you know we're right.

UpDate: Bill Villa on WAEB  

Monday, November 30, 2009

Will Obama visit ART MART in Allentown?

President Obama is scheduled to visit Allentown this coming Friday Dec. 4th as the first stop on his "White House to Main St." tour. Allentown was chosen because of its potential for future economic growth and job creation. Obama will also stop at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville. Enrollment is up at community colleges across the country, because they offer a more affordable choice during tough economic times. Obama plans on increasing the level of federal support for community colleges, because education translates into jobs.

Speaking of community and economic development ... the Obamas were community organizers, so they understand the importance of volunteer work. I believe the perfect stop on Obama's tour of Allentown would be ART MART at 813 Hamilton St. in Allentown. Art Mart is a new holiday gift shop and fine art gallery created by a large and growing community of local artists and volunteers. The volunteers have come together to promote the arts and help revitalize downtown Allentown. The industrious artists have been given permission by a gracious property owner to take over his vacant store on Hamilton St, and turn it into a holiday art emporium. Very cool cooperation all around. Local artists are hoping this location will eventually become a permanent art gallery, because all these dedicated professional artists really should have a home of our own.

The arts play a central role in revitalizing cities, and in creating much needed social capital, which leads to economic capital. Read about Art Mart and other arts news at The Allentown Chen Arts Group Blog

WFMZ Channel 69 News covered the very successful opening of ART MART this past Friday night. Check it out: 69 News Coverage of ART MART

There are great things happening in downtown Allentown, and now there is a growing art scene led by a community of talented artists and arts supporters. And that's what's going to turn the downtown around ... progressive-minded people working together to make positive things happen.

Support our local artists by buying their art at ART MART!

Visit ART MART at
Photo: Very Cool ART MART sign designed and made by local artist Vicki DaSilva and her husband Antonio

Photo from WFMZ News website

Will Obama visit ART MART in Allentown?

President Obama is scheduled to visit Allentown this coming Friday Dec. 4th as the first stop on his "White House to Main St." tour. Allentown was chosen because of its potential for future economic growth and job creation. Obama will also stop at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville. Enrollment is up at community colleges across the country, because they offer a more affordable choice during tough economic times. Obama plans on increasing the level of federal support for community colleges, because education translates into jobs.

Speaking of community and economic development ... the Obamas were community organizers, so they understand the importance of volunteer work. I believe the perfect stop on Obama's tour of Allentown would be ART MART at 813 Hamilton St. in Allentown. Art Mart is a new holiday gift shop and fine art gallery created by a large and growing community of local artists and volunteers. The volunteers have come together to promote the arts and help revitalize downtown Allentown. The industrious artists have been given permission by a gracious property owner to take over his vacant store on Hamilton St, and turn it into a holiday art emporium. Very cool cooperation all around. Local artists are hoping this location will eventually become a permanent art gallery, because all these dedicated professional artists really should have a home of our own.

The arts play a central role in revitalizing cities, and in creating much needed social capital, which leads to economic capital. Read about Art Mart and other arts news at The Allentown Chen Arts Group Blog

WFMZ Channel 69 News covered the very successful opening of ART MART this past Friday night. Check it out: 69 News Coverage of ART MART

There are great things happening in downtown Allentown, and now there is a growing art scene led by a community of talented artists and arts supporters. And that's what's going to turn the downtown around ... progressive-minded people working together to make positive things happen.

Support our local artists by buying their art at ART MART!

Visit ART MART at
Photo: Very Cool ART MART sign designed and made by local artist Vicki DaSilva and her husband Antonio

Photo from WFMZ News website