Recently we've experienced a few scary incidents involving vicious dogs of the pit bull variety at the parks that were very frightening for our young son, and for us. Two dogs lunged at us for no apparent reason. We weren't injured but both incidents were too close for comfort. Both dogs that went after us were on leashes, but the leash was either held by a child who couldn't handle the dog, or by someone not really concerned about the length of the leash or the safety of other people visiting the park. We see dogs running leash-free at Trexler Park all the time where it is posted as a violation. So now we've been forced into carrying a nasty-looking stick when we walk in the parks, and not surprisingly, when dog owners see you coming w/ a big stick, oh my, they pay much closer attention to their lovable pooch's proximity to you, try it.
Now don't get me wrong, we LOVE DOGS, especially Golden and Laborador Retrievers and Greyhounds. We think there should be a dog park in Allentown where dogs and their owners can play in a protected area, so dogless families can feel safe from lunging attack dogs and irresponsible pet owners who can quickly ruin a family's otherwise pleasant stroll in the park. A dog park would also cut back on some of the dog poop in our parks, which, let's be honest, not all dog owners give a crap about scooping up.
Allentown's bountiful park system has plenty of open space for an enclosed dog run, and a destination playground. I remember reading a post at the Allentown Good News blog about possible plans and citizen input regarding a dog park in Allentown, but I haven't heard anything about the progress of those plans. Anybody know? Judging by how many dogs we see in the parks, some people wielding 3-4 pups at a time, I would say there is a definite demand for a dog park. Dog parks help build social capital because they bring people together for a common cause.
But sorry, dog owners, we shouldn't have to trust you when you say your dog doesn't bite. Pit bulls were created and bred in England to kill. They have an in-bred propensity to attack, without warning. Pit bulls have been outlawed in Great Britain and banned from breeding in Ontario since 2005 where owners must muzzle them in public. See this informative website about laws, statistics, and info regarding dangerous and vicious dogs ...
Pit bulls and Rottweilers together commit 2/3 (65%) of the "serial" attacks on humans and more than 3/4 (79%) of the "rampage" attacks. (Source, Animal People)
Sorry Fido, but there are irresponsible dog owners, and we believe there should be stricter laws and regulations requiring the muzzling of certain dangerous breeds of dogs.
Public safety is more important than the rights of pet owners.
They should incorporate the WPA stone steps in the new dog run, that would be great exercise for lil precious, arf!
Villas, how dare you defend yourselves against vicious attack dogs :)
Pardon me "Concerned," is my metaphor showing? ;D
Consider yourselves lucky having escaped such encounters without injury... It happens all over and people suffer incredible pain and death as a result of irresponsible dog owners. See this story below:
90-year-old mauled by dogs
It happened last year. I was very close to a family member of the victim and the family was devastated.
People who allow such things to happen by not fulfilling their duty as a pet owner should suffer similar fates as those their pets injure did.
I love animals and respect dogs for what they are capable of, both good and bad. I have no respect for irresponsible dog owners that allow such destruction and then dismiss as somehow being the victims fault.
Thanks anon 2:33, I read the story at the link. Really disturbing. The website I link to in the post gives examples of attacks on children and adults that are so unbielievable and gruesome, I can't believe anyone would want to own a pit bull as a pet.
I think rottweilers are fine dogs if they are trained properly. The issue is that some people who want a pitbull or a rottweiler for the coolness factor don't bother to train them well. Attack dogs need clear rules of what they can do.
It's particularly a problem for pitbulls, I think. There are so many news about maulings. That's scary stuff.
In a way, it's like with kids. Some people think their kids are going to raise themselves into productive members of society without the parents doing any work. You have to spend time raising a kid and you have to spend time training a dog. No way around it.
It's too bad for the dogs. They deserve better owners.
But there is still that in bred propensity (in certain breeds) to kill. So ,I don't think I could trust those breeds, even if they were well trained "nice dogs."
I'd keep the Big Stick handy ...
When I was a kid, my best friend's brother had a black lab named Ollie. Coolest dog I've had the pleasure of knowing so far. Really great dog.
Villas, speaking of vicious attack dogs, you should consider making your right sidebar item on "Morning Call-Affiliated Hate Bloggers" a POST of its own, because I'm sure there are many people who would want to comment, myself included, thanks.
FYI: clearly libelous Morning Call "Forum" comment signed by Mike Molovinsky and gleefully published by The Morning Call:
dear angie villa's husband, the reason you were convicted of harassment by internet in wind gap is that the repetition of your comments makes it apparent to everyone but you, who you are. i realize of course you will highjack this comment board as you always do. i believe your wife's participation in such activities should prohibit her from teaching again in public schools. tax payers should not have to pay the salary of someone who enables harassment and veiled threats of physical violence against multiple citizens
Thanks anon 12:01, we've gotten phone calls from 3 different law firms on this already. "Concerned," excellent idea ...
Readers, to clarify Mike Molovinsky's libelous statement at The Morning Call "Forum" ...
1. I've never been convicted of, or charged w/ "harassment by internet" in Wind Gap or anywhere else
2. Neither has Angie Villa, who Molovinsky accuses of "participating in such activities"
3. "veiled threats of physical violence against multiple citizens" is a red herring that was laughed out of magisterial court in Wind Gap Pa on May 19, 2009
Mikey, we gotcha now ...
Ruh Oh ...
Readers, Mike Molovinsky libeling and attacking us is nothing new, he has made us the target of smear posts at his blog over 7 times which we documented in a post here at LVS ...
Molovinsky and O'Hare can dish it out but they can't take it.
Pit Bulls are not the cute and cuddly pooch type dog that most kids would be attracted to. And yes not to generalize but some of the PB owners I have laid eyes on don't exactly ooze responsibilty. I have also been in this situation with my kids not at a park but just a strool down a city street that has resulted in one of these little monsters scaring the hell out of us. I think maybe the PB has some silly status of power attached to it that I just don't get, it this some strange Machismo thing with the hip hop crowd?
I don't understand the popularity of pit bulls here in Allentown, but I see just as many women and children with them, as I do men.
They are scary, and maybe people own them just to intimidate others.
I have read that pit bulls don't growl before attacking, they just lunge, so there is no warning. I think that's why the dog that lunged at me took me (and my family) completely by surprise and got real close to biting my head and shoulder. I felt wetness on my skin. Very scary.
I believe the dog's owner "felt wetness" too,
after our little chat ...
" ... you should consider making your right sidebar item on "Morning Call-Affiliated Hate Bloggers" a POST of its own, because I'm sure there are many people who would want to comment, myself included, thanks."
"Concerned Citizen," I believe there are many more "concerned citizens" out there who would like to comment on increasingly erratic Allentown City Council VP Mike Donovan charged w/ Criminal Harassment along w/ his accomplice "Stepford Wife," Diana ...
but The Morning Call has helpfully disabled comments to protect their Valley Blogosphere Selectee/Honoree.
The "newspaper" wasn't so quick on the draw yesterday when Mike Molovinsky was libeling us at TMC Forum.
But what's most disturbing to us is that we see Cedar Crest College professor Donovan mangling the English language again when he referes to "me and Diana."
The proper usage is "Diana and I," soon-to-be ex- Councilor Donovan, if we have anything to do w/ it.
And "me and Angie" will do our very best to make you an "ex" council person ASAP ...
on this you can be sure.
Caving to pressure from this blog, looks like The Morning Call has re-enabled comments on the unfolding Michael Donovan Rage Scandal
how uncivil ...
I always knew Donovan's "civil" act was just that, an act. He's fulla baloney.
Maybe "mellow" Mike Donovan absorbed the embittered anger of his vendetta-driven LANTA "advisor," Mike 3% Molovinskli?
The "newspaper" account reads like Donovan was (possibly) attempting a forcible home invasion of his neighbor.
Does anyone know if he had a gun?
Mr. Donovan, as Mike Molovinsky stated so eloquently yesterday at the MC Forum:
"i believe your wife's participation in such activities {Criminal Harassment} should prohibit her from teaching again in public schools {and} tax payers should not have to pay the salary of someone {YOU} who enables harassment and veiled threats of physical violence against multiple citizens."
I must say I agree w/ Molovinsky totally on this one ;)
My Take...
I'm just mad about Saffron.
A-Saffron's mad about me.
I'm-a just mad about Saffron.
She's just mad about me.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow.
I'm just mad about Frontine.
A-Frontine's mad about me.
I'm-a just mad about-a Frontine.
A-She's just mad about me.
They call me Mellow Yellow.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow.
Born-a high forever to fly.
Wind-a velocity nil.
Born-a high forever to fly.
If you want your cup, I will fill.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow.
So mellow yellow..
Electrical banana
Is gonna be a sudden craze.
Electrical banana
Is bound to be the very next phase.
They call it Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow.
Saffron, yeah.
I'm just-a mad about her.
I'm-a just-a mad about-a Saffron.
She's just mad about me.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow,
Quite rightly.
They call me Mellow Yellow.
Oh, so yellow..
Oh, so mellow..
Over & Out...
I agree totally w/ the previous 6 commenters.
Readers, if I may go "OT" (off-topic) for just a moment, I need to address a piece of mean spirited dis-information at the "Retail Watch" Blog at mcall.com ...
"The jury ruled the bar [O'Malley's] owed no money to Villa's parents or estate."
... and a Morning Call-Approved sucker punch at Bernie O'Hare's Troll Parade blog ...
Here's my statement:
Under the terms of a confidential agreement (signed yesterday), I cannot discuss this matter w/ anyone.
Q. Is Mellow Donovan CHARGED? or "accused?" There's a difference. FILING a private criminal complaint against someone (and anyone can do it) is one thing but it takes the DA's OK of it to make it a CHARGE. Now I wouldn't put it past the "newspaper" to 'soften the blow' for Donovan by saying "accused" rather than charged, but of course maybe the "newspaper" isn't aware of the difference. Don't forget, the "newspaper" recently reported online that "the jury was found negligent but not responsible" for your daughter's wrongful death. We're dealing w/ amoeba-like morons at The Morning Call "newspaper," Miorelli (who looks like a gopher), Erdman, etc., etc.
"referes" ... Mea Culpa.
Good point, anon 12:22, Mike Miorelli does bear a striking resemblance to a gopher.
"dealing w/ amoeba-like morons at The Morning Call "newspaper,"
It's an act, so people think them not capable of conspiracy. Don't believe it. The "newspaper" applies its seeming "stupidity" like a skilled surgeon w/ a scalpel, purely for the sheer joy of enraging people who have no recourse via a competing local media outlet. Over the years, they've perfected their art of torturing people.
Mrs. Dottie, you always WOW me with the thoughtfulness of the things you choose to write about. You are a first-rate writer and thinker. Keep it coming! I love your blog. Especially the always lively and fascinating comments!
I think it's just terrible that neighbor-harassing, front door glass breaking Council VP Mike Donovan hates dogs. WHY?!
I hope they throw the book at Donovan. And don't be surprised if DA Jim Martin ups the charges to attempted murder ... at least while the TV cameras are rolling that is!
Readers, our *district court-approved Sitemeter(R) says ...
Blog Nazi Fuhrer O'Hare caught troll-ing our blog at 1:03am this morning and again at 8:03am.
*district court-approved in Wind Gap PA, only
How does one ring the doorbell in a brutal disturbing way?
(Hi Chris Casey), give me your address and I'll show you :) (not a threat)
SiteMeter(R) *district court-approved in Wind Gap PA, only
I thought Chris Casey always "signed his name" to his comments and never posted anonymously. You know, like O'Hare (wink wink)
They both post anonymously all the time.
So does Molovinsky ;D
O'Hare caught goose-stepping through here AGAIN at 11:55am.
Talk about pit bulls .....this crap is never ending...completely unhealthy
How bout it. They won't leave us alone. They're always trying to roadblock us and our Justice Mission. And why? To curry favor w/ the crooked & incompetent powers that be in our local "justice" and "media" systems. You'd think by now they'd have caught on that we can't be stopped. Oh well.
Please consider joining http://www.dogsbite.org/forum
We keep the pit nutters out.
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