Today I sent Wally Trimble this email again, my polite request #24, cc'd to Lehigh Provost Patrick V. Farrell, Lehigh President Alice P. Gast, Lehigh adjunct journalism professor Glenn Kranzley, and numerous Lehigh U Big Wigs:
Mr. Trimble, I recently learned that Lehigh's Department of Journalism and Communication is employing Bill White, columnist at The Morning Call "newspaper," as an adjunct for its JOUR 11: News Writing course. I have grave concerns regarding Mr. White's ability to perform this task in the objective and professional manner I believe Lehigh University expects from its instructors. My concerns stem from Mr. White's jaw-droppingly deceitful and un-ethical reporting on an event involving me and a fellow Morning Call blogger crony of Mr. White's, outgoing Allentown City Council Vice President "W" Mike Donovan. Mr. Trimble, I believe that, as the chair of the journalism department, you should be aware of this smarmy issue and I would be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss this matter further, and in specific detail. I believe that there are enough qualified current and former local journalists available for adjunct positions at Lehigh University and that Mr. White should be fired. Give me 30 minutes to go over the facts with you and I'm confident you'll end up believing the same thing. Call me to arrange an in-person meeting.
Looking forward to your prompt response, and I won't stop contacting you until I get one. I will not be ignored on this serious matter.
Bill Villa
Looking forward to your prompt response, and I won't stop contacting you until I get one. I will not be ignored on this serious matter.
Bill Villa
Editor's Note: The area record for "ignoring" (wink wink) Bill Villa is 229 and is held by Lehigh University adjunct journalism professor (for now) Glenn Kranzley.
[12/31 UpDate: Readers, callous and cowering coward Wally Tremble is blocking my grieving father, polite request-to-meet in-person email(s) w/ "Spam Assassin" and won't return my phone calls, so starting w/ polite outreach #25 today, all my requests for an in-person meeting will be directed at Lehigh University Provost Patrick V. Farrell and we'll settle up w/ Wally Tremble down the road]
Read > Related Story
FYI, here are 2 more (of many) relevant LVS blog posts, for anyone preparing a news broadcast ...
Here's another one ...
And what are the motives of those who so strenuously oppose us in our local blogosphere, local government, and Morning Call "newspaper?"
Draw your own conclusions ...
LVS is currently experiencing an unusually high number of visitors from this proxy IP address ...
Domain Name > Lehigh.EDU (Educational)
IP Address > 128.180.67.# (Lehigh University)
ISP > Lehigh University
Time of Visit > Dec 17 2010 9:12:49 am
Welcome, fellow educators ...
Bill, your success rate on going after people in power is just incredible (I've been reading the "Greatest Hits" on your blog's right sidebar), you're undefeated obviously. Don't change anything about your approach. Make them change. Keep the acconplishments coming. One determined man (and woman) can bring down crooked crony-connected systems, I'm convinced of that because of your blog.
Allentown's epicenter of evil stalking LVS on one of its 500+ daily visits here ...
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.12.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Dec 17 2010 10:38:01 am
Villas, you should notify Lehigh's student newspaper, good luck to you.
And Cedar Crest's ...
LVS has the smartest blog readers in the Lehigh Valley.
Merci, for the great idea(s) (contacts in progress).
Caveat: Faculty Advisor for Lehigh's student newspaper is a guy named Wally Trimble.
This is some story, involving Lehigh, Cedar Crest, Muhlenberg, Morning Call, "ethics" (not).
"involving Lehigh, Cedar Crest, Muhlenberg"
Don't forget Sussex County Community College ...
How many "Nutty Professors" are involved w/ this story?
Excellent question, you can't tell the Nutty Professors w/ out a report card.
Our "Nutty Professor" faculty includes ...
* Cedar Crest College "Ethics" (swear to God) Professor and outgoing Allentown City Council vice president "W" Mike Donovan
* Lehigh University adjunct journalism professor and Morning Call "newspaper" Movie Quotes "columnist" Bill White
* Muhlenberg College "media & communication" professor and our local blogosphere's #1 enabler and endorser of 100% Integrity-Free news reporting and blogging, pusillanimous pixie PhD Jeff Pooley [see our right sidebar to "TAKE THE POOLEY PLEDGE"]
* Curiously over-qualified Sussex County Community College Political Science (swear to God) Professor, union organizer/thug, Allentown City Council President and Mayoral Hopeful Wanna-Be, and incredibly ungracious host Dr. Mike Dumb'More.
And of course ...
* Lehigh Journalism Professor Wally Trimble, Lehigh Journalism Professor Christine Schiavo, and Lehigh Journalism Professor Glenn Kranzley all hail from The Morning Call "newspaper"
Have I forgotten anyone?
You covered it.
I'll bet I know how Wally Tremble lost that tooth...
Don't look at me, I'm not a lefty (boxer).
Domain Name > Lehigh.EDU (Educational)
IP Address > 128.180.25.# (Lehigh University)
ISP > Lehigh University
Time of Visit > Dec 17 2010 10:33:35 pm
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