Sunday, March 1, 2009

Jury Rejects DA Jim Martin's Vote-Pandering Prosecution

Read The Morning Call's Skillfully incomplete story ...

Veronica Rohrer, 66, believes her father sodomized her when she was 5 years old, and he was 35.

As a result, when Rohrer's ailing, 94-year-old father was sent home from Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest on February 22, 2007, the memory of her father raping her as a child made it difficult for Roher to provide care for her father-- especially traumatic to Rohrer was seeing her father naked while changing his diapers.

The next day, Veronica Rohrer called her sister Mary Ann in Virginia and requested that she come to Allentown to provide in-home care for their father.

There was a period of about 24 hours when Roher's bedridden father Adolph Marks was alone, as Rohrer waited for her sister Mary Ann to arrive from Virginia.

When Rohrer's sister didn't arrive on time because of a snowstorm, Rohrer phoned the police and told them her father "may have passed away."

The police checked on Mr. Marks and discovered he hadn't passed away. Marks was hospitalized again briefly and then was moved to a skilled nursing care facility near his daughter Mary Ann's home in Virginia.

Three weeks later, on March 21, 2007, Adolph Marks died in the nursing home in Virginia. He had suffered from heart failure, heart disease, diabetes, sight loss, brain shrinkage, a twice-broken hip, and he was 94 years old. He had also refused to take his medication in his final months.

In September 2007, Lehigh County DA Jim Martin charged Veronica Rohrer with attempted homicide of her father. > Read Morning Call article ...

"The charges that are filed are the charges that will be prosecuted," DA Martin boasted confidently at the time for The Morning Call and its many senior citizen readers who, for the most part, never miss voting.

But Martin quietly dropped his attempted homicide charge,
last year, and the always-helpful-to-Martin Morning Call waited until last week to mention that fact-- I suppose they didn't want Martin to come off looking like he was unsure of himself, or back-pedaling, or totally full of shit with this case.

In any case, DA Martin forged ahead with his "crusade for justice"
against childhood sexual/sodomy abuse victim Veronica Rohrer with the reduced charges of criminal neglect and reckless endangerment of her father.

On Friday, it took a jury just 3 hours to clear Veronica Rohrer of all of DA Jim Martin's grandstanding charges.

So what was this latest
DA Jim Martin/Morning Call collaboration all about?

Votes. Senior votes. Seniors like Adolph Marks, who The Morning Call not so subliminally interjected, "had not missed voting in 50 years."

In its "reporting," The Morning Call kept on the front burner, up until the very end, all of the seemingly damaging allegation details against Veronica Rohrer. But conveniently for DA Jim Martin's sake, the "newspaper" never got around to reporting on any of the counter arguments and explanations Veronica Rohrer's defense attorney presented to the jury. We'll need court transcripts for that side of this story which The Morning Call wasn't interested in.

In the end, the jury did not believe in DA Jim Martin's case and this is likely because the jurors had much more to go on, than what was reported on, in The Morning Call.

Silver Lining. Once again, DA Jim Martin's predecessor as DA, Judge Robert Steinberg, somehow succeeded in shepherding justice in this case, despite the disingenuous and self-serving efforts of DA Jim Martin.

Essential Reading >

Jury Rejects DA Jim Martin's Vote-Pandering Prosecution

Read The Morning Call's Skillfully incomplete story ...

Veronica Rohrer, 66, believes her father sodomized her when she was 5 years old, and he was 35.

As a result, when Rohrer's ailing, 94-year-old father was sent home from Lehigh Valley Hospital-Cedar Crest on February 22, 2007, the memory of her father raping her as a child made it difficult for Roher to provide care for her father-- especially traumatic to Rohrer was seeing her father naked while changing his diapers.

The next day, Veronica Rohrer called her sister Mary Ann in Virginia and requested that she come to Allentown to provide in-home care for their father.

There was a period of about 24 hours when Roher's bedridden father Adolph Marks was alone, as Rohrer waited for her sister Mary Ann to arrive from Virginia.

When Rohrer's sister didn't arrive on time because of a snowstorm, Rohrer phoned the police and told them her father "may have passed away."

The police checked on Mr. Marks and discovered he hadn't passed away. Marks was hospitalized again briefly and then was moved to a skilled nursing care facility near his daughter Mary Ann's home in Virginia.

Three weeks later, on March 21, 2007, Adolph Marks died in the nursing home in Virginia. He had suffered from heart failure, heart disease, diabetes, sight loss, brain shrinkage, a twice-broken hip, and he was 94 years old. He had also refused to take his medication in his final months.

In September 2007, Lehigh County DA Jim Martin charged Veronica Rohrer with attempted homicide of her father. > Read Morning Call article ...

"The charges that are filed are the charges that will be prosecuted," DA Martin boasted confidently at the time for The Morning Call and its many senior citizen readers who, for the most part, never miss voting.

But Martin quietly dropped his attempted homicide charge,
last year, and the always-helpful-to-Martin Morning Call waited until last week to mention that fact-- I suppose they didn't want Martin to come off looking like he was unsure of himself, or back-pedaling, or totally full of shit with this case.

In any case, DA Martin forged ahead with his "crusade for justice"
against childhood sexual/sodomy abuse victim Veronica Rohrer with the reduced charges of criminal neglect and reckless endangerment of her father.

On Friday, it took a jury just 3 hours to clear Veronica Rohrer of all of DA Jim Martin's grandstanding charges.

So what was this latest
DA Jim Martin/Morning Call collaboration all about?

Votes. Senior votes. Seniors like Adolph Marks, who The Morning Call not so subliminally interjected, "had not missed voting in 50 years."

In its "reporting," The Morning Call kept on the front burner, up until the very end, all of the seemingly damaging allegation details against Veronica Rohrer. But conveniently for DA Jim Martin's sake, the "newspaper" never got around to reporting on any of the counter arguments and explanations Veronica Rohrer's defense attorney presented to the jury. We'll need court transcripts for that side of this story which The Morning Call wasn't interested in.

In the end, the jury did not believe in DA Jim Martin's case and this is likely because the jurors had much more to go on, than what was reported on, in The Morning Call.

Silver Lining. Once again, DA Jim Martin's predecessor as DA, Judge Robert Steinberg, somehow succeeded in shepherding justice in this case, despite the disingenuous and self-serving efforts of DA Jim Martin.

Essential Reading >

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brilliant Woman of the Week

I've chosen US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this time as BWOTW because she is a courageous, strong and brilliant woman. She recently underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer, and I am happy to report that she is back at her seat. It was great to see her in attendance at the Presidential Address last night, and she got a rousing applause.

She is the ONLY female justice (hard to believe in 2009) and the second woman ever to sit on the Supreme Court. (Sandra Day O'Connor was the first). This is her second bout with cancer. In 1999 she had surgery for colorectal cancer, endured months of chemotherapy, but did not miss a day on the bench. In a callous and stupid statement, Republican Senator Jim Bunning from KY predicts that her death is imminent. He said that "nine months is the longest anybody could live" with pancreatic cancer. What a jerk.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1933, and she was nicknamed "Kiki." In the 1950's she applied for a job while she was pregnant, and when she got the job she told them about her pregnancy, and she was demoted three levels in the pay scale. I guess that would inspire me to fight for gender equality and women's rights.

She attended Harvard Law School, and later graduated from Columbia Law School where she was first in her graduating class. She was the 2nd woman to join the faculty at Rutgers Law School. Later she went on to try many cases for the American Civil Liberties Union. In 1993 she was appointed to the Supreme Ct. by President Bill Clinton. She's considered the most liberal judge. She overcame many obstacles as a woman to reach one of the highest and most important positions in our government.

Brilliant Woman of the Week

I've chosen US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this time as BWOTW because she is a courageous, strong and brilliant woman. She recently underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer, and I am happy to report that she is back at her seat. It was great to see her in attendance at the Presidential Address last night, and she got a rousing applause.

She is the ONLY female justice (hard to believe in 2009) and the second woman ever to sit on the Supreme Court. (Sandra Day O'Connor was the first). This is her second bout with cancer. In 1999 she had surgery for colorectal cancer, endured months of chemotherapy, but did not miss a day on the bench. In a callous and stupid statement, Republican Senator Jim Bunning from KY predicts that her death is imminent. He said that "nine months is the longest anybody could live" with pancreatic cancer. What a jerk.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was born in Brooklyn, NY in 1933, and she was nicknamed "Kiki." In the 1950's she applied for a job while she was pregnant, and when she got the job she told them about her pregnancy, and she was demoted three levels in the pay scale. I guess that would inspire me to fight for gender equality and women's rights.

She attended Harvard Law School, and later graduated from Columbia Law School where she was first in her graduating class. She was the 2nd woman to join the faculty at Rutgers Law School. Later she went on to try many cases for the American Civil Liberties Union. In 1993 she was appointed to the Supreme Ct. by President Bill Clinton. She's considered the most liberal judge. She overcame many obstacles as a woman to reach one of the highest and most important positions in our government.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Get Outta the Way of My Optimism

Our mostly conservative local blah, blah, blahgosphere seems infested with negative doom and gloom and misinformation. Allentown is doomed! It's because there is no leadership! Stimulus is bad! Pay to play! Failing schools! Crime! Stores closing! And anyone with a positive outlook is labeled a "cheerleader" "an apologist for the mayor" or just a clueless moron. And if that person wants to write about the good things going on, and there really ARE good things, then they are deemed a "puff blogger." Or if you are excited about Obama, our first African American President, you are labeled as a "Messiah worshipper" who has drunk the kool-aid. Well, all I can say to that is get outta the way of my optimism!

Most people's perception of Hamilton St. is way off. Actually, you CAN really walk around at 7th and Hamilton when it is dark. It's not that scary. Usually there are not too many people around. In fact, if more people would actually walk around downtown at night then THAT would help reduce crime. We patronize the downtown establishments as much as we can. And we have even been to events on 7th St. at night! Ooohhhh, scary! ;0

I am all for constructive criticism, but constant negativity and smears against good people are harmful to a community and does nothing to help move Allentown forward. People who take action and volunteer to help their community should be applauded, not smeared. So, blah blah blahggers, get the hell outta the way of my optimism and go back to your caves or trees where you can sniper fire from afar. Or just stay at your own blahgs where you can blow smoke up each other's behinds.

We are in a serious economic crisis, and our President has reached out across the aisle in a truly bi-partisan way. But yet it's not "real bi-partisanship" to some Republicans. I believe that these Republicans are robotic obstructionists. And obstruction is what they are good at, not governing. The past 8 years proves that. They put political ideology before the needs of the American people, and that's wrong. I say, they had their chance, now it's time for them to get outta the way and let the President that WE the people elected do his job. And if you still wanna hate me simply because I am a liberal, even though I have extended a hand to you, then all I can say is get outta my way.

Get Outta the Way of My Optimism

Our mostly conservative local blah, blah, blahgosphere seems infested with negative doom and gloom and misinformation. Allentown is doomed! It's because there is no leadership! Stimulus is bad! Pay to play! Failing schools! Crime! Stores closing! And anyone with a positive outlook is labeled a "cheerleader" "an apologist for the mayor" or just a clueless moron. And if that person wants to write about the good things going on, and there really ARE good things, then they are deemed a "puff blogger." Or if you are excited about Obama, our first African American President, you are labeled as a "Messiah worshipper" who has drunk the kool-aid. Well, all I can say to that is get outta the way of my optimism!

Most people's perception of Hamilton St. is way off. Actually, you CAN really walk around at 7th and Hamilton when it is dark. It's not that scary. Usually there are not too many people around. In fact, if more people would actually walk around downtown at night then THAT would help reduce crime. We patronize the downtown establishments as much as we can. And we have even been to events on 7th St. at night! Ooohhhh, scary! ;0

I am all for constructive criticism, but constant negativity and smears against good people are harmful to a community and does nothing to help move Allentown forward. People who take action and volunteer to help their community should be applauded, not smeared. So, blah blah blahggers, get the hell outta the way of my optimism and go back to your caves or trees where you can sniper fire from afar. Or just stay at your own blahgs where you can blow smoke up each other's behinds.

We are in a serious economic crisis, and our President has reached out across the aisle in a truly bi-partisan way. But yet it's not "real bi-partisanship" to some Republicans. I believe that these Republicans are robotic obstructionists. And obstruction is what they are good at, not governing. The past 8 years proves that. They put political ideology before the needs of the American people, and that's wrong. I say, they had their chance, now it's time for them to get outta the way and let the President that WE the people elected do his job. And if you still wanna hate me simply because I am a liberal, even though I have extended a hand to you, then all I can say is get outta my way.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Separated at Birth?

Readers, in the past few months, Allentown Mayoral Hopeful (wink wink) Mike "3%" Molovinsky has made Mrs. Dottie and me the target of vile, smear-tactic, and lie-laden posts at his comment-moderated blog, Molovinsky On Allentown, seven (7) times. 

Yep. 7 times. That's (we're estimating) about 42% of Mike's total blog output. Well, we think it's high time we respond (as our legions of activist readers have been imploring us to do, back-channel), so here goes ...

Gladys Kravitz was a fictional character on the TV comedy, Bewitched.

Mike Molovinsky is a "real character" at the spelling- and grammar-challenged (and frequently 100% fact-free) NeoCon comedy blog farce, Molovinsky On Allentown.

Gladys Kravitz was the obsessively nosey (and jealous) neighbor of dapper advertising man Darrin Stephens and his supernaturally gifted wife, Samantha.

Mike Molovinsky is the obsessively nosey (and jealous) South Whitehall Township know-it-all whiner who constantly monitors dapper advertising man Bill Villa and his wife, the bewitching and supernaturally gifted Mrs. Dottie.

Gladys Kravitz's paranoid nosiness, her incessant squealing to her husband Abner Kravitz, and the trouble she always tried (unsuccessfully :) to cause Darrin and Samantha Stephens were all recurring themes on Bewitched.

Mike Molovinsky's paranoid nosiness, his incessant squealing to his equally insignificant other [Redacted], and the trouble they always try (unsuccessfully :) to cause Bill and Angie Villa are all recurring themes at Molovinsky On Allentown. 

Although a relatively minor character on Bewitched, the role of Gladys Kravitz was memorable (and annoying) enough that the term "Gladys Kravitz" entered the American vernacular and is used as a synonym for an obsessively nosey (and jealous) neighbor.

Although a definitely minor character in Allentown (Molovinsky scored a measly and belly-laughable 3% of the vote in his "bid" (wink wink) for Allentown Mayor in 2005), the term "Mike Molovinsky" has entered our local blogosphere's vernacular and is synonymous with the expression, "he can dish it out but he can't take it."

[This post was composed by Mr. Dottie. Click on headline to watch an episode of Bewitched]

Separated at Birth?

Readers, in the past few months, Allentown Mayoral Hopeful (wink wink) Mike "3%" Molovinsky has made Mrs. Dottie and me the target of vile, smear-tactic, and lie-laden posts at his comment-moderated blog, Molovinsky On Allentown, seven (7) times. 

Yep. 7 times. That's (we're estimating) about 42% of Mike's total blog output. Well, we think it's high time we respond (as our legions of activist readers have been imploring us to do, back-channel), so here goes ...

Gladys Kravitz was a fictional character on the TV comedy, Bewitched.

Mike Molovinsky is a "real character" at the spelling- and grammar-challenged (and frequently 100% fact-free) NeoCon comedy blog farce, Molovinsky On Allentown.

Gladys Kravitz was the obsessively nosey (and jealous) neighbor of dapper advertising man Darrin Stephens and his supernaturally gifted wife, Samantha.

Mike Molovinsky is the obsessively nosey (and jealous) South Whitehall Township know-it-all whiner who constantly monitors dapper advertising man Bill Villa and his wife, the bewitching and supernaturally gifted Mrs. Dottie.

Gladys Kravitz's paranoid nosiness, her incessant squealing to her husband Abner Kravitz, and the trouble she always tried (unsuccessfully :) to cause Darrin and Samantha Stephens were all recurring themes on Bewitched.

Mike Molovinsky's paranoid nosiness, his incessant squealing to his equally insignificant other [Redacted], and the trouble they always try (unsuccessfully :) to cause Bill and Angie Villa are all recurring themes at Molovinsky On Allentown. 

Although a relatively minor character on Bewitched, the role of Gladys Kravitz was memorable (and annoying) enough that the term "Gladys Kravitz" entered the American vernacular and is used as a synonym for an obsessively nosey (and jealous) neighbor.

Although a definitely minor character in Allentown (Molovinsky scored a measly and belly-laughable 3% of the vote in his "bid" (wink wink) for Allentown Mayor in 2005), the term "Mike Molovinsky" has entered our local blogosphere's vernacular and is synonymous with the expression, "he can dish it out but he can't take it."

[This post was composed by Mr. Dottie. Click on headline to watch an episode of Bewitched]

Friday, February 13, 2009

Only 39% Believe in Evolution

Our seven year old son said to me the other day "I think there was life somewhere before the "Big Bang." And this led to a discussion about evolution. Wow I thought, this is great, he's really thinking about these things. Turns out he didn't learn about "The Big Bang" at school, he saw it on a tv show.

Yesterday was Charles Darwin's birthday, as well as Abraham Lincoln's. According to a new Gallup Poll

only 39% of Americans believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. That's 4 out of 10 people.

36% had no opinion either way. 25% don't believe in evolution. 74% of those with a post-graduate education believe in evolution, compared with 21% of high school grads.

Education really does matter. Thank goodness that science and technology are important to a US President again.

Only 39% Believe in Evolution

Our seven year old son said to me the other day "I think there was life somewhere before the "Big Bang." And this led to a discussion about evolution. Wow I thought, this is great, he's really thinking about these things. Turns out he didn't learn about "The Big Bang" at school, he saw it on a tv show.

Yesterday was Charles Darwin's birthday, as well as Abraham Lincoln's. According to a new Gallup Poll

only 39% of Americans believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. That's 4 out of 10 people.

36% had no opinion either way. 25% don't believe in evolution. 74% of those with a post-graduate education believe in evolution, compared with 21% of high school grads.

Education really does matter. Thank goodness that science and technology are important to a US President again.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

LVS Interview with Popular/Visionary Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski

Recently, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski graciously agreed to an interview with LVS and we asked our readers to participate by posing questions. Here are the Mayor's responses to our questions ...

Anonymous said...
For Mayor Pawlowski Q/A: Based on studies that I'm sure have been conducted (and paid for) by the City, what is the number of police officers we should have in Allentown, compared to the number we actually have now, and when will these two numbers be the same? Thank you Mayor.

A. This is a good question. There is no one report which outlines how many officers should be on the force at a given time. I have seen cities with similar population sizes which have more police and greater crime and cities with smaller forces which have less crime. It all depends on how you deploy and manage the force. Currently we are implementing a community policing model which anticipates a force of 215 officers. Over the course of the last several years we have lost a large number of police due to early retirement. We have hired and trained 72 new officers over the course of the last three years and with the adoption of the new police contract we are no longer losing officers to retirement. Above and beyond replacing those officers which have retired, we have also added 19 new police positions to the budget over the past several years. City council recently approved four new police hires bring the total force complement to 202 with the remaining 13 positions to be filled hopefully by the end of 2009. This will bring our total police complement to 215, a number we have not seen in Allentown for many, many years.

Bill Villa said...
Mayor Pawlowski, Angie and I can't think of a bigger roadblock to Allentown fulfilling your reelection campaign slogan of "Moving Forward Together" than the bigotry, intolerance, xenophobia, and hatred that exists in too many peoples' hearts and minds around here. That these haters' vile bile is given an unbridled FORUM in our town's monopoly newspaper The Morning Call is, we believe, outrageous. Q. Would you join us in approaching The Morning Call and asking that they "do something" about the rampant racism and hatred that's currently allowed to flow freely on The Morning Call's website? And "something" might be something as simple as making "Registration Required" for commenting at The Forum-- a requirement that's already in place for The Morning Call's "Sounding Board" forum.

A. I completely agree that hateful, spiteful commentary has no place in our community and I have voiced my concerns to Morning Call publisher Tim Kennedy, Editorial Page Editor Glenn Kranzley and Editors Ardith Hillard and Dave Erdman numerous times on this issue. While readers deserve a voice, this type of commentary serves no constructive purpose and I do hope they change this platform to better reflect the true values of our community.

Anonymous said...
"Allentown has experienced a double-digit reduction in crime since Ed Pawlowski was elected Mayor," according to "FBI Statistics" cited in Mayor Pawlowski's reelection campaign brochure. Would the Mayor please give specifics on this reduction of crime, thank you.

A. According to FBI and Uniform Crime Report statistics, our crime-fighting efforts have been successful. We are already seeing results. Violent crime in Allentown, which includes the crimes of murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault fell 18 percent! The number of property crimes, which includes burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and arson also fell 12 percent! This is the third year in a row that crime has decreased. We think the numbers bear out that the initiatives we have undertaken are taking a bite out of crime.

Anonymous said...
Mayor Pawlowski, you have been given much scrutiny and criticism in our local blogosphere (founded or unfounded I don't know) regarding the Allentown Brew Works and your "political relationship" with the owners of the Brew Works. In short, you are routinely accused of playing favorites with the Brew Works and that the Allentown Brew Works is the beneficiary of "special favors" no other businesses in Allentown are getting, to paraphrase the arguments. Please explain the City's side of the A-Town Brew Works story.

A. The Fegley family has a significant personal investment in the future of Allentown, and I am proud to help them succeed and grateful for their support of my efforts to revitalize our downtown. That said, there have been no “special favors” granted to the Brew Works or any other individual or business in the City of Allentown. I will work and do work with all individuals and businesses that bring such positive attitudes and attributes to our efforts. Not all have been successful, but we shall continue to seek out the enterprises and entrepreneurs that recognize the opportunities Allentown has to offer. And yes, I will continue to publically promote their investments whenever and wherever I can as a way of encouraging others to also invest in the city.

Anonymous said...
Can a well-paying job in your administration (say Director of Community & Economic Development at $87K) really be
"purchased" for as little as $1,150? If so, when and where can we meet, I have $2 grand I want to give you!

A. This is just a ridiculous and baseless question. Why some individuals resort to personal attacks and innuendo rather than seeking a constructive dialogue that will improve our city is beyond me.

Anonymous said...
Mr. Mayor, I love the "Landlord Hall of Shame" idea, as a way of preventing more Mark Mendelsons plaguing Allentown. As you may know, some people have been off put by this strategy. Care to explain and/or defend it?

A. The “Landlord Hall of Shame” is aimed at bringing attention to the worst landlords – and many are absentee landlords who do not even live in our city – in hopes of spurring them into positive action. I believe the program has made a tremendous positive impact. My administration will work conscientiously with any landlord who wants to make a positive contribution to the welfare of Allentown, and I welcome those property owners to our city.
As Mayor, there are times when have to make a decision or implement a program, that some (even if it is a small minority) will disagree with me. That’s fine. That is their right as citizens. But I will fight for the City of Allentown and its residents and property owners, and if I upset some people by doing that, I will accept that but my goal has been and will remain making Allentown a great place to live, work and invest.

Anonymous said...
I see in Ed Pawlowski's biograph that he was a community organizzer on Chicago's South Side. Question: did he ever cross paths with Barack Obama?

A. Unfortunately, no. But I am a strong supporter of our new president and I wish him the best as he tackles some very, very tough problems. I can empathize with President Obama, as I am sure you understand.

Jon said...
Not really a campaign issue Mr. Mayor but I must ask ... you're a drummer, so who are your favorite drummers who have influenced your playing?

A. I enjoy a variety of types and styles of music. Some of the drummers who have influenced me are Steve Gadd, Neil Pert, Steve Jordon, Denis Bradford, Stewart Copeland and Rod Morganstein to name a few.

Anonymous said...
The mayor is getting virtually crucified by some local bloggers on "systematic home inspections" that are connected to the city's weed and seed program. To hear these bloggers tell it, the mandatory home inspections are akin to being imprisoned without cause in a gulag in the old Soviet Union. I'd like to hear Mayor Pawlowski's side of this story...please. Thank you.

A. This program is nothing new, the systematic inspection process has been taking place in the city for many years. My goal is to create a city where everyone has a safe and healthy home.
Again, there are those who will disagree with whatever we do because they have their own personal axes to grind. Unfortunate, but it comes with the territory. We work hard to find common ground with everyone and we work hard to minimize any hardships placed upon our property owners but our goal and purpose is to create safe and healthy living environments for our communities to thrive and grow.

Anonymous said...
this piece of "investigative journalism" really the "gotcha moment" local NeoCons giddily swore it was? What's YOUR explanation for this seeming mis-step, Mr. Mayor?

A. We followed the guidance of the Lehigh County Voter Registration office, but there was a misunderstanding and we corrected it as soon as it was brought to our attention. I suggest you contact the Voter Registration office for a more accurate recounting of the situation.

Anonymous said...
A new Polish Deli opened at 1425 Chew St. recently. It is a wonderful place and a great addition to the diversity of Allentown. The food and service are excellent. The same storefront has seen a number of small businesses try and fail in the past few years. Why does the City only seem to help, support and advertise businesses that open on Hamilton or 7th street? And as a follow up what help and support can City Hall provide for non Hamilton St./7th St. business?

A. It does my heart good whenever a new Polish deli opens in our city. I grew up in a Polish restaurant owned and operated by my parents. That said, we will support businesses throughout the city but it is critically important to revitalize our core Business District. Our overall success and the perception of our community health is tied to that area. There are several programs, though, that are open to all business owners and I encourage you to contact our Community and Economic Development Department and the Allentown Economic Development Corporation to learn more about these programs.

Mrs. Dottie said...
Dear Mr Mayor, as a former ASD teacher and a parent of an ASD student, I am concerned about the fact that too much of the crime in the city is committed by teenagers, some who are in gangs. One of my former students, Sondra Yohe, was shot and killed by kids, who were also former students of mine. I have read that it has been difficult for city council and ASD officials to schedule regular meetings. I believe it is very important for the ASD to communicate with the city in developing after school programs for at risk youth, and for addressing the gang problem. Has there been any improvement in this area? Also, I think outstanding students and teachers in the ASD should be publicly recognized by the city. Maybe this is already happening, but I have not read much about it in our newspaper. I am glad that the district has received more funding, and that new schools are being built, but I think more can be done, and that the public needs to hear about the good things happening in the ASD. What do you think? Thank you,Angie Villa

A. Angie, I could not agree with you more. That is why I and my administration have been working very closely with the Allentown School District for the past three years to find new and innovative ways to help our young people succeed. For instance, we instituted a summer reading program with the Library that gave a free pair of sneakers to every student who read a certain number of books. We have given free fire truck rides to students who read the prescribed number of books. Through our Weed and Seed initiative we have funded several after school programs for at risk youth and developed a new midnight basketball/mentoring program to keep kids off the streets and in productive activities and positive relationships. And I have personally lobbied – successfully – in Harrisburg to increase state funding for the Allentown School District, helping the district receive an additional $12.3 million last year – the second-highest increase in the state. We will continue to work with the district wherever possible. The school district has a ceremony to recognize outstanding teachers which I participate in on a yearly basis. My hat goes off to our outstanding teachers in ASD, they are doing a tremendous job.

jdg said...
Mr. Mayor, as you may know, shock value attention-seekers in our heavily NeoCon majority local blogosphere are routinely coming up with stuff like THIS that
makes yellow journalism seem credible by comparison. Our NeoCon Allentown Saboteurs make shoot-first-ask-questions-later statements such as these:

* "Between 2006 and 2008, all of them off-election years, Pawlowski raised over $200k. He spent nearly as much. It is obscene."

* "There is little doubt in my mind that most of the money here is P2P ["Pay To Play"], i.e. given with the expectation of getting something in return."

Mr. Mayor, please give us your side of the story regarding your alleged "obscene fundraising and spending" and your alleged (and, famously notorious) "pay to play" requirements in the City Of Allentown. Thanks.

A. Again, as I have previously stated, there are those who will disagree with whatever we do because they have their own personal axes to grind. Unfortunate, but it comes with the territory. If I came up with the cure for cancer, they would probably say ‘why didn’t he invent a cure for diabetes?’ On this issue, let me state this as clearly as possible: There is no “pay-to-play” in my administration. I will not tolerate it. I take great offense to these accusations. Since assuming office I have tried to separate myself from the contract approval process as much as possible, creating committees and objective review criteria for major contracts as to not have even a hint of impropriety. I have also released all contracting information to whoever has asked for it and openly published bid awards. And for the first time in the city’s history, we put the entire city budget on line to provide total transparency on how the city spends its money. Those who support my campaign do so because they recognize that I am working for the future of Allentown. If they expect something other than that in return, they will be disappointed.

citymom said...
I just want to second Mrs. Dottie's question re; ASD. The need for a successful school district and city revitalization go hand in hand. How will city and ASD work together in a progressive way?

A. Please see my answer above.

Bill Villa said...
Mr. Mayor, not a question, a congratulations, on this excellent news reported in today's paper:

Allentown Crime Rate Dropped In 2008 -- Fewest Crimes This Decade In City [Editor's Note: The Morning Call "newspaper" has curiously de-activated this link]

We would, of course, be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this great report ...

A. Bill, I am thrilled. I believe they validate our efforts over the past three years to rebuild our police department, to find new and innovative ways to fight and reduce crime, and to make our city safe for residents, business people and visitors.

Jo Jo said...
Mayor Pawlowski what would be the top 3 things you would be endeavoring to accomplish in your next term in office?

A. Good question. Thank you. My top three goals for the next four years, as outlined in my re-election announcement speech, are to build upon the foundations we have established over the past several years.

When I announced my candidacy for mayor four years ago, I promised Vision, Responsibility and Results. I believe I have fulfilled those promises. Allentown is on the right course. If I have the privilege to be elected to a second term, I will strive to keep Allentown on the right course with new and innovative programs, financial restraint and improved public safety to make Allentown a city we can all be proud of.

My goals are as follows, to continue to improve public safety, community and economic development; to make the Queen City a “green city” by finding new ways to create jobs, save energy and preserve our natural resources; and to create a “city of the future” that welcomes and supports diversity, families, neighborhoods and businesses that allow us to work and live together in a supportive way.

Anonymous said...
What will the mayor do to bridge the gap that exists between the communities in Allentown ? Many residents have the US against THEM attitude. They believe the City could care less about them and refuse to even be apart of the process. How will he INSPIRE those who may be on the verge of going down a negative path, to become a model citizen ? I like the slogan MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER but many resident feel they were never apart of the group in the first place. Is he open to suggestions and assistance from we who LIVE and KNOW the frustrations of the community that is actually affecting Allentown's image ?Alfonso Todd

A. Alfonso, as you know, I believe Allentown’s strength is its diversity. That’s what makes a city. I have worked hard to create a diverse administration, and while I have had some success and some setbacks, I am proud of what we have done. I have and will continue to reach out to all of our residents and I urge them to be part of the process. We are stronger as a united community. But I need your help and the help of the greater community. Those who are willing to step forward and participate can be great role models for those who may be a bit hesitant. Please remain active, remain positive, and remain in communication with me and my administration and together we can broaden our community conversation.

Mrs. Dottie said...
Wait, one more question. I would like to know what the plans are for the vacant Americus Hotel? Thank you

A. We continue to pursue resolution to the Americus Hotel issue and we are optimistic that our legal efforts and the Bankruptcy Court will lead to a positive resolution in the near future.

Mayor Pawlowski, THANK YOU, for visiting "Lehigh Valley Somebody."

LVS Interview with Popular/Visionary Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski

Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski has graciously agreed to an interview with LVS and we asked our readers to participate by posing questions. Here are the Mayor's responses to our questions ...

Anonymous said...
For Mayor Pawlowski Q/A: Based on studies that I'm sure have been conducted (and paid for) by the City, what is the number of police officers we should have in Allentown, compared to the number we actually have now, and when will these two numbers be the same? Thank you Mayor.

A. This is a good question. There is no one report which outlines how many officers should be on the force at a given time. I have seen cities with similar population sizes which have more police and greater crime and cities with smaller forces which have less crime. It all depends on how you deploy and manage the force. Currently we are implementing a community policing model which anticipates a force of 215 officers. Over the course of the last several years we have lost a large number of police due to early retirement. We have hired and trained 72 new officers over the course of the last three years and with the adoption of the new police contract we are no longer losing officers to retirement. Above and beyond replacing those officers which have retired, we have also added 19 new police positions to the budget over the past several years. City council recently approved four new police hires bring the total force complement to 202 with the remaining 13 positions to be filled hopefully by the end of 2009. This will bring our total police complement to 215, a number we have not seen in Allentown for many, many years.
Bill Villa said...
Mayor Pawlowski, Angie and I can't think of a bigger roadblock to Allentown fulfilling your reelection campaign slogan of "Moving Forward Together" than the bigotry, intolerance, xenophobia, and hatred that exists in too many peoples' hearts and minds around here. That these haters' vile bile is given an unbridled FORUM in our town's monopoly newspaper The Morning Call is, we believe, outrageous. Q. Would you join us in approaching The Morning Call and asking that they "do something" about the rampant racism and hatred that's currently allowed to flow freely on The Morning Call's website? And "something" might be something as simple as making "Registration Required" for commenting at The Forum-- a requirement that's already in place for The Morning Call's "Sounding Board" forum.

A. I completely agree that hateful, spiteful commentary has no place in our community and I have voiced my concerns to Morning Call publisher Tim Kennedy, Editorial Page Editor Glenn Kranzley and Editors Ardith Hillard and Dave Erdman numerous times on this issue. While readers deserve a voice, this type of commentary serves no constructive purpose and I do hope they change this platform to better reflect the true values of our community.

Anonymous said...
"Allentown has experienced a double-digit reduction in crime since Ed Pawlowski was elected Mayor," according to "FBI Statistics" cited in Mayor Pawlowski's reelection campaign brochure. Would the Mayor please give specifics on this reduction of crime, thank you.

A. According to FBI and Uniform Crime Report statistics, our crime-fighting efforts have been successful. We are already seeing results. Violent crime in Allentown, which includes the crimes of murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault fell 18 percent! The number of property crimes, which includes burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft and arson also fell 12 percent! This is the third year in a row that crime has decreased. We think the numbers bear out that the initiatives we have undertaken are taking a bite out of crime.

Anonymous said...
Mayor Pawlowski, you have been given much scrutiny and criticism in our local blogosphere (founded or unfounded I don't know) regarding the Allentown Brew Works and your "political relationship" with the owners of the Brew Works. In short, you are routinely accused of playing favorites with the Brew Works and that the Allentown Brew Works is the beneficiary of "special favors" no other businesses in Allentown are getting, to paraphrase the arguments. Please explain the City's side of the A-Town Brew Works story.

A. The Fegley family has a significant personal investment in the future of Allentown, and I am proud to help them succeed and grateful for their support of my efforts to revitalize our downtown. That said, there have been no “special favors” granted to the Brew Works or any other individual or business in the City of Allentown. I will work and do work with all individuals and businesses that bring such positive attitudes and attributes to our efforts. Not all have been successful, but we shall continue to seek out the enterprises and entrepreneurs that recognize the opportunities Allentown has to offer. And yes, I will continue to publically promote their investments whenever and wherever I can as a way of encouraging others to also invest in the city.

Anonymous said...
Can a well-paying job in your administration (say Director of Community & Economic Development at $87K) really be
"purchased" for as little as $1,150? If so, when and where can we meet, I have $2 grand I want to give you!

A. This is just a ridiculous and baseless question. Why some individuals resort to personal attacks and innuendo rather than seeking a constructive dialogue that will improve our city is beyond me.

Anonymous said...
Mr. Mayor, I love the "Landlord Hall of Shame" idea, as a way of preventing more Mark Mendelsons plaguing Allentown. As you may know, some people have been off put by this strategy. Care to explain and/or defend it?

A. The “Landlord Hall of Shame” is aimed at bringing attention to the worst landlords – and many are absentee landlords who do not even live in our city – in hopes of spurring them into positive action. I believe the program has made a tremendous positive impact. My administration will work conscientiously with any landlord who wants to make a positive contribution to the welfare of Allentown, and I welcome those property owners to our city.
As Mayor, there are times when have to make a decision or implement a program, that some (even if it is a small minority) will disagree with me. That’s fine. That is their right as citizens. But I will fight for the City of Allentown and its residents and property owners, and if I upset some people by doing that, I will accept that but my goal has been and will remain making Allentown a great place to live, work and invest.

Anonymous said...
I see in Ed Pawlowski's biograph that he was a community organizzer on Chicago's South Side. Question: did he ever cross paths with Barack Obama?

A. Unfortunately, no. But I am a strong supporter of our new president and I wish him the best as he tackles some very, very tough problems. I can empathize with President Obama, as I am sure you understand.
Jon said...
Not really a campaign issue Mr. Mayor but I must ask ... you're a drummer, so who are your favorite drummers who have influenced your playing?

A. I enjoy a variety of types and styles of music. Some of the drummers who have influenced me are Steve Gadd, Neil Pert, Steve Jordon, Denis Bradford, Stewart Copeland and Rod Morganstein to name a few.

Anonymous said...
The mayor is getting virtually crucified by some local bloggers on "systematic home inspections" that are connected to the city's weed and seed program. To hear these bloggers tell it, the mandatory home inspections are akin to being imprisoned without cause in a gulag in the old Soviet Union. I'd like to hear Mayor Pawlowski's side of this story...please. Thank you.

A. This program is nothing new, the systematic inspection process has been taking place in the city for many years. My goal is to create a city where everyone has a safe and healthy home.
Again, there are those who will disagree with whatever we do because they have their own personal axes to grind. Unfortunate, but it comes with the territory. We work hard to find common ground with everyone and we work hard to minimize any hardships placed upon our property owners but our goal and purpose is to create safe and healthy living environments for our communities to thrive and grow.

Anonymous said...
this piece of "investigative journalism" really the "gotcha moment" local NeoCons giddily swore it was? What's YOUR explanation for this seeming mis-step, Mr. Mayor?

A. We followed the guidance of the Lehigh County Voter Registration office, but there was a misunderstanding and we corrected it as soon as it was brought to our attention. I suggest you contact the Voter Registration office for a more accurate recounting of the situation.
Anonymous said...
A new Polish Deli opened at 1425 Chew St. recently. It is a wonderful place and a great addition to the diversity of Allentown. The food and service are excellent. The same storefront has seen a number of small businesses try and fail in the past few years. Why does the City only seem to help, support and advertise businesses that open on Hamilton or 7th street? And as a follow up what help and support can City Hall provide for non Hamilton St./7th St. business?

A. It does my heart good whenever a new Polish deli opens in our city. I grew up in a Polish restaurant owned and operated by my parents. That said, we will support businesses throughout the city but it is critically important to revitalize our core Business District. Our overall success and the perception of our community health is tied to that area. There are several programs, though, that are open to all business owners and I encourage you to contact our Community and Economic Development Department and the Allentown Economic Development Corporation to learn more about these programs.
Mrs. Dottie said...
Dear Mr Mayor, as a former ASD teacher and a parent of an ASD student, I am concerned about the fact that too much of the crime in the city is committed by teenagers, some who are in gangs. One of my former students, Sondra Yohe, was shot and killed by kids, who were also former students of mine. I have read that it has been difficult for city council and ASD officials to schedule regular meetings. I believe it is very important for the ASD to communicate with the city in developing after school programs for at risk youth, and for addressing the gang problem. Has there been any improvement in this area? Also, I think outstanding students and teachers in the ASD should be publicly recognized by the city. Maybe this is already happening, but I have not read much about it in our newspaper. I am glad that the district has received more funding, and that new schools are being built, but I think more can be done, and that the public needs to hear about the good things happening in the ASD. What do you think? Thank you,Angie Villa

A. Angie, I could not agree with you more. That is why I and my administration have been working very closely with the Allentown School District for the past three years to find new and innovative ways to help our young people succeed. For instance, we instituted a summer reading program with the Library that gave a free pair of sneakers to every student who read a certain number of books. We have given free fire truck rides to students who read the prescribed number of books. Through our Weed and Seed initiative we have funded several after school programs for at risk youth and developed a new midnight basketball/mentoring program to keep kids off the streets and in productive activities and positive relationships. And I have personally lobbied – successfully – in Harrisburg to increase state funding for the Allentown School District, helping the district receive an additional $12.3 million last year – the second-highest increase in the state. We will continue to work with the district wherever possible. The school district has a ceremony to recognize outstanding teachers which I participate in on a yearly basis. My hat goes off to our outstanding teachers in ASD, they are doing a tremendous job.

jdg said...
Mr. Mayor, as you may know, shock value attention-seekers in our heavily NeoCon majority local blogosphere are routinely coming up with stuff like THIS that
makes yellow journalism seem credible by comparison. Our NeoCon Allentown Saboteurs make shoot-first-ask-questions-later statements such as these:

* "Between 2006 and 2008, all of them off-election years, Pawlowski raised over $200k. He spent nearly as much. It is obscene."

* "There is little doubt in my mind that most of the money here is P2P ["Pay To Play"], i.e. given with the expectation of getting something in return."

Mr. Mayor, please give us your side of the story regarding your alleged "obscene fundraising and spending" and your alleged (and, famously notorious) "pay to play" requirements in the City Of Allentown. Thanks.

A. Again, as I have previously stated, there are those who will disagree with whatever we do because they have their own personal axes to grind. Unfortunate, but it comes with the territory. If I came up with the cure for cancer, they would probably say ‘why didn’t he invent a cure for diabetes?’ On this issue, let me state this as clearly as possible: There is no “pay-to-play” in my administration. I will not tolerate it. I take great offense to these accusations. Since assuming office I have tried to separate myself from the contract approval process as much as possible, creating committees and objective review criteria for major contracts as to not have even a hint of impropriety. I have also released all contracting information to whoever has asked for it and openly published bid awards. And for the first time in the city’s history, we put the entire city budget on line to provide total transparency on how the city spends its money. Those who support my campaign do so because they recognize that I am working for the future of Allentown. If they expect something other than that in return, they will be disappointed.

citymom said...
I just want to second Mrs. Dottie's question re; ASD. The need for a successful school district and city revitalization go hand in hand. How will city and ASD work together in a progressive way?

A. Please see my answer above.
Bill Villa said...
Mr. Mayor, not a question, a congratulations, on this excellent news reported in today's paper:

Allentown Crime Rate Dropped In 2008 -- Fewest Crimes This Decade In City [Editor's Note: The Morning Call "newspaper" has curiously de-activated this link]

We would, of course, be very interested in hearing your thoughts on this great report ...

A. Bill, I am thrilled. I believe they validate our efforts over the past three years to rebuild our police department, to find new and innovative ways to fight and reduce crime, and to make our city safe for residents, business people and visitors.

Jo Jo said...
Mayor Pawlowski what would be the top 3 things you would be endeavoring to accomplish in your next term in office?

A. Good question. Thank you. My top three goals for the next four years, as outlined in my re-election announcement speech, are to build upon the foundations we have established over the past several years.

When I announced my candidacy for mayor four years ago, I promised Vision, Responsibility and Results. I believe I have fulfilled those promises. Allentown is on the right course. If I have the privilege to be elected to a second term, I will strive to keep Allentown on the right course with new and innovative programs, financial restraint and improved public safety to make Allentown a city we can all be proud of.
My goals are as follows, to continue to improve public safety, community and economic development; to make the Queen City a “green city” by finding new ways to create jobs, save energy and preserve our natural resources; and to create a “city of the future” that welcomes and supports diversity, families, neighborhoods and businesses that allow us to work and live together in a supportive way.

Anonymous said...
What will the mayor do to bridge the gap that exists between the communities in Allentown ? Many residents have the US against THEM attitude. They believe the City could care less about them and refuse to even be apart of the process. How will he INSPIRE those who may be on the verge of going down a negative path, to become a model citizen ? I like the slogan MOVING FORWARD TOGETHER but many resident feel they were never apart of the group in the first place. Is he open to suggestions and assistance from we who LIVE and KNOW the frustrations of the community that is actually affecting Allentown's image ?Alfonso Todd

A. Alfonso, as you know, I believe Allentown’s strength is its diversity. That’s what makes a city. I have worked hard to create a diverse administration, and while I have had some success and some setbacks, I am proud of what we have done. I have and will continue to reach out to all of our residents and I urge them to be part of the process. We are stronger as a united community. But I need your help and the help of the greater community. Those who are willing to step forward and participate can be great role models for those who may be a bit hesitant. Please remain active, remain positive, and remain in communication with me and my administration and together we can broaden our community conversation.

Mrs. Dottie said...
Wait, one more question. I would like to know what the plans are for the vacant Americus Hotel? Thank you

A. We continue to pursue resolution to the Americus Hotel issue and we are optimistic that our legal efforts and the Bankruptcy Court will lead to a positive resolution in the near future.

Mayor Pawlowski, THANK YOU, for visiting "Lehigh Valley Somebody."