Friday, January 28, 2011

Just Walk Away, Renee (Smith)

Open Letter to Lehigh County Chief Deputy District Attorney A. Renee Smith

Dear Chief Deputy DA Renee Smith:

In jaw-dropping astonishment, I read in today's Morning Call "newspaper" (online, for free) of your intention to run for Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge this year ...

I must voice my vigorous protest.

Renee: you're a pathological liar.

You lie for DA Jim Martin and the colluding cronies he fixes DUI cases for.

You lied to Sheena's family on May 15, 2006 when you told us about a "trend" of appellate court reversals of third degree murder convictions for DUI related traffic fatalities in Pennsylvania. There is no such trend, as you know I later discovered.

You lied again that same day when you told us Sheena's killer would "walk scott-free" if he were charged w/ third degree murder and not convicted of it by a jury-- there would have been other charges. You lied, to my grieving and vulnerable family, as if there was only "1 shot" at prison w/ a third degree murder charge in the equation. That was a lie.

On September 25, 2007, you lied to grieving father Chris Mohney, the night before trial, when you phoned him on behalf of DA Jim Martin and told him that Judge Steinberg had "tossed" the blood evidence against his son Zach's killer because Lehigh Valley Hospital had screwed up the paperwork on the chain of custody on that crucial evidence. That was a huge, and reckless, lie. That same night, you told Judge Steinberg another lie-- that the grieving and vulnerable Mohney family was "in agreement" w/ a plea deal that dropped 9 of the 14 charges against their son Zach's killer. This was a lie that your new co-worker, DA Jim Martin Executive Aide Debbie Garlicki helped perpetuate in The Morning Call "newspaper."

And now you want to be ... a judge?

I don't think so.

Just walk away in shame, Renee.

You're doing far too much damage to grief-stricken families already, working (for now) in the Lehigh County DA's office.

Read: Post UpDate  

Just Walk Away, Renee (Smith)

Open Letter to Lehigh County Chief Deputy District Attorney A. Renee Smith

Dear Chief Deputy DA Renee Smith:

In jaw-dropping astonishment, I read in today's Morning Call "newspaper" (online, for free) of your intention to run for Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge this year ...

I must voice my vigorous protest.

Renee: you're a pathological liar.

You lie for DA Jim Martin and the colluding cronies he fixes DUI cases for.

You lied to Sheena's family on May 15, 2006 when you told us about a "trend" of appellate court reversals of third degree murder convictions for DUI related traffic fatalities in Pennsylvania. There is no such trend, as you know I later discovered.

You lied again that same day when you told us Sheena's killer would "walk scott-free" if he were charged w/ third degree murder and not convicted of it by a jury-- there would have been other charges. You lied, to my grieving and vulnerable family, as if there was only "1 shot" at prison w/ a third degree murder charge in the equation. That was a lie.

On September 25, 2007, you lied to grieving father Chris Mohney, the night before trial, when you phoned him on behalf of DA Jim Martin and told him that Judge Steinberg had "tossed" the blood evidence against his son Zach's killer because Lehigh Valley Hospital had screwed up the paperwork on the chain of custody on that crucial evidence. That was a huge, and reckless, lie. That same night, you told Judge Steinberg another lie-- that the grieving and vulnerable Mohney family was "in agreement" w/ a plea deal that dropped 9 of the 14 charges against their son Zach's killer. This was a lie that your new co-worker, DA Jim Martin Executive Aide Debbie Garlicki helped perpetuate in The Morning Call "newspaper."

And now you want to be ... a judge?

I don't think so.

Just walk away in shame, Renee.

You're doing far too much damage to grief-stricken families already, working (for now) in the Lehigh County DA's office.

Read: Post UpDate  

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Morning Call Scrubs Archives of Shiatsu Sex Story, Gives DA Jim Martin "Happy Ending"

On Thursday, November 5, 2009, the Pennsylvania Superior Court resoundingly rejected an appeal filed by Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

DA Martin was attempting to get a higher court reversal on a ruling that was handed down against him by Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert L. Steinberg > Read Morning Call story by Debbie Garlicki.

On Saturday, November 7, 2009, LVS wrote a blog post commenting on and quoting heavily from The Morning Call's coverage of the same day > Saturday, November 7, 2009.

On Monday, November 9, 2009, covered the story, see: Sex With Informant Voids Prostitution Case, and this part really jumped out at us:

Debbie Garlicki, a spokeswoman for Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin, said her office plans to appeal the decision, but declined further comment.

W-O-W. So even though Lehigh County Court and the Pennsylvania Superior Court had both ruled against him, resoundingly, and the PA State Police (agreeing w/ the courts) was publicly condemning the actions of its participating troopers, DA Jim Martin was taking his crusade for paid informant sex all the way to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court!

And curiously, the "newspaper" "reporter" Debbie Garlicki had somehow become DA Jim Martin's mouthpiece. Officially. Maybe she always was.

Is this crony crooked enough for you? There's more.

On Wednesday, November 11, 2009, Morning Call "newspaper" "columnist" Paul Carpenter wrote a highly DA Jim Martin-friendly and purposefully mis-directing "puff" piece on this serious matter-- serious, when you consider the time, energy, and resources Lehigh County's "Top Cop" DA Jim Martin was spending on a paid informant sex case, which now included an announced appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

You'll notice in Paul Carpenter's November 11, 2009 article (see paragraph 3) his mention of a "Saturday" story ... so ... there obviously was a Morning Call story on Saturday, November 7, 2009.

Curious thing is ... we can't find it in The Morning Call archives anymore.

Try searching "Judge Steinberg Shiatsu" in the "newspaper" online archives, and curiously, nothing comes up.

Also, checking (carefully) The Morning Call's own Article Collections, here's the list of everything (wink wink) that ran in The Morning Call "newspaper" on Saturday, November 7, 2009.

As you can see, the "Shiatsu Sex Story" that ran on Saturday, November 7, 2009 ... the "Saturday" story Paul Carpenter referred to ... is not there anymore, as of the day and time of this post.

2011 is an election year for longtime Morning Call colluding crony DA Jim Martin, and questions about Big Jim's [alleged] Supreme Court Appeal regarding a paid informant sex case could make for some very embarrassing moments, in, say, a televised debate situation.

Is that why this story was tossed off by The Morning Call?

And what else will be disappearing from The Morning Call "newspaper" archives to protect DA Jim Martin?

Find out here, and only here.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tells DA Jim Martin to Beat It

1/26/11 UpDate: Former Morning Call "newspaper" "reporter" and current DA Jim Martin "Executive Aide" and spokeswoman Debbie Garlicki contacts LVS by email to say, "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied [DA Martin's] petition for allowance of appeal on April 27, 2010 ... i.e., the PA Supreme Court wouldn't even consider reviewing it, and The Morning Call "newspaper" of course never reported this. Garlicki then ran for the hills wearing wet panties when confronted w/ her stinky cover-up in the Chris Squires DUI homicide case, see comments. Read: Related Post


Morning Call Scrubs Archives of Shiatsu Sex Story, Gives DA Jim Martin "Happy Ending"

On Thursday, November 5, 2009, the Pennsylvania Superior Court resoundingly rejected an appeal filed by Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

DA Martin was attempting to get a higher court reversal on a ruling that was handed down against him by Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert L. Steinberg > Read Morning Call story by Debbie Garlicki.

On Saturday, November 7, 2009, LVS wrote a blog post commenting on and quoting heavily from The Morning Call's coverage of the same day > Saturday, November 7, 2009.

On Monday, November 9, 2009, covered the story, see: Sex With Informant Voids Prostitution Case, and this part really jumped out at us:

Debbie Garlicki, a spokeswoman for Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin, said her office plans to appeal the decision, but declined further comment.

W-O-W. So even though Lehigh County Court and the Pennsylvania Superior Court had both ruled against him, resoundingly, and the PA State Police (agreeing w/ the courts) was publicly condemning the actions of its participating troopers, DA Jim Martin was taking his crusade for paid informant sex all the way to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court!

And curiously, the "newspaper" "reporter" Debbie Garlicki had somehow become DA Jim Martin's mouthpiece. Officially. Maybe she always was.

Is this crony crooked enough for you? There's more.

On Wednesday, November 11, 2009, Morning Call "newspaper" "columnist" Paul Carpenter wrote a highly DA Jim Martin-friendly and purposefully mis-directing "puff" piece on this serious matter-- serious, when you consider the time, energy, and resources Lehigh County's "Top Cop" DA Jim Martin was spending on a paid informant sex case, which now included an announced appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

You'll notice in Paul Carpenter's November 11, 2009 article (see paragraph 3) his mention of a "Saturday" story ... so ... there obviously was a Morning Call story on Saturday, November 7, 2009.

Curious thing is ... we can't find it in The Morning Call archives anymore.

Try searching "Judge Steinberg Shiatsu" in the "newspaper" online archives, and curiously, nothing comes up.

Also, checking (carefully) The Morning Call's own Article Collections, here's the list of everything (wink wink) that ran in The Morning Call "newspaper" on Saturday, November 7, 2009.

As you can see, the "Shiatsu Sex Story" that ran on Saturday, November 7, 2009 ... the "Saturday" story Paul Carpenter referred to ... is not there anymore, as of the day and time of this post.

2011 is an election year for longtime Morning Call colluding crony DA Jim Martin, and questions about Big Jim's [alleged] Supreme Court Appeal regarding a paid informant sex case could make for some very embarrassing moments, in, say, a televised debate situation.

Is that why this story was tossed off by The Morning Call?

And what else will be disappearing from The Morning Call "newspaper" archives to protect DA Jim Martin?

Find out here, and only here.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tells DA Jim Martin to Beat It

1/26/11 UpDate: Former Morning Call "newspaper" "reporter" and current DA Jim Martin "Executive Aide" and spokeswoman Debbie Garlicki contacts LVS by email to say, "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied [DA Martin's] petition for allowance of appeal on April 27, 2010 ... i.e., the PA Supreme Court wouldn't even consider reviewing it, and The Morning Call "newspaper" of course never reported this. Garlicki then ran for the hills wearing wet panties when confronted w/ her stinky cover-up in the Chris Squires DUI homicide case, see comments. Read: Related Post


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Phone Call, Incoming, from Lehigh County Judge Robert L. Steinberg

[UpDated 11/24/11] After having denied or ignored my numerous polite requests for an in-person meeting w/ him over the past 4+ years, Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert L. Steinberg has "requested permission" (from an un-named authority) to meet w/ me. Permission is pending.

This according to his secretary, Susan Unangst, who phoned me today [January 20, 2011] at 9:48 am, in response to my polite request of yesterday to meet w/ Judge Steinberg.

There's much I'd like to discuss during an in-person meeting w/ Judge Steinberg, the judge who sentenced my daughter Sheena's privileged and connected killer Robert LaBarre to serve just 5.5 to 12 years in the state penitentiary, including:

... and Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

I am patiently awaiting Judge Steinberg's promised response back to me.

UpDate, 2/25/11: Spoke briefly w/ Judge Steinberg (he answered his own phone). "Permission" (from a still un-named authority) to meet w/ me is "still pending."

UpDate, 10/20/11: In a letter to me from Susan Unangst, Special Assistant to the Court, turns out that Judge Steinberg has been conveniently advised by the Pennsylvania Conference of Trial Judges, Judicial Ethics Committee to "not meet with the father of the victim to discuss the case." That's me.

Coincidentally, or not, this advising (not "permission granting") Conference/Committee is co-chaired by Judge Steinberg's crony colleague, Lehigh County Judge Edward D. Reibman, another known protector of DA Jim Martin.

Readers, I've been advised that Judge Steinberg's continued evasion of me at this late date in Sheena's case is baseless, and bullshit, but apparently Steinberg's long-sought "advice" from the "Ethics" committee is the "official" CYA stonewall that Judge Steinberg believes will justify his continuing to hide from me and my inconvenient, verifiable, and career-damaging facts.

Fact is, there's nothing officially prohibiting Judge Steinberg from meeting with me and discussing DA Jim Martin's "special handling" of the Robert LaBarre and Chris Squires DUI homicide cases.

Phone Call, Incoming, from Lehigh County Judge Robert L. Steinberg

[UpDated 11/24/11] After having denied or ignored my numerous polite requests for an in-person meeting w/ him over the past 4+ years, Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert L. Steinberg has "requested permission" (from an un-named authority) to meet w/ me. Permission is pending.

This according to his secretary, Susan Unangst, who phoned me today [January 20, 2011] at 9:48 am, in response to my polite request of yesterday to meet w/ Judge Steinberg.

There's much I'd like to discuss during an in-person meeting w/ Judge Steinberg, the judge who sentenced my daughter Sheena's privileged and connected killer Robert LaBarre to serve just 5.5 to 12 years in the state penitentiary, including:

... and Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

I am patiently awaiting Judge Steinberg's promised response back to me.

UpDate, 2/25/11: Spoke briefly w/ Judge Steinberg (he answered his own phone). "Permission" (from a still un-named authority) to meet w/ me is "still pending."

UpDate, 10/20/11: In a letter to me from Susan Unangst, Special Assistant to the Court, turns out that Judge Steinberg has been conveniently advised by the Pennsylvania Conference of Trial Judges, Judicial Ethics Committee to "not meet with the father of the victim to discuss the case." That's me.

Coincidentally, or not, this advising (not "permission granting") Conference/Committee is co-chaired by Judge Steinberg's crony colleague, Lehigh County Judge Edward D. Reibman, another known protector of DA Jim Martin.

Readers, I've been advised that Judge Steinberg's continued evasion of me at this late date in Sheena's case is baseless, and bullshit, but apparently Steinberg's long-sought "advice" from the "Ethics" committee is the "official" CYA stonewall that Judge Steinberg believes will justify his continuing to hide from me and my inconvenient, verifiable, and career-damaging facts.

Fact is, there's nothing officially prohibiting Judge Steinberg from meeting with me and discussing DA Jim Martin's "special handling" of the Robert LaBarre and Chris Squires DUI homicide cases.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: Debbie Garlicki's Stinky Cover-Up


Relevant story, from The Morning Call "newspaper," Allentown man admits DUI death | By Debbie Garlicki Of The Morning Call

9/26/07 Chris Mohney (see comment #22) said ... 
"The Homicide while DUI was "dropped" because the hospital lost or never had the proper paperwork to maintain a chain of custody on the drivers blood. Once that charge was gone there was no plea bargain, Squires simply pled guilty to the balance of the charges. I told the reporter that yesterday when we spoke but she omitted it from the article. I obviously wish the whole truth had been printed. Thanks LVHC"

[Starts at the 13:20 mark] 
Hear Detailed Audio Exposé @ WAEBV 

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: Debbie Garlicki's Stinky Cover-Up

Criminal Docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Christopher Stephen Squires

Relevant story, from The Morning Call "newspaper," Allentown man admits DUI death | By Debbie Garlicki Of The Morning Call

9/26/07 > Chris Mohney (see comment #22) said...
"The Homicide while DUI was "dropped" because the hospital lost or never had the proper paperwork to maintain a chain of custody on the drivers blood. Once that charge was gone there was no plea bargain, Squires simply pled guilty to the balance of the charges. I told the reporter that yesterday when we spoke but she omitted it from the article. I obviously wish the whole truth had been printed. Thanks LVHC"

Friday, January 14, 2011

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: O'Malley's Ruled Negligent by Jury

UpDated: Nov 23, 2012 [Pictured: Morning Call "newspaper" "editor" Mike Miorelli]

On May 8, 2009, a Lehigh County civil jury ruled that J.P. O'Malley's Pub was negligent in the death of my daughter, Sheena Villa.

The jury stopped short of assigning to O'Malley's any causal responsibility for Sheena's death. But after hearing compelling testimony that described O'Malley's as a drinking establishment out of control, and with a "manager" who did not know what percentage of O'Malley's business was food and what percentage was alcohol, the jury ruled that O'Malley's was negligent in Sheena's death, based on how much alcohol they had served Robert LaBarre that fateful night on two separate visits, hours apart-- i.e., O'Malley's should have known how inebriated and impaired and legally drunk LaBarre was after he left the bar for the first time that night, and serving him again when he returned hours later was negligent, regardless of how LaBarre may have appeared to be "holding his liquor" or not.

Nailing O'Malley's with negligence was an important ruling and victory for us-- more important than also being awarded $3.1 million in compensatory and punitive damages by the same jury that day.

We knew that J.P. O'Malley's had been cited by the PLCB as a nuisance bar a year after Sheena's death. Obviously, O'Malley's had learned nothing from Sheena's death. And just as obviously, there was little chance that hard-drinking DA Jim Martin would ever shut O'Malley's or any other nuisance bar down. Robert LaBarre was serving his punishment, in state prison. So now it was O'Malley's turn. We sued O'Malley's in civil court, and we won.

But you'd never get the impression that "we won" from reading the deceit-laden account in The Morning Call "newspaper" dated May 9, 2009 ... and don't be fooled by the 5/16/2009 "For The Record" correction that's tacked on there; more on this time-traveling deceit later.

According to The Morning Call "newspaper," May 9, 2009 ...

* "The jury found the bar ... J.P. O'Malley's Pub ... had no role in Villa's death" [Fact: The jury ruled O'Malley's was NEGLIGENT in Sheena's death]

* "The bar had closed during the trial, but owner Chris LaCroix said now that it has been cleared, it will reopen." [Fact: O'Malley's closed right before the trial started and has never re-opened]

* "Chris LaCroix (O'Malley's owner) said, "It's good that we cleared our good name." [Fact: O'Malley's had a PLCB-cited bad name, "Nuisance Bar"]

O'Malley's had also been cited (but not by The Morning Call on May 9, 2009) for ...

Chris LaCroix (O'Malley's owner) said, "It's just a shame because they'll never see a dime ..." [Fact: a confidential agreement prohibits Sheena's family from discussing the disbursement details of the jury's $3.1 million damages award to us so please connect the fairly obvious dots yourself]

As you might imagine (and as we're sure the "newspaper" had intended), we were really pissed off about The Morning Call's wildly inaccurate "reporting" on the outcome of our civil trial that depicted out-of-business O'Malley's as the redeemed (and "not negligent") winner. And don't forget, these were the same cold-hearted bastards who had helpfully headline-misdirected Robert LaBarre's stiff sentencing outcome with: DUI CRASH VICTIM PREGNANT. So I started emailing and calling Morning Call assistant managing editor Mike Miorelli immediately, pushing for a correction and clarification. And really, should I have had to push for it? Turns out I did. But it didn't help any.

It took the "newspaper" 30 days (a month) and numerous requests from Sheena's family to finally publish a correction on June 9, 2009 ... but in keeping w/ their long-standing mean spiritedness against Sheena's family, the "newspaper" maintained an alternate, un-corrected account at The Morning Call's website until June 16, 2009 and in its archives to this day that continues to lie (see "not negligent," paragraph 12) about the jury's actual verdict. [Note: The Morning Call's "correction" notice dated "June 9, 2009" on this article was, in fact, deceitfully retro-fitted in there sometime after this blog post was published, i.e., a year and a half after "June 9, 2009," i.e., on or after January 14, 2011.] 

Ditto the "5/16/2009 For The Record" correction that's tacked onto their wildly inaccurate May 9, 2009 account ... that "5/16/2009" correction notification was deceitfully retro-fitted in there some time after June 9, 2009 to cover their lying asses.

I have an email from Mike Miorelli telling me he hopes I get the psychiatric help I need which is more wildly inaccurate bullshit "reporting" from The Morning Call "newspaper."

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: O'Malley's Ruled Negligent by Jury

UpDated: Nov 23, 2012 [Pictured: Morning Call "newspaper" "editor" Mike Miorelli]

On May 8, 2009, a Lehigh County civil jury ruled that J.P. O'Malley's Pub was negligent in the death of my daughter, Sheena Villa.

The jury stopped short of assigning to O'Malley's any causal responsibility for Sheena's death. But after hearing compelling testimony that described O'Malley's as a drinking establishment out of control, and with a "manager" who did not know what percentage of O'Malley's business was food and what percentage was alcohol, the jury ruled that O'Malley's was negligent in Sheena's death, based on how much alcohol they had served Robert LaBarre that fateful night on two separate visits, hours apart-- i.e., O'Malley's should have known how inebriated and impaired and legally drunk LaBarre was after he left the bar for the first time that night, and serving him again when he returned hours later was negligent, regardless of how LaBarre may have appeared to be "holding his liquor" or not.

Nailing O'Malley's with negligence was an important ruling and victory for us-- more important than also being awarded $3.1 million in compensatory and punitive damages by the same jury that day.

We knew that J.P. O'Malley's had been cited by the PLCB as a nuisance bar a year after Sheena's death. Obviously, O'Malley's had learned nothing from Sheena's death. And just as obviously, there was little chance that hard-drinking DA Jim Martin would ever shut O'Malley's or any other nuisance bar down. Robert LaBarre was serving his punishment, in state prison. So now it was O'Malley's turn. We sued O'Malley's in civil court, and we won.

But you'd never get the impression that "we won" from reading the deceit-laden account in The Morning Call "newspaper" dated May 9, 2009 ... and don't be fooled by the 5/16/2009 "For The Record" correction that's tacked on there; more on this time-traveling deceit later.

According to The Morning Call "newspaper," May 9, 2009 ...

* "The jury found the bar ... J.P. O'Malley's Pub ... had no role in Villa's death" [Fact: The jury ruled O'Malley's was NEGLIGENT in Sheena's death]

* "The bar had closed during the trial, but owner Chris LaCroix said now that it has been cleared, it will reopen." [Fact: O'Malley's closed right before the trial started and has never re-opened]

* "Chris LaCroix (O'Malley's owner) said, "It's good that we cleared our good name." [Fact: O'Malley's had a PLCB-cited bad name, "Nuisance Bar"]

O'Malley's had also been cited (but not by The Morning Call on May 9, 2009) for ...

Chris LaCroix (O'Malley's owner) said, "It's just a shame because they'll never see a dime ..." [Fact: a confidential agreement prohibits Sheena's family from discussing the disbursement details of the jury's $3.1 million damages award to us so please connect the fairly obvious dots yourself]

As you might imagine (and as we're sure the "newspaper" had intended), we were really pissed off about The Morning Call's wildly inaccurate "reporting" on the outcome of our civil trial that depicted out-of-business O'Malley's as the redeemed (and "not negligent") winner. And don't forget, these were the same cold-hearted bastards who had helpfully headline-misdirected Robert LaBarre's stiff sentencing outcome with: DUI CRASH VICTIM PREGNANT. So I started emailing and calling Morning Call assistant managing editor Mike Miorelli immediately, pushing for a correction and clarification. And really, should I have had to push for it? Turns out I did. But it didn't help any.

It took the "newspaper" 30 days (a month) and numerous requests from Sheena's family to finally publish a correction on June 9, 2009 ... but in keeping w/ their long-standing mean spiritedness against Sheena's family, the "newspaper" maintained an alternate, un-corrected account at The Morning Call's website until June 16, 2009 and in its archives to this day that continues to lie (see "not negligent," paragraph 12) about the jury's actual verdict. [Note: The Morning Call's "correction" notice dated "June 9, 2009" on this article was, in fact, deceitfully retro-fitted in there sometime after this blog post was published, i.e., a year and a half after "June 9, 2009," i.e., on or after January 14, 2011.] 

Ditto the "5/16/2009 For The Record" correction that's tacked onto their wildly inaccurate May 9, 2009 account ... that "5/16/2009" correction notification was deceitfully retro-fitted in there some time after June 9, 2009 to cover their lying asses.

I have an email from Mike Miorelli telling me he hopes I get the psychiatric help I need which is more wildly inaccurate bullshit "reporting" from The Morning Call "newspaper."

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT