Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sheena Villa, always in our hearts

2023 Facebook Tribute | I snapped this photo of my only daughter Sheena Marie Amelia Villa on her 25th, and last, birthday, March 23, 2006, just hours before she was violently killed by Gross McGinley Partner Attorney Donald LaBarre's son Robert LaBarre who it would take DA Jim Martin 2.5 months to arrest, see TV news coverage. Robert LaBarre subsequently went AWOL on an unauthorized 10-day vacation to Belize, Central America and for which there were no consequences from Judge Robert L. Steinberg (no bail revocation, no incarceration, no nothing) and longtime Gross McGinley media client The Morning Call curiously refused to report on any aspect of this apparent crony-crooked corruption/favoritism or incompetence.

But an even bigger eye-opening experience for us was DA Jim Martin arranging a "bargain" and secret plea deal with Sheena's killer and his politically connected family and not notifying Sheena's family about the plea deal court proceeding, an obvious attempt to fix the case in the DUI killer's favor. 

Read > Deeper Dive Here  

There would be lots more truth concealing & political punishing for us to outmaneuver & vanquish in the months & years ahead in winning table scrap of justice for Sheena and her family, all of which I am greatly looking forward to exposing comprehensively again, this time for a judge and a jury, during abuse of process countersuit civil litigation, re: Martin vs. Villa, as part of an ongoing tribute to Sheena Villa who should have been shown more respect by our local media and justice systems.


Lying DA Jim Martin Blinks ... and Sues Me

[FEB 11, 2015] Read Morning Call story, hear WAEBV shows @ YouTube

"Mr. Martin, with his latest nonsense/vendetta litigation, is attempting to silence my free speech -- free speech that includes verifiable facts and my opinions. If the first judge who sees this malicious and vexatious farce doesn't toss it, I intend to pulverize Mr. Martin in court." -Bill Villa, quoted in The Morning Call | February 11, 2015

Double Trouble: Judge Platt & DA Martin

"... Rot at Core of Lehigh County Criminal Justice ..." -By Irvin Muchnick

Jimmy ‘Superfly’ Snuka Is Dead. But the Corrupt Cop and District Attorneys Who Let Snuka Off the Hook in Nancy Argentino’s Death Live On. -By Irvin Muchnick, Concussion, Inc.

My Case for a DUI Third Degree Murder Charge for Sheena's Killer Robert LaBarre

See (below) Pennsylvania DUI Third Degree Murder convictions upheld on appeal. See sidebar (right) for the 13 most recent DUI Third Degree Murder cases in PA. I made my case to DA Jim Martin and Judge Robert Steinberg, repeatedly, in 2006, on behalf of Sheena. Robert LaBarre should have been charged with third degree murder and Lehigh County Judge James T. Anthony agrees (see page 7 of 7, and, pages 1-6).  

Commonwealth vs. Kling
Commonwealth vs. Urbanski
Commonwealth vs. Pigg
Commonwealth vs. Scales
Commonwealth vs. Levin
Commonwealth vs. Dunphy
Commonwealth vs. Thompson
Commonwealth vs. Green

" ... the mens rea [necessary 'guilty mind' element] for third degree murder is ...


A heartfelt thank you to the many who are emailing WAEB's craigstevens@iheartmedia.com requesting my return to their airwaves. I, too, am hoping they do the right thing. -Bill Villa

"Absolutely I can see you back on the air with Bobby again."
-Craig Stevens, WAEB Operations Mgr., 8/14/14 phone call

"WAEBV" YouTube Hear My Shows

Our THANKS to Lou Varricchio

Read eye-opening editorial in The Vermont Eagle on DA Jim Martin's malicious muzzling of my free speech at WAEB. Hear my WAEB shows @ YouTube. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

What's with unhinged jealous cousin Jeffrey Anthony harassing & defaming Angie & Bill Villa online since September 2015?

| Summer 2024 | JEFFREY ANTHONY has been BLOCKED & BANNED from commenting at CITY OF ALLENTOWN Facebook, COUNTY OF LEHIGH Facebook, and ALLENTOWN POLICE DEPARTMENT Facebook.

[Update] Here are all the Facebook pages where my jealous cousin JEFFREY ANTHONY has been DELETED, BLOCKED, and BANNED from spamming his knowingly false, defamatory, and sadistically cruel comments about my wife Angie and me [Full List]

Cousin Jeffrey Anthony Jealousy Trigger

Jeffrey Anthony's ongoing (and repeatedly failed) goal is getting Angie Villa fired from her job. See more. See 9/15/2024 knowingly false/defamatory rant.

List of Whitehall-Coplay/Gockley folks prudently ignoring unhinged & impotent cyber stalker Jeffrey Anthony until trial. 


An Appeal to Mary Ann Anthony

The Villas Courtesy of the Floor w/ Allentown City Council [8/9/24]

[Updated Today] 

Referred by Judge Anthony and enlisted by DA Martin, Cousin Jeffrey Anthony is the Lehigh County District Attorney's Office's Payback & Punishment (of me) Proxy

Read about DA Jim Martin's "court-assisted terrorism" (Part 1) in The Philadelphia Inquirer 

"The Martin legal team has deployed a cousin shared by Judge Anthony and Bill Villa, Jeffrey Anthony, who has been personally attacking and harassing Villa and his attorney for three and a half years. Jeffrey Anthony’s seemingly sanctioned antics have included inducing the Allentown Police Department and the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office to “criminally investigate” Villa via the clever technical “recusal” of plaintiff DA Martin. The background of the AG’s groundless probe of Villa is shockingly abusive (no charges were forthcoming) and just begins to scratch the surface of the “court-assisted terrorism ..." -Irvin Muchnick, Concussion, Inc.  

Jeffrey Anthony is ...

* the enlisted and admitted anonymous author of the knowingly false and defamatory smear campaign and criminal harassment hate blog, "Bill Villas Victims United"

* a jealous and mentally unstable cousin (he's my mother's sister's coddled son) and a classic narcissistic sociopath  

* curiously obsessed with a 2009 $3.1 Million Dollar jury damages award  regarding the wrongful death of my daughter Sheena [More Deranged Obsession Here]

* incredibly enlisted as an affiant ("potential witness") by DA Jim Martin in Martin's meritless & malicious "defamation" (truth-muzzling) SLAPP lawsuit against WAEB & me, even though Jeffrey Anthony has no standing or relevance in the case

> See DA Jim Martin Video Deposition, 1:12:31 mark

> Martin vs Villa/SLAPP outcome

> Currently being enabled/sanctioned/protected by new DA Gavin "Handpicked" Holihan

* very well known to all 10 Lehigh County Judges 

* ignoring a CEASE & DESIST from my attorney 

* clearly guilty of Criminal Harassment under Pennsylvania Law

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

We can do better than creepy cyber troll and sadist Father Alex Joseph as a Catholic priest

[UpDated Today] Although he's been living and allegedly studying for 9 years at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Seminary in Washington DC [offline again after not paying their delinquent website bill it appears], curiously ...

Friday, May 3, 2013


Readers (and stalkers), it was my great pleasure (for a 2nd time) on Thursday May 2 to address a graduating class of PA Parole Agents, this time at the PA Department of Corrections' training academy in picturesque Elizabethtown.

I was invited to speak by ...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

LVS Exposé: "We CAN Do Better" than Alfonso Todd on Allentown City Council

Alfonso Todd business partners w/ a registered sex offender, read LVS's verifiable facts. 

"Do I do business with felons, sex offenders, drug dealers, scofflaws and other criminals ? Yes. In fact, I had a partner in ... BLURB MEDIA who was a convicted felon. He ... is listed on the PA Megans Law website... My Partner ..." -Alfonso Todd

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


See post update at my Facebook page.

Readers, it was my great pleasure on Thursday November 1 to address this year's graduating class of PA Parole Agents in Harrisburg. I was invited to speak by the Office of the Victim Advocate in Harrisburg.

I spoke about ...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Will confessed killer Andrew Gesslein get away with Michael Randolph's murder?

April 4, 2013 Verdict: GUILTY  
[UpDated: Aug 17, Judge Donna Butler emails LVS, see comments]
Although we hope we're wrong, it appears shamefully obvious to LVS that ...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Is Andrew Gesslein headed to trial ... or to another DA Jim Martin 'bargain' plea deal?

[Updated: 7/6, 11:30pm]

Check back for LVS's eyewitness report and analysis on Friday's 10:00am preliminary hearing.

In the meantime, here's how our local media is spinning it ...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thursday, June 28, 2012

DA Martin & Judge Steinberg give Michael Randolph's killer an eventual FREE PASS

LVS attended the 6/28 bail hearing for Michael Randolph's confessed killer, Andrew Gesslein (in handcuffs), see Criminal Docket and Miscellaneous Docket.

Not surprisingly … 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mayor Pawlowski wants DA Jim Martin to 'do the right thing' for Michael Randolph

Popular/Visionary Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski phoned LVS at 2:00pm today. He told us he's been "questioning DA Jim Martin daily" about the Michael Randolph homicide. Mayor Pawlowski gave us permission to quote him saying this:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ed Koren's new 'haymaker' TV commercial has Team DA Jim Martin wetting its panties

Watch Ed Koren's Hard-Hitting New TV Spot #2 and Ed Koren's "Bio" Spot #1.

Then watch 69 News's carefully edited, and totally rigged, 2-Part, Ed Koren vs. Jim Martin "debate" that Ed Koren still wins handily, even w/ both hands tied behind his back by an obviously DA Jim Martin damage-controlling 69 News that, with this John Craven produced segment has, sadly, proven itself to be as crony-cozily in the bag for Jim Martin as is 69 News's cross-town cahoots club colleague, The Morning Call "newspaper."

10/26, 7:30 pm UpDate: Readers, "Part 2" of the Ed Koren vs. Jim Martin "rigged debate" that was originally broadcast on 69 News at 6:00 pm yesterday was, curiously, not originally included in 69 News's online version that we link to above. LVS today inquired as to why "Part 2" was omitted from 69 News's online version, and a 69 News spokesperson told us via email that "the person doing the posting wasn't paying attention and didn't realize the two parts were distinct. I'm told it's all in one piece now. If you play the video, part one plays into part two." A plausible explanation that we don't buy for a second. "Part 2" was purposefully omitted, in our opinion, because 69 News's longtime pal DA Jim Martin comes off like an embarrassingly tired and cranky old gas bag alkie in Part 2, while his challenger Ed Koren comes off like one tough former cop, and modern lawyer, who will make a great Lehigh County District Attorney. Watch Part 1 and Part 2 that now immediately follows Part 1 (thanks to LVS) and you'll see what we mean, and take note of the obvious "rigging" and futile attempts at Jim Martin damage control by the Dick Dean-owned 69 News > Part 1 & Part 2 [Note: 69 News has it rigged so that our links to their Part 1 & Part 2 rigged debate won't work via some smart phones so please use your desktop or laptop]