First off, the topic (which isn't really "debatable"), "is there racism against President Obama?" had nuthin' to do w/ business, Lehigh Valley or otherwise. And Tony Iannelli it should be noted is head honcho (for now) of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce-- i.e., it might make cents for Iannelli to use his Business Matters forum to enhance, promote, pump-up, you know, Lehigh Valley Business.
Nah. Instead, as we witnessed in stunned and jaw-dropping amazement on Monday night, Iannelli used his Business Matters forum to host a socio-politico-culturo babble-speak and cross-fire interrupto session from a total bullshit panel that included Nazareth hate blogger Bernie O'Hare ... who was disbarred for sabotaging his own African American client's civil rights litigation against Bethlehem Steel with (in the conclusions of the PA Supreme Court) evil intent ... on a show about racism!
FYI, Iannelli never mentioned O'Hare's "expert" status.
But guess what ... Tony "I" knows all about what Bernie O did to George Usry, and to Lucille White and to Sheena Villa and Tony knew this stuff well in advance of booking O'Hare on the show (we know because we told Tony) but he went right ahead w/ the show featuring O'Hare anyway.
Consequences, anyone?
We suggest canceling Business Matters, firing Tony Iannelli as head of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce ASAP, and WFMZ formally apologizing to the family of George Usry.
See our right sidebar item, The Ugly Truth About Bernie O'Hare for all the gory facts that seemingly everyone (except us) is too pusillanimous to hold O'Hare accountable for, and sadly, you know we're right.
UpDate: Bill Villa on WAEB
UpDate: Bill Villa on WAEB
If you missed the show last night (lucky you), the showboat "panel" included O'Hare benefactor and NorCo politico and comprehensive asshole Ron Angle and O'Hare-Duped Allentown City Council VP (for now) W. Michael Donovan. Pathetic.
What I found truly amazing about last night's show, once getting past the non-business topic, was, okay, as long as yoiu're talking about racism (which they rarely got around to, did you notice that?) how about talking about rascist items that (in the past before "Blogger Tuesday" LOL) had been "very important" (wink wink) to O'Hare, such as the racist hatred at the Morning Call website. Not a peep. Also not a peep on the overt racism at the O'hare supported Allentown Commentator blog ie, the same fine folks who wanted the Cedar Beach playground "in THEIR hood." Last night's show, while "OT" for business would have been the prefect opportunity to discuss what I've just brought up. One problem: everybody on the panel (plus the host) was a total show boating phony like Bill said.
At this blog we have written about the OVERT and BLATANT racism both locally and nationally, from the Allentown Commentator, Morning Call forum, and the racist opposition to the playground, to the monkey dolls and racist signs at the teabagger rallies. What is there to debate??? YES of course racism exists more than ever right now and it's because Obama is Black. O'Hare and Angle looked like complete morons trying to justify the racist tactics of the wingnuts by claiming that the left cries "racism" about everything, blah blah blah, and that opposition to Obama is because of his SOCIALISM. BULLSHIT! It's F'n' RACISM!!!!
O'Hare is pandering to his audience of knuckle dragging NeoKons. And the way he uses extremes really dupes people too, fo example anyone who supports Obama he immediately labels an "Obama sycophant" or "Obamafile"
He says that about Pawlowski supporters too. Maybe people like Obama so much because he is SMART!
And trustworthy.
Ya know ... we've just veered as "OT" as "Business (wink wink) Matters" did last night, so lemme bring it back ...
We suggest:
* canceling Business Matters
* firing Tony Iannelli as head of the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce ASAP
* WFMZ formally apologizing to the family of George Usry
* everybody avoiding evil sadist hate blogger Bernie O'Hare like the plague he is
Business Matters=BM
Exactly, let's take the high road.
Like this good guy. Just sayin'.
Bill, people can watch the show by clicking here on
Race and The Obama Administration
I did not catch that (thank you), I just added it to the post text.
Readers/Viewers, have a barf bag handy.
I'm gonna veer slightly OT again, sorry.On the BM show last night O'Hare said that Obama isn't delivering on change. He's WRONG
He should read the Congressional Budget Office Report
which provides the facts about how the stimulus is working. Spending=Growth=JOBS.
Since the MSM is too busy camped out at Tiger Woods' mansion they won't be reporting on this information.
Here are some facts: between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs have been created or saved through Sept. as a result of the American Recovery and Re-investment Act. The data says that the real inflation adjusted GDP was 1.2 to 3.2% higher than it would have been had the 787 billion dollar stimulus package not been passed.
Here's a link to the report:
Congressional Budget Report
Readers, as I frequently do (b/c good writing is re-writing), I've added some additional thoughts to this post. Re-visit and re-read when you have a chance, merci.
"Mea Culpa," I just love this post :)
Villas CONGRAULATIONS on being Pennslvania's Most Influential Political Blog for the 50th week in a row on average.
"LIBERAL" (wink wink) blog yeah right
Bill and I have to run out for a few hours so we will be taking our "Comment Moderation" off in a few minutes so you can continue to post comments freely, stand by ...
* SiteMeter Spotlight
Like a moth to a flame ...
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Time of Visit > Dec 2 2009 11:07:19 am
* District Court-Approved in Wind Gap PA, only
O'hare, this (virtual, not a threat) shot is from moi.
Villas .. mea culpa.
Nervously "rubber necking" and hoping to God they go bankrupt before the Villas sue them ...
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.12.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Dec 2 2009 12:28:20 pm
This [#1-Rated ] blog just surpassed its previous single day record for Hits/Visits. And it's early yet. Just sayin'.
"Mellow Yellow" in the house :)
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 64.9.15.# (LVAIC - Cedar Crest College)
Time of Visit > Dec 2 2009 1:52:49 pm
Okay we're back now and (oopsie) I see I plum forgot to switch our "Comment Moderation" to OFF as I had promised.
Mea Culpa ;D
Villas, your people should email a link to this post to every member of the Lehigh County Chamber of Commerce. Its Membership Directory provides email and website access to every member company, listed by business category and alphabetically. I believe every member company should know about ...
1. How Tony Iannelli blows golden opportunities to promote LV business by hosting mostly non-business (political) matters on "Business" Matters for apparently his own ego gratification.
2. The O'hare "Racism" Debacle, i.e., how Iannelli made the unbelievably stupid decision to include O'hare on a panel discussing "racism."
I would be willing to have some of my office staff help your people w/ this work and I will email you later today to discuss this important business matter.
I look forward to receiving your email. Merci.
I'd like to help too (and of course you know me :)
"email a link to this post to every member of the Lehigh County Chamber of Commerce"
Excellent Idea.
We can split up the alphabet, somebody does A through F, somebody else does G through L, etc.
How about running full-page ads in The Morning Call, Express-Times, etc., tap the war chest ...
... keep plenty in escrow for running re-election ads against our sex offender DA Jim Martin ...
Good material. Some of which I will be acting on tonight.
Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce Blog.
Just sayin'.
The Allentown area is so accustomed to accepting crap, it'll never change, be it a crappy D.A. like Jim Martin, a really crappy and joke of a newspaper like the "Call" a crappy Chamber of Commerce impostor like Tony "I, Me, Mine." I feel bad for the good people in Allentown who are so under-served by the "power structures" around here. Even worse, get an actual good guy in power, like Ed Pawlowski, and all the local shit-lovers want to tear him down. Ach, don't act so dumb, for wonce!
explains why o'hare has a "following"
shit lover syndrome
Well said.
Why did Angle buy Bernie that computer ? Is O'Hair practicing law without a license for Angle ?
Bill/Fyi, I posted this comment this morning at the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce blog ... I am with you all the way (just sayin') ...
Q. How come Tony Iannelli hardly ever discuses "Business" on his TV show Business Matters and why would Tony invite Nazareth hate blogger Bernie O'Hare onto his 11/30 show on racism? O'Hare was disbarred for sabotaging his own African American client's civil rights litigation against Bethlehem Steel and I understand Tony knew this fact before (and after) booking O'Hare on the show. What's up w/ this?
Those are excellent questions that deserve to be answered ...
Merci ...
... but don't be surprised if you post it 229 times w/ out ever getting a response. That's the "Lehigh Valley" way of dealing w/ excellent questions that deserve to be answered. Ask Glenn Kranzley. And Don Cunning-Ham.
Anon 7:42, who knows, but if Ron Angle's (and John Morganelli's) fingerprints are on this gift, we'll find them :)
Bill/Fyi, I see the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce blog deleted (muzzled) my excellent question on Iannelli and O'Hare ...
One down, 228 to go :)
Bill/Fyi, Chamber Blog has implemented "Comment Moderation" w/ this disclaimer:
"The Chamber always encourages a frank, open and honest conversation! Of course, any posts that are vulgar or libelous will be deleted.
Unfortunately, we've had to enable comment moderation for the time being - we will continue to approve virtually all comments (even if they are critical of us!).
The Chamber (and I believe it's Mike Schlossberg who moderates their blog) is clearly intimating they are deleting comments that are "vulgar and libelous." This is, of course, a lie.
Mike Schlossberg has a bright future in the Lehigh Valley!
(almost forgot)
Mike Schlossberg is an Allentown City Council Member-Elect (for now) ,,,
My Take...
Schlossberg's a wienie.
Over & Out...
Turn on speakers, click link ...
"The Chamber always encourages a frank, open and honest conversation! Of course, any posts that are vulgar or libelous will be deleted.
Unfortunately, we've had to enable comment moderation for the time being - we will continue to approve virtually all comments (even if they are critical of us!)."
Schlossberg forgot this disclaimer disclaimer:
* Exception: Excellent Questions from Bill Villa that deserve to be answered.
I see Ron Angle is going to "represent himself" in the lawsuit to oust him from holding two offices. Does he really mean that suspend lawyer O'Hair is going to represent in the background ? Is O'Hair allowed to practice law anymore ? Should the disciplinary board of the PA Supreme Ct be complained to about this ?
Shh! Let O'Hare represent Angle ... look what happened when O'Hare represented Najarian ...
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