Sunday, June 8, 2008

Let us not fret over Paul Carpenter's past performance

This is in response to PC's Sunday column, "Let us not fret over the ASD's past performance.",0,1197011.column (I know the ASD has its problems and I am not real happy either, but there ARE good kids and good teachers.)

There are no comments at the forum, which tells me that people just don't bother anymore because PC is just so predictable and boring. Or, the powers that be are not allowing comments. Why am I giving him any time or thought at all? I don't know.

You are so right PC, nobody likes a party pooper. Everyone hates people who try to rain on other people's parades. Therefore, I have decided to say nothing but nice things about your opinion of the ASD and public education.

Here are some ideas for future awards in excellence in journalism (education issues), for columnist Paul Carpenter. Let's think "happy thoughts." ;D

1. The Lunk Head Award- for his support of and compassion for special ed and special needs students. (Applause)

2. The Ed Frills Award- for encouraging and recognizing the importance of the arts in education (Applause)

3. The Rotten Apple Award- for supporting public school teachers and acknowledging their importance to society. (Applause)

4. The Morning Crawl Moral Compasshole Award- For ethics in journalism (Rousing Applause)
PC you rule! ;D

(editor's note: writer is a former ASD art teacher.)

Let us not fret over Paul Carpenter's past performance

This is in response to PC's Sunday column, "Let us not fret over the ASD's past performance.",0,1197011.column (I know the ASD has its problems and I am not real happy either, but there ARE good kids and good teachers.)

There are no comments at the forum, which tells me that people just don't bother anymore because PC is just so predictable and boring. Or, the powers that be are not allowing comments. Why am I giving him any time or thought at all? I don't know.

You are so right PC, nobody likes a party pooper. Everyone hates people who try to rain on other people's parades. Therefore, I have decided to say nothing but nice things about your opinion of the ASD and public education.

Here are some ideas for future awards in excellence in journalism (education issues), for columnist Paul Carpenter. Let's think "happy thoughts." ;D

1. The Lunk Head Award- for his support of and compassion for special ed and special needs students. (Applause)

2. The Ed Frills Award- for encouraging and recognizing the importance of the arts in education (Applause)

3. The Rotten Apple Award- for supporting public school teachers and acknowledging their importance to society. (Applause)

4. The Morning Crawl Moral Compasshole Award- For ethics in journalism (Rousing Applause)
PC you rule! ;D

(editor's note: writer is a former ASD art teacher.)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Would YOU Choose Hillary?

If you were Barack Obama would you choose Hillary Clinton as your running mate? I have been thinking a lot about this and discussing it with my soul-mate. We both like Jim Webb, junior senator from Virginia, and think he would be a good choice for VP. But I haven't really decided.

I am worried that if Obama doesn't choose Hillary, the women who supported Hillary would vote for McCain, because they are just so pissed off. Or, maybe they won't. But I think Hillary really has no choice and has to campaign for Obama, whether he picks her or not, if she wants a future in Democrat party politics. She has to look like a team player and not an opportunist. Or a sore loser. As a result, Obama does not have to pick Hillary. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free (sorry feminists). Would YOU choose Hillary?

Would YOU Choose Hillary?

If you were Barack Obama would you choose Hillary Clinton as your running mate? I have been thinking a lot about this and discussing it with my soul-mate. We both like Jim Webb, junior senator from Virginia, and think he would be a good choice for VP. But I haven't really decided.

I am worried that if Obama doesn't choose Hillary, the women who supported Hillary would vote for McCain, because they are just so pissed off. Or, maybe they won't. But I think Hillary really has no choice and has to campaign for Obama, whether he picks her or not, if she wants a future in Democrat party politics. She has to look like a team player and not an opportunist. Or a sore loser. As a result, Obama does not have to pick Hillary. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free (sorry feminists). Would YOU choose Hillary?

Friday, June 6, 2008

Sometimes you have to look back to move forward

I recently found this weirdo painting at my parents' house. I think I did it in the 80's while listening to REM and trying to make sense of the lyrics. Waste of time. But back then I had a lot of time to waste. I don't remember much about this piece, other than it's Queen Victoria with some kinda symbols from Dutch 17th Century Vanitas still-life painting, a la Andy Warhol repetition. Gee, I used to be so deep, but now I don't take myself that seriously. It needs to be touched up cause it got damaged. Seems like nobody really cared about it. And that's just how I felt back then after my first "love" dumped me for some vacuous blonde.

Puzzles from the past. It's June, and as another birthday looms, I realize I may need reading glasses. Can't read the fine print. Trying to make sense of things again. Wish I had more time to waste. The Shanty's not coming back. Neither is Saylor's. But at least there's Hersh's! And I just heard from Katie Bee that Hava Java on 19th St. will be having art shows. Starting June 12. See LV Voice for more info
The first show will feature the work of legendary local artist Greg Weaver, who started an art scene in Allentown in the 70's. This is great news, and I will be posting about it when I get more info. Obama gives me hope. Let's be civil, but let's not take any BS. So........... get outta the way of MY weekend. It's gonna be hot.

Sometimes you have to look back to move forward

I recently found this weirdo painting at my parents' house. I think I did it in the 80's while listening to REM and trying to make sense of the lyrics. Waste of time. But back then I had a lot of time to waste. I don't remember much about this piece, other than it's Queen Victoria with some kinda symbols from Dutch 17th Century Vanitas still-life painting, a la Andy Warhol repetition. Gee, I used to be so deep, but now I don't take myself that seriously. It needs to be touched up cause it got damaged. Seems like nobody really cared about it. And that's just how I felt back then after my first "love" dumped me for some vacuous blonde.

Puzzles from the past. It's June, and as another birthday looms, I realize I may need reading glasses. Can't read the fine print. Trying to make sense of things again. Wish I had more time to waste. The Shanty's not coming back. Neither is Saylor's. But at least there's Hersh's! And I just heard from Katie Bee that Hava Java on 19th St. will be having art shows. Starting June 12. See LV Voice for more info
The first show will feature the work of legendary local artist Greg Weaver, who started an art scene in Allentown in the 70's. This is great news, and I will be posting about it when I get more info. Obama gives me hope. Let's be civil, but let's not take any BS. So........... get outta the way of MY weekend. It's gonna be hot.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fellini and Fenders

Scott Armstrong at the Allentown Commentator message board has posted some info regarding the vacant Shanty Restaurant, once a popular nightspot, restaurant, and venue for local bands in "The 19th St. Theatre District." According to Scott, the iconic Shanty on "La strada 19th" will become Les Auto Parts Centre. Is this really a done deal?

If it is true, how tres' chic for our upscale boutique and theatre distreect! But those new banners that mark the area may have to be changed to say "Theatre and Auto District." Hey folks, drop your car off for an oil, lube and filter while taking in a foreign film at the historic 19th St. Theatre. We specialize in foreign cars. The city can market this as "Fellini and Fenders." It's so European. I must commend the city for this multicultural and surrealistic vision. This really does show the importance of the arts in Allentown's Renaissance. Or, maybe I'm just dreaming too. Nothing really makes sense to me anymore. C'est la vie!

Fellini and Fenders

Scott Armstrong at the Allentown Commentator message board has posted some info regarding the vacant Shanty Restaurant, once a popular nightspot, restaurant, and venue for local bands in "The 19th St. Theatre District." According to Scott, the iconic Shanty on "La strada 19th" will become Les Auto Parts Centre. Is this really a done deal?

If it is true, how tres' chic for our upscale boutique and theatre distreect! But those new banners that mark the area may have to be changed to say "Theatre and Auto District." Hey folks, drop your car off for an oil, lube and filter while taking in a foreign film at the historic 19th St. Theatre. We specialize in foreign cars. The city can market this as "Fellini and Fenders." It's so European. I must commend the city for this multicultural and surrealistic vision. This really does show the importance of the arts in Allentown's Renaissance. Or, maybe I'm just dreaming too. Nothing really makes sense to me anymore. C'est la vie!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's a Downtown Happening!

These are pictures from the Chen-Arts Group Meeting held at House of Chen Restaurant in Allentown on Sat. May 31. Thanks Jenny Chen and staff for accomodating our large group. Twenty-eight supporters of the arts in Allentown attended the fun and productive meeting. Thanks to Lee Vedder from the Allentown Art Museum, Joyce Marin Director of Economic and Community Development, Joe Skrapits, Joan Gaydos, Sharon Glassman (AllentownArts Commission)
Pete Lewnes Main St. Manager, Alfonso Todd community activist, and most importantly all the artists. Artist Gregory Coates has volunteered to sponsor our next meeting at his fab studio on Washington St. Details to follow. Let's keep the ball rollin.'

UPDATE: correction: 29 people attended!

It's a Downtown Happening!

These are pictures from the Chen-Arts Group Meeting held at House of Chen Restaurant in Allentown on Sat. May 31. Thanks Jenny Chen and staff for accomodating our large group. Twenty-eight supporters of the arts in Allentown attended the fun and productive meeting. Thanks to Lee Vedder from the Allentown Art Museum, Joyce Marin Director of Economic and Community Development, Joe Skrapits, Joan Gaydos, Sharon Glassman (AllentownArts Commission)
Pete Lewnes Main St. Manager, Alfonso Todd community activist, and most importantly all the artists. Artist Gregory Coates has volunteered to sponsor our next meeting at his fab studio on Washington St. Details to follow. Let's keep the ball rollin.'

UPDATE: correction: 29 people attended!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chen-Arts Group Meeting

The Allentown Chen-Arts Group (gotta call it something) will meet this Sat. evening for an informal dinner and discussion at 6:30 pm House of Chen Restaurant, 732 Hamilton St. Allentown. Did you know that NYC artists in the 50's and 60's, people like Frank Stella and James Rosenquist would all meet for Chinese food?

Here's the PLAN:

Lee Vedder from the Allentown Art Museum will be available to answer your questions and talk about opportunities for local artists like the annual juried show, cocktails and collecting, how to get a cd of your work on file at the museum. I know that some of you have some good questions for her. She will speak before we get to our outlined discussion below. Joyce Marin, Director of Community Development will be attending as well.
I have invited Randall Forte (LV Arts Council)

We should discuss:

Theme: I have proposed "Outspoken on Allentown" for our first indoor event. Since most of us have met through the blogs discussing the future of Allentown, our vision for the downtown, and other city issues, it seems appropriate for our first show to reflect what's been on our minds. If you have any suggestions please bring them to the meeting. It would be neat to have a multi-media event, and include written work related to the theme. Let's nail it down and get to work.

Dime Bank Building- Joe Skrapits (Allentown Arts Commission) and anyone else interested will be visiting the building on Fri. morning 10 am and owner John McClave will give a tour. Can we have a show in this building this summer? Let's set a date and talk about what's involved.

Upward Bound Allentown-Alfonso Todd has organized this street festival on Hamilton between 6th and 7th July 12th. He is looking for street artists and volunteers. He can say a few words about that.

Corporate Building- Alani Jiminez can tell us more about possibly having a show at this building, and about an upcoming event in June.

Future Shows at Restaurants or Clubs- If we have time we can discuss some possible future venues.

Grants- Should we apply for a grant through the Allentown Arts Council? Greg Coates has researched this and he could tell us more.

See you at Chen, and let's keep the ball rollin.'

Chen-Arts Group Meeting

The Allentown Chen-Arts Group (gotta call it something) will meet this Sat. evening for an informal dinner and discussion at 6:30 pm House of Chen Restaurant, 732 Hamilton St. Allentown. Did you know that NYC artists in the 50's and 60's, people like Frank Stella and James Rosenquist would all meet for Chinese food?

Here's the PLAN:

Lee Vedder from the Allentown Art Museum will be available to answer your questions and talk about opportunities for local artists like the annual juried show, cocktails and collecting, how to get a cd of your work on file at the museum. I know that some of you have some good questions for her. She will speak before we get to our outlined discussion below. Joyce Marin, Director of Community Development will be attending as well.
I have invited Randall Forte (LV Arts Council)

We should discuss:

Theme: I have proposed "Outspoken on Allentown" for our first indoor event. Since most of us have met through the blogs discussing the future of Allentown, our vision for the downtown, and other city issues, it seems appropriate for our first show to reflect what's been on our minds. If you have any suggestions please bring them to the meeting. It would be neat to have a multi-media event, and include written work related to the theme. Let's nail it down and get to work.

Dime Bank Building- Joe Skrapits (Allentown Arts Commission) and anyone else interested will be visiting the building on Fri. morning 10 am and owner John McClave will give a tour. Can we have a show in this building this summer? Let's set a date and talk about what's involved.

Upward Bound Allentown-Alfonso Todd has organized this street festival on Hamilton between 6th and 7th July 12th. He is looking for street artists and volunteers. He can say a few words about that.

Corporate Building- Alani Jiminez can tell us more about possibly having a show at this building, and about an upcoming event in June.

Future Shows at Restaurants or Clubs- If we have time we can discuss some possible future venues.

Grants- Should we apply for a grant through the Allentown Arts Council? Greg Coates has researched this and he could tell us more.

See you at Chen, and let's keep the ball rollin.'

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Local Corner Market Returns!

I just drove by the newly re-modeled Hersh's Market on 19th St. and it sure looks fab.(sorry for the lame photo) The grand opening will be this Friday, May 30th. Since I am a nostalgia freak I truly believe that sometimes you have to look back to move forward, even though I have been told by an anonymous commenter, "times change, sweetheart." Well, poo-poo on you sweetheart, have fun at Wegman's, and make sure to go on a Saturday! ; D

If you click on photo it will enlarge and you can read their hours posted on the window. I am glad they will be open till 7pm on weekdays, and open on Sundays. The sign painted on the side of the building looks very nostalgic. Somebody seems to care about preserving this old-fashioned corner market. There was even a bench in front of the store yesterday, and some plants. I hope it's not too upscale. I was hoping to see more chrome, I think the black trim is kinda dark, but the lighting fixtures inside are really neat. Maybe that hippie-cynic Molovinsky will even like it. Nah, Mikey won't like it.

Local Corner Market Returns!

I just drove by the newly re-modeled Hersh's Market on 19th St. and it sure looks fab.(sorry for the lame photo) The grand opening will be this Friday, May 30th. Since I am a nostalgia freak I truly believe that sometimes you have to look back to move forward, even though I have been told by an anonymous commenter, "times change, sweetheart." Well, poo-poo on you sweetheart, have fun at Wegman's, and make sure to go on a Saturday! ; D

If you click on photo it will enlarge and you can read their hours posted on the window. I am glad they will be open till 7pm on weekdays, and open on Sundays. The sign painted on the side of the building looks very nostalgic. Somebody seems to care about preserving this old-fashioned corner market. There was even a bench in front of the store yesterday, and some plants. I hope it's not too upscale. I was hoping to see more chrome, I think the black trim is kinda dark, but the lighting fixtures inside are really neat. Maybe that hippie-cynic Molovinsky will even like it. Nah, Mikey won't like it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

First Responders of the Blogosphere

Sometimes the first comment can set the tone for the rest of the comments on a post, but not all the time. Thanks to those brave first responders of the blogosphere who are not afraid to be out there all alone for a little while. Here's a salute to those brave bloggers who have taken the plunge to be first on the scene:
From Anonymous: "I suspect many male (and female) voters would like to lay on Mrs. Obama....damn, she's cute"
Luckily, this first responder did NOT set the tone for the discussion, although I think he would have liked to. I guess I should not salute this one, but I will use it as an example.

From Bill Villa: "I'd call it "Bunk Science" and typical Morning Call framed agenda baloney, laziness, and arrogance. Geez. If you're gonna rig a poll for a front page story, have your survey methodology be somewhat believable ..."
I think this first responder nailed it.

AJ Cordi: All the recent murders and attacks lately is plenty cause for concern and plenty proof that a hose and a few signs won't stop the crime.
AJ doesn't mince words.

Alfonso: Thanks, Dottie, for including me in your "Best Of" blog. I am honored to be listed along with the others you mentioned. I feel with a combined effort, we can make these words into a tangible reality, and A-town will become the great city we all are working towards !
Alfonso is hopeful and realistic.

Bernie O'Hare: "Maybe I can augment my wardrobe." BernO finally realizes he should look presentable for the ladies of the blogosphere

Michael Molovinsky: i like your photo and the sentiment behind it. when my son was about 5, his mother hired a balloon-man in a gorilla suit to entertain the kids. he was very late and she was vicious. i recall seeing her out on the porch pounding on his chest when he finally arrived. This former hippie and film maker is a great storyteller. Peace, man.

Sorry if I left anyone out. Thanks for responding!

First Responders of the Blogosphere

Sometimes the first comment can set the tone for the rest of the comments on a post, but not all the time. Thanks to those brave first responders of the blogosphere who are not afraid to be out there all alone for a little while. Here's a salute to those brave bloggers who have taken the plunge to be first on the scene:
From Anonymous: "I suspect many male (and female) voters would like to lay on Mrs. Obama....damn, she's cute"
Luckily, this first responder did NOT set the tone for the discussion, although I think he would have liked to. I guess I should not salute this one, but I will use it as an example.

From Bill Villa: "I'd call it "Bunk Science" and typical Morning Call framed agenda baloney, laziness, and arrogance. Geez. If you're gonna rig a poll for a front page story, have your survey methodology be somewhat believable ..."
I think this first responder nailed it.

AJ Cordi: All the recent murders and attacks lately is plenty cause for concern and plenty proof that a hose and a few signs won't stop the crime.
AJ doesn't mince words.

Alfonso: Thanks, Dottie, for including me in your "Best Of" blog. I am honored to be listed along with the others you mentioned. I feel with a combined effort, we can make these words into a tangible reality, and A-town will become the great city we all are working towards !
Alfonso is hopeful and realistic.

Bernie O'Hare: "Maybe I can augment my wardrobe." BernO finally realizes he should look presentable for the ladies of the blogosphere

Michael Molovinsky: i like your photo and the sentiment behind it. when my son was about 5, his mother hired a balloon-man in a gorilla suit to entertain the kids. he was very late and she was vicious. i recall seeing her out on the porch pounding on his chest when he finally arrived. This former hippie and film maker is a great storyteller. Peace, man.

Sorry if I left anyone out. Thanks for responding!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Keep Coloring the Wall!

Here's a fun project for a bored kid. If you have a brick wall in your yard (this is the back of our garage) your kid will have fun coloring each block a different color. All you need is some sidewalk chalk. Makes a boring yard look festive and keeps kids entertained while you work outside.

Happy Memorial Day!

Keep Coloring the Wall!

Here's a fun project for a bored kid. If you have a brick wall in your yard (this is the back of our garage) your kid will have fun coloring each block a different color. All you need is some sidewalk chalk. Makes a boring yard look festive and keeps kids entertained while you work outside.

Happy Memorial Day!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Lay Off My Wife"

I guess some radio talk show hosts and media commentators just can't dig up enough dirt on Obama so they have to attack his wife by calling her unpatriotic or elitist. To go after a politician's wife, or to verbally attack a female to me suggests a cowardly, weak man. I hope the Dems don't go after McCain's wife, who I believe has an impressive resume of charity work, and is worth millions from overseeing her family's beer distributing business.

I liked Obama's reaction to the Republican attack ad from Tennessee which criticized Michelle Obama for being "unpatriotic" because she said that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country. He said "lay off my wife." And then there's the "he's not sporting a lapel flag pin" crap, and of course the whole pastor Jeremiah Wright issue. I guess the right can try to use this as evidence that the Obamas are not as "patriotic" as they should be. I don't think it is going to work.

One of the reasons why I am supporting Obama is because of the patriotism he showed by not voting for Bush's war, and for speaking out against Bush's policies. Michelle has explained her comment by saying that she meant that for the first time in her life she felt proud that an African American, her husband was being accepted, but mostly she was speaking about how average people have been re-invigorated to vote, and how people like college students and housewives are starting to "give a damn" again. She's a strong, successful woman with strong opinions, and that should be applauded, not put down.

Speaking of being accepted, I wish people would just accept people for who they are and just "lay off." I am going to remember Obama's wise words this weekend at our family barbeque where hubby and I will be the only Democrats out of 30+ people. Just "lay off."

"Lay Off My Wife"

I guess some radio talk show hosts and media commentators just can't dig up enough dirt on Obama so they have to attack his wife by calling her unpatriotic or elitist. To go after a politician's wife, or to verbally attack a female to me suggests a cowardly, weak man. I hope the Dems don't go after McCain's wife, who I believe has an impressive resume of charity work, and is worth millions from overseeing her family's beer distributing business.

I liked Obama's reaction to the Republican attack ad from Tennessee which criticized Michelle Obama for being "unpatriotic" because she said that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country. He said "lay off my wife." And then there's the "he's not sporting a lapel flag pin" crap, and of course the whole pastor Jeremiah Wright issue. I guess the right can try to use this as evidence that the Obamas are not as "patriotic" as they should be. I don't think it is going to work.

One of the reasons why I am supporting Obama is because of the patriotism he showed by not voting for Bush's war, and for speaking out against Bush's policies. Michelle has explained her comment by saying that she meant that for the first time in her life she felt proud that an African American, her husband was being accepted, but mostly she was speaking about how average people have been re-invigorated to vote, and how people like college students and housewives are starting to "give a damn" again. She's a strong, successful woman with strong opinions, and that should be applauded, not put down.

Speaking of being accepted, I wish people would just accept people for who they are and just "lay off." I am going to remember Obama's wise words this weekend at our family barbeque where hubby and I will be the only Democrats out of 30+ people. Just "lay off."

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Upward Bound, Allentown!

(From Alfonso Todd) UPWARD BOUND, ALLENTOWN ! A multi-cultural celebration being held on July 12, 2008 on Hamilton Street between 6th and 7th streets that will highlight the positive aspects of the Allentown community. Music, food, children's activities, local performers, artists, and community organizations, will be on hand. This will be a day of entertainment, as well as education. We are currently seeking bands, performers, and food and craft vendors of different nationalities that would represent different racial backgrounds. We, also, are requesting volunteers. In addition, small / large businesses and community organizations are encouraged to come out and introduce yourself to the public and obtain possible new clientele and contacts. For more information, contact Alfonso Todd-484 707 9592 or

Upward Bound, Allentown!

(From Alfonso Todd) UPWARD BOUND, ALLENTOWN ! A multi-cultural celebration being held on July 12, 2008 on Hamilton Street between 6th and 7th streets that will highlight the positive aspects of the Allentown community. Music, food, children's activities, local performers, artists, and community organizations, will be on hand. This will be a day of entertainment, as well as education. We are currently seeking bands, performers, and food and craft vendors of different nationalities that would represent different racial backgrounds. We, also, are requesting volunteers. In addition, small / large businesses and community organizations are encouraged to come out and introduce yourself to the public and obtain possible new clientele and contacts. For more information, contact Alfonso Todd-484 707 9592 or

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Junk Science?

The Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll results ...,0,7302110.story
on Sunday's front page claim to show "signs of progress" for Allentown's image perception. Hmm. Let's take a look beyond the headline ...

* The poll surveyed only "405 Adults" which allows it to just barely squeak by the standard minimum 400 respondents required for statistical validity.

* 82% (!) of the poll respondents were "White/Caucasian" and what does that mean, really REALLY white? (with 4% Black, 4% Hispanic, 2% Latino, 2% Asian, 1% Native American, 2% Mixed Race).

* 57% were female.

* 21% (the majority of respondents) reported annual family income "over $100,000."

So ... looks like most respondents were Wealthy White White Women.

Okay so (let's play along for a minute) what do these Wealthy White White Women think? Well ...

*48% (the majority) think Allentown is headed in the "Wrong Direction."

* 45% (the majority) have a "Somewhat Negative" view of the city.

* 56% (the majority) said "Crime" is their #1 reason for their negative view.

And yet, The Morning Call's headline and sub-head accompanying Mayor Pawlowski's trance-like smiling face says:

"Image Overhaul ... poll shows signs of progress"

Hey. I've got nothing against optimism. But isn't this Junk Science?

Junk Science?

The Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll results ...,0,7302110.story
on Sunday's front page claim to show "signs of progress" for Allentown's image perception. Hmm. Let's take a look beyond the headline ...

* The poll surveyed only "405 Adults" which allows it to just barely squeak by the standard minimum 400 respondents required for statistical validity.

* 82% (!) of the poll respondents were "White/Caucasian" and what does that mean, really REALLY white? (with 4% Black, 4% Hispanic, 2% Latino, 2% Asian, 1% Native American, 2% Mixed Race).

* 57% were female.

* 21% (the majority of respondents) reported annual family income "over $100,000."

So ... looks like most respondents were Wealthy White White Women.

Okay so (let's play along for a minute) what do these Wealthy White White Women think? Well ...

*48% (the majority) think Allentown is headed in the "Wrong Direction."

* 45% (the majority) have a "Somewhat Negative" view of the city.

* 56% (the majority) said "Crime" is their #1 reason for their negative view.

And yet, The Morning Call's headline and sub-head accompanying Mayor Pawlowski's trance-like smiling face says:

"Image Overhaul ... poll shows signs of progress"

Hey. I've got nothing against optimism. But isn't this Junk Science?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Prom Season

Here's a drawing I did of my mom going to her prom. The next piece "Prom Night" is made from scarves that belonged to my mom, and some from my collection. There is a photo in the center, of mom and her prom date. The top part is an old purse handle, and it used to have a doll's head glued on but that fell off and I can't find it. Have fun at the prom kids! Don't drink and drive. I can remember how horrible my senior prom was. Since I went to an all girl's school and did not have a boyfriend, I could not get a date, so I went with my best friend's brother. Eeewww!
Wouldn't it be fun to have a "Prom Night" party as older adults!