Saturday, September 5, 2009

Let The President Inspire Our Son

Update: see "Comments" section to find out which member(s) of the Allentown School District Board of Education are regularly contributing "fellow commentator members" of the rabidly racist blog, The Allentown Commentator.

Readers, this is an email we've sent to our son Gianni's principal and teacher at Muhlenberg Elementary School in Allentown. 

Dear Mr. Turton and Miss Dex: 

We understand that the Allentown School District, caving to 
NeoCon right wingnut racist lunacy along with the mainstream media,  will be leaving it up to individual ASD classroom teachers to decide whether or not their students, our children, can watch an address from the President of The United States, Barack Obama, scheduled for the first day of school on Tuesday. 

Please be advised: we insist that our son Gianni have access to President Obama's address to school children on Tuesday, at school. As such, we strongly advise you to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that Gianni has access to the President's address, including moving him to a classroom where the address is being shown, or moving him to another school where President Obama's speech is being "allowed." 

Thank you for your consideration, wishing you a productive and enriching new school year. 

Best Regards, 

Angie Villa & Bill Villa

Update: Readers, we got this nice email response the day after posting this post ... 

Dear Mrs. Villa, 

Muhlenberg Elementary will be taking the necessary steps in order to show President Obama's scheduled speech to our students. If you have any other concerns, please let me know. 

I look forward to meeting you and Gianni on Tuesday!

Thank you, Miss Dex :) 

Update: Got this email from Muhlenberg's cool principal coupla minutes ago (10:34am, 9/8/09)

Mr. & Mrs. Villa, 

It is our intention to show the President's address today. Barring any technical problems the students will see and hear the speech. 

Phil Turton

Update: 12:27pm, 9/8/09, we just watched President Obama's awe-inspiring speech to U.S. students. How anybody can be against this man totally escapes us. On a personal note, we especially liked Obama's words on "standing up to bullies."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

DA Jim Martin Stonewalls on Stinky Debbie Garlicki Hiring as "Executive Aide"

Readers, for essential background info, please review the following two LVS exclusive blog posts, before reading this post, thanks ...

1. DA Martin: We Have a Right To Know

Okay, so far, we've established the following:

1. Longtime Morning Call "newspaper" courthouse beat "reporter" and laugh-out-loud obvious DA Jim Martin bootlicker Debbie Garlicki got fired on July 25, 2008.

2. That same month, July 2008, DA Martin asked the Lehigh County Commissioners to okay him adding a brand spankin' new salaried position in his DA's office, "Executive Aide" (hmm, wonder if Jim had anyone specific (wink wink) in mind for the job?)

3. In Feb. '09, Debbie Garlicki (what are the odds?) became DA Jim Martin's new "Executive Aide" and re-commenced her duties of turd polishing and promoting DA Jim Martin in Press Releases ... pretty much exactly as she had done at The Morning Call "newspaper" ever since DA Martin's first wobbly (hiccup) day on the job back in 1998.

Which brought us to our next exclusively excellent questions for Kathleen Parrish, Lehigh County's Right-To-Know/Open Records Officer:

In an email dated Aug. 7, 2009, the always polite Bill Villa queried...

Hi Kathleen, please send me all records (document copies are fine) that depict the advertisements used to announce the open position of Executive Aide in DA Jim Martin's office that was filled by Debbie Garlicki in February 2009. This would include any/all newspaper classified or display ads, postings on the Lehigh County web site, email announcements of the job opening, flyers that may have been hung in-house at the DA's office or Courthouse, etc. Also, please send me all records that indicate how many people applied for the position that was ultimately awarded to Debbie Garlicki in Feb. '09.

Kathleen Parrish Responds Again
and Likely (Our Guess) For The Last Time

Aug. 13, 2009

Dear Mr. Villa,
I am unable to fulfill your request because no such records for the position of Executive Aide in the District Attorney's office exist. 65 P.S. sections 67.102 (definition of "Record") and 67.705.

As an independently elected official, the District Attorney has discretion in filling budgeted positions.

[Redacted: 286 "boilerplate" words on how to file an appeal in Harrisburg on this matter which basically outlines an exercise in total futility]

Thank you,
Kathleen Parrish
Open Records Officer
Lehigh County

Well, there you have it, Lehigh County Voters. Crooked and incompetent DA Jim Martin (left) (who runs unopposed every election because Lehigh County Democrats curiously never put a candidate up against him) has "discretion" to fast-track whoever the hell he wants into a county job and have us taxpayers pay that person's salary. Got a problem w/ that? Try calling Harrisburg (wink wink).

Readers, in a post COMING SOON, LVS will demonstrate, and, exclusively, natch ...

1. How DA Jim Martin utilizes his "discretion" to fix DUI homicide cases for cronies.

2. How Debbie Garlicki and The Morning Call "newspaper" have helped DA Jim Martin pull this shit off.

We guarantee you it will floodlight up the excellent question of whether Debbie Garlicki was "awarded" the job in DA Jim Martin's office (and remember, Garlicki was the only candidate) ... or rewarded w/ a job in DA Jim Martin's office.

Included in this COMING SOON post will be my "excellent questions that deserve to be answered" regarding DA Jim Martin's highly suspect dispatching of a Sept. 2007 DUI homicide case the night before trial. BTW, my questions were deemed "excellent" and "deserving of being answered" by then Morning Call "newspaper" Investigations Editor (now "reporter") Tim Darragh. These are the same excellent questions the (now defunct) Morning Call Editorial Board refused (229 times) to meet w/ me on.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

DA Jim Martin Stonewalls on Stinky Debbie Garlicki Hiring as "Executive Aide"

Readers, for essential background info, please review the following two LVS exclusive blog posts, before reading this post, thanks ...

1. DA Martin: We Have a Right To Know

Okay, so far, we've established the following:

1. Longtime Morning Call "newspaper" courthouse beat "reporter" Debbie Garlicki parted ways with The Morning Call "newspaper" on July 25, 2008.

2. That same month, July 2008, DA Martin asked the Lehigh County Commissioners to okay him adding a brand spankin' new salaried position in his DA's office, "Executive Aide" (hmm, wonder if Jim had anyone specific (wink wink) in mind for the job?)

3. In Feb. '09, Debbie Garlicki (what are the odds?) became DA Jim Martin's new "Executive Aide" and re-commenced her duties of turd polishing and promoting DA Jim Martin in Press Releases ... pretty much exactly as she had done at The Morning Call "newspaper" ever since DA Martin's first wobbly (hiccup) day on the job back in 1998.

Which brought us to our next exclusively excellent questions for Kathleen Parrish, Lehigh County's Right-To-Know/Open Records Officer:

In an email dated Aug. 7, 2009, the always polite Bill Villa queried...

Hi Kathleen, please send me all records (document copies are fine) that depict the advertisements used to announce the open position of Executive Aide in DA Jim Martin's office that was filled by Debbie Garlicki in February 2009. This would include any/all newspaper classified or display ads, postings on the Lehigh County web site, email announcements of the job opening, flyers that may have been hung in-house at the DA's office or Courthouse, etc. Also, please send me all records that indicate how many people applied for the position that was ultimately awarded to Debbie Garlicki in Feb. '09.

Kathleen Parrish Responds Again
and Likely (Our Guess) For The Last Time

Aug. 13, 2009

Dear Mr. Villa,
I am unable to fulfill your request because no such records for the position of Executive Aide in the District Attorney's office exist. 65 P.S. sections 67.102 (definition of "Record") and 67.705.

As an independently elected official, the District Attorney has discretion in filling budgeted positions.

[Redacted: 286 "boilerplate" words on how to file an appeal in Harrisburg on this matter which basically outlines an exercise in total futility]

Thank you,
Kathleen Parrish
Open Records Officer
Lehigh County

Well, there you have it, Lehigh County Voters. DA Jim Martin (left) (who runs unopposed every election because Lehigh County Democrats curiously never put a candidate up against him) has "discretion" to fast-track whoever the hell he wants into a county job and have us taxpayers pay that person's salary. Got a problem w/ that? Try calling Harrisburg (wink wink).

Readers, in a post COMING SOON, LVS will demonstrate, and, exclusively, natch ...

1. How DA Jim Martin utilizes his "discretion" to fix DUI homicide cases for connected cronies.  

2. How Debbie Garlicki and The Morning Call "newspaper" have helped DA Jim Martin pull this shit off.  

We guarantee you it will floodlight up the excellent question of whether Debbie Garlicki was "awarded" the job in DA Jim Martin's office (and remember, Garlicki was the only candidate) ... or rewarded w/ a job in DA Jim Martin's office.

Included in this COMING SOON post will be my "excellent questions that deserve to be answered" regarding DA Jim Martin's highly suspect dispatching of a Sept. 2007 DUI homicide case the night before trial. BTW, my questions were deemed "excellent" and "deserving of being answered" by then Morning Call "newspaper" Investigations Editor (now "reporter") Tim Darragh. These are the same excellent questions the (now defunct) Morning Call Editorial Board refused (229 times) to meet w/ me on.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Friday, August 28, 2009

"Just Say No" to Bernie O'Hare

Readers, FYI, here's an email we just sent to Lehigh County Executive, Don Cunningham (left). 

"Don [Cunningham] was gracious enough to sit down with me after his speech [yesterday at Coca-Cola Park], and I'll have more about that tomorrow." -Bernie O'Hare, at his Blog Droppings, today

Don, why do you continue to legitimize O'Hare by giving him the time of day?

This is a "man" who was disbarred by the PA Supreme Court for evil intent activity, and 23 years later, unrepentant and un-rehabilitated, O'Hare is still emotionally torturing grief-stricken families. 

If you haven't already, please read our blog's exposé on O'Hare (follow the link below) which is based on documents obtained from the PA Supreme Court. 

Thank you for your consideration, Don. 

Best Regards, 

Bill Villa 

Readers, we'll be confronting every local politico who co-mingles w/ O'Hare, and especially those who, like Cunningham, were emailed our exposé on O'Hare [see next 4 posts down] weeks ago. While we do understand that being a "publicity opportunist" (note: we didn't say publicity "whore") is part of being in politics, we also believe strongly that area politicians should draw the line when it comes to legitimizing O'Hare w/ their access. Just Say No. 

"Just Say No" to Bernie O'Hare

Readers, FYI, here's an email we just sent to Lehigh County Executive, Don Cunningham (left). 

"Don [Cunningham] was gracious enough to sit down with me after his speech [yesterday at Coca-Cola Park], and I'll have more about that tomorrow." -Bernie O'Hare, at his Blog Droppings, today

Don, why do you continue to legitimize O'Hare by giving him the time of day?

This is a "man" who was disbarred by the PA Supreme Court for evil intent activity, and 23 years later, unrepentant and un-rehabilitated, O'Hare is still emotionally torturing grief-stricken families. 

If you haven't already, please read our blog's exposé on O'Hare (follow the link below) which is based on documents obtained from the PA Supreme Court. 

Thank you for your consideration, Don. 

Best Regards, 

Bill Villa 

Readers, we'll be confronting every local politico who co-mingles w/ O'Hare, and especially those who, like Cunningham, were emailed our exposé on O'Hare [see next 4 posts down] weeks ago. While we do understand that being a "publicity opportunist" (note: we didn't say publicity "whore") is part of being in politics, we also believe strongly that area politicians should draw the line when it comes to legitimizing O'Hare w/ their access. Just Say No. 

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Readers, thank you, for the email we've received from you thanking us for our 3-part exposé on

Truly, the pleasure was all ours, but it's a nice bonus knowing you enjoyed it too.

Inexplicably (like those who believe Obama came here from Kenya to create healthcare death panels), there are people in our local blogosphere who continue to believe and steadfastly defend O'Hare (?) no matter how ugly the truths being revealed about him get (and more are coming, stay tuned).

The Morning Call "newspaper," for example, continues to link their online "news" stories to O'Hare's Lehigh Valley Ramblings blog (?) as another "news" source. BTW, The Morning Call's front page, above-the-fold, lead story today [Saturday 8/22/09] is about a 15 year-old boy shooting photos and videos up the skirts of his female classmates and teachers. Yep. Front page. Lead story. Morning Call "newspaper." And disgraced ex-lawyer/blogger Bernie O'Hare. Perfect together.


For the dwindling few of you who are still "on the fence" w/ this "Ugly O'Hare Truth" issue, please consider the following:

* O'Hare's slithering response to our devastating 3-part exposé on him has been to continue blaming "booze" (and not "Evil Intent") for his having been kicked out of the law profession.  

* The PA Supreme Court saw it quite differently of course, they cited these reasons:

dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude (more on this one in a moment).

* Don't forget: "booze" is not mentioned anywhere in the 22 pages Lehigh Valley Somebody obtained from the Pittsburgh office of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania [No. 512 Disciplinary Docket No. 2 Disciplinary Board No. 25 DB 84 Attorney Registration 28024, dated January 9, 1986], upon which our 3-part exposé was based.

* As an astute commenter to our "Part 3" post noted, it's standard practice during the sentencing of a defendant on a "booze" related offense for the defendant to produce some documentation that demonstrates to the court the steps he or she has been taking to remedy their problem w/ "booze." This documentation might include detox and/or hospitalization records, verifications of attendance at A.A. meetings, testimonials from fellow A.A. members or an A.A. sponsor, alcohol-free urine and/or blood tests, etc. Duped O'Hare Supporters Take Note: O'Hare presented nothing to the PA Supreme Court regarding any steps he was taking to remedy an alleged problem w/ "booze."

* When Mrs. Dottie and I correctly conclude that O'Hare is an Evil Sadist, we're basing this not just on first-hand knowledge and personal experience but also on the conclusions of the PA Supreme Court.

* Look up Moral Turpitude. It defines a range of EVIL INTENT activity.

* The PA Supreme Court concluded that O'Hare acted w/ EVIL INTENT in his 2-year emotional torturing of George Usry.

* We conclude that O'Hare acted w/ EVIL INTENT in his even longer emotional torturing of Lucille White.

* Both cases involved O'Hare purposefully sabotaging civil litigation w/ EVIL INTENT: George Usry's Civil Rights litigation, and Lucille White's Wrongful Death litigation.

* 23 years later ... and "former booze hound" (wink wink) O'Hare is emotionally torturing the family of Sheena Villa ...

... and publicly threatening to sabotage Sheena Villa's Wrongful Death litigation at his "Troll Parade" blog w/ co-creator and duped attorney (for now) David Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor.

"Booze?" Nah. Some things never change. Be it 1986 or 2009, Bernie O'Hare takes pleasure in hurting people who are already hurting, and he likes to take his time doing it.

The ugly truth about Bernie O'Hare is that he's an evil sadist.

Civilly agree to disagree if you like but you'll be wrong.

What's our point w/ all this? We want you to know the ugly truth about Bernie O'Hare, because O'Hare has never been rehabilitated; O'Hare has never changed his ways; and O'Hare's "ways" still involve a course of evil intent activity that is characterized by, in the conclusions of the PA Supreme Court:

The other O'Hare ... the one w/ the "serious emotional problem" as described by his own lawyer in the Supreme Court's report ... the disgraced former prosecutor who delights in persecuting good guys ... w/ evil intent ... is still out there ... duping people.

Are you still duped by O'Hare?


Readers, thank you, for the email we've received from you thanking us for our 3-part exposé on

Truly, the pleasure was all ours, but it's a nice bonus knowing you enjoyed it too.

Inexplicably (like those who believe Obama came here from Kenya to create healthcare death panels), there are people in our local blogosphere who continue to believe and steadfastly defend O'Hare (?) no matter how ugly the truths being revealed about him get (and more are coming, stay tuned).

The Morning Call "newspaper," for example, continues to link their online "news" stories to O'Hare's Lehigh Valley Ramblings blog (?) as another "news" source. BTW, The Morning Call's front page, above-the-fold, lead story today [Saturday 8/22/09] is about a 15 year-old boy shooting photos and videos up the skirts of his female classmates and teachers. Yep. Front page. Lead story. Morning Call "newspaper." And disgraced ex-lawyer/blogger Bernie O'Hare. Perfect together.


For the dwindling few of you who are still "on the fence" w/ this "Ugly O'Hare Truth" issue, please consider the following:

* O'Hare's slithering response to our devastating 3-part exposé on him has been to continue blaming "booze" (and not "Evil Intent") for his having been kicked out of the law profession.  (Curiously, "booze" isn't mentioned anywhere in the 22 pages Lehigh Valley Somebody obtained recently from the Pittsburgh office of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania [No. 512 Disciplinary Docket No. 2 Disciplinary Board No. 25 DB 84 Attorney Registration 28024]dated January 9, 1986). 

* The PA Supreme Court saw it quite differently of course, they cited these reasons:

dishonesty, fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, unauthorized activity, forgery, cover-up, conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice, illegal conduct, and moral turpitude (more on this one in a moment).

* Don't forget: "booze" is not mentioned anywhere in the 22 pages Lehigh Valley Somebody obtained from the Pittsburgh office of the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania [No. 512 Disciplinary Docket No. 2 Disciplinary Board No. 25 DB 84 Attorney Registration 28024,  dated January 9, 1986], upon which our 3-part exposé was based. 

* As an astute commenter to our "Part 3" post noted, it's standard practice during the sentencing of a defendant on a "booze" related offense for the defendant to produce some documentation that demonstrates to the court the steps he or she has been taking to remedy their problem w/ "booze." This documentation might include detox and/or hospitalization records, verifications of attendance at A.A. meetings, testimonials from fellow A.A. members or an A.A. sponsor, alcohol-free urine and/or blood tests, etc. Duped O'Hare Supporters Take Note: O'Hare presented nothing to the PA Supreme Court regarding any steps he was taking to remedy an alleged problem w/ "booze."

* When Mrs. Dottie and I correctly conclude that O'Hare is an Evil Sadist, we're basing this not just on first-hand knowledge and personal experience but also on the conclusions of the PA Supreme Court.

* Look up Moral Turpitude. It defines a range of EVIL INTENT activity.

* The PA Supreme Court concluded that O'Hare acted w/ EVIL INTENT in his 2-year emotional torturing of George Usry.

* We conclude that O'Hare acted w/ EVIL INTENT in his even longer emotional torturing of Lucille White.

* Both cases involved O'Hare purposefully sabotaging civil litigation w/ EVIL INTENT: George Usry's Civil Rights litigation, and Lucille White's Wrongful Death litigation.

* 23 years later ... and "former booze hound" (wink wink) O'Hare is emotionally torturing the family of Sheena Villa ...

... and publicly threatening to sabotage Sheena Villa's Wrongful Death litigation at his "Troll Parade" blog w/ co-creator and duped attorney (for now) David Najarian, Lynn Township Supervisor.

"Booze?" Nah. Some things never change. Be it 1986 or 2009, Bernie O'Hare takes pleasure in hurting people who are already hurting, and he likes to take his time doing it.

The ugly truth about Bernie O'Hare is that he's an evil sadist.

Civilly agree to disagree if you like but you'll be wrong.

What's our point w/ all this? We want you to know the ugly truth about Bernie O'Hare, because O'Hare has never been rehabilitated; O'Hare has never changed his ways; and O'Hare's "ways" still involve a course of evil intent activity that is characterized by, in the conclusions of the PA Supreme Court:

The other O'Hare ... the one w/ the "serious emotional problem" as described by his own lawyer in the Supreme Court's report ... the disgraced former prosecutor who delights in persecuting good guys ... w/ evil intent ... is still out there ... duping people.

Are you still duped by O'Hare?