Watch WFMZ-TV 69 News's courageous coverage of the Allentown Ethics Board's shameful dismissal of our Ethics Complaint against Allentown City Council Vice President (for now) W. Michael Donovan.
Then contrast & compare it w/ The Morning Call "newspaper's" skillfully incomplete coverage (curiously, no online comments were allowed) and the deceit-laden (and again, comments-disabled) volunteer "offensive" by under-achieving Morning Call "columnist" Bill White.
It's like the "newspaper" is covering a totally different story.
In its 100% Integrity-Free reporting on the Ethics Board's ruling, The Morning Call actually quotes Chris Casey and [Redacted] as character witnesses for Donovan ... but somehow forgets on purpose to mention that these same two cretins, posting (and signing) vile comments at Donovan's blog, were responsible for Donovan getting hauled in front of the Ethics Board to begin with.
Worth Repeating Department
Thanks for mentioning this, b/c whenever the "newspaper" reports on Bill Villa blog "spats" ending up in court, they always "forget" (wink wink) to mention the attorney (for now) Dave Najarian trouncing. Maybe that's because the verbiage in Dave's complaint, an alleged harassment charge against moi, was in fact all about DA Jim Martin and The Morning Call and how it upsets Dave so much that I criticize Jimbo and the "newspaper." How does that translate into "harassment" against the 5'4" Najarian? It doesn't. But that didn't prevent DA Martin from enlisting the aid of the PA State Attorney General Tom Corbett in trying to hang that charge on me. In didn't work. Judge Halal saw right through it. By contrast, Bill White makes believe he doesn't see it.
"Speaking truth to power" oftentimes carries a very high price tag w/ it as we've seen in The Morning Call's ongoing hatchet jobs on Bill. The Villas are willing to pay this high price and I say bravo to them.
Bill, WOW, what a difference between the 69 News coverage and the Morning Calls! And what influence you're having with your blog!
Merci, and oui, let's keep our local "newspaper"/blogosphere/DA unholy alliance on its toes.
The Morning Call - Use It For Bircage Liner
Domain Name > ptd.net
IP Address > 204.186.62.# (PenTeleData)
City > Harrisburg
Time of Visit > Jun 7 2010 4:17:58 pm
Morning Call "newspaper" checks in for the 1st of their several dozen daily visits to LVS (including weekends and holidays) ...
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Jun 8 2010 9:07:47 am
Email, Outgoing, to Allentown City Clerk, Mike Hanlon
On Jun 8, 2010, at 9:48:53 AM, Bill Villa wrote:
Subject Heading: Courtesy of the Floor
Hi Mike, I'd like to speak at City Council, "courtesy of the floor."
Can you tell me how this process works?
* When would be my next opportunity to do this
* What's the time limit
* Is there "rebuttal" allowed, and could I respond to that
* Anything else I need to know
FYI, within my allotted time, I'd like to cover ...
* Thanking Mike D'Amore for his efforts in looking into an official censure on Donovan and ultimately recommending filing a complaint against Donovan w/ Ethics Board
* Inquiring about updating the Allentown Ethics codes (which was mentioned by the Ethics Board in media reports) to cover today's cyber realities and the crap Donovan got away with (for now; we'll be re-filing our complaint after the codes are updated)
* Informing those present of some relevant facts in the Donovan Ethics Board whitewash that weren't covered by The Morning Call "newspaper"
Thanks for your input and instruction on this, Mike.
If it's easier to phone me, feel free ...
Bill Villa
Email, Incoming, from Allentown City Clerk, Mike Hanlon
On Jun 8, 2010, at 10:09:42 AM, Mike Hanlon wrote:
Courtesy of the Floor is the first item of official business at council meetings. You have three minutes to address council on an issue that is not on the agenda – if it is on the agenda you simply address that issue at the appropriate time on the agenda. I actually operate a clock that buzzes when the three minutes are up. You simply go up to a podium at the front of chambers and speak – normally there are three to five people that speak. It is up to each councilperson (subject to allowing such by the council president) as to whether they respond to any comments or not; or if additional time is granted. Council meets the first and third Wednesday of each month – the next meeting is scheduled for June 16th at 7:30. I you have any additional questions, let me know. mh
((Me)) Thanks very much for your rapid response Mike, see you on June 16th ...
Sure hope Spooky "Doctor" Bob shows up again.
I wonder if "Ethics" Board members the "Rev" Canon Maria Tjeltveit or Rev Dr. Grant Harrity would like to attend and publicly explain their defense of Michael Donovan's (God-given?) "right" to blatantly libel and lie to his blog readers about Allentown citizens (for now) The Villas?
I'll be sure to personally invite them both.
Hey Billy Boy, did you tell Mike to save seats at that Council meeting for all your supporters?
Oops, forgot - there aren't any. And no doubt the Missus won't be there either.
By the way,
June 16th is Donovan's birthday.
"Inclusion by Michael Donovan" guest blogger Chris Casey (a/k/a/ anon 1:50) is obsessively/compulsively stalking this blog, on average, every 6 minutes ...
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > (Level 3 Communications)
Time of Visit > Jun 8 2010 1:48:17 pm
Chrissy Boy, we thought Team Donovan might take some time off to bask in your (temporary & hollow) "victory" but there you all are on our Sitemeter 10X a day. Why so skittish? Still? ;D
(Yawn) this is too easy ...
Sorry Billy Boy, I'm not Casey either. And stop posting under the Missus' title, it's pusillanimous.
Hot off the presses!!! Performing track 1 from their debut CD "Secrets" ("Just Like a Genius"), ladies and gentlemen, The Villas Live @ Mayfair
Well thank you, thank you very much, Jon ...
Hey Billy Boy, how do you like my new pink split-crotch panties? I got them at Victoria's Secret - but do you know what the best part is? I SHOPLIFTED them!
Aren't I a pretty girl? Yes I am! Yes I am a pretty girl!
"Hey Billy Boy, how do you like my new pink split-crotch panties?"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Billy boy, damn you're funny, you should add comedy to the tour you and the Missus are going on.
Another fun day for you, eh :)
enjoy ...
Morning Call "newspaper" checks in for the 5th of their several dozen daily visits to LVS (including weekends and holidays) ...
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 10:34:12 am
Hey Billy Boy, that wasn't me who posted at 9:16:00 because you can see I didn't capitalize the B in Boy the second time around.
But this is me saying I'm the prettiest girl who visits your blog. Today I have a new bra to try on I'm so excited! Now I want everyone to guess who it is I'm making myself extra pretty for. It's somebody familiar to everyone here but mum's the word!
I'm so in love!
Merci, for reading LVS ;D
Looks like the Morning Call has moved 2 online comments from its May 24 article entitled "Allentown Ethics Board to rule on blog allegation" (which, curiously, has been moved to the MC archives already; this usually takes 30 days) and re-posted them at Renshaw's June 3 article, and voila, they didn't block/muzzle anybody after all (wink wink), retroactively, that is. Let's see if they retroactively "open up comments" at Bill White's Saturday hatchet job on BV. And this is minor issue. The major issue is "no integrity at The Morning Call."
Mike Donovan is so transparent the voters are seeing right through him.
"But this is me saying I'm the prettiest girl who visits your blog."
Wow Billy Boy, maybe you should torpedo the music career and be a comedian! Too funny. Really.
And there's that sleuthing again, capitals this time. Can't get anything past you, can I?
Oopsie, already did but that's ok you're still way smarter.
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 12:38:26 pm
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > (Level 3 Communications)
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 1:05:29 pm
Oops Billy Boy, that wasn't the real me at 12:52 either. Just some jealous imposter who wishes they were as pretty as me.
I am pretty, and I have some meat on my bones too, thanks for noticing with your funny poem. I do agree with 12:52 that you should be a comedian. Speaking of meat I have a fairly fat fist, but you'd be surprised where I can fit it.
The next time I post I'll be wearing frosty pink lipstick. I'm a pretty Cover Girl!
Anon Boy, some busy anonymous troll day for you, eh? Sadly though, totally unproductive. Just sayin'. Watch what we pull off next, now THIS one's a beauty :) (like you)
Bingo. Direct Hit.
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > (Level 3 Communications)
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 2:39:17 pm
Sondra, it's b/c they know they've yet to lay a glove on moi, as I, well, you know what I do to them at will :)
Ain't that The Truth!
Jeez Billy Boy,look out your front door, a little to the left. I'm the pretty girl in the flowered frock.
I'm a pretty girl, and a busy girl, with all my posts. I'm getting a little tired. If I can just make it through hump day (no "fun" intended!) the weekend will be here, and I can let loose.
My favorite weekend activity is playing Dress Up. This Saturday night I'll put on my schoolgirl outfit and live my dreamy fantasy of being the Prom Queen!
Next time I post, I'll be fully shaved!
Villas: file a police report.
We're considering it. We know some people high up in local law enforcement ...
Hey, in the LV bizarro world, your stalker dress up girl could be you know (hiccup) who ...
At this point, we can't rule him out ...
Possible scoop (poop) for ya there,
Morning Call watchdogs ...
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 4:00:19 pm
The Stalking Call. Use it for life.
We wonder how many of these Morning Call proxy server visits are from Renshaw? How many are from Bill White? Dave Erdman? Paul Carpenter? Tim Ryan? Inquiring minds want to know ...
Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.13.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 4:48:59 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 4:29:56 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 4:00:19 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 3:21:09 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 3:11:56 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 2:04:11 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 1:48:37 pm
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 11:38:26 am
Time of Visit > Jun 9 2010 10:34:12 am
Bill, that is REALLY SOMETHING that attorney general TOM CORBETT was utilized (like a tool) by DA JIM MARTIN in trying to hang a TOTALLY PHONY harsassment charge on you...unsuccessfully. Any newspaper reporter w/ integrity worth his salt (RENSHAW?) would be all over this front page story.
Oh definitely.
And, (humbly), nobody in Lehigh County knows how to (figuratively) kick DA Jim Martin's fat lard ass like I do.
Just sayin'.
(almost forgot)
And crooked Tommy Corbett's ass, too.
Bill White ... what w/ all the bonafide big game we bag around here, can you see why someone as insignificant (and as talent-free) as yourself won't qualify for the Villas "enemies list" you're aspiring so badly to be on ... sorry ... you don't make the cut ... ;D
Well said, Honeykins. And readers, as you know, we do go after "small game" sometimes if it has "high value" to us as a tool.
Sometimes really
really small game ...
Touché (and kudos) on your quid pro quo discovery (we connected these same dots last Saturday, just sayin').
FYI, we will be formally requesting that the Allentown Ethics Board reverse its opinion, based on exactly what you've brought up. It will be our next post.
And (Bonus) you are the recipient of the LVS Comment Of The Week Award, well done.
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