Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Morning Call Scrubs Archives of Shiatsu Sex Story, Gives DA Jim Martin "Happy Ending"

On Thursday, November 5, 2009, the Pennsylvania Superior Court resoundingly rejected an appeal filed by Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin.

DA Martin was attempting to get a higher court reversal on a ruling that was handed down against him by Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert L. Steinberg > Read Morning Call story by Debbie Garlicki.

On Saturday, November 7, 2009, LVS wrote a blog post commenting on and quoting heavily from The Morning Call's coverage of the same day > Saturday, November 7, 2009.

On Monday, November 9, 2009, Law.com covered the story, see: Sex With Informant Voids Prostitution Case, and this part really jumped out at us:

Debbie Garlicki, a spokeswoman for Lehigh County District Attorney James B. Martin, said her office plans to appeal the decision, but declined further comment.

W-O-W. So even though Lehigh County Court and the Pennsylvania Superior Court had both ruled against him, resoundingly, and the PA State Police (agreeing w/ the courts) was publicly condemning the actions of its participating troopers, DA Jim Martin was taking his crusade for paid informant sex all the way to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court!

And curiously, the "newspaper" "reporter" Debbie Garlicki had somehow become DA Jim Martin's mouthpiece. Officially. Maybe she always was.

Is this crony crooked enough for you? There's more.

On Wednesday, November 11, 2009, Morning Call "newspaper" "columnist" Paul Carpenter wrote a highly DA Jim Martin-friendly and purposefully mis-directing "puff" piece on this serious matter-- serious, when you consider the time, energy, and resources Lehigh County's "Top Cop" DA Jim Martin was spending on a paid informant sex case, which now included an announced appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

You'll notice in Paul Carpenter's November 11, 2009 article (see paragraph 3) his mention of a "Saturday" story ... so ... there obviously was a Morning Call story on Saturday, November 7, 2009.

Curious thing is ... we can't find it in The Morning Call archives anymore.

Try searching "Judge Steinberg Shiatsu" in the "newspaper" online archives, and curiously, nothing comes up.

Also, checking (carefully) The Morning Call's own Article Collections, here's the list of everything (wink wink) that ran in The Morning Call "newspaper" on Saturday, November 7, 2009.

As you can see, the "Shiatsu Sex Story" that ran on Saturday, November 7, 2009 ... the "Saturday" story Paul Carpenter referred to ... is not there anymore, as of the day and time of this post.

2011 is an election year for longtime Morning Call colluding crony DA Jim Martin, and questions about Big Jim's [alleged] Supreme Court Appeal regarding a paid informant sex case could make for some very embarrassing moments, in, say, a televised debate situation.

Is that why this story was tossed off by The Morning Call?

And what else will be disappearing from The Morning Call "newspaper" archives to protect DA Jim Martin?

Find out here, and only here.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court Tells DA Jim Martin to Beat It

1/26/11 UpDate: Former Morning Call "newspaper" "reporter" and current DA Jim Martin "Executive Aide" and spokeswoman Debbie Garlicki contacts LVS by email to say, "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied [DA Martin's] petition for allowance of appeal on April 27, 2010 ... i.e., the PA Supreme Court wouldn't even consider reviewing it, and The Morning Call "newspaper" of course never reported this. Garlicki then ran for the hills wearing wet panties when confronted w/ her stinky cover-up in the Chris Squires DUI homicide case, see comments. Read: Related Post



Anonymous said...

Vs (and Dems), you've got Jimbo either way:

either ...

* his Supreme Court appeal is underway and WTF, Jim?

or ...

* that Supreme Court "appeal" crap was just more Morning Call-assisted Jim Martin hot air blowing and WTF, Jim?


And Bravo.

You have the best local blog by far and a way.

Anonymous said...

What's the over/under on how long it takes the "newspaper" to restore their 11/07/09 shiatsu masssage parlour story?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of embarrassing and televised DA debate questions, how about one for Mr. martin on Debbie Garlicki .............. excellent?

Anonymous said...

This taking down of stories by The Morning Call is nothing new.

I took exception to a negative story about Coca-Cola Park a few years and ended up challenging a Morning Call reporter about it.

He said he had no recollection of the article and even questioned whether such a piece ever existed in the first place.

So, I opened up the desk drawer and re-copied the original for the reporter's benefit complete with publishing date, author, etc., and sent it to him.

All of a sudden, the reporter 'magically' remembered the article in question...

Poor reporter --- his credibility will be forever be tainted and tarnished beyond repair.

Which sucks for him considering that, in theory, he wants me to actually purchase his bird-cage liner passing itself off as a newspaper.

Not hard to figure out who the joke is really on, in spite of all best efforts at effective propaganda.


One of phony-baloney Councilman Donovan's "Gladiator-loving" IronPigs spectators

Anonymous said...

Morning Call: 100% Integrity Free.

Bill Villa said...

I am just going to let all comments run. They are fun to read …

LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight said...

Domain Name > muhlenberg.edu (Educational)
IP Address > 192.104.181.# (Muhlenberg College)

Time of Visit > Jan 25 2011 3:43:49 pm

LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight said...

Domain Name > (Unknown)
IP Address > 163.192.12.# (Tribune Company)
ISP > Tribune Company

Time of Visit > Jan 25 2011 3:31:35 pm

Visit Length > 51 minutes 12 seconds

Allentown taxpayer said...

It used to be that the MC was the "paper of record" in the LV. Now it appears to be the revisonist of history when it comes to the inconvenient truths.

Bill Villa said...

Well said.

And I would add that, when it comes to their pal DA Jim (hiccup) Martin, the "newspaper" revises history if and when any inconvenient truths or facts on Martin happen to get out inadvertently (e.g., when an enabling editor is on vacation). Normally, they just ignore the facts on Martin, or flat-out refuse to cover them when they're brought to their attention.

And I speak from painful, and repeated, first-hand experience.

See our right sidebar series, "Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover."

Bill Villa said...

Readers, re: DA Jim Martin's announced appeal to the PA Supreme Court, re: his right to have paid informant sex as much as he wants, LVS is in the process of finding out if, in fact, DA Martin ever followed through on this appeal.

We doubt he did.

And if he didn't, it wouldn't be the first time that The Morning Call "newspaper" had lent DA Martin their bully pulpit/megaphone to look good for the cameras and the voters.

In September 2007, DA Martin announced attempted homicide charges against Veronica Rohrer, boldly braying that "the charges filed will be the charges prosecuted."

Soon after the news media left, Martin dropped the outrageous attempted homicide charge, and The Morning Call kept that quiet for a year.

Veronica Roher was acquitted of all of DA Jim Martin's phony charges.

Bill Villa said...

Here's The Morning Call
shilling for Martin announcing phony charges ...

And here's The Morning Call's
skillfully incomplete article announcing Veronica Rohrer's acquittal ...

Bill Villa said...

Email, Outgoing, to DA Jim Martin Executive Aide and Spokeswoman Debbie Garlicki, cc'd to DA Jim Martin

On Jan 26, 2011, at 10:40:12 AM, Bill Villa wrote:

Subject Heading: Media Inquiry

Hi Debbie, we're working on a deadline for later today ... we'd like to know the status of DA Jim Martin's announced appeal to the PA Supreme Court regarding the Shiatsu Massage Parlor Paid Informant Sex Case. Originally tossed off by Lehigh County Judge Robert Steinberg, whose ruling was subsequently upheld by the PA Superior Court.

Please give me a call or an email and let me know where in the legal process does DA Jim Martin's Supreme Court appeal stand, you can reach me at 610.428.xxxx, thanks.

Bill Villa
Lehigh Valley Somebody

P.S. Related info here > Morning Call Scrubs Archives of Shiatsu Sex Story, Gives DA Jim Martin "Happy Ending"

PTD Walnutport said...

Yes, the MC deleted it's 11-7-09 Shaitsu sex story on Martin, and now inquiring minds want to know the status of Mr. Martin's sexy and totally frivolous appeal to the Supreme Court. Stay on Miss Garlic-y, tenacious Vs.

Bill Villa said...

Will do ...

PTD Walnutport said...

(almost forgot)

You don't need any help!

Bill Villa said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Your blog series on the facts the newspaper ignored on purpose is very very disturbing.

Bill Villa said...

Well said, and thanks for saying it.

Bill Villa said...

Readers, I just left a polite "media inquiry" voicemail message for DA Jim Martin Executive Aide and Spokeswoman Debbie Garlicki again, querying about the status of DA Martin's Supreme Court Appeal of the Shiatsu Massage Parlor Paid Informant Sex Case.

Sure hope DA Jumbo Jimbo (left) doesn't twist/spin this into a "harassment" (wink wink) charge against moi.

Last time he did that, it didn't work out too well for him, ain't that (hiccup) right, fatso?

In fact, it's being "investigated" ...

Bill Villa said...

Email, Incoming, from DA Jim Martin Executive Aide and Spokeswoman Debbie Garlicki ...

On Jan 26, 2011, at 4:28:49 PM, Debbie Garlicki wrote:

Subject Heading: Case of Sun Cha Chon [Editor's Note: a.k.a. "Shiatsu Massage Parlor Paid Informant Sex Case"]

In response to your question left on my voicemail, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied the petition for allowance of appeal on April 27, 2010.



Bummer. Okay, thanks Deb.

Hey question, may I interview you (on the record) in person regarding the Chris Squires case ...

Debbie Garlicki's Stinky Cover-Up

DA Jim is welcome to attend too.

Let me know when's a good day and time for you.

Bill Villa
Lehigh Valley Somebody

LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight said...

Of the 100 most recent stalking visitors to LVS, 79% were staffers at The Morning Call "newspaper."

Consigliere said...

Villas, FYI, here's the PA Superior Court's affirmation of Judge Steinberg's ruling against Jim Martin which basically amounts to a well-derserved second bitch-slapping of D.A. Jim Martin, thought you'd enjoy perusing.

Allentown taxpayer said...

So the Supreme Court told Martin his appeal was useless and frivolous, and they wouldn't even spend the time to consider it? Priceless.
But, how come the Morning Call didn't follow-up on this story? Either Martin's PR machine didn't put out a news release, or the MC deliberately ignored the inconvenient facts (but they don't do that, do they?)

Bill Villa said...

Well said, "Allentown taxpayer."

LVS is in the process of probing the facts of DA Jim Martin's Supreme Court bitch-slap, and whether or not (and if not, why not) it was covered by the "newspaper," stay tuned ...

Bill Villa said...

"Consigliere," merci, we've added your info as a link in the text of the post.

Bill Villa said...

(almost forgot)

Readers, in my email back to Debbie Garlicki yesterday where I politely requested an in-person interview w/ her regarding her stinky involvement in the Chris Squires case (i.e., the LVS exposé-on-temporary-hold that has Judge Steinberg scrambling), I cc'd DA Jim Martin b/c I want him to see me coming at him like a drunk driver.

LVSConspiracy2 said...

While I don't always agree w/ your methods or the words w/ which youse use to outmaneuver and vanquish all comers, I am very impressed w/ your exposé journalism and your vast readership. Actually, I am very jealous of you.

Bill Villa said...


Email, Outgoing, to Debbie Garlicki and Jim Martin, cc'd and forwarded to Lehigh County Democrats, 69 News, Express Times, Judge Steinberg, all relevant Morning Callers (oxymoron?), and everybody in our vast email address book ...

On Jan 27, 2011, at 10:10:00 AM, Bill Villa wrote:

Subject Heading: Case of Sun Cha Chon [Editor's Note: a.k.a. "Shiatsu Massage Parlor Paid Informant Sex Case"]

Regarding > Shiatsu Sex Story

And, "The Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied the petition for allowance of appeal on April 27, 2010"
-Debbie Garlicki, 1/26/11

Debbie, so it appears that the PA Supreme Court interpreted DA Jim Martin's appeal as useless and frivolous and wouldn't even consider hearing it, is that correct?

Q. Did you or your office send a Press Release to the local media on the PA Supreme Court's rejection of DA Martin's appeal?

As you know, The Morning Call "newspaper" trumpeted the fact that DA Martin was appealing his "Shiatsu Massage Parlor Paid Informant Sex Case" all the way to the PA Supreme Court.

It's news that the PA Supreme Court, in addition to the PA Superior Court, and Lehigh County Court, all rejected DA Martin as I'm certain the voters of Lehigh County will also this November.

Suggestion: let's discuss this in person along w/ the Chris Squires case ...

Debbie Garlicki's Stinky Cover-Up

Let me know a good day and time for you and Jim.

Bill Villa
Lehigh Valley Somebody

Angie Villa said...

Readers, here are lots more facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover, involving ...

* Morning Call "reporter" John Micek

* Morning Call "reporter" Jarrett Renshaw

* Morning Call "reporter" Bill White

* Muhlenberg College professor Jeff Pooley

McJudas said...

That "seat-warming" temporary PA State Attorney General's job has got to be looking better and better to Jumbo Jimbo. Betcha he's squealing like a pig for it at his pally the Guv, Tom Corbett ...

Bill Villa said...

If Jim Martin shows his true pussy colors and runs (staggers) away from me and (hiccup) takes that job in Harrisburg we'd consider that another victory.

Lehigh County Democrat said...

My Take...

Currently, in all of Lehigh County, there are only two people who aren't afraid of Jim Martin. Hopefully, Rick Daugherty can find a third.

Over & Out...

PTD Walnutport said...

You're super relevant. Martin is running away, because he knows you're dethroning him.

The only way Martin escapes is via Harrisburg and the temp AG job. GOPs here will find someone completely unconnected to run for DA.

What you say is true.

Thsis of course is about you, and your FACTS.

But in the end, it's bigger than that. Martin's ego wouldn't be able to accept 'justice' as you've defined it, thank God you're front/center.

Jim Martin ... a shame.

LVS SiteMeter(R) Spotlight said...

Domain Name > rcn.com (Commercial)
IP Address > 216.164.22.# (RCN Cable Modems - Allentown, PA)
City > Northampton

Time of Visit > Jan 28 2011 4:17:14 am

Bill Villa said...

Well said, "LCD" and "PTD," merci.