Saturday, January 8, 2011

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: Martin's Tricky Secret Switcheroos

Criminal Docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Robert Edward LaBarre

At 3:15am on March 24, 2006, just hours after celebrating her 25th birthday, Sheena Villa's skull was crushed ...

and she was rendered brain dead, when Robert LaBarre's out-of-control Lexus GX470 smashed, airborne, into a tree on Parkway Boulevard in Allentown at a speed determined by the police crash reconstruction to have been a minimum of 85 miles per hour on a 35MPH-zoned residential street. Sheena was the front seat passenger. My first-born and only daughter, Sheena Marie Amelia Villa was pronounced dead later that day.

It took DA Jim Martin 10 long weeks to charge Robert LaBarre with any crime, and it's not like there was a cast of a dozen suspects; LaBarre had to be cut out of his crushed vehicle's driver's seat. His blood alcohol content was .24, three times the legal limit. As Sheena's family agonized over the seemingly endless wait, worrying, and wondering if any criminal charges would ever be filed, or not, DA Jim Martin told us nothing and went on a 2-week golfing vacation in Scotland.

Right before the 2006 Memorial Day Holiday, as a favor to my father who was his second cousin, former Lehigh County Commissioner, the late Jack McHugh, phoned DA Jim Martin on our behalf, inquiring, delicately, about Robert LaBarre's projected arrest date, if any. DA Jim Martin's response: "Jack, how did you get mixed up with people named Vee-lah?" Jack McHugh then informed his fellow Irishman DA Jim Martin that the family of Sheena Villa was half-Irish on her father's paternal and maternal sides ("Dougherty," "Morrissey") and that DA Martin likely remembered Sheena Villa's now deceased great-great uncle, prominent local Italian-American attorney, Henry Villa (pronounced VILL-ah).

Less than 48 hours later on June 1, 2006, Robert LaBarre was charged with Vehicular Homicide While Driving Under The Influence and related charges (see CBS-TV Philadelphia coverage). Apparently, being even half-Irish can be very helpful in Lehigh County. But as we'd soon find out, being the son of a connected local attorney trumps being half-Irish.

In August 2006, homicide defendant Robert LaBarre was somehow able to leave the United States and enjoy a 10-day vacation in Belize Central America while out on bail for killing my daughter Sheena. Robert LaBarre's father is Allentown attorney Don LaBarre from the law firm of Gross McGinley (formerly Gross McGinley LaBarre & Eaton). One of Gross McGinley's longtime clients is The Morning Call "newspaper." Many attorneys from Gross McGinley contribute frequently and generously to the Committee to Reelect DA Jim Martin. [Source: Lehigh County Voter Registration Campaign Contribution Records] The Morning Call "newspaper" has refused to disclose and report on any of this.

On November 2, 2006, a trial date was set for February 12, 2007.

By January 2007, Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin and Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert L. Steinberg had both received hundreds of letters, in an election year for both of them, about Sheena Villa. The overall tone of these hundreds of letters from friends of Sheena and her family went like this: "We're watching you, so don't even think about trying to fix this case. Do not plea bargain away any of the charges against Sheena's remorseless killer. Give Robert LaBarre the maximum sentence possible. And give Sheena Villa and her family justice."

In mid-January 2007, Sheena's family was anxiously awaiting the trial that was scheduled to start on February 12, 2007. We received no information whatsoever from DA Jim Martin's office regarding what we could expect to see and hear at the trial of our daughter Sheena's killer. For example, would we be exposed to Sheena's autopsy photos? We didn't want to be. DA Jim Martin's office told us nothing.

DA Jim Martin's Tricky & Secret Switcheroos

During the week of January 22-26, 2007, I received a second anonymous phone call. I'm assuming it was from the same female who had called me anonymously in August 2006 tipping me off about Robert LaBarre's AWOL Belize Vacation. Here's what the woman told me during her second anonymous phone call ...

"There won't be a trial starting on February 12th. Robert LaBarre will be pleading guilty on February 2nd."

Still naively clinging to the hope and trust that we would get a fair shake from The Morning Call "newspaper," I immediately called Morning Call "reporter" Manny Gamiz. With me on the line, Manny checked this Lehigh County website, and sure enough, Manny Gamiz was able to determine and confirm for me that the court date, and the court procedure switch, had been made by DA Jim Martin's office on January 17, 2007, nearly 10 days prior. Sheena's family had received no information whatsoever from DA Jim Martin's office regarding this major change in courtroom procedure, and its new date, which had been moved up 10 days, from FEB 12 to FEB 2.

When February 2nd arrived, and dozens of Sheena's friends and family members arrived in Judge Steinberg's courtroom for Robert LaBarre's suddenly not so secret guilty plea hearing, assistant DA Richard Director was visibly taken by surprise. With the "Sheena Squad" there watching, none of the major charges against Robert LaBarre were able to be trickily taken off the table. LaBarre likely pled guilty to more charges than they had planned for him to plead guilty to that day. And having done that, LaBarre was then finally taken away in handcuffs to Lehigh County jail to await sentencing to a Pennsylvania State Penitentiary on April 17, 2007.

Good thing we were there on FEB 2, 2007. Because if we hadn't been, I'm positive Sheena's family would have been victimized all over again by DA Jim Martin.

You see, when the victim's family isn't in attendance for their perpetrator's guilty plea hearing (and DA Jim Martin seems to prefer it this way, hence the secrecy about its date), the DA's office can tell the presiding Judge anything it wants. For example, they could say, "We're dropping 9 of the 14 charges, including the major charge, Your Honor." And the Judge will then dutifully and robotically ask, "Is the victim's family in agreement with this plea deal? And DA Jim Martin's office will then say, "Yup." And it's not the Judge's job to determine if the DA's office is lying ... like they were during this guilty plea hearing in September 2007 when the victim's family was not present and was not in agreement with this plea deal and I know that because they told me they weren't in agreement. They were so pissed off afterwards, they wrote about it at Morning Even Chris Casey smelled a rat on this one and started to write about it, albeit very clumsily, at an October 12, 2007 blog blurb entitled, "Ethics, Morning Call style" that includes a just stunning, "smoking gun" revelation moment with Judge Robert L. Steinberg. Casey then abruptly dropped the ball on this. Editor's Note: this was before Casey switched sides for the first time of his many subsequent flip-flops and became a Morning Call lapdog blogger and leading member of a cruelly sadistic local cyber gang dedicated to attacking Sheena's family (way easier + great crony insider benefits) instead of helping to bring down a genuinely bad guy, DA Jim Martin.

But I digress.

Bottom Line: The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to even discuss any of the many facts in this blog post w/ me in person, forget about reporting on them, despite my 229 polite requests to former top management.

100% Integrity-Free Morning Call "reporter" Manny Gamiz? I don't know how he can sleep at night or stomach looking in a mirror.

Readers, this is the second post in an ongoing series of LVS blog posts on "Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover." See our right sidebar for more revelations.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: Martin's Tricky Secret Switcheroos

Criminal Docket: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Robert Edward LaBarre

At 3:15am on March 24, 2006, just hours after celebrating her 25th birthday, Sheena Villa's skull was crushed ...

and she was rendered brain dead, when Robert LaBarre's out-of-control Lexus GX470 smashed, airborne, into a tree on Parkway Boulevard in Allentown at a speed determined by the police crash reconstruction to have been a minimum of 85 miles per hour on a 35MPH-zoned residential street. Sheena was the front seat passenger. My first-born and only daughter, Sheena Marie Amelia Villa was pronounced dead later that day.

It took DA Jim Martin 10 long weeks to charge Robert LaBarre with any crime, and it's not like there was a cast of a dozen suspects; LaBarre had to be cut out of his crushed vehicle's driver's seat. His blood alcohol content was .24, three times the legal limit. As Sheena's family agonized over the seemingly endless wait, worrying, and wondering if any criminal charges would ever be filed, or not, DA Jim Martin told us nothing and went on a 2-week golfing vacation in Scotland.

Right before the 2006 Memorial Day Holiday, as a favor to my father who was his second cousin, former Lehigh County Commissioner, the late Jack McHugh, phoned DA Jim Martin on our behalf, inquiring, delicately, about Robert LaBarre's projected arrest date, if any. DA Jim Martin's response: "Jack, how did you get mixed up with people named Vee-lah?" Jack McHugh then informed his fellow Irishman DA Jim Martin that the family of Sheena Villa was half-Irish on her father's paternal and maternal sides ("Dougherty," "Morrissey") and that DA Martin likely remembered Sheena Villa's now deceased great-great uncle, prominent local Italian-American attorney, Henry Villa (pronounced VILL-ah).

Less than 48 hours later on June 1, 2006, Robert LaBarre was charged with Vehicular Homicide While Driving Under The Influence and related charges (see CBS-TV Philadelphia coverage). Apparently, being even half-Irish can be very helpful in Lehigh County. But as we'd soon find out, being the son of a connected local attorney trumps being half-Irish.

In August 2006, homicide defendant Robert LaBarre was somehow able to leave the United States and enjoy a 10-day vacation in Belize Central America while out on bail for killing my daughter Sheena. Robert LaBarre's father is Allentown attorney Don LaBarre from the law firm of Gross McGinley (formerly Gross McGinley LaBarre & Eaton). One of Gross McGinley's longtime clients is The Morning Call "newspaper." Many attorneys from Gross McGinley contribute frequently and generously to the Committee to Reelect DA Jim Martin. [Source: Lehigh County Voter Registration Campaign Contribution Records] The Morning Call "newspaper" has refused to disclose and report on any of this.

On November 2, 2006, a trial date was set for February 12, 2007.

By January 2007, Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin and Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas Judge Robert L. Steinberg had both received hundreds of letters, in an election year for both of them, about Sheena Villa. The overall tone of these hundreds of letters from friends of Sheena and her family went like this: "We're watching you, so don't even think about trying to fix this case. Do not plea bargain away any of the charges against Sheena's remorseless killer. Give Robert LaBarre the maximum sentence possible. And give Sheena Villa and her family justice."

In mid-January 2007, Sheena's family was anxiously awaiting the trial that was scheduled to start on February 12, 2007. We received no information whatsoever from DA Jim Martin's office regarding what we could expect to see and hear at the trial of our daughter Sheena's killer. For example, would we be exposed to Sheena's autopsy photos? We didn't want to be. DA Jim Martin's office told us nothing.

DA Jim Martin's Tricky & Secret Switcheroos

During the week of January 22-26, 2007, I received a second anonymous phone call. I'm assuming it was from the same female who had called me anonymously in August 2006 tipping me off about Robert LaBarre's AWOL Belize Vacation. Here's what the woman told me during her second anonymous phone call ...

"There won't be a trial starting on February 12th. Robert LaBarre will be pleading guilty on February 2nd."

Still naively clinging to the hope and trust that we would get a fair shake from The Morning Call "newspaper," I immediately called Morning Call "reporter" Manny Gamiz. With me on the line, Manny checked this Lehigh County website, and sure enough, Manny Gamiz was able to determine and confirm for me that the court date, and the court procedure switch, had been made by DA Jim Martin's office on January 17, 2007, nearly 10 days prior. Sheena's family had received no information whatsoever from DA Jim Martin's office regarding this major change in courtroom procedure, and its new date, which had been moved up 10 days, from FEB 12 to FEB 2.

When February 2nd arrived, and dozens of Sheena's friends and family members arrived in Judge Steinberg's courtroom for Robert LaBarre's suddenly not so secret guilty plea hearing, assistant DA Richard Director was visibly taken by surprise. With the "Sheena Squad" there watching, none of the major charges against Robert LaBarre were able to be trickily taken off the table. LaBarre likely pled guilty to more charges than they had planned for him to plead guilty to that day. And having done that, LaBarre was then finally taken away in handcuffs to Lehigh County jail to await sentencing to a Pennsylvania State Penitentiary on April 17, 2007.

Good thing we were there on FEB 2, 2007. Because if we hadn't been, I'm positive Sheena's family would have been victimized all over again by DA Jim Martin.

You see, when the victim's family isn't in attendance for their perpetrator's guilty plea hearing (and DA Jim Martin seems to prefer it this way, hence the secrecy about its date), the DA's office can tell the presiding Judge anything it wants. For example, they could say, "We're dropping 9 of the 14 charges, including the major charge, Your Honor." And the Judge will then dutifully and robotically ask, "Is the victim's family in agreement with this plea deal? And DA Jim Martin's office will then say, "Yup." And it's not the Judge's job to determine if the DA's office is lying ... like they were during this guilty plea hearing in September 2007 when the victim's family was not present and was not in agreement with this plea deal and I know that because they told me they weren't in agreement. They were so pissed off afterwards, they wrote about it at Morning (see comment #22). 

Bottom Line: The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to even discuss any of the many facts in this blog post w/ me in person, forget about reporting on them, despite my 229 polite requests to (now former) top "management."  

100% Integrity-Free Morning Call "reporter" Manny Gamiz? I don't know how he can sleep at night or stomach looking in a mirror.

Readers, this is the second post in an ongoing series of LVS blog posts on "Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover." See our right sidebar for more revelations.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Diana Morse Gives Us Her Two Cents

Update: Diana Morse spews 7 more un-hinged, cruel, and misinformed emails at us, see comments] Email, Incoming, from Mrs. W. Mike Donovan and Morning Call freelancer, Diana Morse.

On Jan 5, 2011, at 8:20:58 PM, Diana Morse wrote:

"Your daughter CHOSE to turn over her keys to some guy when both were drunk [Editor's Note: My deceased daughter Sheena's keys, and her car, were parked at home. Sheena didn't turn over any car keys to anyone the night she was killed by Robert LaBarre] Where is here [sic] responsibility, and WHAT THE HELL are you avenging, that being the fact?" -Diana Morse is a "Counselor" (for now) w/ Great-West Retirement Services

Re: "WHAT THE HELL we're avenging," see: WHY WE FIGHT

Photo Credit: Mike Donovan

Diana Morse Gives Us Her Two Cents

Update: Diana Morse spews 7 more un-hinged, cruel, and misinformed emails at us, see comments] Email, Incoming, from Mrs. W. Mike Donovan and Morning Call freelancer, Diana Morse.

On Jan 5, 2011, at 8:20:58 PM, Diana Morse wrote:

"Your daughter CHOSE to turn over her keys to some guy when both were drunk [Editor's Note: My deceased daughter Sheena's keys, and her car, were parked at home. Sheena didn't turn over any car keys to anyone the night she was killed by Robert LaBarre] Where is here [sic] responsibility, and WHAT THE HELL are you avenging, that being the fact?" -Diana Morse is a "Counselor" (for now) w/ Great-West Retirement Services

Re: "WHAT THE HELL we're avenging," see: WHY WE FIGHT

Photo Credit: Mike Donovan

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: Killer Vacation in Belize

In August 2006, while out on unsecured ($0.00) bail for killing my daughter Sheena, Robert LaBarre was discovered to be Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) in Belize, Central America.

It was I who discovered this AWOL irregularity, by way of an anonymous phone tip.

I immediately (and frantically) contacted The Morning Call "newspaper" ("reporter" Manny Gamiz) and DA Jim Martin's office wanting desperately to know ... was my daughter Sheena's killer a fugitive from justice?

I've subsequently been told by a former newspaper editor that, in his opinion, my gut- and heart-wrenching August 2006 discovery of my daughter Sheena's killer suddenly gone missing in Central America would have been an "above the fold" front page lead story in any other city in America.

Grieving Father Discovers Daughter's Killer AWOL in Belize

But The Morning Call "newspaper" in my hometown of Allentown PA refused to cover this story.

Turns out homicide defendant Robert LaBarre was on vacation in Belize, but we wouldn't know this until he returned, an agonizing and anxiety-filled (for us) week later.

Q. How was Robert LaBarre able to enjoy a 10-day vacation in sunny Belize Central America while out on bail for killing my daughter Sheena?

Q. Was this incompetence on someone's part?

Q. Was there any crooked colluding cronyism and favoritism involved here?

Lehigh County DA Jim Martin wouldn't tell me anything.

The bail setting District Magistrate (and now Judge) Michele Varricchio wouldn't tell me anything either.

Upon LaBarre's tanned and smirking return to Lehigh County Court, Judge Robert Steinberg soberly confiscated LaBarre's passport and mandated that LaBarre get permission to leave the state of Pennsylvania for even a day trip.

Q. Should the passport confiscation and travel restrictions have been applied before LaBarre's Belize vacation by bail setting Judge Michele Varricchio?

Q. After homicide defendant LaBarre returned, why didn't Judge Steinberg revoke LaBarre's bail and incarcerate him?

Q. What exactly is "standard procedure" in Lehigh County in a situation like this?

Q. Have any other Lehigh County homicide defendants left the United States without permission to go on vacation? Jodi L. Stephen from Pre-Trial Services told me that LaBarre did not have their permission, and they were charged w/ supervising LaBarre.

All excellent questions that deserved to be answered, right?

But curiously, The Morning Call "newspaper" was not interested in knowing the answers to any of these questions.

And they obviously didn't want you to know the answers either.

I wanted all of us to know, and I pleaded with the "newspaper" repeatedly to investigate and report on Robert LaBarre's AWOL Belize vacation.

But The Morning Call "newspaper" steadfastly refused to cover it.

FYI: Robert LaBarre's father is Allentown attorney Don LaBarre from the law firm of Gross McGinley (formerly Gross McGinley LaBarre & Eaton).

One of Gross McGinley's longtime clients is The Morning Call "newspaper."

Many attorneys from Gross McGinley contribute frequently and generously to the Committee to Reelect DA Jim Martin. [Source: Lehigh County Voter Registration Campaign Contribution Records]

[UpDate] In March 2011, when DA Jim Martin faced an unexpected ballot petition challenge, out of all the law firms in Lehigh County he could have chosen for his legal defense, who did DA Jim Martin tap? Malcolm J. Gross and Patrick J. Reilly from Gross McGinley.

So now you have some answers.

Readers, this is the first post in an upcoming series of LVS blog posts on "Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover." See our right sidebar for more revelations.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover: Killer Vacation in Belize

In August 2006, while out on unsecured ($0.00) bail for killing my daughter Sheena, Robert LaBarre was discovered to be Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL) in Belize, Central America.

It was I who discovered this AWOL irregularity, by way of an anonymous phone tip.

I immediately (and frantically) contacted The Morning Call "newspaper" ("reporter" Manny Gamiz) and DA Jim Martin's office wanting desperately to know ... was my daughter Sheena's killer a fugitive from justice?

I've subsequently been told by a former newspaper editor that, in his opinion, my gut- and heart-wrenching August 2006 discovery of my daughter Sheena's killer suddenly gone missing in Central America would have been an "above the fold" front page lead story in any other city in America.

Grieving Father Discovers Daughter's Killer AWOL in Belize

But The Morning Call "newspaper" in my hometown of Allentown PA refused to cover this story.

Turns out homicide defendant Robert LaBarre was on vacation in Belize, but we wouldn't know this until he returned, an agonizing and anxiety-filled (for us) week later.

Q. How was Robert LaBarre able to enjoy a 10-day vacation in sunny Belize Central America while out on bail for killing my daughter Sheena?

Q. Was this incompetence on someone's part?

Q. Was there any crooked colluding cronyism and favoritism involved here?

Lehigh County DA Jim Martin wouldn't tell me anything.

The bail setting District Magistrate (and now Judge) Michele Varricchio wouldn't tell me anything either.

Upon LaBarre's tanned and smirking return to Lehigh County Court, Judge Robert Steinberg soberly confiscated LaBarre's passport and mandated that LaBarre get permission to leave the state of Pennsylvania for even a day trip.

Q. Should the passport confiscation and travel restrictions have been applied before LaBarre's Belize vacation by bail setting Judge Michele Varricchio?

Q. After homicide defendant LaBarre returned, why didn't Judge Steinberg revoke LaBarre's bail and incarcerate him?

Q. What exactly is "standard procedure" in Lehigh County in a situation like this?

Q. Have any other Lehigh County homicide defendants left the United States without permission to go on vacation? Jodi L. Stephen from Pre-Trial Services told me that LaBarre did not have their permission, and they were charged w/ supervising LaBarre.

All excellent questions that deserved to be answered, right?

But curiously, The Morning Call "newspaper" was not interested in knowing the answers to any of these questions.

And they obviously didn't want you to know the answers either.

I wanted all of us to know, and I pleaded with the "newspaper" repeatedly to investigate and report on Robert LaBarre's AWOL Belize vacation.

But The Morning Call "newspaper" steadfastly refused to cover it.

FYI: Robert LaBarre's father is Allentown attorney Don LaBarre from the law firm of Gross McGinley (formerly Gross McGinley LaBarre & Eaton).

One of Gross McGinley's longtime clients is The Morning Call "newspaper."

Many attorneys from Gross McGinley contribute frequently and generously to the Committee to Reelect DA Jim Martin. [Source: Lehigh County Voter Registration Campaign Contribution Records]

[UpDate] In March 2011, when DA Jim Martin faced an unexpected ballot petition challenge, out of all the law firms in Lehigh County he could have chosen for his legal defense, who did DA Jim Martin tap? Malcolm J. Gross and Patrick J. Reilly from Gross McGinley.

So now you have some answers.

Readers, this is the first post in an upcoming series of LVS blog posts on "Facts The Morning Call "newspaper" refused to cover." See our right sidebar for more revelations.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Muhlenberg College Professor Jeff Pooley Enables Forum for Hate Speech & Libel

March 2010 marked the four year anniversary of the death of our daughter, Sheena.

For the entire month of March 2010, Allentown City Council Vice President and Cedar Crest College Ethics Professor W. Michael Donovan allowed and encouraged a hate speech and libel forum against Sheena's family at his blog, "Inclusion by Michael Donovan."

Among the hundreds of sadistically cruel and offensive comments published by Michael Donovan at his blog were these ...

Michael Donovan said...I am just going to let all comments run. They are fun to read … March 12, 2010 2:25 PM

Anonymous said...Villa, You are the professional Asshole. You have set a bar so high no one can dream to touch it. Be Proud, Asshole of Assholes … you stand for just being an ASSHOLE. March 2, 2010 7:53 PM

Anonymous said...
Dear Villa,

Go crawl back in your hole. You have done nothing good for Allentown. I'll repeat that: you have done nothing good for Allentown. The Chen Arts Group has been a positive and is only successful b/c the people there ignore you and your crazy wife. 
 October 5, 2009 2:49 PM

Chris Casey said...
villa is no hero … Heroes don't profit from the loss of a child … And Heroes don't get barred from buildings like the Morning Call for sending threats of violence to the employees there … March 26, 2010 5:36 AM

Pussilanimous Galore said...
The Villas are like having a reality Snuff Show on the Internet! March 14, 2010 4:40 PM

Anonymous said...
necrophilia is a mental illness where patients have odd attitudes towards the dead. In Allentown we have a man who pimps a dead woman’s memory to extort pity for himself. The first ever case of NECROVILLIA. April 3, 2010 5:28 PM

RUPAUL said...
Well, wee willie, what is the good of playing your "grieving father role" if you can't do it in public?

Why don't you drag your dumb ass and your vibrator down to City Council tonight and speak at courtesy of the floor?

I would show up to watch. You could do your Bill/Willa routine

Are you a man or a woman? I know I'm confused. You better leave the robot at home, it would be embarassing if her chip blew a circuit during your presentation. March 17, 2010 10:51 AM

RUPAUL said...
Hey Bill, where in manhattan do you work? Can we post the phone number and address of your clients ... March 16, 2010 8:29 AM

Chris Casey said...
I think it is entirely appropriate for citizens to petition the sponsors of Mayfair to remove Burqa Bill and the Villains from the acts at Mayfair. 

March 14, 2010 11:31 AM

I'm a little Teapot said...
Hey Bill and Osama Angie Obama Bin Laden ALI VILLA ... How do you say the things you do about the district ATTorney and not go to jail? Isn't that Terrorisc threats or sumthin'? March 15, 2010 9:43 AM

RUPAUL said...
Villa … Morning Call … Are you still barred from entering all their buildings? Threatening to kill people will make that happen huh, dumbass?!

 March 18, 2010 10:16 AM

Was it Chris Casey who said...
[Villa] "You are one sick Mother. What do you do, keep your daughter's dead body in the basement so you can whore it around like a trophy? You oughta call this the How I whore my dead daughter blog. I bet you masterbate on her everytime you mention the name of one of your enemies. You and your wife are two of the sickest fucks I have ever read. Get some help." March 14, 2010 8:48 PM

Chris Casey said...
You know Bill, Quentin Tarantino has two great Movies, Kill Bill Vol 1 and kill Bill Vol 2
… April 5, 2010 6:04 AM

Anonymous said...
Don't worry Bill, I'm sure you and your Significant other will be together in Hell. March 23, 2010 2:48 PM

Michael Donovan said...
I am just going to let all comments run. They are fun to read … March 12, 2010 2:25 PM

On April 30, 2010, we filed a complaint against Michael Donovan with the Allentown Ethics Board.

On June 2, 2010, the Allentown Ethics Board concluded that Michael Donovan had not violated any of Allentown's ethics codes-- watch TV coverage by 69 News.

On June 3, 2010, and June 5, 2010, Morning Call reporters Jarrett Renshaw and Bill White both quoted several of the perpetrator participants in Donovan's hate speech and libel forum against the Villas as testimonial character witnesses for Donovan-- not mentioning the vile nature of the commentary that was published at the blog of their fellow Morning Call blogger Michael Donovan. Morning Call reporter/columnist Bill White is also an adjunct professor of journalism at Lehigh University in Bethlehem PA.

In mid-June 2010, after several 69 News-televised confrontations at Allentown City Council, Michael Donovan finally deleted all of his anti-Villas blog filth but he resolutely refused to apologize to the Villa family.

In December 2010, Michael Donovan re-activated the version of his blog that had contained all the previously deleted material-- that is, Donovan put everything back up on the internet.

Also in December 2010, Muhlenberg College media and communication professor Jeff Pooley PhD activated a right sidebar link at his blog, "Allentown Afterthoughts," to Donovan's blog, "Inclusion by Michael Donovan," thus enabling his blog readers easy access to Michael Donovan's re-activated hate speech and libel forum against the Villa family.

Last summer, and into autumn, communicating w/ Cedar Crest College Provost Betty Powell PhD, we tried politely, and repeatedly, to secure an in-person meeting w/ Cedar Crest College President Carmen Twillie Ambar to discuss the shameful, and ongoing, Michael Donovan cyber ethics debacle w/ her. But lawyers for Cedar Crest College told us that no one from the college was interested in meeting with us ... and that no disciplinary action would be taken against Cedar Crest College ethics professor W. Michael Donovan.

Currently, polite outreaches to Wally Trimble, Chair of the Journalism Department at Lehigh University, Lehigh University Provost Patrick V. Farrell, and President Peyton R. Helm at Muhlenberg College are being similarly ignored.

We give area college professors Michael Donovan ...

an F.

And an F.U.

We also believe that Cedar Crest College, Lehigh University, and Muhlenberg College should give their respective professors Donovan, White, and Pooley the boot.

UpDate: Pooley changes Donovan link; no apology. Readers, we interpret Muhlenberg College President Peyton R. Helm's silence on this disturbing issue, and his ignoring of our polite e-requests to meet w/ him to mean that President Helm approves of and probably enjoys Professor Pooley's, Professor Donovan's, and Professor White's reprehensible, un-ethical, and vile actions against the Villa family. Same goes for Cedar Crest College President Carmen Twillie Ambar and Lehigh University President Alice P. Gast. All three college presidents obviously approve of Morning Call-affiliated cyber bullying cruelty and sadistic emotional torture perpetrated against an already grief-stricken and upstanding Allentown family. Academia has really changed.

Essential Reading > WHY WE FIGHT